《Blessed with a curse (BwC) [Tryout.]》Chapter 1. Reborn


Sam was brought out to the light into a wonderful new life!

Hell, no!

It was a new life with lots of mumbling and strange smells.

The pain at being born and taken out of the warm embrace to a crappy place isn't the most pleasant experience. Especially if you are born with memories of a past life and a grownups mentality, all smacked together inside a newborns baby's body.

To add more, it seems that this body was dropped from start.

Not that Sam noticed ever being dropped, but how could he know if he was dropped? He would probably be to brain damaged to remember it by then.

Maybe he lost his memory of it and became stupid. A handicap at start wasn't a success in his book.

Something was amiss. That was obvious.

Firstly his, what he believe to be his parents are moving very slow. Like a movie being played in slow motion.

His brain clearly must have suffered some kind of damage, or so he thought.

'My brain must been shaken up pretty badly or... it might be that my mother is a drug addict and I got disabled from to much LSD?' (Sam)

His mother looked happily at him with a gently smile. Sam on the other hand was giving her a doubtful suspicious stare.

She have a pretty face, around 19 years of age with golden hair curling down the side of her face. A bit sweaty but that didn't make her less beautiful.

'So young!'

'And clearly not an addict.'

Sam sighted in his mind and was frightened of the possibility of being a retard at birth, more so then being reborn.

His mother doesn't seem to be a person that would take drugs, or drop her newborn baby. She had nearly an saint like aura instead.

His father was around 20 years of age and is very handsome, with his black hair and sparkling gray eyes that seem to be delighted by the sight of Sam.

'Hey... Keep your hands away.'(Sam)

Frowning at his father, which made him look even cuter. His father put his hand on his head and ruffled Sam's hair(the little hair he did have) in delight.



It took Sam 50 years to come to the conclusion that he wasn't stupid or disabled from birth. Just "Special".

Some parents think of some of their handicap children as special, but Sam truly was.

Did it take Sam 50 years to realize it? Maybe he was a super retard after all.

In reality it only took him a year. It's just that his brain seems to work at fifty times faster speed than normal.

Having been reborn with an adult mind and memories one should think he would been faster to figure that out, but it was not as simple as that.

Under a year, people moving at the speed of 1/50 made it nearly seem like people stopped moving. The outdrawn sounds that was more a buzz then anything made understanding the new langue even harder.

Under this short time for his parents, he spent fifty years of nearly going insane.

Just crapping oneself and being able to smell and feel it for fifty times longer was a mental torture.

Trying to hold it in was impossible as a child and even worse so for Sam. He only tried it ones because his father and mother were in the room. After that painful experience he just let it have its course.

Eating was weird and he tried to think of something else when sucking on his mothers breasts from hunger. For him a stranger he just "meet". It was nothing sexual and the feeling was just warm, but it was still something hard to except with an adult mind in a baby's body.

'She is my mother and this isn't strange.' Sam is trying to persuade himself mentally every time he eats and is hugged closely.

For Sam it was feeling is dignity being cast down on the floor and stomped on at first, but that was just his adult mind speaking.

The worst part was that he could hardly move his body even thought he knew how to. It was hard to coordinate it and move at what he felt very slow speed. Halfway doing something he could have fallen asleep from the boredom alone.

Half a year after his birth he dislocated two of his tiny fingers by willing his body to move faster and crab on to a toy he wanted to throw away in frustration. This happened twice on the same hand on two different fingers so it was of course very painful.


Worse thing was that when he moved his body faster than it was built to handle. He was still a little baby after all so he got a physical breakdown. His body started to shake all over and go into shock.

It only lasted a short while but the pain was unbearable and for him very long, just a minute in real time and fifty for him.

Having feeling the pain for nearly an hour was nearly worth it, because it was then he saw something spectacular.

His mother (that took her god damn time getting there) started to sing for him in a (retarded and slow motion way.)very gently and slow manner until a light in the air around her fingers formed.

Then she hovered her hands over him, so slightly touching his skin. Even thought it took only a moment Sam could see the phenomena in detail thanks to his brain working overtime even thought he was in pain.

After that day he learned that there is something that resembles magic in this world. Sam was truly delighted and a lot more careful to not harm his fragile infant body after experience how much of an harmful effect it could have.

He was truly frustrated at the beginning from being in such a small, powerless and fragile state. Thankfully he did persevere. It was mostly because he finally got a new chance and it was in a world where magic could be learned.

The days went by and after 1 year he have learned how to understand his parents langue and that his family name was Fendor. He, himself was named after his great grandfather Venir.

Sam or Venir, still didn't dare to speak and still had a hard time grasping what they said because of the time lag.

Still not able to move recklessly and break down by mistake he was bored as hell. Only thing he could do was to try and learn about this worlds magic and listen to his parents talking.

'As long as I am patient and going slow it should be okay to try it out.... To think magic exists here in this world!' He was truly happy for this but soon found out it was extremely hard to understand and use in reality.

With no one to guide him in it he had to take his time and experiment when he was alone.

Time that went by and he learned that his father and mother was of low blood, not a noble, yet not a commoner either. An outcast noblewoman and her man that was a skilled fighter. His father was stationed to guard outside some city walls, it didn't pay that well if you think about how high the rate of being killed was. But Venirs family managed to get by.

His parents did own a house in the outskirts of a small town and his father did have to travel by horse three hours each day, back and forth.

Adding up to riding only, it took six hours and with the work he had to do he could be gone for days and only be home for a day at a time, so Venir didn't get much time to see his father.

His mother did work as a healer before Venir was born and now stayed home to take care of him.


Half a year later a child started to glow in a blue light and then slowly float up and hover in the air for a short time before descending again. A cute and fast but delighted giggle could be heard from the crib.

'I did it...'(Venir)

Some more giggling could be heard before the child was sound asleep from exhaustion and overuse of mana.

If anyone would have seen this then they would have panicked.

Thankfully the rest of the Fendor household was sleeping and unknowing of what was to come.

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