《A forgotten ruler》Chapter 2 Gea’s decision


Ling Yue woke up confused to see her teacher still awake so early in the morning. Yet her voice didn’t come out as her teacher looked so distant as she stared off. As if she’d leave any moment now. Yet she turned and gave Ling Yue a sad smile. Even Ling Yue understood that if her teacher lived amongst the humans she could devastate a kingdom or two due to her beauty.

“You know you still look like 6 years old though your 8. That’s how both your genes are working.”

“Teacher why are you so sad.”

A light flashed from the sky, Gea pushed away Ling Yue. Right beside her own both her right and left were two spears. Impaled into the ground with great impact.

“Sister you can’t escape now.” (Helen)

“I wasn’t running for such a stupid reason.”

She smiled as she looked at Ling Yue with hidden meaning. The heavens had betrayed her thus she had to run for her own life. But she was running for a different reason. To look for someone to pass her life lessons and techniques onto.

“Then I’ll reveal a bit of truth onto the little girl. I’m not wrong to say the heavens exist in the sky. But beyond that trying to go into space is impossible since the skies connects to millions or trillions of other worlds. Interconnected with this world, maybe the number is also infinite too considering our unstable mixed eras here. The coexisting timelines, modern, ancient and futuristic sometimes have unique individuals that can travel through this world. By that I mean they can leave their time zone. If they’re lucky they get to travel but the unlucky ones get caught by slave traders waiting in the magical grasslands (its full of monsters) that divides those villages, cities and towns. So say sister, this much should not be withheld right.”

“Shut the hell up you. Why the heck are you stalling.” (Helen)

“So judging from your tone that bastard did send you two after me.”

Ling Yue couldn’t help but scream as a bastard sword cut into Gea’s stomach. But she was surprised to see a different magic circle occurring under her teacher’s feet.

“No, teacher you can’t do this to me. Not this.”

Gea laughed as Ling Yue is engulfed by the bright light. But what Ling Yue didn’t see was Gea’s 8 wings becoming 2 wings as the cost. She was laughing as they easily cut her down as if she won.

“Where’d you send her.” (Helen)

“Where’s she turned 13 years old (she means 5 years into the future) and then again to 1,400 (when Ling Yue turns 1,400).” (Gea)

“You dare use time magic.” (Flora)

“Older sister even you know what happens when you use time magic.” (Helen)

“My life span and my power.” (Gea)

“Are you insane sister.” (Flora)

“So you but the old man sends us on suicidal missions that could’ve taken our life. Actually I’d still listen to him too but that incident ‘that’ caused all my troops made me snap. As the leading commander who wouldn’t be angered when Yiru most loyal friends and comrades are killed as you were betrayed by the one you trust.”

“We live to serve the gods and goddesses.” (Helen)

“I sent her to the future for her own good with a lesson for her to figure out. Don’t worry change is coming. But I honestly respect (cough).... the goddess of the dead. (Cough) At least (cough) Ilbeus (cough) doesn’t abuse (cough) her power.”


“She’s now dead. Older sister, are you worried about what 4th elder sister said.” (Flora)

“Our god would never betray us.” (Helen) (if Gea was alive she’d say truly blind faith indeed)

Ling Yue cried in the rainy beach area she had been carried to by the spell. Her silver hair were now drenched, her ears were now drooping. She couldn’t understand why only she escaped.

“Why!?! She didn’t do anything wrong but run away from them.”

She blinked in confusion as her mental clock now said she was 13 years old. Meaning 5 years had now passed since that time. She blinked at this fact, her internal clock was never wrong. Tears ran through her eyes as she screamed. Even if she knew her teacher for a short while she knew her teacher cared for her. She wanted to stay back there to help her teacher. What she didn’t know was that Gea was never going to fight the two since they were her sisters. She would be in more pain harming her own sisters if she did so. They were the last of their generation, but what Ling Yue didn’t know at the current time was they had been sent on a suicidal mission a year after their sister’s death. So they had also passed on.

Her heart stung as if she had knives stabbed into her heart many times. This sensation confused even her since she had never felt it before.

“So you are here.” (Tori)

Her current light green dress was her first gift her teacher gave her.

