《7 Dragons and Princess》Chapter 12:Warm village
A week has been passed since we started our travel to the next city,for now we plan to rest at the nearby village.if i am not wrong it will be only one hour walk from here,though our supply is fine i am tired mentally because of her.
"Umu your guard are so solid,even at night i tried to sleep with you,you will immediately moved or brushed me aside."(Hikari)
goddamn it,why she is far more offensive now?i don't remember say anything good to this girl.really i will never get used to her.of course eliza at first panic but she already get used it,because all of hikari's effort are in vain.Then i heard some footstep ,i halt everyone movement .this heavy footstep and i heard some iron rustling.
"Let's hide for now."(Ezax)
"Someone coming?"(Hikari)
i nod then we hide behind trees and after a moment 5 squad of knight went past us,that symbol....Spirado kingdom?what are they doing in this neutral areas?
"Spirado kingdom,that kingdom hasn't got any good reputation."(Hikari)
"Yes,i heard they often do meaningless killing."(Eliza)
still they had the highest security because the king doesn't want to take risk,but the villager was rather poor compared to other village cause expensive tag.thought that's why i don't visit the kingdom so often. i see their breastplate is clean which proof the village was safe.i also don't smell any blood from them.
"Let's go rest at village for one day then we would go to the next city."(Ezax)
"Yes."(Hikari and Eliza)
after a moment we arrive at the village,the village was very dirty many wines bottle or beer bottle found at the ground,then i see some villager hold their stomach.looks they indeed threaten the villager to give all of their food or treasure..i also notice some building are destroyed.i tightly gripped my fist.then we go to nearby inn.i plan to rent some room.
"I apologize young adventurer,our village doesn't has many food left,what's more many of our bed are messy.that's why for now no room available ."(Inn keeper)
from the way she talk ,she must be thinking us a noble.still isn't it should be 50 years old man?why it is 20 years old women.
"May i check the room?"(Ezax)
"please forgive me ,but the bedroom can't be used,please understand."(Inn keeper)
Ignoring her i go to second floor and check the bedroom immediately,i found the bed leg was broken and the sheet was torn.i check the window and see all of the crop has some footprints on it.
"So horrible."(Hikari)
"I feel so ashamed to call them as knight,a knight should protect its country!!!"(Eliza)
both of them mad,well at least there is no casualty.
"Nee-san , would you guide me where the elder is?"(Ezax)
The Inn keeper brought me to elder.the elder is the one who rule this town.it has been 5 years since i last meet him.
the elder home was more ransacked ,then i notice the sword on the ceiling was gone,it was silver sword symbol of this village .Hikari and Eliza followed behind me.
"Adventurer,what brought you here?"(Elder)
"Elder would you mind please tell me?what happens here?"(Ezax)
i was concerned,did this really an simple Extortion or ?
"Adventurer you mustn't pry into our village matter,if not you will be killed."(Elder)
I see,then the more i can't stand this,besides i owe you much more.
"What happens to the village symbol and any casualties?"(Ezax)
"Adventurer ,i am afraid i cannot tell you.."(Elder)
"Just tell me!"(Ezax)
the knight already got in my nerves,this will decide their punishment.the elder and hikari was taken aback from my shout.Eliza also surprised.
"For now there is only three people injured and one kidnapped.our village symbol was taken by the captain.also all of our food was taken by the knight from before."(Elder)
"Is it the inn keeper fine?"(Ezax)
"Yes,even though he is heavily wounded."(Elder)
....that guy if i am not wrong has 2 daughter,the elder one was the one who become the clerk for now .there is big chance the little girl was kidnapped because she was rather beauty what's more the innkeeper must try to protect her daughter.what a scum they are..
"Hikari,Eliza stay here protect the village."(Ezax)
"Don't tell me you gonna snatch back it alone?Please let me go with you."(Hikari)
"It will be faster if i go alone.Just wait for me elder i will return everything taken from them.'(Ezax)
"Please,it will be impossible for you!!what's more if someone escape your head will be in danger,don't worry we still has enough food for ourselves,you don't need to risk your life!!!"(Elder)
This elder is rather crafty,but he is also kind toward other people that's why this village could live this long.he must forget about me.so i will remind him.
"Elder,you already paid me before."(Ezax)
"What do you mean,young one?"(Elder)
i just smiled,then exit the village after far enough i summon fafnir.
"Fafnir,please lend me your power."(Ezax)
"Sure,they get on my nerve to begin with."(Fafnir)
we go fly to the direction they were going before...all of your punishment is dead..
after 20 minutes flies i found them...
found them...
"Fafnir if you see any escapes just half kill them."(Ezax)
wear some mask ,i Jump from fafnir then use dragon magic.
Dragon magic light element ..
Soul wing blade
3 blade apears behind my back form a wing .just before i hit the ground i use dragon magic wind force to lessen the impact
"Hey who are you?"(Knight)
slice ,i slashed him but it did not kill him..because fafnir ability is mental attack.OF course if i do the mental attack on the one who was passed out they will die.but i won't do that it will only stained my clothes.well i will answer his question though.
