《Falling in love with a witch》Chapter 7 - Walking to Meat Haven


Emma possessed the talents to cook, swelling bellies of exotic meals and for her boy, she was going to make an oven-baked Pork Ribs. Spices, herbs, garlic and most importantly, the meat were necessary. She grabbed her nearly empty wallet and seated herself nimbly into the small car. Starting the trash was tougher than it appeared, noises unnatural were being produced by the vehicle. Pressing on the gas pedal with flip flops made the engine shriek in torment. Pulling the key out, Emma kissed it yearning for good luck and twisted it into the ignition. It never failed, she grinned feeling the car move. A woman bumped continuously up and down in her chair, as the seatbelt struggled to hold Emma in place.

Parking in the town of Mount Giest, Emma roamed about, searching for a butcher shop. Her eyes wandered throughout gorgeous landscapes of modern buildings encircled by nature, contrary to back home. Structures shadowing the grounds standing tall in pride, factories leaking black smog and terrains flooded with roads. The city emptied people of their passions, leaving hollowed husks. Dreams shattered by the Hammer of New York raining blows repeatedly leaving only shards. Mount Giest bustled with people smiling, shouting out to friends and families. It all seemed too friendly.

All great artists walked from poet William Wordsworth, author Charles Dickens to composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Emma found distinct places shouting out personality with each step, a new world contained in one small town. The woman travelled alone, skipping across stone paths decorated in bizarre designs. Shapes of all varieties bedazzling the eyes if stared at for too long. Walking was neither a strenuous exercise or art, rather the action was intertwined into our memories from birth to know. Emma plopped herself onto a bench beside the streets sighing. She pondered from dinner to breakfast about her story yet not a single word was written. The thoughts had buried her surroundings, dragged alongside in the form of chains.

The views were lovely yet Emma continuously tried to develop her book. Writing her first novel was easier than breathing but now it felt like running a marathon with only one leg. The pressure and expectations built to the tops of skyscrapers made Emma sink below her knees. Blotches of concepts splattered against her brain powerless to paint a clear picture. Writer's block had squandered any effort, she could not walk even without the temptation of typing a word. The sun still high, Emma thought it could be pushed back to tomorrow promising herself, pages would be filled.

A police station was nearby, outside stood an officer in uniform patrolling the area. Two posters fluttered in the breeze nailed into a board stuck onto the front walls of the station. The male officer carried his sight hiding behind shades tinted heavily black to her. He watched Emma hike up to him in flip flops curiously. She said, "Morning officer, could you direct me to the nearest butcher shop please?"

He delivered an interrogating glance, "You're not from around here are ya?"

Emma was struck confused after she had given a question but had been answered with one in return.

"Yes sir, l just moved into Mount Giest quite recently." She knew to respect the law even when they did not give any to you.

"How recent?" The officer inquired.

This man was suspicious of her for a particular reason, did she come off with the appearance of a criminal Emma thought. She looked at her clothes of a blue skirt meeting her knees paired together with a white sweater and flip flops. Emma resembled a librarian more so than a fugitive on the run, except for the flip flops. A woman in police uniform strode towards the man asking Emma and slapped him behind the head softly. She was the spitting image of a German model, stunning in beauty. Her tone was strict and demanded an answer, "Karl, you're not still interrogating people walking about are you?"


"No..l'm just asking questions."

She was tall reaching about five foot nine inches and lean. Her clothes were unable to hide toned muscles from hard work as she peered downwards at her comrade in arms.

"That's the definition of interrogation idiot." Palm positioned on her face in disappointment, she apologised bowing to Emma slightly.

"I'm sorry for my incompetent friend here, the names Gwen and the fool over there is Karl." The female officer pointed to the man turning to shades of red.

"May l ask what's your name miss." Gwen smiled as if she was talking to a close friend and placed a hand outwards.

"My names Emma." She took the hand of the female police officer shaking hands, her grip firm yet gentle.

"Who you calling incompetent?" Karl asked in frustration.

"The one who keeps asking random people on the street questions," Gwen said.

Their banter continued onwards, Emma sensed she was being forgotten as their discussions went to who was the bigger fool. She coughed interrupting their argument, "Excuse me but could l know why officer Karl is interrogating people?"

Psychiatrist Phil had presented Mount Giest, as a peaceful town free of crimes. He spoke of his hometown, during Glenn's diagnosis, a suggestion for Emma to separate herself and son from the stress of living in New York. For a town of low crime rates, police officers were on their guard, or so it showed from the mister Karl who suspected her.

Gwen ignored Karl's rambles and said, "You must be new in town miss, that's why Karl here was suspicious of you."

Emma nodded, the female officer continued speaking, "One child went missing two years ago and last year. We had been searching for any traces of their tracks or suspects who had potentially kidnapped them. Unfortunately, no lead or evidence pointed to any direction. It led to a large commotion in the town, forcing us to receive assistance from the states."

She pointed to the two posters on a board that displayed two children so young in age. There was a boy of deep black hair, older than Glenn. No smile but gentle eyes matching with his relaxed posture, clothed in baggy pants and shirt. It read underneath his poster Leon Fischer missing. Besides the poster, a brunette girl smiling like the innocent child she was, wore an adorable yellow dress. Emma read the words underneath, Mila Weber missing.

Emma gasped overloaded by the shocking discovery of two children missing. The thought stabbed at her heart with needles. She prayed Glenn would never disappear, unable to handle any more grief.

