《Journey》Chapter 1


My bones feel as if they were shattered by a hammer, my skin as if carved by a razor

Organs as if torn apart

I open my eyes and find myself lying face down on dirty ground

It´s still raining.

Water and mud stream down my face as my mind starts realizing in what pain I am

“It hurts” I scream from the bottom of my lungs

But my voice is too weak, I can´t hear it.

What is this?

Although it shouldn´t be that cold, I´m freezing. Although I should have eaten just now, I´m starving. Although I should be fine and just on my way to school, I am not.

The pain turns into agony, making me feel as if I will lose my mind any second now

Why have I ever left for school? Couldn´t I´ve just stayed home?

Such stupid thoughts cross my mind

I put my trembling arms on the ground in an attempt to stand up, but I can´t muster any strength

They feel weak

Still, I somehow manage to get on my feet

But not a second later my legs give in

I fall to my knees and again support my body with my arms, desperately trying to keep it off the ground

“FUUUCKGH” I attempt screaming again

It´s like needles spiked my arms just from falling on them

It hurts, it hurts, IT DAM HURTS!

My head is filled with such thoughts as black dots start dancing in my already bleary vision, my body yells at me it is out of air, my breath roughens

Am I dying?

The rain continues to hit my back, each drop feels heavier than the last one

I´m dying

I´m dying

I´m dying?

I am going to die!?

It´s no good, I can´t focus

I feel worse by the second until my mind blanks out


I´m still on all fours, and still in pain

How much time has passed?

Were it minutes, hours?

Suddenly, everything turns white, I stare at nothing while paralyzed

A thought, a single one, prevails in my mind. Discarding all others that were flooding my head:

“I do not want to die”

My consciousness clears up

I am, somehow, regaining my calm

I suppress my hunger which almost drove me insane and ignore the pain as best I can

I try taking a deep breath, but

“Hack aha ha” I cough up blood.

Due to the pain I try gasping for air which only leads to me spitting more blood

“No, calm your breath” I force myself

I can´t allow myself to panic now.

I try breathing again, this time I inhale not as deeply


It works, my body is getting the air it so urgently needs

I continue breathing

“Fuuuuh… haaaa… fuuuuuh… haaaa…”

As my body goes numb from the acumulated cold the pain lessens and the dots before my eyes slowly start disappearing

I regain my vision and glance down, on myself

I notice I am short, shorter than I should be

But that is the least of my concerns right now.



I need to find shelter from the cold

I focus my sight on my surroundings but all I see are big, bulky trees

Nevertheless, the rain still hits me through their thick branches and leaves, that´s how intense of a rain it is.

I try standing up for a second time

My legs are shaking, but I somehow manage to keep standing

Taking a step I approach the nearest tree and lean against it, from there I continue stumbling from tree to tree in hope of finding something

Then again, a shelter to keep warm and protected from nature? In the forest?

But, a miracle

I find something looking like an entrance to a cave

I feel my eyes widening and with all my remaining strength I stumble towards it

When I enter it, the temperature…

“It´s warm...” I say in a weeping voice as the stream of tears from my eyes keeps flowing

Immediately all remaining strength leaves my body and I fall face-first on the ground

I don´t feel any pain no more

My vision and consciousness start to spin

Shortly after, I pass out...

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