《Being Human (Completed)》The benevolent demon, teacher?


Loke:"I have been meaning to ask your majesty, but who shall take over the boy's training?"

William:"Uh umm... training?"

Virion:"But of course you're required to master your magic Human, how else will you survive this world's "diplomacy". Loak will take over the boy's training, I saw it fit as elemental magic and spiritual magic are his speciality odd as it may seem."

Loke:"I see.. I'm not one to pry into other's life but, General why did you specialise in elemental mastery and not our respectful art of summoning? I personally only mastered runes as a 3rd speciality, but you only have those two?"

Loak:"Battle requires a differentiation of options RuneLord, summoning and spiritual magic are too similar while mastering an element gives you an advantage on certain other mages."

Loke:"Quite true, that is if you only use your elemental magic on those with the elemental disadvantage."

William:"Umm, by elemental disadvantage do you mean each element has a disadvantage and advantage to different elements?what may those be if I may ask?..."

Loke:"Ah now I'll leave the teaching to Loak"

Loak:"Now's not the time for lecturing boy, unlike how Runewalker here loves to speak of all the time this is not the place. Later I will walk you through everything you need to know."


Virion:"Do not apologies so easily human, you're among equals. Remember, you hold no political standing yet within any of our communities therefore you might as well have the title of king."

Arryn:"But father, a king should also have an army. This boy only has himself" She says while still eyeing William curiously making him feel uncomfortable.

Virion:"A king only needs an army to defend his people daughter, One is a king when the people see them as such. Power is given by the people, People aren't ruled by the powerful."

Aien:"Indeed, that would not be proper ruling but instead would be tyranny, sister."

Virion:"Exactly, and this boy may not have a crown or a kingdom, but he has people. And not to mention he was chosen by the Gods themselves, what more a proper king can he be?" He laughs full heartedly

William:"Me?...A king?...I'm...Not suited for such a position....anyhow my people prefer a democracy with little exceptions..."

Virion:"Ah.. yes I have been told about such a system...truly ruled by the people, and interesting thought."

William:"In reality it's not that good either...still as easily corruptible.."

Virion:"Do you believe your leaders are corrupt boy?"

William:"I..The officials of my world can be split in many...some think for themselves...others think for the people... I believe that keeps it balanced but..."

Virion:"Balanced doesn't mean prosperous."


The crystals on the table start to glow faintly.

Virion:"Ah it is time to eat, I presume you have no inkling of how to use our devices?"

William:"Not really..."

Rel:"Ahem...pour your mana into the device William, images will then appear and you can bend the light to select what you wish to eat. It's similar to the blue crystal in our rooms."

William does so and scrolls through the selections in front of him. He has no idea what any of these foods are, if they even are food. He picks something that looks like meat. Everyone starts to eat and converse about different topics, the princes and princesses ask William some questions about human life, clothing, diplomacy and such.


Loak:"Well you majesty, I shall be taking my leave along with my pupils. Normally I'd set training for early morning."

Virion:"Ah yes, Arryn go easy on the boy."

Arryn:"Yes father" She gets up and walks after Loak with a sly grin.

William:"Wait? Huh?"

Loak:"Oh yes of course, I forgot to mention. Princess Arryn is my current pupil , she will be training with us."

William:"Oh..." (It'd be bad if I lost control again...I'll have to keep that power in check...I hope I don't...I couldn't even hold back against those bandits...)William feels slightly sick at the though of his massacre with the bandits.

Loak:"Well then follow me."

He follows Loak and Arryn to an indoor training ground. Multiple young Elves are training physical combat, on their arrival they stop and bow to Loak then head to the stands to watch. Arryn goes through another room to get changed, Loak tells William to do so as well.He enters the male changing room and finds multiple outfits of different sizes and colours, he picks a black and grey one. The outfits themselves are leather pants and top with an unknown material at each limb intersection making it very flexible and great to move in. He exits the room to find Loak and Arryn waiting, Arryn wearing a similar outfit but blue.

Loak:"Very well,firstly I need to see what you are currently capable of."

William:(He's gonna ask me to fight him?)

Loak:"So I shall sit at the observer seats and you will fight Arryn."

William:(Wait...what?!) He was not ready for this and is currently looking at Loak dumbfounded.

Arryn:"What is it human? Do you believe me incapable of combat?"

William:"Nothing like that miss but...I do not have full control over my magic yet, I do not wish to injure you."

Arryn:"Oh how kind of you, well then let's begin." She chants a short sentence and leaps at him.

William:"Huh? what?"

Loak leaps out of the way landing next to the other students, Arryn summons a torrent of water and unleashes it onto poor William while displaying a wide grin. William is sent flying to one side of the training grounds, when he hits the edge of the marked area a barrier stops him from flying further.

William:"So this is serious huh?..Very well then I shall also.."

She gave him little time to breath and is already on top of him again, unleashing more blows of whip like water attacks. William is thrown around for several attacks before he regains his footing.


His hair and eyes regain the purple aura he previously displayed against the bandits. Arryn is not amused and continues her flurry of attacks, but William grabs hold of heir water whips and dispels them right after touching them.

Arryn:"Wh??What is this?" She is surprised at her magic disappearing and chants once more.

William:"No you wont." He runs to her and grabs her arms, sending fourth his mana to engulf her.