“Why didn’t you help her.” (Ling Yue)

“Your mother said she felt the space fluctuate so she told me to come here.”

“So you remember me.” (Ling Yue)

He seemed stunned at why she mocked him, usually she’d be excited to see him. Tori was indeed forgetful that’s why his maids had to remind him to do his paperwork back home. Yet he didn’t know why but she had hate in her eyes.

“I hate you.” (Trans: why didn’t you come save her when you were watching)

1,400 year old Ling Yue

Her hand felt uneasy as she sat on the ruin temple in middle of the grassland. A wave of memories poured into her all at once confusing her. Memories of her father being forced to marry some woman by his fellow comrades in arms. He then used her birthday as a excuse to introduce her. It was her 1,000 birthday but it became her mother’s death instead. Her mother died in sorrow over lover. She had to carry her mother to the land of the dead, there her mother told her heart condition.

“Remember our lineage is only born with this unique heart every 45,000 years. Yes I’m a descendant of Hades but this was inherited from the spirit race princess King Yama’s daughter. She too had the same problem. Even with strong healthy body, the slight fluctuations of emotions would harm her. So much so that she ended her life when she couldn’t take it anymore. That was when she fell in love. Do as your father advised you before. Try to be not too emotional it will do you more harm than anything else.” (Ilbeus)

Then her memories went back to when she was around her hundreds. Her father did something outrageous as tossing her into the witches garden. The place to which you could find ex criminals. But they would use every method to kill you and the witches there would revive you. She finally snapped on her 1,400 birthday which was today. He had dared introduce her half brother. Which made her scoff. She stared up at the twin blue moons in a daze. By now she understood the lesson her teacher wanted to teach her even if it was indirectly after death.


“To not trust my own father too much. He did do one thing right by honing myself by tossing the young me with his own privately trained assassin squad. But he made me clean up such annoying messes made by that playboy half brother of mine.”

Ling Yue woke up confused to see her teacher still awake so early in the morning. Yet her voice didn’t come out as her teacher looked so distant as she stared off. As if she’d leave any moment now. Yet she turned and gave Ling Yue a sad smile. Even Ling Yue understood that if her teacher lived amongst the humans she could devastate a kingdom or two due to her beauty.

“You know you still look like 6 years old though your 8. That’s how both your genes are working.”

“Teacher why are you so sad.”

A light flashed from the sky, Gea pushed away Ling Yue. Right beside her own both her right and left were two spears. Impaled into the ground with great impact.

“Sister you can’t escape now.” (Helen)

“I wasn’t running for such a stupid reason.”

She smiled as she looked at Ling Yue with hidden meaning. The heavens had betrayed her thus she had to run for her own life. But she was running for a different reason. To look for someone to pass her life lessons and techniques onto.

“Then I’ll reveal a bit of truth onto the little girl. I’m not wrong to say the heavens exist in the sky. But beyond that trying to go into space is impossible since the skies connects to millions or trillions of other worlds. Interconnected with this world, maybe the number is also infinite too considering our unstable mixed eras here. The coexisting timelines, modern, ancient and futuristic sometimes have unique individuals that can travel through this world. By that I mean they can leave their time zone. If they’re lucky they get to travel but the unlucky ones get caught by slave traders waiting in the magical grasslands (its full of monsters) that divides those villages, cities and towns. So say sister, this much should not be withheld right.”

“Shut the hell up you. Why the heck are you stalling.” (Helen)

“So judging from your tone that bastard did send you two after me.”

Ling Yue couldn’t help but scream as a bastard sword cut into Gea’s stomach. But she was surprised to see a different magic circle occurring under her teacher’s feet.

“No, teacher you can’t do this to me. Not this.”

Gea laughed as Ling Yue is engulfed by the bright light. But what Ling Yue didn’t see was Gea’s 8 wings becoming 2 wings as the cost. She was laughing as they easily cut her down as if she won.

