《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 13 questioning her sister’s personality and Ling Yue’s worries


Ling Yue POV

Right after my master died I had asked father to train me. But he did the obvious and threw me into a death arena for personal use. Yes it was used for picking his special corps. Making me reminiscing of those 10 years from my age of 13 to 23 due to the boredom in this storage room. But there seems nothing to do but stay until my injure is healed or unless an important news arrives from the land of the dead.

“Setsuna whom was from the Stone Age era (what we would call medieval era but they refer to stone era) then again considering our mixed eras all mashed into one I wouldn’t be surprised if the timeline here was messed up either.”

Sitting here made me think of lots of things, Jenna, my half brother and my father. His way of ruling was having me kill all those whom opposed him and hiscorrupt officials he disliked. Then there’s the fact he fears Blade having unnecessary children so he had me killing those girls whom my half brother slept with. Well the only exception being I couldn’t kill his first kid. Actually I hid her away by sealing her. Actually it’s been a long time since I got some free time like this to think about things. Then there’s crazy Reika on my tail like a crazed yandere fan.

“Ling Yue, you ungrateful thing come out now.” (Reika)

Yes I can hear you clearly kilometers away through your voice amplifying with chi. I’m not stupid so I will stay put here instead of answering her. As if I’d give my own position away to her now. Fun fact she comes from a unique human bloodline that has the ability to find their prey the longest their in plain sights. Meaning if I’d answer I’d give myself away stupidly to her. As if to say here I am, so I want my rest while I can. She did stalk me all the way to Nie Jin plains which is ruled by the thunder dragon. Right I forgot to explain one major fact about dragons it’s a female dominated society but at their teenage year they pick their permanent gender. Dragons are also mostly known for their short temperedness the rest is eccentric and that’s like less than 5% of its population.

The thunder empress rules these plains but she’s friends with Ayame whom is Hitomi and Niana’s mother. Father had really gone all out by having Reika waiting there for me with Jenna in her hand. He really is merciless to his own child. But hearing her voice I know she’s kilometers off. Please just leave me to some peace in my own head. Even if your my ex coworker this is uncool if you can’t even rest. What are you a crazed bounty hunter now.

Yet this family of angels reminded me time and again of those three sisters I once knew. Setsuna was sealed by the devil (a type of demon that looks like a dragon with a third eye on their forehead but could be hidden. The only difference is they don’t have horns on their head like dragons in demihuman form) on this last breath. Well she did a good job killing the god using Hina and the devil whom used her oldest sister Hima but she was sealed into the far future. Maybe she will be revealed soon since it’s been thousands of years since back than. Though I haven’t seen Hima or Hina come through in the land of the dead back then.


Humans aren’t wrong to call it underworld either but I prefer to call it the land of souls. Since dead souls end up there for us to judge. Well until they disappear to be reincarnated again. But that’s the thing it’s odd that even I don’t feel them nor could the goddess of death Kana find them. She kills them and guides souls but how they die is not up to her but how other gods depict it. Or as humans calls it destiny or fate on how they die. Here in the Realms as we call our worlds mixed into one, she’s the goddess of death but she’s cheerful loves life and is kind. She’s the only one without followers or any faith due to no one remembering her after they die. Those who know her are all races except humans. The thing is she gathers faith too but it has to be from dead souls but they never remember her guiding them. They never do, which doesn’t bother me.

“Where could you be you problematic sisters.”

Right two phases of the afterlife, being judged by us then they go through the doors of reincarnation guarded by the fates. Most gods don’t know about this race that can easily control destiny of a person but their race lives on a barren land and doesn’t interfere with ours unless an idiot over abuses power. Then they have to interfere but I only saw that once due to Ares. Mother showed me a memory crystal of it. Let’s just say the short version of the historical event is he had a epic one sided fight against a wanderer (class that the Fates has that alters with other people’s destiny as they travel around the worlds) whom of which destroyed all his crazy moves. Sitting here injured is getting to me since I keep reminiscing of the past events.

Hitomi POV (2 hours before)

I was dragged away by big sister Niana to the dinning hall. Everyone was already there with a tray of food sitting in seiza. Starting on my left is my Fiona my oldest sister with her red hair (from her position of standing at the door), next to her is my kind sister Kana (this is only from her point of view) who brings me gifts, and there’s my mother Ayame in the middle. After her is 3rd sister Lan then Nina and then me who’s closest to the door which is my seat is in the middle. Yet I sat down, my mind still wondering to the wolf demon. My mind was off somewhere else as they were discussing things while eating food.

“Sister seems you aren’t exactly all here.” (Lan)

“I am here.”

“Oh, really what was mother talking about.” (Lan)

I flinched since I knew I had just dug a trap for myself, the mood seemed to have turned awkward as I now turned quiet.