"A grim reaper send to kill you guys!!"(Ezax)
Narrator POV
2 hours later.
Elder House.
"That guy don't tell me he planned to take back everything!!Agh he should bring me with him!!!what kind of MC that leave his heroine alone!!!"(Hikari)
"Hikari,instead grumbling we should protect the village."(Eliza)
"Yeah,i know .."(Hikari)
They were keep alert ,especially hikari because she keep using Heat detection which is light based magic that made heat get red color.still all she see only villager heat or eliza's and grew bored....
"Hikari-san just asking,why you fall in love with master?I understand master is amazing,but isn't it your dream to marry a kind and dependable person?Master is dependable but i am pretty sure he isn't kind at you"(Eliza)
"????What do you mean Eliza?Didn't ezax treated me kindness?"(Hikari)
Eliza shake her head,because Ezax never ever once act kind so she know that is only one sided love from hikari.what's more Hikari often hit by paper fan.
"So cruel!!!!if he really that evil then i will be already killed..he never once do an impossible quest at us right?For example like 2 days ago.he will help us because there is stray beast nearby isn't it?after we tired can't move anymore he cook delicious food for us.it is already proof that he is kind guy.he is just tsundere toward me."(Hikari)
Eliza can only smile wryly ,yes her master kind but she is one hundred percent sure that he doesn't has any romantic interest to her.Even if she say that she doubt it could change her mind.All she can do is see.
"Hey ,Eliza why you left knighthood?Isn't it your dream to become knight?"(Hikari)
Surprised by hikari sudden question,Eliza couldn't answer anything what she knows she join knighthood so she can protect her only friend.Because her blood everyone make a distance from her..that's why she wants to protect her first friend Hikari by quit the knighthood.
"If it is me,because i want to protect you hikari-san my only friend.my dream become knight so i could be your knight but you run away so do my knighthood."(Eliza)
"Thanks Eliza,Let's be friend forever!!"(Hikari)
Eliza nod her head.then she heard some footstep.it was two person footstep.After a moment ezax and the hostage was seen ,Ezax clothes doesn't has any blood at it nor the hostage 15 years old girl.
"Ezax,What took you so long!!!!If you took this long you should bring me."(Hikari)
"Hikari,You should fix your manner."(Ezax)
You returned after work and the first thing you hear was complain what kind of manner was that ?
"Master ,welcome back."(Eliza)
"Ah Thank you,You should go to your family."(Ezax)
The girl immediately return to the inn.after that many villagers come out give thanks to ezax.Ezax take every food and money from the knight then he put in middle of village .Including the symbol of the village.
"I don't know how we can repay you,after everything you has done to us."(Elder)
"it is fine,i owe this village my life after all."(Ezax)
"Owe life?What do you mean?"(Elder)
"Elder!!!Allow me to thank him!!"(Inn keeper)
the Bulky guy who is the real innkeeper was bandaged and helped by his daughter come to me.
"Ha,really you like a mummy.Five years and uncle turned into mummy."(Ezax)
mummy is famous monster from desert where many ruin there,there is rumor says mummy is human from past and the ruin was their home.
"That way of talk !!You are that dragoon boy!!!"(Innkeeper)
"Yeah,the dragoon boy that you guys saved once."(Ezax)
Ezax still remember this whole village hide ezax and treat ezax like their own villager,also he spend 2 years here training.it has been 5 years since he return.this village doesn't rich or anything.it just warm.Because he is too busy with quest and get money for returning he never got a chance until today.
"Ezax kun,thanks for helping this village and welcome back...no matter what we always welcome you."(Elder)
"Thanks for that elder."(Ezax)
many villager gave thanks to ezax.but hikari didn't expect to see Ezax Smile this warmly....he rarely smiles. but his smiles today is so warm.Eliza cry...to begin with eliza is the kind of person who cries easily .Hikari already expect this...
"Let has party!!!Party of ezax return!!!"(Innkeeper)
"Hey,hey!!!You food is on the emergency line here..."(Ezax)
"Don't worry,we only need to capture some Boar or anything.don't you agree everyone!!"(Innkeeper)
Ezax sighed while scratch his head.This village is really amazing in its way,it makes him remember his farewell party..
"I kinda expect this so i capture 15 boar on way home."(Ezax)
if the party doesn't happen he can cook it..so it is fine.
"AS EXPECTED FROM EZAX!!!Everyone today we has party."(Innkeeper)
Hikari eyes immediately knows what this mean.this is a chance to get approval of the whole village..now she must introduce herself!!but before she could grab Ezax hands someone already grabbed it!
"Ezax!!So it is really you !Thank you for saving me today!!!"(Hostage)
It is the girl who saved by ezax before...to think a girl could grab his hand....she never even allowed to grab his hands.
"Lin can you release me first,my hands is hurting you know."(Ezax)
he treated her kindly..if it was hikari it would hit her..at the same time Lin release her grab.
"Sorry,i am just too happy ,because it has been 5 years since we part..Ezax,let's talk at my home.."(Lin)
Hikari immediately knows...she is a...RIVAL!!!!!!!