"Were any of the children found?" She questioned knowing the answer already from Karl's despondent eyes.

Gwen bit her bottom lip. It was painful for her to answer the question, "No we didn't. We are still on the search but the majority of the higher-ups believe they had left of their own choice due to their unique situations. Karl here thinks the opposite, that they were kidnapped."

Karl barked, "You're goddamn right l think that. How could those children have left without a trace? They were kidnapped!"

Gwen motioned for Karl to stop, noticing Emma lost in thought eyes wide. "Miss do you have any children?"

Brooding over Glenn ever leaving her, she broke loose, noticing a voice calling to her. Emma mumbled, still thinking about Glenn, "Yes l have a son."


Gwen placed a hand over her shoulder softly. "Do not worry, we will do our duty to let no harm or any more children go missing, I promise."

Emma nodded, appreciating the warm hand that comforted her. The female officer roped Karl forward, poking him to apologise and he breathed out deeply. "Miss I'm sorry for interrogating you."

"No, thank you for trying to still find the kids. I think what you're doing is good." Emma fumbled her hands around, attempting to find the right words.

Karl grinned ear to ear hearing the words, nudging Gwen with an elbow back.

Gwen whispered, "Miss, you shouldn't praise this idiot too much or else his balloon-head will one day pop from how big it grows."

"Hey, l heard that," Karl said.

Gwen rolled her eyes whilst Emma giggled at their friendship, a figure walked past in the distance caught by the eyes of Emma. She gasped, pointing to the teenager drenched in sweat wearing clothes that tormented anyone to see. He wore camouflage attire masking his body. The heat must have been boiling with the temperatures from summer.

Karl and Gwen observed where Emma's gaze was locked onto and saw the teenager that looked beyond his age. They nodded in understanding to each other explaining to Emma.

"You must've already met Noah. Don't worry about him, he means no harm. His grandfather disappeared in the woods ten years ago, traumatising him. The old man was his only family left and for him to be gone must've unscrewed a few screws loose. Ever since he has been looking for a witch who cursed his grandfather, the poor kid is lost in delusions," Gwen said.

Emma asked nervously, "Could he be the kidnapper by any chance?"

Karl spoke in Noah's defence, "Him? Not possible he wasn't in town but a homeless shelter before. He has an alibi so it can't be Noah."

Emma loosened her shoulders in relief, glad that the teenager hadn't been attempting to kidnap her son when they first met near the woods. A lightbulb flashed in the depths of her mind, remembering why she went up to sir Karl in the first place.

"Officer do you by any chance know where the closest butcher shop is?" She asked Gwen.

"Oh please, call me Gwen and in return may l call you Emma," Gwen smiled edging closer to the woman now blushing.

"That's perfectly fine with me Gwen." Emma stepped backwards away from the woman bold with every movement.

Gwen pointed down the streets, "The closest butcher shop would be Meat Haven. Go two streets down and turn left, you can't miss it. Be careful to not mention the kidnapping events to the butcher, Mila Weber is his daughter that went missing. He is a little on edge so do not mind him."

Emma was surprised by the fact but took caution not to mention the topic and said, "Thanks for the help, Gwen."

"It was my pleasure darling." Gwen took Emma's hand, planting a tender kiss on her fingers. Emma flushed a deeper red and gave the two officers a goodbye before running away in haste. Karl's jaw was hanging loosely, about to fall to the ground if he opened his mouth anymore. He stared at his partner completely differently, wondering if he had just imagined what had occurred. Karl stuttered like a drunken unable to finish his words, "Gwen you..swing.."

"I swing both ways. I'll meet you after your shift is done carry on, partner." Gwen walked back whistling a cheerful tune, leaving poor Karl in the summer heat whilst his brain was still processing what happened. Emma was brighter than a tomato lost in the sensation of the kiss still lingering on her hand. It had taken her by surprise and she had sprinted away, too timid to endure Gwen's charisma. The woman had lured her into a trap of attraction Emma had never felt for another of the same gender. The only experience she had was in high school when a dare was laid upon her to kiss a friend. It was fun and embarrassing but never did it make her heart sway so profoundly like when Gwen kissed her hand. Emma screamed inside telling herself that she was a grown woman, not a child in high school crushing over someone. The crowd avoided the woman marching throughout the street to Meat Haven, her eyes glinted with intense emotions.

Gwen wasn't lying when she said to Emma she wouldn't miss the Butcher shop. It had walls painted blood-red and a sign hanging on top of the store with the words, Meat Haven written in bold black. Emma noticed the butcher shop was smaller than usual places only half the size and half the variety of meat. The smell grew stronger every step she took, the stench of fresh meat. A man sat in the corner lounging around, he said nothing at the sight of a new customer and the only person near his store. Emma guessed this must be the owner and greeted him politely, "Hello."

The man raised his gaze to her before moving it back down, staring at the floor tiles covered in red. He must be in misery at the loss of his daughter, l would be too if l lost Glenn, Emma thought. She sympathised with the man giving a pitying look before a shout rung in her eardrums.

"Don't give me that look you hear me, I've had enough! Buy what you want and get out now." He growled out, making Emma move in a hurry carrying her pork ribs. No wonder no one was near this Butcher shop purchasing a single meat product. The owner was a raging bull charging at anyone he saw Emma thought but reprimanded herself for giving a pitying look. How many must have he received every day that went by after the disappearance of his daughter. This town was more than it was shaped up to be, mysteries and unique people each having their own stories that lived and breathed in Mount Giest.

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