“Come on Lan she didn’t mean to. I mean look it’s been a while since we’re all here for dinner. So how can she not be distracted.” (Kana)

“Says the one mother named after the goddess of death.” (Lan)

“Ok, I’m a bit kind who cares.” (Kana) (I will use her other nickname to call her in the story to be less confusing.)

“If your kind I’m a fairy.” (Lan) *sarcasm*

“Enough lets have a peaceful dinner.” (Ayame)

The rest of the dinner was Kana embarrassing Niana over holding hands with her fiancé Blade Azual. Yet Lan just had to ruin the mood.


“Yet none of us had the label or murderer as a name.”

“That’s impossible Lan we are royalty and descendants of Hina. We have to keep the peace for the others.” (Ayame)

“Oh really I don’t see it since someone keeps flying into the sky into different worlds and making a mess (massacring).” (Lan)

The mood of dinner is ruined now, Niana would be the peacemaker but her head is in the clouds these days. Lan is always out to get Kana. Mother should’ve told them off but she likes interacting with them. Not that I’d care about other worlds sine I myself can’t even fly there.

Right so as they’re bickering I picked random food since I have no clue what wolf demons eat. Sure I know what a devil demon race eats it’s either souls or blood, that or both. If it’s blood it’s a bloody city Rain since they can’t control their appetite if they starve themselves or become unstable. If it’s souls they’re luckier since they’d be able to eat without going insane like those who eat blood. Yikes I got sidetracked I grabbed some clothes while I’m at it too.

Hitomi POV (present time)

“So sister you seemed to be sneaking around for the house.” (Fiona)

“I wanted some fresh air.”

“Yet why do you seem to be coming from the library.”

“What now I can’t even go for a walk.”

My feet on the wooden floor was covered in cold sweat. Did my own sister come here to tell me about the wolf demon hiding. 1st eldest sister is also the sharpest amongst my sisters when it comes to our habits.

“Say since you trust sister so much, I must say you should’ve seen her during the scene we saw her at. Some humans being skinned by some sort of insane person. Kana was laughing insanely as she choked the person. But what got me is that cold glint in her eyes as if she too enjoyed what that man did.”

“Lies, Kana is kind.”

“Don’t trust the facade she had built up around you Hitomi. At least see what she’s like outside of the house.”

Ling Yue POV

Hearing them talk just outside in the hallway reminded me of the goddess Kana that I knew. She was nothing like the sister they mentioned. (Its cause they’re talking about two different person.) Kind, gentle, sweet, cheerful, caring, and loves all lives even if it was her duty to take what little lives they had she sympathized with them or where they had to go. Makes one wonder how such a person ended up as a goddess of death who tolls and kills lives. Though I remembered that she was always upset when she had to take lives.

Which reminds me I could use that one unique ability of mine here but I don’t feel like it. Yet it reminded me how I used it to steal relics and items for father on his request. Thinking of it now made me feel sick in the stomach. As they say scum will be scum even in today’s present world. I stopped reminiscing when I heard the two fade away in the hallway.

For a goddess you suffering like this is unheard of." (Artemis)

"How did you find me here." (Ling Yue)

"I followed a bit of your divinity that you left as a trail. Not that I mind but you seem to be in trouble. Your regeneration isn't exactly working at the moment you'll have to do the old fashion way of healing." (Artemis)

Instead I gave her a questioning look of why was she even here. But I was left stunned when she tossed a necklace to me.

"One of my huntress asked me to get this to you and said she was sorry she couldn't make it to the meeting place." (Artemis)

My eyes watered but instead I stared at the goddess who's form kept changing into a motherly figure of all sorts. It depended on how they perceived Artemis the most but it's never wrong to say she was a motherly figure to all gods and goddesses. Though her hatred towards her father's mistakes was a bit on the extreme. Ah right Hades is one of my ancestor. Well it's been 10 generations since but Zeus and the rest of the gods are still active. Though it's a known fact for us other races that Zeus was forced to abdicate after he and the other gods lost the war against the goddesses, Poseidon, Hermès, Hades and Apollo.

Seeing her in front of me reminded me of a bit of the history lessons my mom mentioned about them. Though Hera is ruling Zeus is more free than ever and back to his player ways. Between him and Blade, my brother is far worst in treating women.

But instead it made me feel sad, the woman that Artemis mentioned was my half brother's first girl. She was also a human who really had a strange yet unusual sight. Her sight allowed her to see people in its energy form or how powerful a person is depending on that energy. It was also how she knew I was a half goddess right away.

"I didn't expect her to notice my divinity on my first time meeting her. My father had ordered me to get rid of her then and there. As for her child I had to seal her up or else my father would flip out. Those born in the netherworld (demon world as most others calls it) in my family the Azual has the ability to open a pathway there leading demons out or sending people in. Her child is still sealed. It's the one innocent life I couldn't take along with it's mother. So I sent her to you. This is the ancient key of the wood elves. That place is in ruins but there is also full of life, it was the best place to hide the child. As you get closer it'd glow brighter, this key will also unseal the baby. I leave her in your hands Artemis."

