《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 21 allies and enemies


Ling Yue POV (Luna’s palace)

So I teleported to her place without a word, although my heart was pounding. It’s been so long since I came to visit this place. I mean the eerie grey dark corridors and the way it’s built as if it’s made in the period humans call renaissance period. It’s scary due to how dark and cold this place can be. As if no light can reach here, she doesn’t get why Luna would move here. Her temple was in bright colors and going there would bring many joy. Yet her mother said centuries later Luna moved there without warning. They had no idea how it had ties to Luna either.

My steps were heavy as if I was being pushed down by a boulder with each step. This was unprecedented that I felt such pressure here. I just healed after saving Arisa yet trouble comes straight to me nonstop. Although this place is eerie inside but the outside seems bright and warm. There was this unshakable feeling that this place had a connection to Luna’s past somehow. When I came into the dinning hall where she felt Luna’s divine aura I was stunned. Before my eyes were a feast but Luna’s back was against me looking at a certain portrait above her head.

“Records is all that is left of her. Did you know that you too are nothing but someone else’s pawn. Actually your father and another man. But you need not know who the other is, all you need to do is train harder. Since I have decided I will help you, it is not within your best wishes to complain Ling Yue.”

I was confused why she said that to me here. What was in it for her, but I realized she was using me to fish for the mastermind himself. It confused me how she said I’m nothing more than a pawn for someone else. It disturbs me even more. Instead my eyes focused on the painting she was staring at with her back against me. She had dark blue hair, glowing bright golden eyes, a black gown and a perfectly tan skinned. Yet the portrait look faded as if the ages were what had taken its beauty away. It looked out of place here. As if it clicked in my mind where I saw her familiar figure was in the memory crystal Hera dubbed the forgotten goddess.

“I see you can connect the dots after all. Yes she’s the forgotten goddess whom everyone forgot due to her choice, a choice to protect its inhabitants in all worlds in all timelines. At a damn stupid price.” (Luna)

I flinched when she slammed the table with her fists. This is a first time I’ve seen her gaze at me so coldly with hardly any warm emotions on her face.

“You don’t have to worry about effecting the time here. Any changes you make there will only effect me.”

“How is that even possible.”

“Because I’m similar to Lilith but not completely, unlike her who has her personality the same as one individual in all alternate timelines. I’m like that in most. Not completely but slowly but surely.”

“You speak as if I did this before.”

“I will not say how. Just think of this as timeline A or point 1 where everything diverges and coexist in one plane due to all time eras mixing in this world we are currently in. This is the common sense here. You need not know what you did other timelines. Just know yourself and let your feelings guide you.”


“How can I do that to you! You’re mother’s friend.” (Ling Yue)

“Hm, not that I’d mind at all. It actually would help if I existed in all timelines so I can catch that bastard. Well not that you need to know my enemies. Just know that I’m your only ally. I may not make sense but what you’re doing is influencing a certain spell of my sister’s into completion by participating in someone’s past. You need not know how it might change me, my personality will still stay pretty much the same.”

You say that as if you have a grand opponent but why the heck do you make it sound like I can’t help you in this.

“I will not drag you into a pointless fight with him. It’s a personal one for me. My sister did create the destruction Phoenix as a gift for me but the price she had to pay after making them due to that person has truly opened my eyes. You need not help me nor should you try to find out. Stay out of it and stay where your heart leads you.”

Wait she said all timelines not eras that are mixed in between our world. Meaning she’s fighting someone on a grand scheme. Luna, this leaves a bad taste in my mouth, why would you reveal it to me if you aren’t letting me in on it.

“His cause is to disrupt this point in time where it diverges which is you at its biggest point. Meaning he’ll send his pawns and knights to you. Meaning trust no one but those you are sure that are loyal. It’s also why I’m sending you to train at a certain place with a trusted comrade of mine.”

I don’t like the last words of hers, she’s not being her sadist self which is strange. But this information is coming at odd cost.

“Your expression says why aren’t I suffering at a cost for such a strong information on such a force that can influence all historical figures in all timelines. Well you’re going to suffer in training so why would I make you suffer more by taking it from you.”

I didn’t hear the rest that she said because she left me at the bottom of a snowing mountain I know all to well. The sky dragon princess’s mountain. She was well known during the dragon and Phoenix war, it’s like the story where she was in love with the enemy family’s son. They couldn’t get together because they tried to stop the war. Although the cost was her lover dying and she stayed inside this mountain for centuries without disturbing anyone. Which led many to think that she’s dead.

There’s a barrier behind me which I know prevents from going out of without permission. It’s how news here couldn’t go outside. So when Luna said comrade I didn’t think it’d be this princess. Knowing that sadist her regiment schedule for lessons probably is more abnormal that Luna. Also knowing Luna she’s probably going to be watching when I’m suffering. That’s the Luna I know at least. What bugs me is how she says she’s changing due to other alternate me in different timelines is effecting her. This white dragon princess was cold as if the world owed her. That’s how she looked when I happened upon the demihuman dragon with white scales and almost naked body. She didn’t seem to mind but she had a royal air about her like a empress who could command the army. Yet she seemed lonely but the glowing red eyes hers said otherwise.


