《Chaos Zone online(CZO)》Chapter 2:Suicide candidate
We are in front of Tsukihime house.no house is too much..this is a mini mansion isn't it?I never though this kind of thing is exist in the real world.As expected of the the princess.
"This is will be your house from now on,so i will give you card key later. don't lose it."(Tsukihime)
she is humming use the keycard to open the gate...what a rich girl.
"Hey,Chizuru i have been since asking you since beginning you drag me but can you release me FIRST!!!"(Takuya)
right i am tied.Tied and put into trolley.why did this happen?because i try to run, she immediately use stun gun to me,the rest you know it..this girl maybe she is more dangerous than my sister.
"No,knowing you will try to run once i untie you.I will untie once at you- no our room!!"(Tsukihime)
"Just give up,from here is my territory.not even police could touch me here.."(Tsukihime)
Then i should change my approach!!
"Why?Even if we are partner in game or anything,you don't need to that much!!Why you given your own life for such a thing!!Don't you want to find perfect person for you?"(Takuya)
"Well that is also one of my dreams ."(Tsukihime)
"Yeah ,there is no need to do it with me right!!Because i am lazy,stupid,useless person!"(Takuya)
Just a bit more,and i will be fine.fuh i am glad she is still normal girl...if she a crazy girl that only want to met her mom regardless anything ,then i am dead.
"My dream guy ,is a guy that pretend to be lazy but always finish the assignment that teacher given,A guy that always say he is stupid but always sit on top 10 rank,and he always help his group when it is on verge failure by secretly work for the group and if it is failed then he will put blame on him.that guy also must be very kind."(Tsukihime)
"Is such a guy exist?"(Takuya)
I put a poker face but i am sweated like crazy in my back,
"Then how about you?"(Tsukihime)
"Aren't i am stupid?I often cheat on test,i never do any assignment the teacher given nor i have do anything to my group.and i never help another person."(Takuya)
"I see.Then let's watch video first ..."(Tsukihime)
She push the trolley(which my vehicle for now )to the living room.there is TV set sofa,and even snack.she turn on the tv and put a White DVD then she turn on the tv and what was written on the tv is..
"Takuya daily watch(Middle school)best moment 1
i was freaking shock about this.
A record started it shown about my middle school second year.
"You have done it takuya?but why you do the previous one?aren't i already give you the new assignment?i mean the previous one was too hard and no one willing to do it.."(Teacher)
"Because i was sleepy so i don't found about the change.Beside the first assignment use logic more it is better than the next assignment you gave us."(Takuya)
"Still to finish it before everyone finish.takuya are you actually genius?"(Teacher)
"No sensei you should know my grade are only average.that's why make it easier next time."(Takuya)
then the episode end and a note was written
Note takuya do this because The new teacher was sad because her assignment that she found could help student actually rejected by student.Takuya do it for the teacher to gain her confidence the next assignment make her popular and takuya always be the last because he always sleep after do his assignment test or anything then after he wake up he will give them to the teacher.but he always finish it before he sleep.
reading this Tsukihime shown smile no a smug.
"So kind of you to do it for the teacher you just met..Well let's see the next episode."(Tsukihime)
THERE IS MORE?I am amazed how she do that.
"Takuya daily watch(Middle school)best moment 2
"DAMN ,This test is too hard!!!!"(Girl)
"THis is insane!! This is at highschool level!!!"(guy)
That test was so inhuman to make all of them repeat , so they will skip the summer holiday.all of this because the teacher recently break out with his lover and he curse the couple by doing this.so i help them.what do i do?This is on the video.
I put the teacher to sleep by using sleeping darts then i give them the answer,thanks to it everyone passed and they try the hardest to curry my favor.
There is another note in video.it was written-
in this video takuya was shown care his friend and often help them ,he always act like average or an idiot but as shown in this video he can do the test deemed by everyone impossible because it was highschool level.later their behavior change toward takuya and shown they think takuya as their heroes and secretly some of girls fall in love with him.
"You cheat,but it is for everyone sake so i don't get mad.."(Tsukihime)
Where is my privacy....can you give me privacy?You stalker...nor i have energy to talk..i am on the verge of death here.
