《New Escape》New Escape Chapter Ten


We begin following the rather obvious trail of the demon familiar. Luckily Malek saved the wagon we were traveling with and the horse that was pulling it.

While traveling I made sure to read the volumes so I can continue learning the nature of magic. I summoned the beast because I couldn't fight my own battles, it's time to change that.

Following the path of the monster for several hours I finally finish another volume.

*Ding* New Skill



*Active* [Nature Manipulation]: Using your understanding of the world you can spend mana to manipulate the physical plane. Mana costs are dependent on your affinity with the corresponding element, and the amount of the element you are attempting to manipulate.


I finally received an ability with some sort of combat potential for myself. While nature manifestation was quite useful, I didn't feel like I was actually doing anything. I'm not sure how strong it will be compared to the demon, but I'm sure I could figure something out.

First things first I need to try out my ability and see it's limits, I don't want to accidentally summon a tornado or something and destroy even more.

"Malek, how much should I be able to do with this ability?" If anyone knows it's limits it should be Malek.

"Hmmm, well I could probably wipe out at least this continent with a meteor or something, but with your level of power I would say displacing 200 cubic feet of any element would be the most you could do, but that would result in you losing all your energy."

"C-continent? You could destroy this continent with this spell? I knew you were powerful but that is ridiculous! Compared to me you are some sort of god!"

"A god? I wouldn't go that far, a god would be able to destroy the planet with a thought, I'm not nearly that strong."


'Why does everyone downplay their abilities when they are this powerful? There must be some extremely powerful beings if Malek isn't actually strong.'

"So with my ability do you think I would be able to defeat that monster I summoned?" I express my concern to Malek in hopes he will reassure me.

"No clue." Malek completely negates my minor hope.

"No clue?! Can't you gauge power? Do you think I have a chance or not?" I nearly explode at Malek.

"Hmmm, well since you summoned the monster there is no way it is much more powerful than you, but it will take some ingenuity to defeat it." Malek's words bring some hope like water in a barren dessert.

"I see, well let's hope we find the beast soon."

"We won't have to wait long." Malek says this as he points in front of us to a fresh forest fire "The beast is near."


Calling Ceres I tighten my grip on my staff and head to the flaming beast. Seeing me the beast howls.

"Ceres, begin digging a trench surrounding it!" I give Ceres a command to stop the spread of additional fire, and to possibly trap this thing.

'Now I have a few options, though I don't see any water nearby so I am partially disadvantaged. I will first try and manipulate the monster itself, I don't know what it is to be honest, so I will just take a gamble!'

I rush at the monster and it's focus shifts completely to me.

"[Nature Manipulation]!" Using my newly gained ability I attempt to suppress the monsters flames.

The flames dissipate and I catch a brief view of the monsters. Almost looking like a bear without any fur its charred flesh is enough to make most people vomit. Pockets of pus are exposed from between chunks of burnt flesh and I begin to feel a bit sorry, it seems like its inability to control fire is even damaging it.


'The least I can do is put it out of it's misery.'

After a few second the monster's flames re-emerge breaking my spell. 'Looks like it's fire affinity is much higher than mine.'

The beast spits fire at me and I narrowly dodge, it's breath singeing my pant leg. 'This fire is extremely hot, just the heat is enough to blister my skin.'

While I was busy dodging it's attack the beast runs at me and swings it's massive claws at me. Jumping back I attempt to use my arm to block the impact, but it's claws tear through my flesh. My wrist completely covered in red blood my mind goes blank momentarily.


The second it takes me to center myself gives the beast another chance to attack. Swinging it's other claw I jump out of the way.

'I'm not going to make it!'

As I think my first death in the game will occur a pillar of earth springs up next to me and slows the claw down.

'Ceres!' Ceres made a small pillar to lower the speed of the monsters attack and save my life.

'I've only got one chance to try my other attack!'

"Ceres! Slow down the monster while I have some time to get away."

I manage to think up my next plan of action. The pain in the game is reduced to one fifth of real life, but it is still enough to distract my attention.

After getting a fair distance away from the monster while Ceres distracted it I now have time to put my plan into motion.

"Air that gives life to all things disappear, [Nature Manipulation]!" Using my nature manipulation ability I move all the air away from the creature, creating a vacuum.

Within the vacuum the monsters flames disappear momentarily, until all the air in the area comes rushing back in.

A huge explosion erupts as the monster is hit by the force of the air, and it's fire erupts back into life causing it two sources of pain. The beast cries out as it's hardened skin is cracked and the fire makes it's way into the raw flesh, searing the monster alive.

This is absolutely brutal, but this thing would have caused terror all across the kingdom had I not taken action. Plus I brought this thing here anyway, it was my responsibility.

It's screams are enough to cause the ground to shake, covering my ears I watch as the form of the demon slowly dissipates, but not before it can utter the only word it has spoken.


I struggle to make out what it said, but as soon as I understand I begin to gag. 'This thing had feelings? This monster of pure destruction?' I feel sorry for it to a certain extent but not enough for me to take back what I did.

"This is the pain of this magic. While your summons may be good and helpful, they can also be extremely violent. Your job is to take care of them either way, yet you failed this time. This monster was not truly a monster, it had no way to control itself. You need to become stronger." Malek delivers cold words as I stare at my familiar falling apart.

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