《Chaos Zone online(CZO)》Prologue:Welcome to CZO
Year 2050
Youth city.
High school of romance
Class 1-1
"Life is so boring"(?????)
I sighed as i say that ,i don't have anything to motivate me ,be it romance ,friendship i don't care about it.What i want is simple something that give stimulus to my life. A goal to achieve.
Sigh..Can the earth be attacked by alien or some supernatural group try to conquer or the world anything?It maybe fun to see that.
"Just where are you looking Takuya?Is my lesson that boring?"(Teacher)
A child with twin tail wear a teacher uniform.Even though she is this tiny she is 24 years old and often drinking beer.why i know this much?Does i has a relationship with her?Well yes.by the way she bring a shinai with her.
"Nee-san your lesson are too boring~~~~~~~~~"(Takuya)
"Hoo?Rebel like always eh?Then could you finish all of those question in the black board?"(Nee-san)
She point the black board with shinai if you wondering how could she write even though she is so short.that is simple because she order her underling to write..if you move your gaze a bit then you will see a student with yakuza look.actually he tried to rebel at first day but beat in a single move by nee-san now he is the one who follows nee-san everywhere.nee-san have many follower like that even on this city.
"no,too easy for me."(Takuya)
I just answer the truth,now it was math lesson.which i found very boring because of that i often sleep in this class.
"Hoo?Then answer that in 1 line!!IF you are right then you feel free to do anything."(Nee-san)
i have been waiting for that world~~~now i can sleep.
"number one X=15,y=19 ,number two x=31,Y=24,Z=-1,number three A=2,=B -19,Z=12,Number four C,D and E = 21,and number 5 all of the symbol is 3 except X which is 2.that's is nee-san can i go sleep now?"(Takuya)
Nee-san face cramped,well i often see it so my answer right,then i will go to sleep.then a shinai hit my head.it freaking hurts !!!
"Looks like you need to teach some lesson huh,you little naughty brother!!"(Nee-san)
once again i was bullied by nee-san..
After school.
"Ow,ow....my head hurts....."(Takuya)
I went straight home,well i kind of person that join go-home club i found them very boring and a pain.i rub my head as i walk home.But i didn't walk alone though.
"Takuya,it is your fault to sleep in class,i mean even though you always number 1 in school,it is still wrong to sleep in class."(A female student?")
A pony tailed girl with ribbon walk beside me,her figure is great ,she is beautiful ,and one of school Idol in my school also my childhood friend .her names is Hana Ichiyose .
"Hana,don't you have club today?"(Takuya)
we call each other by first name because she insist on it,well because of that she often cook at my home even though nee-san give hostility to her because her figure,she still let hana do the cooking.even though hana is our neighbor it still too much to let her do the cooking so i often help her.still,isn't she having kendo practice?
"Thanks to you for break 5 shinai and 2 windows.we cancelled today."(Hana)
"I just dodging,it is nee-san who break the windows and shinai."(Takuya)
If i try to fight back then the club room will be in situation far worse.but i don't want it..
"Then you should accept your punishment like a man!!"(Hana)
"No way!!That hit isn't human!!"(Takuya)
Just where my sister get strength ?Her body maybe one of the seven wonder of the world though.
"Even though i has been waiting for today practice because you finally would come and watch me."(Hana)
Ugh,i feel guilty now.maybe i should treat her some food.
"let's go eat outside,it is my treat."(Takuya)
She pout,ah fu ck i messed up.
"You think i am cheap woman ?takuya?"(Hana)
"Sorry,sorry then what i should do hana?"(Takuya)
She immediately smile and humming
"Help me In CZO!! it is coincidence that Port Cafe is near."(Hana)
Port Cafe is cafe that prepare capsule for us.The capsule is necessary for us to play virtual reality game.and CZO is the number one game online in the world though i don't know why.still it must be the same as other games.
"no thanks,i doesn't has interest in such because when i play FPS with you it was to easy."(Takuya)
"Because you too goddamn acrobatic !!I mean what kind of guy that snipe while jumping!!how the hell you jump over the cliff while carry Machine gun!!"(Hana)
she gets angry at me,once she ask me to play with her and show her no mercy,after that she quit the game though and my name become legend.well near all of it because my nee-san spartan training.
"Anyway hana won't i won't be useless?I mean fantasy game like that depend on level.i doubt myself can i help you with low-level ."(Takuya)
"Don't worry~~~That game certainly fantasy but i doesn't has level system.so everyone from veteran have the same stat.only skill matter...what's more it has great variation of skill ,weapons even clothes.the number even achieve 10 thousand.it ranges from magic,martial art,sword tech,gun ,psychic and many more.the best feature actually you could create your own weapon and modified your stat as you fit.but before that let me fight you ."(Hana)
the one who create game sure is diligent.10 thousand skills,weapon and clothes.really hearing that i become more lazy.but she is hot blooded as ever.
"Don't worry,i doubt you can beat me one on one,i am veteran and you are newbie."(Hana)
her remark makes me want to take challenge.
"Don't cry if bully you."(Takuya)
"Just try it~~"(Hana)
looks she was really confident with it.still 10 thousand skills...aw...we go to port cafe then i pay for 2 hours.