"Takuya daily watch(Middle school)best moment 3
This shown when it was culture festival ,the main actress was accidentally strain her leg and the actress parent was coming to watch and they are very strict to her.what's more they promised if it is suck then she must quit from drama club.i give her pity so i do some prank by burning headmaster favorite trees.it become huge uproar and i take a blame to punish me they decided to put for house arrest because i burn the trees accidentally.i was put on home arrest for 1 week,it is quite good actually the day i return i found out the drama was big success because the actress already recovered.but because of it i often found lunchbox for me well i need to pay for the trees to take care of it but because of free lunchbox i don't mind.
"You are really amazing,no one can think that in spar moment.because of that the parents won't be mad because it is plausible and the drama will be successful because the actress strain will be cured once the uproar finished."(Tsukihime)
"All of are only coincidence,i only search for a reason to skip out,to safe my self and get free holiday!!"(Takuya0
to think she get all of this how long she has been watching me?she only smiled.fu the rest are hard to get because all of them i do it secretly only 1 or two people knows.the first was very obvious so it is easy for her to record but i doubt she follow me 24 hours.
"Hmm really?"(Tsukihime)
Takuya daily life(Middle School)Best moment 4
"don't worry about it,thins like giving help to neighbor give chair to old people while pretending to go toilet ,put some money to some classmate that really needs i, i already record them all and one more this video is last for 2 hours~~"(Tsukihime)
"What!!!!!!Then i has been targeted since middle school?"(Takuya)
"Yep,knowing how amazing you i already decided to make you my husband but you awe more and more since i watch you.even if you suck on CZO the worst thing you can be my vice leader because you has good charisma but your ability go beyond my expectation,for now instead of studying or training in CZO we should watch video about how amazing are you ."(Tsukihime)
....if i watch this i will be crazy,then suddenly she turned on the sound.don't tell me...
"OF course the video has sound of it,so no matter you look away.~~~D-E-A-R.Let's watch how awesome you are ~~~ don't worry even IF accidentally you delete it i have still 3 copies with me for our children~~"(Tsukihime)
2 hours later...
Please just killl me..she untie me half of the video but my life is already zero...
"You are really a good kid that pretend to be naughty,never change since you save me before."(Tsukihime)
what does she mean?forget it i am dying here.
"It was in middle school,you save me from the kidnapper who kidnapped me remember?You alone give them beating then untie me and go to school as usual."(Tsukihime)
,,,ah i remember it,i think because i can get some money by threat them but instead i save girl i don't know and i never met.don't tell me...she is that girl!!!THEN WHAT I HAVE DONE!!! I HAVE SAVE THE DEVIL ITSELF!!!WHAT I HAVE DONE!!!I DO ALL OF THAT BECAUSE MY HERO SYNDROME !!!!
Because i like anime,i often like a hero when i was in middle school,but since i found it embarrassing in highschool i never act like or that what i plan to...because it still active..all of this because my sister...if only sister doesn't recommend me anime like GU**DAM,S*O,ACC*L WO*RLD,CO*DE,GE**SS, maybe this won't happen,,,
"Since then i fall in love with you and has been waiting you since long time to log in CZO,finally we have become partner we will always stay together no matter what."(Tsukihime)
Stalker+CUTE+RICH+NICE GIRL(Outside)+Genius+STRONG+Extreme Love=Only miracle can save you.
"First,let's eat after that we will log in CZO.there is so many you need to learn,but we have so much time so let's learn slowly.
what should i do...A normal way of escape cannot save way,something something to use to save myself.i must concentrate my future life is at stake here.time flies the dinner already set a fried rice for me and her..i got an idea!! IF i try to jerk myself by saying her food is disgusting maybe i can make some time to run no matter how delicious your food i will say it disgusting.kukuku finally i can have escape.as i put the food in my mouth.THIS IS!!!!
"How is it ?I learn cook for you."(Tsukihime)
It was too delicious that i can't even describe it.Hana cooking are really good but her are on god level.
"Glad you are like it,i already have train for our future live,"(Tsukihime)
What you don't mean...
"I already master everything about become do house work."(Tsukihime)
Stalker+CUTE+RICH+NICE GIRL(Outside)+Genius+STRONG+EXTREME LOVE+GOOD WIFE=Not even a god can save you,beside why you should run?You will marry goddess.
nonononononono,Such a thing must not be happen,I WILL NEVER GET MARRIED!!!!!!I WILL STAY SINGLE FOREVER!!!
