《A forgotten ruler》chapter 10 trap


Half a year later......

Ling Yue POV

I got to meet Niana on the job guarding idiot Blade but she was lovestruck by him thinking he was me. Yep so here we are in the afternoon in a tavern. In the old capital of the netherworld. Seems she came with her mother.

“Do you remember me, we met at the ruins and you pointed me where to go.”

Yep she asked Blade this. I so wanted to facepalm since I’m still wearing the same fox mask she saw me. Plus my hair is still the same but a little longer up to my waist. I have it up in a ponytail so when I heard her I wanted to hit Blade who just grinned like a idiot. Judging from his face he’s happy some girl is flirting without him trying. It’s the kind you see on a narcissist pretty boy who makes you want to punch his face.

Ok I looked the same except for my outfit but this annoys me how she mistakes me for Blade. I wonder why her mother named her everlasting love. If she’s gonna fall for the wrong guy it made even me pity her. But I couldn’t exactly retort her either since he didn’t know who I was and I’m supposed to be guarding him. But nonetheless if there is such a shameless scum that you have to protect I’m sure anyone else in my position would’ve killed him a million times over. Especially the part where you see him sleep with 12 different girls in one day. More than half is rape too, whom wants to watch that jerk doing it. Not me that’s for sure. Though even I’m stunned at how many assassins came after him. None of which I hired that’s for sure since I had to guard the idiot.

“Which ruins.” (Blade)

“Oh you, your faking it we met half a year back.”

Nope he’s not faking it he never met you before this. This person is truly a scum whom remembers all beautiful faces he’s seen. So him saying this is true in its own way. This person is worst than a modern playboy in modern world. And this is from my ability to possess which I use to gather information. Not that I trust others as much as I trust Zenith. I clicked my tongue in annoyance as these two flirt in front of me.

“Can you please tell me why the pure blooded Ulsra royal bloodline is visiting us.” (Ling Yue)

“Eh? Ah right that I came with my mother to negotiate a peace treaty with the netherworld temporarily since the last war was a utter disaster.”


No surprises there it was so when you and your family joined the angels. They call it the first angel and demon war but the truth is their ancestor Hina was the one in the true war. This is supposed to be the 2nd angel and demon war if they went by that fact but it’s been centuries since then. But it was instigated by the half angels stealing from the humans in the stone ages that can use magic and accused the demons along with the angels as the culprit.That was a messy war I had to participate in too. Her sisters are quite well known as well.

"MIstress the young master calls for you." (Zenith)

I frowned when I heard her whisper into my ear, it left me uneasy that he would call upon me now. This was usual since i had been guarding my half brother for half a year and he'd never call upon me before. But Upon arrival in the throne room with its purple carpets and Selena standing there made me more nervous. See the thing is Selena is my general but she's a blood demon. They're a race who's fueled by fights, arguments and wwar. Yes all things leading to bloodshed empowers them.

"Do You know why I called you here." (Tori)

I kept my silence but I knew my plans were spoiled because she had betrayed ,me. My father is glaring at me as if I did a grave mistake by crossing him. But here's the thing if a human was put in my position and reincarnated as me they'd explode long ago when he tried to kill them on the 200th birthday. How is this a father figure you wonder, well he never was a good one for me either. Though what threw me off guard wasn't that but Selena pulling Jenna out from the hallway. My 2nd in comand of my shadow guards Kim popped up.Her long wavy green hair flowed out in the air wto which i assume she had been hiding herself in the ceiling just in case for my safety. I bit my lips as i nodded to her.

"Missus get out of here it's a trap." (Kim)

I know i can see that so that's also why i have to retreat since Selena was also stronger than me. Instead the next words of my father stunned even me.

"I have decided to engage my son to the daughter of the exiled princess Ayame."

I knewe who he meant since there was only one angel I had met prior to coming here. Though it angered me that he was using them now.


True Ruler of the netherworld (90% complete)

Oh please on his coronation I'll get you back for thsi father. I wont let you off either Selena for kidnapping Jenna nor putting her in danger like this. Though it does seem like I'm forgetting someone again. (If Maki heard this from where she'd was she'd scream injustice, you said 15th hell circle yet your subordinates threw me in the 31st one. When are you guys picking me up.) Nah, maybe it's just because I'm now on the run from father and his stupid private army. Damn I nearly forgot I have a annoying bitch friend in there that hates my guts.She'll probably use this chance to hunt me down like crazy. Curse you Selena for your betray.

Right 1 little fact i never mentioned before of why my faith is sealed. Faith is what us divins have from our followers but after Hera found a memory crystal with a magic holographic replay of what happened to the poor forgotten goddess we were forbidden from gathering followers. Well us later generations that is. Thing was if you had followers and you have the number drop to 0 you end up as a forgotten goddess where people don't remember your name, class, rank much less your memories. Thus she forbid the later generations after the gods and goddesses war. the very same war where Zeus was impeached for joining a corrupt goddess whom wanted more powers to rule all worlds. Long story short he slept with her so he joined her side with few other male gods. Corrupt gods are empowered by negative emotion that they had before their fall. So in her case it was her craving for wanting more power and authority.

Anyway why am i remembering this it's due to the fact that I'm a half goddess that can't use curses on anyone. Fun fact Luna the goddess of the moon is the oldest amongst the gods and still alive today. Mother calls her aunty but shes not actually blood related to us. She's also known as eccentric and loves information. Actually even back when ancestor Hades was alive his diary stated that she was already there before them. Though her memories of that time is fuzzy so my guess is she probably was related somehow to that goddess whom everyone forgotten that's my guess. And yes I',m still on the run from this crazy person. Dear gods where the hell did she get a godslaying sword from. Though the good news is I'm a half demon but that thing will delay my auto regeneration for a long time if I don't treat it right away.

This is insanity she's swinging that thing behind me like a toy without caring for the public safety of the citizens here. Can someone like call a mental hospital for this crazy assasin ex-freind of mine. There goes the clock tower on my left, this is medieval era city setting based on my father wanting to act like king. But the thing is the title you get from it is either ruler or lord. This is foul play, hey cut back on dicing the buidlings next to me lady. those could've killed me if they hit my vitals in the correct spots. I had to jump over a giant pillar in the city square due to her carelessness. Damn it's not easy dodging and avoiding civilians like this.Yet she doesn't care the longest she can kill me. Can anyone be this crazy about someone. This reminds me of the idiot human king humans called him wise. Yes anyone guessed right it's King Solomon. Long story short he challenged Luna to a death battle to which was never depicted in human history but yes, it was pitiful battle. She one shot him and his army in anger. His excuse there can be only one and one true God that she was a fake. It also reminds me to never ever get on Luna's bad side. A wise king indeed (sarcasm) yet dead by a true goddess who didnt really care.

Wow I now know how yandere stalkers are like. Why you ask because there's one behind me throwing spells and trying slice me into bits. I sidestepped that pithole she made, almost to be hit by stone spikes. What the hell did I ever do to you, we are only coworkers in my father's dirty work in the dark. Of course we kill for him, steal relics, artifacts and items but what the heck is with this grudge. Lady calm down, is that a level 12 Arcane spell by the spellcastor race. (A race a human full of jealosy created using all magical bloodline into the human body because he wantes infinite mana.) That spell can level 3 damn cities don't freaking throw it at me. This is what you call Yandere gone wrong right? Because I now have one tailing me though I'm using my shadow void step to get away. Don't tell me she's like a annoying race who can follow the person they hate to other worlds just to kill them. I Have to look for a place to hide fast or she might kill me for real. .

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