"hmm~~i doubt you can beat me in two hours takuya."(Hana)
"Fine,i will pay for 4 hours."(Takuya)
i don't like when she belittle me ,her face are so annoying that i want to beat her up when she belittle me.for this game the capsule will scan us.so we don't need id to play one nor we can create a different id.what a nice feature it will be a pain to register each time every time i play new game.s i lay inside capsule as my consciousness begin to fade and i wake up in white horizon.i look around and found it rather amazing until a A.I welcome me.
"Welcome to CZO,in this world you are free to customize your own character.for now what should i call you?"(A.I)
a virtual keyboard appear in front of me,rather interesting...i type takuya after that i click enter.
"There is 54.332 registered under that name.will you register yourself as takuya?"(A,I)
That much?Maybe i should add a little...hmm what goods..ah i am to lazy to create one.
it my common nick to put the game name behind my name if there is already my name registered.well who cares.
"No one has register that name yet.Will you play as takuya(CZ0)?"(A.I)
after i registered there is a picture with my name welcoming to CZO.
"Do you wish to change your appearance?."(A.I)
There is a question appear and also choice a choice yes or no.i choose no.
"Please use clothes we prepared."(A.I)
a list of thousand clothes appear in front of me..as i hurried to search clothes that fit my usual appearance when i go out.after the process my clothes change from uniform to this clothes.what a convenient game.
"Please modify your character ability."(A.I)
A profile data of me appear with 7 stats.Str,Vit,Int,Agl,Spd,Lck,Tlnt.
Str=Strength ,it links with offensive point for melee weapon and status that required for holding weapon.the higher mean greater offensive strength to penetrates shield or armor.for example if you strength is 200 and weapon power 200 hundred you can penetrates enemy that that have armor 350 and Vit 25.if it hit vital point like heads and hearts you will lose.
Vit=Vitality, it links with defensive point and help you withstand enemy attack .the higher means more attacks you can withstand as long it doesn't hit vital point.
Int=intelligence,it links ability to use magic,magic offensive power and how much magic could you cast.for example if you has 100 intelligence than you has 1000 thousand mp you could cast fireball which cost 50 mp and its strength depend on your magic and magic multiplier .in this case fireball multiplier is 2x then it will be 200 offensive strength.it also requirement to use some modern weapon.
agl=Agility,it links to reaction of one person and cast speed for spells and reload .for reaction the higher then the faster you could react.for example 200 agility means you can see the bullet which aim at you.for casting speed it works like this chant for fireball is 10 seconds is worth 10 agility.if you has 100 agility then you could cast fireball in 1 second.for reload it needs both speed and agility.
"Spd=Speed,it links how fast could person move,for example at 300 speed you could easily run bypass bullet.but it was suggested to has the same point so it could work well.well i kinda understand ,i mean if we run at max speed and our reaction speed is zero then we run to the wall and we died which isn't funny.
"Lck=luck,it links with drop rate,for example 10 lck will get 1%drop rate and 100 luck will get 10%drop rate.i don't care about it though.
Tlnt:Initial how many abilities you can have .the initial one is 12 for extra 25 point you can add 1.there is no passive abilities there is only active one.each active abilities has cooldown.for example sword bash is 7 seconds.you can use it again when 7 second have passed.
hmm,what should i do..for now there is only common ability.you can unlock more by clearing quest and dungeon or buy it from other player.
"hmm this should do ."(Takuya)
we only given 1000 point and you can't get more than that.no matter what quest you do.
fuh all start start with one so i add the point for it until becomes now.i also 12 abilities which i just put some awakening type abilities and abilities that boost your stat for while.
"Please choose your weapon ."(A.I)
I choose one handed sword.a blue one handed sword.it longs same as shinai and its offensive power is 200 hundred.it is only require 50 strength.
i swing it around.how long since i hold shinai ?since that accident.well there is no need to remember about it nor i want to remember about that.after that i arrive on the city.this city was huge what's more it is so crowded..aw...then i notice a picture phone in front of me.i try to hit the picture then i heard Hana voice.
"You rather fast.Takuya~~~i will send you invite to my private PVP room where many people will watch us.."(Hana)
"watch you being bullied?"(Takuya)
"geez,aren't it the reverse?anyway i will send you invitation."(Hana)
As she say that.immediately a invitation come.i click accept then i teleport to PVP area,this is Moonlight tree.it was 1000 meter long and wide.the tree is sure giant though.then there is this flying word
are you ready?
immediately i draw my sword.then i see danger warning from side,i immediately move back.a bullet went past me...so she is gunner.her accuracy was aiming at my head.fuh
"Still agility lover huh?then how about this."(Hana).
a rain of fireball swarm past me i jump then a rain of bullet swarm pass me i dodge by using my first ability that i choose.it allows to dash in air for 3 second and cooldown is 30 second then use wall run that allows to walk and jump from wall or tree for 1 minutes cooldown 5 minutes.both of them was rated 1 star from 5 star because the cooldown and usefulness to me it is useful though.i move at fast speed and found her.her appearance stay the same only change of clothes.