"Such a thing is futile,even if you don't want i only need to force you."(Tsukihime)
She is too well planed.. now i understand it isn't just in game,in real too....her int already 600 while i am only 200 at best...such a thing there is no need to fight...
Hmm?My phone rings...
"Takuya,where are you?"(Hana)
"I am in tsukihime house."(Takuya)
"No,which room are you in?"(Hana)
why she ask that ?Immediately the door was forced to open..ah...i forgot ..she is the daughter of ultimate soldier that live beside my house.even if she weak at game,she is the greatest to do such a thing.
"Sorry for wait,let's return takuya."(Hana)
Tsukihime already silence me then tied me after that she pick up 2 shinai and throw it to her.
"Hana-san,looks like the number 1 in school we need to decide now!!!"(Tsukihime)
"Fine for me,Hime-san i won't lose!!"(Hana)
then they begin to fight,now i should escape if you hang me and tied me than i could escape.because when she put me into the trolley my hands cannot reach the pocket but now i can..after that i cut the rope i escape from windows using the trees as stepping i jump again and arrive at ground.
...i play in port cafe far from here.i pay and logged on then found myself on the city.for now i should gather money to buy personal room.A quest that only needs one people...as i search around i found some quest about killing Death knight after accepting the quest i go the location there i meet death knight .a zombie that wear a full armor of knight with black color it has swords and shield.
"Are you one of the suicide candidate?"(Death Knight)
"quit talking,i am not in good mood myself,let's just fight."(Takuya)
This days my life doesn't end well,so i am in bad mood now.as we draw our sword the battle begin it only end span 5 second.i dash to him in reflect he put up his shield.i slide myself from under of him while cut one of his leg after that i balance myself then try to slice his neck.
"SHADOW Shield!!"(Death knight)
A shield made of shadow appear in front of him no there is 8 shield..
Abilities huh,then i should active one of mine.
"Defense cancel ."(Takuya)
This abilities allow me to cancel enemy defensive skill ,it is one of popular skill even though the cooldown are 10 minutes.
then i slice his head,her health bar down to 75%,looks like what CZO says are correct a monster will have hp bar unlike player and some of them have their own unique skills.
"KAKAKA!!!Now i will sacrifice myself!!!DARK-"(Death Knight)
"After image strike!!"(Takuya)
i slice him again,this skill allows me to multiply the damage 3 times if it was done by normal attack.it cooldowns are 2 minutes.
"Impossible!!Your majesty!!!!"(Death Knight)
Quest complete!!!it appears in front of me after that i notice the death knight drop something?A sword?Well let put in inventory for now.then i got a call from tsukihime.
"I won!!Now where are you?We need to legalized our partnership."(Tsukihime)
~_~ Hana lose,she is too damn strong..maybe i should try to fight her?But i don't like hurting girls.well forget it nor i can do anything.
"In Death knight graveyard."(Takuya)
"What do you do there?i am on way now."(Tsukihime)
"Killing death knight."(Takuya)
"I see,what you got?Eye?Iron scrap?Don't sell any of them because all of them are expensive material."(Tsukihime)
i notice her footstep from the call looks she on the way here.
"No,i only got a sword."(Takuya)
"WAIT!!Takuya what is your luck?"(Tsukihime)
???haven't i told you before?well it doesn't matter.
"The chance are only 0,0004 percent and you still get one?Just how lucky are you?even me farming 1 year still not get it."(Tsukihime)
Really?I don't think it anything special though.well maybe i should give it to her.because to me newbie this is useless.
"I will give it to you.but please teach me more about weapon crafting ."(Takuya)
if i ask her normally then i worried she ask for anything weird.it is better by giving to her anyway compared to sell it not knowing the price.
"Gladly!!!!!!Wait for it i will boost my speed!!!"(Tsukihime)
her footstep stop,then i heard some motorcycle engine....
"WAIT FOR ME,DEAR!!"(Tsukihime)
holy cow...a motorcycle?I heard it cost you a lot to get one..well she have play for long time it is normal....i just hope she doesn't crash to me...
Hmmm?A swarm of people surrounded me.if i give the sword to him....then tsukihime will be mad=i will be punished=the punishment will be bad= something that can kill me.It is a pain for me,well but you suicide candidate are the one who asking.beside this is good warming up. isn't it?
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