Artemis had a complex look on her face as if wanting to ask me what I meant. I explained to her what my father had me do in his stead killing Blade's girlfriends that he gets with. He also angered with what he did with Jenna. Yet the dense guy doesn't even know I'm his older sister.

"Sounds like your family is as complex as mine too." (Artemis)

I'm glad she left but knowing her she won't leave the baby alone. It's not in her nature since she also cares for kids as well. I know I shouldn't have but if I'm raising the kid myself I'd end up killing her earlier due to my insecure old man. He'd connect the dots easily, then we'd end up with a dead child. No, the risk isn't something I'd want to take either. Right Hades is my ancestor who lost during that war. He relquished his power after his wife died in the underworld. I'm a descendant of his after all so how can I not know Artemis. I closed my eyes instead for some sleep, I'll worry about the rest the next day. Troubles of the old gods has nothing to do with me. She was less older than Luna but she is the second eldest goddess alive today in our age of gods.

A smile crossed my face as I fell into my sleep in amusement since I knew that Artemis won’t abandon a baby nor a child. Especially the little baby niece of mine who I froze her time and sealed her to hide away from father’s prying eyes. What he truly feared from her and many of Blade’s unborn children that he didn’t approve of is the ability to open a door or pathway into the netherworld or letting out demons from there. I went off into my sleep with my worries.

3rd person POV

In the forgotten forest of the elves Artemis stood underneath the world tree and cursed her breath. This was truly karma in it’s finest to her. First was Athena’s daughter whom she picked up from the Valkyries dying in the battle before the war with the corrupt goddess where most male gods got seduced by her. That was the deciding factor, Athena’s daughter whom she had used a spell to give birth to since the baby was dying from that battle.

She had a feeling that she too would have to go through a lot of trouble to raise this child she had found sealed in the world tree. Curse it all was what she thought as the baby laughed in her arms as she picked it up from the seal. Which easily broke due to her divinity. Actually seeing it break so easily scared her to think of the consequences of what if the baby was taken by someone else when she remembered the half goddess’s words. Their bloodline in those who ruled the netherworld or born from that bloodline can open a pathway or door to the netherworld if used wrongly it could mean a world invasion or a collapse of one world onto this one. Yet the goddess whom she was just delivering a message to just had to ask her for this favor because she herself would be the one to put the baby in danger.

Seeing the innocent child in her arms the words rang in her head as she realized why then half goddess said her father feared the unnecessary factor of a child made by her half demon brother. This trouble was thrown straight into her face in the form of a baby.

“I have to ask Athena for help but damn her. She choose reincarnation after finding her daughter was fine in her 2nd life. Now I have to look for her reincarnation with all her memories intact on how to rear a baby. Even if the image I project is a woman whose is motherly in figure doesn’t mean I know how to raise babies. I only know how to help my huntresses and their mostly in their teens to their mid 30s. If I knew a head of time I’d at least ask for a guide from Hera or Aphrodite back then when they were alive. Asking Luna is out of question even if she’s the moon goddess and a information loving idiot. She’s a sadist when it comes to information giving but I don’t want to ask since she doesn’t have a kid either.”

Artemis was giving a look of why me as her long sky blue hair shined in the sunlight as she sat down underneath the world tree. It gave her off the scene of someone in the hospital seating and watching the scene from the sunlight outside but in the nature instead. Her eyes went to the abandoned elven city metropolis before her. Overgrown by the wooden roots going into the houses long forgotten by time.

“Eons have past since the elves ran away from their home city due to the world tree blooming and growing so fast in just 10 days. It’s roots took many lives and homes here. I wonder how those split from their race are now.”

The baby smiled back at her and stretched out it’s fingers towards her face. Artemis sighed as she held the baby in one hand and the followed the trail only she could see. She now had to search for Athena’s reincarnation that went by a new name in her new life. The problem for her was the cities, towns and villages in different era all in one place in their current world. But she had no clue what this new person of the goddess of wisdom was like. Without another word she ran following the blue fire lite pathway showing its way to Athena. The trails that she saw was never wrong before she just hoped she could find her fast before the baby grew up and she had done something wrong in raising her. She didn’t want it to end up like Ares after the war was over after that mess up. Mentally retarded and looked after by Aphrodite. Artemis hopes the baby had a bright future not that dark path they the gods chose in the first era in the beginning.

“I’ll name you Akari. Your family name is the same as hers but I’ll leave it to you if you wish to use the Azual name later on. Wether you want to use mine it’s fine with you later then do so. May Luna and Hermès bless me on this journey.” (Artemis) (the last saying is for traveling they use as if to say may you be faster than the winds or lightning to your destination.)

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