《Blessed with a curse (BwC) [Tryout.]》Chapter 1.4 City life


After entering the city by the southern gate they headed straight to the wise-mans square.

Along the way Venir was busy gawking at the environment around him to even notice his father talking. Dan soon gave up and quietly just led Venir along. It looked like a an old role playing town set in Europe.

Except some items was clearly not sold in his world. One store he passed had some strange bottled up contents used for alchemy or perhaps even magic. Ears, fangs and some glowing grass.

-Buy a slave! Be it for working or pleasure, we have them all! (Bald man yelling)

-Fresh apple pie! Come while they are still warm and juicy! (Old Lady at a small stand.)

-Come in, come in! (Fat salesman with a glint in his eyes.)

-We got the best materials and skilled smiths making our weapons and armor.

The world around him have exploded in a buzz of life. It surely was different from living at the countryside for 250 years. He have nearly become a hermit under this time.

He hardly spoke to his parents. If he did he liked to keep it short and straight to point.

Because it takes a long time and is bothersome to speak in a slow manner at first. To be all fair his voice and speaking ability is some of the most crispy and crystal clear.

Thanks to his disablement he needed to make the sound build up and it sounded a little like singing out the words.

Under the long time he has lived, which is only 5 human years he has gotten a fairly good grasp of his ability and able to not become a total cripple.

Now strolling along the streets he walks fairly well, but sometimes needs to stand still and take a break. Pretending to look at something while gathering himself.

One would think walking is natural and easy but try walking a long way at what he feels is a 50 slower speed for several hours, it is not as easy as it might seem.

He have to control his muscles at a every minute now because he is not used to all the sights and sound taking in around himself disturbing his natural walking stile wish took him 100 V-years to learn.


(Will from now on refer to his own way of handling time in V-years/hours/minutes. Venirs own years. )


At a bigger stone structure wish resembled a short and very wide tower people where standing in three lines.

'Seems to have gotten to the right place' (Venir)

Dan naturally guided them to one of the lines with a proud looking face as if say "Hey. Look. I got a kid too." The other kids in the lines where around the same age as Venir, some might even be older, or just look it.

At the end of their line a kid around 9 year was sitting and making each child spill some blood for her. Venir thought this sort of profession suited her very well. Why?

Because she was red haired and concentrated until her eyes seems to sparkle every time she took two drops of blood. One would think she collected blood on her free time as well, just for the fun of it.

Stepping closer he noticed she was fairly beautiful with her with skin and small nose. Like a nobles doll. Venir had a long time studying her after all and felt a small blush creep up on him when he was pushed at the back and notice he was standing at the front of the line. 'Eh?!'

Venir was truly chocked because this was the first time he didn't feel the time go slowly, but it ended in an instant.

Pushed in his back he nearly fell head down in the dirt. He manage to get his balance back and looked around. No one seems to care and the girl was one of those.

-Family name, the relative first please. (Girl)

She looked at Dan while he bent forward and took the needle she handed him.

-Dan. Family name Fendor and the father of the child. (Dan)

'Heck! That can't be sterile after all the other people before us used it!' (Venir)

-Did you hear that? Fendor he said. (unknown man.)

While Venir was busy thinking on something else he didn't notice people behind him gasp slightly at Dan mentioning his family name.

Dan pricked a finger and dripped some blood down in a bowl. The girl took it and started to hymn in a very calming and beautiful voice while Venir listen like spellbound, finding it all very fascinating. Both her and the caster ritual.


When she was done she seem to see something no one else did and nodded as if she have confirmed Dan's identity.

-And this is? (girl)

-This is Venir, my son. (Dan)

Venir was standing still like a statue and looking into her eyes. Strangely her eyes was scarlet red color.

'Aww. Pretty' (Venir)

-Shrimp. If you are to scared then move along. Others are waiting in line. (girl)

The red haired girl held forth the needle and started to look annoyed.

'Not that pretty...' (Venir)

He took the needle and hesitated only a second.(in V-time was nearly a minute, so he took his goddamn time deciding.)

'If other people have used it and its been used for years without complains then it can't be harmful.' (Venir)

He pricked his skin and dropped a few drops down on a silver plate as instructed by the girl before him.

It started to shine while she chanted and soon something could be seen written on the plate in red letters. She studied the plate for a time then handed it over to Venir.

-Here, this is yours now. (girl)

Venir took the plate with his right hand. Before he had a chance to read what it said on it, it seems to melt and creep inside his skin. By the time he was trying to figure out what have happened it was already gone.

He felt nothing from it but he nearly panicked just by looking at it happening.

-Your son have no ability to become a mage. His affinity and internal godly essence is lower than the average human.

She then looked at Venir like feeling sorry for him. She was herself a mage in training and had more then thousand times more inner godly essence then him. Even if one was a commoner, if one became strong enough as a mage one would naturally be conferred the title of a lower noble.

This was however a big shock for Venir.

-Eh?! But.... (Venir)

Before he could say more Dan started to lead him away to the side. The two guards posted to protect the apprentice girl looked at him with a bit of bloodlust, they where probably bored and wanted some action after standing still day after day.

-Come, no worries. Dad isn't much better and I am strong, right? (Dan)

He smiled assuring at Venir trying to comfort him. But in reality he was also a bit taken back. After all. His mana pool which was common was a hundred times bigger.

Worse thing was that Venir himself. Since birth have trained in magic and was certain he would have a lot more mana then the average person.

He have trained every day in secret. Obsessed with the tough of magic and now it was crushed in a moment. He was close to tears.

-Hey hey... Calm down. (Dan)

-C-c-calm d-down? (Venir)

'I trained for 250 years and is useless still?!' (Venir)



-Hey... Stop this... (Dan)

Dan squatted down before him and with a smile said calmly.

-Why so upset? Magic isn't everything. (Dan)

-Its handy, yes. But one can live without it and I will teach you the way of the sword instead.

-More useful than some silly spells.

-They are just for show.

-Dad is strong, right?

Venri could only nod at that and started to brighten up at the idea of himself well trained and being able to cut the head of a demon beast like his dad did.

'He is right. I can't give up now after only one setback. I did promise myself to give it my all in this new life.' (Venir)

-Y-yeah. You are right. (Venir)

Some girls at the side was looking at them and was whispering how cute Venir was and how good his dad looked.

Venir indeed was cute, super cute in fact. With teary gray eyes and half-curly dirt-blond hair he could been in some advertisement for help the children.

With that said Venir blushed some and took Dan's hand to pull him away from prying eyes.

-Lets go home.

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