Arryn:"Huh?" Arryn is paralysed by the raw mana surrounding her body, she is under his full control.

William:"It's over."

Loak:"No it's not."

Arryn's smile widens as two Wolves made of water appear behind William, grabbing him in their fangs and throwing him in the air. Arryn chants another spell and her wolves multiply, all four pouncing onto William for the kill.


William:"Shit!" He sends out his mana once more shaping blades all around him and at the same time uses more mana to make himself spin, he shreds the wolves a crashes into the ground fist first, cracking it. His aura disappears and he collapses, but remains conscious.

Loak:"Interesting, I must say I have never heard of your mastery. What is it called William?"

William breaths heavily and tries to sit up, landing back on his back in defeat:"I...I was told i.....its manamancer.."

Loak:"One of the legendary masteries? Fitting I must say, the Gods play an intriguing game. You have the general understanding of your mastery but lack the very basics, your form wasn't half bad either but will still require sharpening. Arryn! You also have a long way, you should have summoned your lake wolves before he caught you. If he were more experienced he could have chanted your connection out, winning the fight."

Arryn respectfully bows to her teacher. Loak turns back to William and looks at his hair and eyes.

Loak:"William, tell me. Is your hair pigmented?"

William:"Huh?..no...I was told it became this way after I lost control and fought the bandits..."

Loak:(This young boy...the world is a dreadful place.)"Arryn continue your chanting practice, William meditation is in course for you."

Arryn:"As you ask respectful teacher." She takes a bow and heads towards the stands, the other students return to their sparring.

William:"Meditation?"He looks at Loak, looking for an answer.

Loak:"You lack control over your mana usage and as of such have injured your mana pores"

William:"Mana pores? the connection between my body and spirit?"

Loak:"Yes, your wild consumption of mana and usage has most definitely been injured. Meditation will relax those pores and you will learn to flow your mana more safely and at more manageable amounts. Go on the stands and take a relaxing sitting position, then focus your mana solely on your mind, the centre of information. The rest is up to you since visualisation differs from one to another but, try and visualise a flow of water, you control the speed and amount and must regulate it. Now go."

William:"For how long though?..."

Loak:"I'd say in two week's time your pores should have healed, and you should have managed to understand mana control."

William:"Two weeks?!...Alright..." William heads over to the stands and does as instructed, he feels sharp pains in places he cannot pinpoint while doing so. As if his spirit itself is injured.

William goes about doing this same regiment for three consecutive days. Meditates until Loak tells him to, showers, dines and sleeps, starting all over again the day after.Having only two hours of freedom to do as he wishes he simply roamed the palace until it was time to sleep. Today though his regiment went different, he has just exited the dining hall where he ate with the royal family every day along with Loke and Rel. Usually he'd just roam around but this time he was stopped right outside the dining hall.

Arryn:"William, will you join me for a stroll in the garden?"

William:"Ah.. miss Arryn.. I was just about to..uhh.."

Arryn:"Now now a little stroll has never hurt anybody?"

He follows her, defeated by her argument. Someone else exits the room once they leave.

Aien:"What is that child up to now..." The prince eyes them as they walk down the corridor towards the palace garden. Smiling sarcastically.

The two arrive at an open garden lined with pillars inscribed with runes at the very edge of each side.

Arryn:"The garden as the whole castle is protected by a barrier, making it a separate resort from the other side.If you squint a bit you can see the barrier slightly."

William squints to see a liquid like sphere around the whole garden.The garden itself was a good forty meters wide, with blue crystals hovering in the air lighting up the afternoon. The two walked around the garden till they reached the edge, a view into the lake.

Arryn:"Are you considered of age in your culture William?"

William is surprised by her question:"Ahh, yes I am...At 18 most of my race are considered of age, I am 19 and will be 20 soon.."

Arryn:"I have just become of age myself, couple months ago. It is tradition for us to choose a mate between 200 and 250, I was wondering though..." She moves in on William, laying on his side and whispers in his ear "It may be a good thing to...join our two races... what would you say if...We'd do so?...By marriage?..."

Arryn expected a confused answer, or an empty excuse. But got neither.

William takes her hand and turns to whisper back in her ear:"Third princess and Sixth Heir to the throne, must be quite the disappointment to be born so late..."

Arryn is surprised and quickly backs off:"Wha?.."

William:"You stand no chance to be throned, and as such will most probably be married off to a lord or a diplomat from another race I presume. But then I arrived, a young ambassador from a distant land that has no understanding of this world. You saw your chance at power, your chance to inherit something as your father and mother. But I must warn you Princess, I will be chained down by no one. I will be owned by no one. I will be controlled by no one. You're greatly mistaken if you think due to my young age I have no understanding of the world, I very much know the deepest scars one can inflict on another. I've seen....I've lived through events you'd call nightmares. I shall give you one last advice." He looks into her eyes and she looks into his, she starts to slightly tremble "Do not underestimate me."

He walks away, calm as if nothing happened. She stands there, trembling. A growing smile on her face.

Arryn:"You're as dense as any other man...William."


Author: I'LL MAKE A MAN OUT OF YO.....Oh sorry, had that playing on loop while I wrote the training part, :P more to come on that in the next chapter. As for Arryn... hey I can leave some things to the imagination xD. Thank you for reading :).

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