《New Escape》New Escape Chapter One


An endless monotony of school and a rather dull social life. If not for my temporary interests I am not sure I am not sure I could have held on to my sanity, but of course my interests remained temporary. A burst of energy and dedication helps me dive into whatever subject grabbed me, and this initial energy propels me on until I run out of steam.

Many things have taken up my focus and free time, but the primary things are video games. I have found these as my primary means of escaping from reality. Recently, a new game was a released. This game is the first of its kind. Utilizing a consciousness control technology which had been researched secretly for decades, virtual reality had finally been created!

With the knowledge and research being, at least partially, released to the public, and the technology being available the government created true virtual reality head sets for a profit.

Despite the mechanics being complicated the cost for production wasn't exceptionally high, so the head sets could be sold for a price similar to a high-end gaming computer.

A few days prior I had received my Virtual Tech Game System, or VTGS, in the mail. I wanted to start it up immediately, yet the servers were not active.

While the servers were down I had skimmed through the manual, something I rarely do, and set up and calibrated the helmet to myself.

A large game release such as this means a number of my friends should have purchased it. After a few frustrated taps my phone turns on and I send a few text messages.

"First to Dylan… then Maddy… Allen? nah… okay!" After mumbling to myself for a few moments the texts were sent. Though I know quite a few people through my time at school I don't generally want to interact with too many of them outside of it.


I move to my bed after setting my phone down and put the VTGS on my head. With a few beeps a light flashes and the feeling of control over my body disappears.

"User recognized as Jordan..." A clearly synthesized voice sounds out from every direction. "Logging in to game menu."

The darkness transforms into an endless white landscape. Is this heaven? Oh wait no I logged into the game.


A semi transparent menu appeared from thin air before my eyes. I guess this is the wonder of a virtual space.

On the center of the menu is a space with a flashing indicator

"Name? "HAHA luckily I haven't spent my days of preparation in vain. Something that will become a future symbol of pride such as my screen name is something of dire importance. I can't seem half-hearted, so I thought for many eons on what to call myself." Yelling out into the void does not necessarily make me feel any better, but its something I do on occasion anyway.

A Dark mage who will eventually rule the continent. A mage whose name will send an eerie chill up one's spine. This is the type of name I must have.

"Magia Corvus!" One must be decisive in their choices. I chose this name as it is Latin for magic and crow. How do I know this? Google translate.

"That name is free, are you sure you want 'Magia Corvus' to be your name?"


"Please select a race."

An awe inspiring list of who knows how many races appears before me. Looking through the list i see common races like Human, Wood elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, and Orc, but it also has some sort of dragon race, undead races such as skeletons, and combination of races such as Half-Elf, Half-Orc and undead for each race! I am surprised by the amount of choices but most are probably minor variations on the main races with small stat changes and slightly different bonuses.


I could easily go with something simple, but would that coincide with my goal to become a major figure?

"Searching for race that matches host's criteria." The monotone voice sounded out once again, this time filling me with excitement.

"Races found. Would you like to see results?"

"Yes of course!" After this statement a number of options emerged on my screen.

Every race in the game has the chance to become a legend or a failure, but with my intention to use some form of magic the races which mainly used physical skills were removed.

Races which were not familiar enough to be in terms of physical form had to be removed as well.

"Demigod?" Such a strange option, if someone picks demigod then wouldn't they have a huge advantage?

"You have chosen Demigod, please confirm."

"Umm, can I get some clarifications?" This clearly sounds unfair, but if I can choose this can anyone choose it?

"Request denied, all information required can be found in the menu." The emotionless voice which previously inspired excitement now brings me frustration.

"Fine! I choose demigod." I got with my choice, such a major game shouldn't be so easy that one can get a cheat right at the start.

"Please customize your appearance to your liking."

A copy of my appearance appears in front of me with menus all around for me to edit. I decide not to change much but still make some minor adjustments. Primarily my body and facial hair.

After hitting accept four large words appear before my face.

"Welcome to Second World."


Adjusting to the change in lighting I blink my eyes a few times and look down at what Draped over my body is a beige shirt and dirty brown pants, I feel like a major peasant.

Around me is some kind of shanty town with a crudely paved dirt road. When I first imagined the starting area of an RPG I at least pictured stone bricks or a well maintained road, not cheap clothes and broken down shacks.

While the surrounding civilization might look dingy the sky is exactly the opposite. Without the smog and pollution from modern technology the sky is a clear blue with pure clouds gently hovering above a desolate town.

The place looks nice, but what is this smell?!

The horrors of medieval towns, plumbing!

Before doing anything I swiftly cover my mouth and nose with my hand and look for the nearest person.

"Excuse me! May I ask where this place is?" First things first I need to find out where I am at.

*rewriting first few chapters

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