“You are the ex princess Leive.” (Ling Yue)

Her golden hair seemed to shine in the afternoon sun but the snow in the courtyard seemed to say otherwise. She worn little clothes only, just enough to cover her upper body. Leive had her lower body covered as well but she had an indifferent look.

“Seems you know your facts well enough. From your stares your wondering why aren’t I trying to be like everyone else. Don’t give me such high standards. Pushing my family’s standard on my current self is a disgrace. After all because them and my lover’s family he died. Do I look like I’d care of how I look after that.”

Clearly seeing her now she does not care. But wouldn’t all other females care about their looks and wellbeing.

“Don’t judge me, I at least hunt every morning, exercise until noon, cook, then after noon I do combat with demeiras, you know vampires mixed beasts. Those things are vicious and listen only to instincts and survival. It took me 3 centuries to kill one. 50 years to beat 10. Those things will not care if you’re higher leveled, powerful or have intelligence. Nor do they care if you have tough skin. I usually battle all the way until dawn then take a short nap. Never been more fit than ever.”

I looked at her as if to say are you insane, those beasts are more crazy than demonic beasts. They can regenerate faster than a immortal, kill a full grown demon and rip off a arm of a holy beast. Do I look like I want to suicide with something that has 100x the stats of a average human for each level it has.

“By the way I heard from Luna. So that being said, you will start off tomorrow morning with a sharped fang rabbit. Do remember to not get killed. At least try to survive until 3 P.M. that’s when I’ll make your lunch. No dinner since I’ll have you battle a Remizic. Right they never taught you younger generations what those are it’s a mix of demonic blood and vampire blood with a tinge of human blood. Let’s just say it’s not a normal human anymore. Too much of the other blood like overpowered it so much that it lost all reason. I did capture a female one though. Do try not to die at night. No dinner is also due to the fact you might throw up due to the smell.”

She says that as if she experienced me to know what that last term meant. What does Remizic even mean to her.

“Right you never knew the term. Let’s see it’s from the vampire tongue, you see they used it to say it’s corrupted blood that needs to be purged. So I guess those of you in the newer generation never saw them. At first they looked human. Well until their sanity went and they started changing into something else completely inhuman. But the humanoid shape stayed. It has claws like bears, sharp fangs, black skin, bulging spikes on its back and dark bloody grey eyes. Words don’t go through to them.”

You’re avoiding my eyes when you mentioned the eyes part, which part is scary about that.

“Right Luna did warn me to tell you, never look in its eyes. They can hypnotize even the gods to do their biddings so if you’re fighting never under any circumstances look straight in the eyes. That’s like suicide.”

You two are letting me fight something that outrageous now. I get that I’m in danger but why is my senses telling me that I’m going to be more likely to suffer more. Even if this is for my own protection why the heck are you bringing things that I have a feeling aren’t normal.

3rd person POV

“Are you sure it’s this way, Rina.” (Seiko)

“Yes I’m sure it is. By the way you’re a former goddess right.” (Rina)

“How’d you figure that out.” (Seiko)

“By following the divine aura that Hades descendant has.” (Rina)

“Wait you didn’t answer me at all.” (Seiko)

“It’s actually due to me having so many divine blessings on my left arm. By the way we call it God’s favorite. But not that others care. And yes it does lead through the dragons domain.” (Rina)

“You’re asking us to go through the short tempered dragon country. This would lead to a natural man made disaster for us. I’m the one ruling goddess and Theresa is former goddess of love. Athena aka Emiko is unable to go back to her role due to being reborn as devil race. She can’t even use divinity to the fullest since it backfires on her.” (Seiko)

“Actually we can go through the marsh, but do you want to deal with a necromancer or do you want us to go through the dragons territory.” (Rina)

“Right. The problem would be misused souls that wasn’t resurrected correctly or dragons. Wait how did Theresa even know you’d help us.” (Seiko)

“Let’s just say I owe the disciplinary community a few favors.” (Rina)

“Fine then through the the Phoenix domain instead.”

“Wait how do you know we’re going to the mountain in between the border.”

“We’re backtracking, I know it’s annoying but it’s worth much more to go through them than the territorial dragons.”

“Why do I have a feeling it’s due to something else.”

“I don’t feel like explaining but that’s the path we’ll take from here.”

“Fine this is your choice not mine.”

Not far from them Yami was watching with great interest as these two are clearly talking about Ling Yue. Which reminded her what was she to do with this bottomless pit hungry earth dragon that was trying to head towards Ling Yue. These things were annoying how they’d eat anything that moved due to always being hungry. She frowned as she too wanted to know who’s also going after Ling Yue besides her (LY) own father.