"Ezax,what are you doing ?let's help the village cook the meat,because the meat we cook is superb!!!"(Hikari)
Compared to ezax ,hikari still amateur but her persistent help her at this kind of work.that's why when they work together the food will be more delicious.it is also a way to drag ezax from her.
"Ah,right.sorry lin let's talk at another time"(Ezax)
"Let me help too."(Eliza)
"Ah thank you!!!"(Ezax)
the innkeeper who watch this smile wryly then say
"Wow,5 years gone and he is already lady killer what's more all of them are beautiful not lose to you Lin.I really want to put in his position."(Innkeeper)
lin immediately stamp his foot..
"What are you saying idiot father.i won't lose to them you just watch."(Lin)
"aw it hurts.....would you release me first!!"(Innkeeper)
"Lin,if you only confess 5 years ago maybe the outcome will be different."(Innkeeper)
Lin can only regret her childhood.if only she grow more intimate to him....she took it to lightly.
"let me help you lin."(InnKeeper)
the innkeeper cough then he talk with serious face.
"Ezax,you are 16 years old right?how about live here and marry my daughter Lin?"(Innkeeper)
the village immediately become silent.they also interested in this matter.but ezax still continue calm.
"I refuse."(Ezax)
Flat no tone ,Ezax keep slicing the meat.even though this is one of his favorite village and the the villager already save him.but he has no intention to stay here.
"heh?Why?Isn't lin a beatiful girl?Or you are a gay?"(Innkeeper)
"because I am not interested in younger girl."(Ezax)
the villager open their jaws just for something simple like that?you refuse the marriage with the most beautiful girl in the village?lin immediately feel like stabbed...if only she was born earlier...damn..while hikari glad...even thought it is only 1 years older ,she still older than him.
"Don't think bad of me,that is part of the reason,the real reason is because i need to return to my family,my family is waiting for me!!!my only family who left in the world."(Ezax)
the reason he refuse,because he won't allow himself until he can reunite with his family.his dad says his mother and sister won't be killed.that's why he must reunite with them and save them.until that day come he can't stay here.
"I see,anyway if you already meet your family return here.this is your home right."(Innkeeper)
Hikari found it weird...isn't it a great taboo for dragoon to married another race?Why Ezax family survived?even high class noble in dragoon kingdom will be killed.she though he only return because he want to visit their graves...looks like her thinking was too naive.
after that everyone party happily and dance,but ezax don't dance...Hikari and eliza also do that..if eliza are so rigid at dance and more interested in training.hikari only want to dance with ezax..after the party over and everyone fall asleep ezax go to nearby hill and watch the moon again...it is ezax habit to watch moon at night.
"Hikari,how often do you want to follow me?"(Ezax)
"until i know you more than anyone.one more thing Ezax are you a prince?"(Hikari)
Hikari conclude this...if ezax doesn't get killed when he was baby maybe because his parent went run with him,but his family survived then it means it holds position in kingdom...but not a normal position...it is royalty.only one who can get bypass that kind of law..it is the creator..
"I see for princess you are really to sharp.you know politic too much..but well it will get out sooner or later.i will tell you about my past..but if you told anyone i would kill you."(Ezax)
Ezax even though act like a jerk toward hikari,hikari still sincere to him.because she truly loved him which is considered a pain.maybe if he tells the story maybe she will choose another person.
"Ezax,i promise won't tell anyone!!"(Hikari)
- In Serial72 Chapters
The Court of Souls?
Author's Comment: I was asked about reading my work on other sites. The answer is simple: Currently I am not active in any other networks than royalroadl.com. Only here, I correct mistakes and errors. If you read it anywhere else and have to pay for it, or have to deal with an annoying amount of advertisement, You Are Being Betrayed. You would do good if you make other people in that network aware of it. This is a free project of mine for the purpose of having fun. And if people try to make money with it you shouldn't bother visiting their website. The only one whom I actually allowed to have my work on his website is Armaell who invested the time to compile them into pdf. (http://armaell-library.net/author/andur) ——————————————————————————————— Reading Order of the Multiverse-Books ——————————————————————————————— What do we talk about tonight? ~“How about a story?”~ Fine by me. Which story? Hopefully a good one. ~“There was once a lonely child in a world filled with myths, gods and demons. Only power counted there and the weak were worse than cattle. A world where survival of the fittest ruled.”~ Was it strong then? ~“No, but the child had a power. One that made him stand between light and darkness. Nothing could escape him, so he was shunned by his people.”~ What did he do? Did he fight his fate? Did he hide his power? What was it? ~“Oh, he fought. He fought a lot. And no thing could escape his power. It was something that everyone had to live with.”~ So he became a hero and changed the world? ~“…”~ Tell me. ~“Nooo, that's not how the story goes. This isn't a story of a noble man, doing good amidst a sea of monsters. This is a story of a demon who was... kinder than the rest.”~ A kind demon? How boring. ~“I think it would be better if I tell the story, so you can judge for yourself.”~ So tell the story!
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