《New Escape》New Escape Chapter Five


Continuing the reading of the thirty books is exhausting, though after about twenty four hours I have nearly finished the first volume. Through reading my stats have once again increased.



Name:Magia CorvusTitle:N/AClass:N/AGender:N/ARace:HumanLevel:1Tier:FirstHP:100MP:50STR:4DEX:4VIT:6INT:10WIS:12LUC:??Skills:

*Passive* [Cute Restoration]: Cute and interesting people restore negative status effects.

*passive*[Spiritual Observation LV 1]: With your knowledge of the world you can begin to understand the flow of magic in the Spiritual observation assists in controlling the flow of magic in the world.

Air Affinity +5%

Earth Affinity +5%

Water Affinity +3%

'Reading these books is exhausting, but it seems that as my intelligence and wisdom go up my reading speed increases. With this being a game I doubt it's even necessary to read and instead the information can just be known, so maybe if I reach a certain point I can just skim through and understand things.'

My satiety level is at 50% so I decide to get some food. Heading upstairs I can't seem to find Malek, so I head for the kitchen. I don't have the cooking skill so the system will probably limit what I can make, I'm not even sure how to cook in this world or what anything is. Going through the cabinets all I find is stale bread and old crackers.

'Does Malek even need to it? He sleeps a few hours every few days and doesn't seem to eat anything decent. Is he even human?' These thoughts fill my mind momentarily until I open the last cabinet. This cabinet appears to be made from some sort of metal and has weird engravings all over it. Opening the door a wave of cold air hits me.

"AH! A fridge!" I shout in surprise as I initially believed this world to not have any sort of appliances. 'Then again the basement did have automatic lights so it seems magic can do a lot of what electricity does in our world.'


Digging through the fridge I find a wide variety of what I assume are precooked meals in small metal boxes, similar to the fridge with their engravings. 'Mmmm maybe the box can act as some sort of microwave?' I think this but realize I have no way to use it especially because I have no clue about what the symbols even are.

'Maybe I should try and develop a taste for this crappy stale bread, or find a way to make money.'

Opening my inventory I grab a piece of nasty vomit inducing bread and begin to chew. Forcing it down my throat I finish one of the pieces washing it down with my water.

'There are a few things I should experiment with in the game, I don't exactly want to fall too far behind other players either, not that level is super important right now.'

It's probably relatively late in real life so I decide to get off and go to bed.


After getting a good nights sleep and eat a bowl of cereal I head back into the game.


Entering back into the game it appears to be near sunrise. I spot Malek entering the door.

"Ah Malek, where have you been all this time?" with my curiosity getting the best of me I ask him a question.

"Malek? Aren't you getting ahead of yourself? I am your teacher so you should be calling me something with a little more respect!" Malek seems to be mildly annoyed, but not to the point where he really cares.

"Ehh? Aren't you just an average shut-in? Why should I give you any extra respect." I try to push a few of his buttons to see how he will respond.

Unsurprisingly he only gives me a glare but then relaxes his face. "I guess you have a point, as you haven't seen what kind of work I do throughout the day."


"AH! Speaking of which, I need some sort of way to earn money, I'm not sure that you even eat food but I need to maintain my focus and hunger is detrimental to doing so."

"Ooohh food huh? I would show you how to use the heat boxes, but since you haven't gotten far enough in your reading for you to understand that far. Hmmmm what can you do.… Well I guess I can give you some money until you can do some work for me."

Saying this Malek hands me a coin purse and then turns around to leave again.

"Ahh Malek, where are you going?"

"I only came back to see if you were still here or ran off with your tail between your legs. I'm going back to what I was doing, seeya!" Malek leaves and closes the door behind him.

'What a strange guy.'

Putting the coin pouch in my inventory I head back downstairs to read.

'It's about time I finish the first volume.'

Returning to the page I left off at I continue my reading.


After another hour of reading I finish the first volume of the series 'The World and It's Nature by Malek Aestrum the Fifth Great Wizard'

'Aww i didn't get any bonuses this time around, the only system message I got stated that I finished the book. I will probably need to read a certain amount before I get a bonus or complete certain sections.'

Closing the first volume I place it on the floor beside the table and open the next one. 'This is gonna be a long time before I finish the additional 29.'

I start reading volume two from the beginning and continue for several hours.

After five hours I finally get a system message.



You have gained the Proficiency, increasing this proficiency by reading will allow for faster reading and a better understanding.

: Beginner Rank 1

Current level allows reading 1% faster


'WHAT?! I thought I had already been improving my reading speed but it turns out I must have just been reading faster. Plus the proficiency only allows for 1% faster reading speed, I wonder how quickly I will be able to level this up seeing as it took 35 hours just to get the first level.'

Closing the menu I pick the book back up and continue reading, since all of these volumes are the same size I assume it'll take me about 29.7 hours to read rather than the previous thirty hours. 'Ughhh this is gonna take so long, assuming I play right when I get home I can player for around eight or nine hours a day so I should be able to read nearly a volume a day if that's all I do.

5.1 and 5.2

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