“Where’d you send her.” (Helen)

“Where’s she turned 13 years old (she means 5 years into the future) and then again to 1,400 (when Ling Yue turns 1,400).” (Gea)

“You dare use time magic.” (Flora)

“Older sister even you know what happens when you use time magic.” (Helen)

“My life span and my power.” (Gea)

“Are you insane sister.” (Flora)

“So you but the old man sends us on suicidal missions that could’ve taken our life. Actually I’d still listen to him too but that incident ‘that’ caused all my troops made me snap. As the leading commander who wouldn’t be angered when Yiru most loyal friends and comrades are killed as you were betrayed by the one you trust.”

“We live to serve the gods and goddesses.” (Helen)

“I sent her to the future for her own good with a lesson for her to figure out. Don’t worry change is coming. But I honestly respect (cough).... the goddess of the dead. (Cough) At least (cough) Ilbeus (cough) doesn’t abuse (cough) her power.”

“She’s now dead. Older sister, are you worried about what 4th elder sister said.” (Flora)

“Our god would never betray us.” (Helen) (if Gea was alive she’d say truly blind faith indeed)

Ling Yue cried in the rainy beach area she had been carried to by the spell. Her silver hair were now drenched, her ears were now drooping. She couldn’t understand why only she escaped.

“Why!?! She didn’t do anything wrong but run away from them.”

She blinked in confusion as her mental clock now said she was 13 years old. Meaning 5 years had now passed since that time. She blinked at this fact, her internal clock was never wrong. Tears ran through her eyes as she screamed. Even if she knew her teacher for a short while she knew her teacher cared for her. She wanted to stay back there to help her teacher. What she didn’t know was that Gea was never going to fight the two since they were her sisters. She would be in more pain harming her own sisters if she did so. They were the last of their generation, but what Ling Yue didn’t know at the current time was they had been sent on a suicidal mission a year after their sister’s death. So they had also passed on.

Her heart stung as if she had knives stabbed into her heart many times. This sensation confused even her since she had never felt it before.

“So you are here.” (Tori)

Her current light green dress was her first gift her teacher gave her.

“Why didn’t you help her.” (Ling Yue)

“Your mother said she felt the space fluctuate so she told me to come here.”

“So you remember me.” (Ling Yue)

He seemed stunned at why she mocked him, usually she’d be excited to see him. Tori was indeed forgetful that’s why his maids had to remind him to do his paperwork back home. Yet he didn’t know why but she had hate in her eyes.

“I hate you.” (Trans: why didn’t you come save her when you were watching)

1,400 year old Ling Yue

Her hand felt uneasy as she sat on the ruin temple in middle of the grassland. A wave of memories poured into her all at once confusing her. Memories of her father being forced to marry some woman by his fellow comrades in arms. He then used her birthday as a excuse to introduce her. It was her 1,000 birthday but it became her mother’s death instead. Her mother died in sorrow over lover. She had to carry her mother to the land of the dead, there her mother told her heart condition.

“Remember our lineage is only born with this unique heart every 45,000 years. Yes I’m a descendant of Hades but this was inherited from the spirit race princess King Yama’s daughter. She too had the same problem. Even with strong healthy body, the slight fluctuations of emotions would harm her. So much so that she ended her life when she couldn’t take it anymore. That was when she fell in love. Do as your father advised you before. Try to be not too emotional it will do you more harm than anything else.” (Ilbeus)

Then her memories went back to when she was around her hundreds. Her father did something outrageous as tossing her into the witches garden. The place to which you could find ex criminals. But they would use every method to kill you and the witches there would revive you. She finally snapped on her 1,400 birthday which was today. He had dared introduce her half brother. Which made her scoff. She stared up at the twin blue moons in a daze. By now she understood the lesson her teacher wanted to teach her even if it was indirectly after death.

“To not trust my own father too much. He did do one thing right by honing myself by tossing the young me with his own privately trained assassin squad. But he made me clean up such annoying messes made by that playboy half brother of mine.”

Time travel title acquired.

Sky Empress Spectral steps acquired.

Gea’s archery: Fariy Queen’s illusion acquired.

This also left her stunned when she stared back at the screen unsure of what to do. But she knew one thing her teacher probably imparted the last two to her while she was sleeping. Upon heading the last one she remembered she heard a genius had created illusions with her bow that could confuse her opponents as if the fairies came out to battle themselves. It also confuses the enemies on thinking there were more enemies than just her (Gea).

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