"You acrobatic!!"(Hana)
she try to run but our distance grown fast at alarming rate.
"You fall for it!!today is my won!!"(Hana)
she set a mine.oh it will explode and there is danger of shown.by the way the danger was shown because my ability killing intent reading.it will show any attack aimed toward me.its activation is ten minutes and 60 minutes cooldown.well i know she will surprise me because her favorite weapon is gun though.3rd ability shadow moves.it allows me to move past anything and run faster for 3 second period times which makes me be invisible for that time but cooldown is 21 second.i move past her and appear behind her.
"Bye hana-san."(Takuya)
"I know you will take that technique!"(Hana)
she parry my sword with her sword but slowly i push her.then she try to shot me but i already circled around here and put my sword on her neck.
"Give up?"(Takuya)
"I surrender."(Hana)
"Match concluded,WINNER TAKUYA(CZO)"
immediately hana fell on her knees.
"Takuya what is your status?"(Hana)
"200 strength and 400 agility and 400 speed.the rest are one."(Takuya)
"WHAT THE HELL?400 agility and 400 speed!! That explain your speed and reaction.still extreme as ever ."(Hana)
she open her jaws. surprised.
"anyway,what do you want me to help?After helping you i will log out."(Takuya)
what a boring game..i want to go home then watch anime at home.i also become the room master of this room.suddenly a invitation for pvp appear in front of me.Okita koyuki?
"okita koyuki!!!!she is one of the seven wonder of COZ,because she rarely appears in public and her skill become legend."(Hana)
i reject it,i don't plan to play this games so i reject the pvp.but another invitation pop up.
"Just accept it.beside this is public channel once you out you will be swarmed.if you accept it i will help you to get out~~~i want to see her fighting!!"(Hana)
sigh,looks i invite the disaster by myself.and her eyes were glittered with stars.looks like i need to give in.
i accept her invitation then i arrive on white room where there is no cover.then i notice a girl with long black hair and tied with ribbon wear some ancient clothing from showa era. with spear and katana,she is also wear a mask..dual wield..looks like this won't be easy ..then i notice hana appear beside me so she was appear beside me.then a sentence appear above her it was written..
No abilities use.
"fine by me..let's start."(Takuya)
"Takuya,wait a minute!!"(Hana)
ignoring hana ,the match started and we start our clash.immediately she thrust her spear toward my neck i barely dodge it.so fast.then she wing her katana vertically i move aside then try to slash her hand but she jump to my back and try to cut my head while in the air i turn around and parry it then tried to stab me with her spear .it will be my lose if just dodging.i do a somersault to her then she thrown into air while i fall to the ground.she immediately recover her balance and stand on her own.i too stand up fast then we immediately stand up.she throw her spear to me .i grab it then spin it around prepare to shot it back..i still can lift it it wasn't that heavy if i have enough str to lift it.
"but i as i throw it she already in front of me.i try to stab her head,but she dodge it,.then i release my grip.noticing it she try to stop me by slicing vertically so i squat down and sweep her leg.but she already jumped and grab her spear try to stab me.i roll back.
as i regain my balance she already in front of me point her katana on my neck.i also point my sword on her neck.
"It is draw.."(Hana)
Her speed and reaction is faster than me.just what is she....
"No ,Hana it is my lose.."(Takuya)
her spear was stab the ground beside me....she is strong..
"Takuya,let's talk again at school."(Okita)
She whisper me,from her voice i know she is a girl around my age and she is this strong.just what is she?Why i don't notice it.after that saying that she logged out.
the match was concluded my win because she log out.but still it is my lost.
"Takuya,are you fine?"(Hana)
"This is interesting!!Okita next time i won't lose!!!i will fight again with you!!"(Takuya)
Finally i can cure my boredom to this world.This game i decided...
"Hana,let's go here again tomorrow.this game is interesting!!"(Takuya)
She is one of top player right?Then there is still stronger person than her.it will be fun..this game will be fun!!!!
- In Serial272 Chapters
12 Miles Below
The world is in ruins. Extreme sub-zero temperatures suffocate the surface, making even simple survival an ordeal. Frozen derelicts of bygone eras span across massive ice wastes. And the elite few hoard any technology rediscovered within. The only escape from the deadly climate is beneath the surface. But it’s another disaster underground. Monstrous machines lurk in the depths. Unhinged demigods war against them, dying over and over, treating it all like a game. The land itself shifts over time, more contraption than rock. And an ominous prophecy states that the key to everything waits at the last level - but nobody’s ever reached that far. When an expedition into the far uncharted north goes terribly wrong, Keith Winterscar and his father get trapped together in a desperate fight for survival. Stumbling upon an ancient power struggle of titanic scale; the two will need to set their differences aside while they struggle against Gods, legends, and the grand secrets of the realm that lies below. Updating Monday and Thursdays. Discord can be found here (This is a shared discord server with other books.)WARNING: This series is ridiculously filled with spoilers, every book has multiple reveals. One of the main draws of the series is to figure out why things are the way they are, and then slowly start narrowing down your own theories until the reveals hit. Discord was made for up-to-date readers since there's no way to really police spoilers. Don't join until you're current!!
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