But her eyes widen as she and the other two also watched with her as millions of swords flew towards the direction of the mountain causing chaos within both the dragons country as they saw the swords passing through and the Phoenixes who lived above the sky. The swords flew towards the mountain in between which caused the Phoenixes above to be wary of whom was trying to attack them in time of peace for both race.

“Which idiot dares disturb my rest.” (Leive)

“Leive was alive? How was that even possible.” (Seiko)

“Why do you sound shock.” (Rina)

“She was alive during Zeus’ generation. But now is around 40th to 50th generation gods. She’s older than most dragons which is illogical for a sky dragon. Unless a goddess granted her divinity or turned her immortal.” (Seiko)

“For an spirit race to control swords with such precision are you sure you want to challenge me.” (Leive)

“Hand over the girl.”

“Hiding in the clouds yet a spirit race demanding someone who is also descendant of your spirit king. I pity you, you’re here with ill will. Therefore I have right to refuse you who hides in the sky like you’re king.” (Leive)

Her gaze was towards the sky above where the swords were attacking her barrier. She felt annoyed since she was warned by Luna but she didn’t think they’d act right away. This truly meant they didn’t give her face at all. Leive’s eyes went to his pale white skin and his tattoo like mark on his stomach. Their race was very sensitive to being mistaken as vampire because of their skin. They were differentiated through these marks. Yet humans couldn’t tell a vampire off from their own kind due to the smaller detail, they looked the same as humans.

“I see your owner who’s a personification of a certain law is as stupid as you dogs.”

“You dare mock my race.”

“I already mocked you when you attack me here for that jerk.”

“You’re just a damn bird without its pair.”

“To which you damn bastards orchestrated his and many deaths.”

“So what you should be happy to die for him.”

“Yet you’re trying to kidnap a distant relative of your royal family for his stupid goal of changing our current reign yet again.”

“You should proudly hand her over stupid lizard.”

“Name calling me doesn’t work you know.”

Yami held her head hearing their words though she was not close enough. They were 2,300 kilometers off yet her hearing was perfectly fine. As for why Seiko recognized her was because she had changed into her white sky dragon form and argued loud enough for her voice to be recognized even if it was only a few words.

“You don’t need to know why we need her.”

“So that you’d manipulate Ling Yue like a puppet without knowing who’s calling the shots. Not on my watch.” (Leive)

“Then you leave me with no choice.”

“She’s also Hades descendant and a lineage of the Azual are you sure you want me to do what Luna asked of me.”

Seiko who didn’t hear her words but that big dragon felt all the hairs on her body stand up. She had a strong gut feeling this was not going to be pretty at all. That they should get away as far as possible. Yami watched with interest as if wanting to know what the dragon was up to. Anger was laced in her sentence when she said so.

“Rina let’s run for it before the eccentric Leive makes a choice we all don’t like.”

“I’m so glad you yourself a noble, ex knight should be happy to taste a true lineage of the Azual when they awaken their wolf demon side. I got to say they’re quite feral for the first few 7 hours of the phase. All they need is a bit of spirit race from the spirit world to awaken. Since you’re here it’s not a surprise that you’ll gladly volunteer to be a test practice for her.”

Yami couldn’t help but run the first few conversations through her mind to see what had angered the sky dragon. Her fist hit her palm as if she figured the word trigger was calling a dragon a lizard. It was an word play insult but nonetheless hurt her pride. Leive roared at the pale skin black haired main in the sky. Startling him as he tried to balance himself she sent her tail straight at him. He as stumbling downwards toward her barrier but she wasn’t stupid enough to open up her own barrier. In a panic he sent his swords towards her tail. But upon seeing this she gave a cold snort because she knew it wasn’t mythril metal. Which meant it couldn’t hurt her scales. Neither did this idiotic have a god slaying weapon. She had already achieved divinity when her Phoenix lover died she was angered. Before she could bestow him immortality he was killed. Yet this small bug of the spirit race came to disturb her when a favor was asked by Luna.

“Know your place.” (Leive)

He yelped in pain as she strangled him slowly with her tail. She knew his body was similar to humans in some aspects. So she put enough pressure for him to bleed. Ling Yue was stunned, she was going to relax until it was nighttime and go to sleep. She didn’t expect that she’d get attack after finding out she was being used unknowingly by someone she was clueless about.

“By the way Luna said your body possession ability is useless to try to see who their owner or employer is.”

Ling Yue blinked confused but she noticed that Leive had already swinged her victim away. She didn’t kill him, although her tail was coiling around Ling Yue with the blood. Then she quickly let go and disappeared because she also knew the risks of staying when an Azual unlocks their lineage. It was best to stay far away from them since they couldn’t be reasoned with in those 7 hours.

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