《New Escape》New Escape Chapter Three


'Hmmm It's probably been about three hours, I guess I will log off to see if my mother is home yet. Though I honestly don't know how logging out works so I guess I will find a bed first.'

Exploring the house I find a spare bedroom and sit down.

"Menu" Using voice commands again I open the main menu.




'I wonder what type of options I can change.' I decide to log out and check the settings when I get back.

"Log out"

"Verifying combat status… Logging player out" The system voice plays inside my head before I return to the white room (Sounds like a looney bin now that I think about it).

"Exit System"


Feeling like I just woke up from a nap, I remove the helmet from my head and check my phone.

'Hmmm, I was sure I had been playing for at least three hours, but it seems only an hour has passed outside of the game. This system is insane.'

It appears I had gotten two text messages. One is from Dylan, my best friend for years, said he received the game but picked a weird race and is in some strange place. The second text is from Maddy, saying she got the game and will play as a human. I respond to both of them with my username, but from what I read you can only add someone you have met already.

After checking whether my parents are home or not I return to the game after finding I'm still alone.


Entering back into the game I look around and find Malek to still be asleep. I write a note saying I'll return and head out to explore some more. After exploring for about an hour a get a system notification.





Satiety Levels at 75%

Health and Stamina regen reduced by 75%


'It looks like I need to eat or I may receive some major penalties. I will definitely need to keep this under consideration for the future.'

"Inventory" Opening the inventory I grab a piece of bread and take a bite.

*Cough**Cough* spitting out the bread as fast as possible to get the stale taste out of my mouth.

'Oh my, this bread is truly gruesome.' Looking into my inventory again I find a cantine filled with water and take a sip. 'Well, I guess it's hard to go wrong with water.'

Drinking the water, my satiety goes up by 1% per sip. 'I wonder if there is a limit to the bonus water can give.'

Remembering there were settings I had questions about I open the settings menu.





Pain Setting: 20%*

*Pain setting cannot be increased past 20%

due to risk of real life injury

Language Translation: Automatic

Passive ability enhancement: Automatic

System Assistance: On*

*Mental and voice activation of skills gives

system access to player character control


I decide to leave the settings how they were, as I don't have any actual combat skills nor do I know the racial language of humans. When I opened my inventory before I saw that I had fifty silver coins, so I decide to head to a shop to in order to figure out the value.

'I believe the closest shop is a general store by Malek's house so I'll head there.'

Trying to trace my steps back to Malek's house I arrive at a general store not too far away. I decide to step in, and I'm greeted by a brown-haired middle-aged man. His skin is slightly tanned and a small scar goes over his nose. I look around at the goods that are sitting on tables and hanging from walls. General goods, befitting the title of general store, fill the room, items like rope, buckets, shovels, small knives, and horse saddles. I check the price of goods and compare them but decide to ask the clerk.


"Excuse me sir, may I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what can I help you with?" The man makes a kind face and resembles a father.

"I'm rather new around and want to know how much a gold coin is worth."

"Hmm, well, with a gold coin you could probably buy anything in here, none of our goods are specialized so while you may be able to get a horse saddle here for cheap. We can't fit it to your horse and it isn't the best craftsmanship."

"I see. Well, my food is of rather poor taste and would like to buy some higher quality food; can you recommend me a place?"

Looking up contemplatively the shopkeeper furrows his brow. "OH! There is a small restaurant about ten minutes from here. The food is delicious but the price might be a bit steep."

"Cool, can you point me in the right direction? Also, what is it called?" a look of anticipation spreads across my face.

"Yeah it's over about… that direction" He points in the general direction of the restaurant "It's called 'Old Days'."

I thank the shopkeeper before heading in the direction he pointed. 'I really hope this food is good.'

After a bit of travel I find the wooden building. A chimney sticking out of the back releases what I presume to be wood smoke. Rather than a door, there is just a cloth covering the entrance, though it's currently tied up out of the way. I walk in and find a few people at the bar while a couple eats at a table. I take a seat and a young waitress comes to take my order.

"Oh it's you!" The woman who initially pointed me towards the adventurer's guild seems to work here.

"Ah yes, thank you again for pointing me to the guild. May I ask what sort of food you have here?"

"Oh it was no problem. Here is the menu," She hands me a menu written on paper.

On the paper are a wide variety of food I've never heard of or seen before, they must be exclusive to this world, I find something that looks familiar and order it.

"I'd like the fried egg breakfast" I return the menu to her and await my order.

During the wait the waitress brings me over a glass of water, but it does not have any ice because this world does not have proper refrigeration. I wait for ten minutes until my meal finally comes.

I grab my fork and begin to dig in.

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