《Chaos uploaded》Prologue 1- Daily life with fateburn sisters
Our story begins in a 2-floor house, where a red-headed girl, Nysa, was currently laying down on her bed, holding a book. She wasn't studying, nor playing games, unlike she usually did. She was currently wearing black, casual pajamas, even though it was nearly mid-day.It was vacations after all, it is not like she needed to get out of her room 'early'.Her appearance wasn't anything special.
A flat-chested, 15 year old teenager, with an obviously tomboyish body, not too different from a classic shota, if not for her hair, which reached down to her shoulders. Complementing her already imp-like looks, she had one of the rarest eye color out of all: amber. She placed the back of the pen against her lips, bumping it a few times against it absently minded, as she thought what she could write.
It was simple, yet hard... it almost tempted her to simply throw the book away and go back to gaming, but yet she couldn't. It just didn't feel right to give up so easily.
Determination surged up in the back of her mind, as Nysa closed her eyes, imagining herself at the top of the world. Crowds and crowds trying to interview her, yet the girl having far too little time, even for receiving an interview from presidents of countries. Waving away, Nysa just laughed.
"Don't worry, I had a book prepared just for this day!Now, mongrels, stop asking questions and just read it!" Demon Lord Nysa said... before her daydream faded away, as she returned to focus on the book.
Dear Diary,
Day 1
It was another day in the 'Fateburn' mansion. Our mansion. The name might sound weird, but bear with me, it will get explained soon for all the people who are interested in the autobiography, of me, the great Nysa Fateburn!...And I wish death to all those who just chuckled at this sentence. W-wait, I didn't mean that, don't stop reading!
*Ahem* As I was saying earlier, it was just another boring day in our mansion. Right now, it was just me, and my beautiful sister together alone... or well, the closest to alone I could be.
My father is a legendary hero, named "John Za Yuusha" who is often adventuring in multiple worlds, being a retired badass who prefers to record the stories of new, recent heroes as his era has already passed...or so he claims!That guy is an otaku who never leaves his basement, always writing some manga to meet the deadlines!
Well, manga are awesome and all, but geez, that guy takes it to another level!He even comes out wearing a black long coat and a sword that he got gods-knows-where!Although he is awesome, since he is giving us the best gift in the world tomorrow!Teehee~!
Back to the subject of introducing my family members, there is my mother, which divorced from my father. I don't know much about her, since both me and my sister were far too young to remember about these years, but apparently, she got an issue with her husband's obsession for his hobby.
Now to write about my sister...
Nysa was about to write about her sister, as a generous-sized chest, underneath a shirt, got between the impish girl and her personal diary. "Sis, you didn't eat anything today. I know it is vacation, but you still need to eat."
Nysa instantly jumped back, in surprise, even dropping the book and the pen as she fell down on her butt. "S-sis?" she replied, as she finally realized that it was Inas, her older sister, who was talking to her.
Inas, unlike Nysa's brat-like looks, already looked like a mature woman,almost one head taller than her sister, with long, silky blonde hair, which reaches halfway her back. Not only she had longer hair than Nysa, but she also had a bigger chest, reaching the classic D-cups.Not only that, but her eyes were blue, rather than amber like her sister's.Because of such contrast, many people doubted they were sisters at all!
"Yes? Let's come downstairs to eat." the blonde-haired sibling answered, with a toothy grin, probably because Nysa was blushing so much, making the redhead stare in a daze for a few seconds...
"...why these had to grow again?!" the redhead said, nearly shouting as she even proceeded to touch 'them', obviously jealous, even squeezing to check if they were real!
After a few minutes later, the two of them were together, at the kitchen, eating lunch with an awkward silence between them, although Nysa had her left cheek a bit swollen, due to a great slap given from her sister. "The world is unfair..." was all that the smaller sibling managed to say during breakfast.
The silence, though...nobody could hear anything during the breakfast, except the sounds of the sisters eating, and even then, the overwhelming awkwardness only made them eat as quietly as possible. Even the little fly which was buzzing around was louder than everything else in the room...but noticing the silence, even the insect landed on the table, overwhelmed by the pressure in the room.
"So...uh...sis?Do you know what day is tomorrow?" Nysa replied, quietly, trying her best to resist the overwhelming silence, and even attempted to fight back against it...but it was futile.Her words fell into deaf ears.
"It is our birthday!" Nysa added, with a wide, awkward, grin, spreading her arms cheerfully, getting up and walking in front of her sister."And daddy said we are going to receive a biiig gift tomorrow!So look forward to it!"
"....how can you get so much energy?" The older, aloof sibling replied, with a yawn, even leaning back on her chair as she placed her hands behind her back.If she was even lazier-looking, she would even put her feet on the table!
Oh, she already did that.
"I get exhausted just from looking you jumping around, calm down for a while before I check what exactly they put in your candies."
"Sowwy!But don't tell me you are excited about us being the beta-testers of the next console!" The excited, loli red-head replied with a wide grin...
Only to make Inas fall together with her chair, onto her back in surprise. "Wait, what!" was what the blonde sister shouted, in surprise."Oww...but what do you mean by beta-tester?!H-how is working a birthday gift?" Inas said, even a bit angry at the fact that her father never told anything about it, but yet, couldn't help but be curious.
"Oh, he didn't told you?Well, it is simple!He became a writer for a MMORPG recently, and his works are just raising the popularity of the new console more and more!Yesterday, he told me that we are going to be the first players, under special conditions, so they can promote the game even further!" Nysa replied with a wide grin, seemingly proud of finally, for once, outdoing her sister on information.
Maybe that was why her father didn't tell anything!Thanks daddy!
"...so we're working for free...and we're supposed to treat it as a birthday gift...and we're not getting paid...and this is our birthday gift..." Inas replied, with blank eyes, not even bothering to get up from her position, as she was still wondering how the hell this made sense.
"...It is the new virtual reality RPG you were searching for in your computer in the last few days, sister." The red-headed sibling said, with a grin....knowing what extreme changes would happen right there.
"W-wait, we are getting to play it before anybody else?! For FREE?!" Inas' eyes, now, turned into the classic '$' symbol, as she already thought of the fame she would get...especially as she remembered what Nysa said earlier-it was all going into TV!Free fame!Free stats!Free advantage!And above all, playing for free, avoiding the cost of setting up a capsule and the monthly subscription.
"Onwards, for glory!For money!And above all...for FREEdom!" Inas said, quickly standing up, pointing her finger ahead, to a mere wall in the kitchen.
".......sister, it is only getting launched tomorrow." Was all that the younger sibling, now the more sane-looking one, said.
"I got carried away, then."
Author's corner: So!I finally got to write my own fanfiction!I still can't believe on it! But either way, please comment and don't forget to rate, because any views and comments will make me a very very happy man inside!
Disclaimer: I might make references to other settings, animes and mangas, and the plot might or might not end up similar to some others that you might have already seen.
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