《The Tree-Man and His Wife》Chapter 1: Ron’s Hate


It was the twelfth day that Ron had taken form in his new body when he decided that the island should have others living and enjoying it's life that he had given it. The animals were thriving, so there was no reason he couldn't bring others. It was quite a large island, so he didn't have to live with the others.

The island was about 124 kilometers in all, hot springs and three large freshwater streams spread out around it. Sadly, there were not many different kinds of plants, so he would have to retrieve some that would help his people eat and become strong. He also realized that there would need to be an area where they could take down trees and create houses and sheds for themselves.

Ron slightly smiled as he continued to walk through the forest until he found one if his favorite hot springs. He slid down into the warm, steaming water and closed his eyes. A plan was already forming in his mind, and as his palms stretched out and created small trees specifically for building materials, there was one problem he had. There were people whom he had already decided upon to live on the island.

The one thing he hated the most flashed through his mind, annoyance burning in his heart as he thought of the damages it does. The people he would have live in his forest would be slaves. Those whom had suffered immensely by the people who claimed to own them, and even though he wished to free every last person who was forced into labor by others he knew it wasn't possible. The least he could do was bring some to live in peace and happiness on the island.

With a fierce passion burning inside him, he stood up and stepped out of the water, steam drifting from his body with each step while the water ran down and off his skin and onto the ground. He remembered a time where an old king once had his men attempt to go into his forest to retrieve one of the special flowers that that grown near the middle of the forest. He hated stealing just as much as he did slavery, so naturally he had retaliated as soon as they stepped onto the island.

He had heard the cries from the ship that had rested off in the distance. The people crying as whips dug into their backs because their work wasn't satisfactory enough. The flag that had rested on the ship was burned into his memory, so it would be an easy find to go and retrieve those people. If they didn't want to go with him, at least he would have set them free. He decided it was time for him to pay those men a visit.


With armor and clothing made from thick vines and bark from trees, he closed his eyes and knelt down onto his knees. Memories, knowledge, images flashed through his mind as he searched for the right spell to teleport. Because of his family lineage, he had the ability to do many things that most people would find almost godlike. As the correct spell finally surfaced, he brought the flag’s symbol into the equation and repeated the words he had to say.

When he opened his eyes, he was in the middle of a filthy shopping square. He stood to his feet and examined his surroundings in both curiosity and disgust. The people whom had previously been shopping were staring at Ron, surprise causing the whole place to freeze. It was obvious that they were treated horribly, and it broke his heart to see the pain they had gone through.

A sharp tap on the shoulder dragged him from his thoughts. He could sense the self-importance that the man carried himself with, and it only made Ron more annoyed. He glanced slightly at the soldier with the emblem of a snake wrapped around a sword pinned to his cape. A black and red woven shirt with black pants covered his slightly built body, but it didn’t seem like he would be any match for the strength Ron carried in him. The man had his hand on his sword that was sheathed on his side. It was all he needed for him to make up his mind, and in a split second the soldier was slammed against the ground with his face shoved deep into the sludge of the street.

“Before you spout any kind of bullshit, I would like to use you for information,” Ron said slowly. He lifted the man’s face from the muck and looked him in the eyes calmly. The fear in the soldier’s tone proved he would be the perfect man to retrieve what he needed.

“W-what kind of information sir? We mean you no harm, so please do not kill me,” he whimpered. Brown, wide eyes looked in every direction to avoid Ron’s gaze.

“Where are your slaves kept, as well as your king.” The soldier then stared at Ron for a second before bursting out laughing, deep throaty laughs that forced him to end up coughing in the end.

“O-*cough*-our slaves? They're kept in the cells of the castle. They're useless, but the women and children are quite fun to play with when it comes to the hunger of our king,” he snickered. “But when it comes to the king, nobody can see him without his permission.”


Ron picked the man up by the throat with ease and held him in the air. With his height it wasn't hard to do such a thing. The man coughed and opened his eyes in both fear and surprise. He knew there was nothing he could do to truly fight back, not in the position he was in. The soldier wasn’t truly prepared for being attacked, he felt safe around the townspeople because they themselves were afraid and refused to attack. For this reason alone, he let himself go limp in the the hand that squeezed the air from him.

When Ron decided he had had enough, he let him collapse into the ground and gasp for air. Leaving the soldier to lay there, he left the square and walked towards the castle that lay in the distance. It didn't take long, and Ron wanted the other soldiers that protected the king to come out and try and attack. It would make things much more fun to strike fear into the horrid men that would do such a thing to others.

As he walked through the streets, he noticed the look of the people there. They knelt down as he walked by, not knowing what else to do in the presence of power. Oh, how Ron wished he could take each and every one of them with him, but he would have to settle for forcing the king’s hand on changing the lives of his people. He was here only for those who suffered the most.

Waste from houses, horse manure, and all types of filth laid out all over the walkway that Ron had taken to the large, gated area where the king was. The lines of houses seemed to stop a mile from where the castle was, the roadway was much cleaner and seemed to be well kept. It only made things more annoying to the tall warrior as he strode forward to where a large group of soldier in full body armor waited his arrival.

“Who are you, what are you, and why have you come to our kingdom?” A man yelled as he stepped forward. He seemed to be the leader of the group, the markings on his armor was different from the others. A slow grin spread across Ron’s face as he continued forward, not saying a single word to the man.

“In the name of King Drudard, I command you to stop!” A different man called out, pulling out his sword and pointing the tip towards the advancing man.

“His name’s Drudard, huh? Well then, tell your king I have a deal to make with him,” Ron called back as he continued to walk forward.

The men were obviously on edge at his refusal to follow the order directed to him. The leader turned and whispered to one of the men who didn’t have on armor, who in turn started to run at high speeds back to the castle. Ron took note of the ears and confirmed that he had to be an elf with how fast he ran, as well as his body shape. Of course, that wouldn’t stop him from killing the man if he needed to.

The rest of the men waited for Ron to approach them. It didn’t take long for him to do so, and when he had reached the group they all kept their swords ready. Much to their surprise, Ron crossed his arms and stood in silence. He didn’t want to kill them, he didn’t like death that much at all. The only man he would be perfectly fine with doing so would be the bastard who wanted others to be killed or hurt.

It was a standoff between the men and Ron for about five minutes, then the runner came back. He nodded to the leader of the group, who in response glanced back at the oddly dressed man before yelling out an order to his own men.

“The king has ordered the death of this man! Fight for our kingdom and you shall be rewarded!” The group cheered in response and rushed at Ron. Sadness filled his heart as they thrust their swords at him, he truly hadn’t wanted to kill them.

When he walked away from the battleground, blood dripping from his hands and face, he had changed his mind about how he would take care of the king. Instead of killing the man himself, he would feed him to the guarding plants on his island. It was about time they played with their food again.

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