《A New World? I'll Do What I Want!》Chapter 8 - Swimsuits, Powers, and Phobias
I'm back after almost a month, the government took away some income and so I had to get a job =/
On another note, does anyone else think I say 'Fuck' too much? Samuel L Jacskson is my jam!
Since we're currently inside of a clothing store I sent the girls off to find some things to wear. Sadly I was wearing the only unused bulletproof vest, or I would give one to each of them.
I walked over to the dead ogre and tried to use Turn Undead, but like I thought, nothing happened. I'd need at least Intermediate Necromancy to revive him.
Kicking the dead ogre over I picked up the Axe
Splitting Axe[tr]
An axe from another world, it's of great quality.
Damage: 200 - 250
Requirements: Warrior Profession, 25 STR
"Hmm, not bad, he could tear through the goblins with ease now, though so could I..." (Xel)
"Hades, come here!" (Xel)
Hades walked over, and I handed him the Axe, he took it and bowed like usual. He walked to an empty area and began to practice.
"Huh, didn't know he could do that, or even had to" (Xel)
"Of course he does, when they're unsummoned do you think they just sit around? No, they train" (Light)
"So that's how Vanessa was able to control her magic better than me, during the time I dismissed them, they trained" (Xel)
"Mhm, thats how I knew the axe would travel with him when he's dismissed" (Dark)
After using a bit of astral projection to peek on the girls, I decided to try out telekinesis.
I take out one of the rifle bullets from the pouch at my waist and lift it into the air by concentrating.
"I wonder if this will become easier as time goes on" (Xel)
"It will, since you've never done something like this it'll take a bit, but soon it'll become second nature, for now just try to keep it in the air and moving around, once it becomes easier you can move on" (Light)
"Alright thanks" (Xel)
When I say I hope this becomes easier I meant it in many ways.
Right now it moves, but it's not very agile. Imagine a laggy computer, it's like that. It moves but not as quickly as I imagine it to.
When I get ahold of how to use it correctly it will start moving as fast as I can will it to. No lag time.
The other problem is that when I try to move it too fast there feels like there is a invisible force pushing back. Though the more I practice the more it seems to go away.
In the end I decided to train myself by having 3 bullets on my left and 3 on my right constantly suspended in midair and doing a slow rotation.
Why am I doing that? To make it feel like second nature to me. I always have the ammo pouch strapped to my hip, so I also replace the bullets with new ones using my mind every so often.
"You're getting quite good and even started rotating them, albeit slowly. It should have taken days to get that far" (Light)
"I think it's just because I understand the principles of it. If I were to try to use Telekinesis on something else it'd probably be difficult" (Xel)
"I'm just trying to accustom myself to the bullets. Thats all I intend to use this low level version for. I've also been practicing making a wall and pushing away incoming blades, but that still needs work." (Xel)
"I see, thats actually a good idea. The wall may cost mana but since the bullets are so small you regain any mana you'd lose faster than it can be used. You should probably forget about the wall and just focus of the push, but it's up to you" (Light)
"The wall is something multi functional, I can use it to block attacks, but I could also use it as a step" (Xel)
"OH! I didn't think of that. Ah! The girls are back" (Light)
POV Candi 20 minutes ago
After getting embarrassed master sent us off to find something to wear. While looking through the clothes I hear a conversation between Brandi and Sandy.
"Muu, if only master hadn't seen these bodies in that state" (Sandy)
"Yeah, after seeing his cute face I had to borrow that camera from Mandy before I could even think about picking anything out" (Brandi)
His face when blushing really was cute. Maybe I should borrow it too?
"Why isn't there anything erotic here?" (Sandy)
"It's a regular store they probably have some tight jeans and shirts but thats about it" (Brandi)
Hearing their struggle I can't help laughing
"Whats so funny? This just as big a problem for you as it is for us!" (Sandy)
"Mhm" (Brandi)
"You seem to forget, we're MILFs, if we were to wear a business suit, it'd be erotic. If we were to wear a bikini it'd be sexy, thats just how it is" (Candi)
"Ah! How could I forget about swimsuits? (Sandy)
"Ah! A Business suit, yes, that could work!" (Brandi)
As they ran off I saw Mandy putting on sweats... I guess I was wrong, not everything will be sexy.
"Hey what do you think you're wearing?" (Candi)
"I... Don't want to wear something flashy" (Mandy)
*Sigh* I guess thats fine, she seems different from me, brandi, and sandy, but when I take a look at the back of the hoodie, there's a picture of master... How did she even? Yandere power? No... We'll figure this out later, I should try to get on her good side as the elder sister though.
"Hmm, thats fine but shouldn't you have put the picture of master inside the front of your shirt? That way you can always be touching him? And when you're cold and put your arms and head inside it'll be like master is warming you up?" (Candi)
Mandy stared wide eyed at me for a moment before hugging me and running off to god knows where.
Huh... where did that idea come from? Such an idea... Now I want one too! Gah! Nevermind, it's fine i'll just entice him with the outfit I pick out. Fufufu... Maybe I am a bit yandere too?
When the girls came back I immediately sent Sandy back and told her to put on a t-shirt and Jeans... while I yelled at her on reflex it certainly came out sexy still.
As I stared at them, I began to think it'd be fine to*Sudden flashback to how they were* Nope... Nevermind.
Still the more I stared they redder their faces got.
Candi was wearing a sweatshirt and Jeans. The sweatshirt didn't hide as much as it should have... AT ALL
Mandy was wearing an identical sweatshirt but instead of jeans she was wearing sweatpants.
Brandi was wearing what I can only call a female CEO business suit. It hugged her curves perfectly... Damn.
Sandy was wearing the t-shirt and jeans that I told her to put on over her swimsuit, but it just made her look hotter somehow.
"Whats up with those hoodies?" (Xel)
"Don't worry about it" (Candi and Mandy)
"Erm... alright then..." (Xel)
I don't know what they're hiding, but it shouldn't cause any trouble, the slave contract makes sure of that.
"How does the EXP work for them Dark?" (Xel)
"While they're technically players, and they should receive the same amount as you each battle, it can be changed thanks to the slave contract" (Dark)
"So is there a pop up screen or?" (Xel)
"Here" (Dark)
With that a screen popped up asking what percent of EXP they get per kill.
"So it's like we're in a party now? But I decide how the EXP is divided?" (Xel)
"Yep, also there's another window, but lets save that for later" (Dark)
"What kind of window?" (Xel)
"Don't worry about it" (Dark)
"Fuck, always hiding shit from me" (Xel)
"Gahaha! It's all for your future enjoyment, it's not like it'll help you in any significant way so it's fine" (Dark)
"Fine, then set their EXP to... Wait can't I just let them all gain 100% and i'll gain 100% thanks to Arielles blessing?" (Xel)
"Holy... I didn't even think of that, yeah, that can work!" (Dark)
"Alright set it to that, now then whats the second part of the dungeon like?" (Xel)
"Bug infested" (Dark)
"System bug? Or insect?" (Xel)
"Insects" (Dark)
"Fuck fuck fuck... NO NO NO!" (Xel)
"Master! Whats wrong?" (Girls)
"NO no no NO NO NO NO NO" (Xel)
Hades walks over and bitch slaps me
"The fuck was that for?" (Xel)
He just shakes his head and walks away back to practicing.
"Master, are you ok? You were screaming" (Candi)
"Ah, so thats why I was bitch slapped... The next area we have to go to... Is bug infested, full of bug monsters" (Xel)
"So?" (Girls)
"I maybe, kinda, sorta, have an intense fear of bugs" (Xel)
"Ah, so thats it. Then maybe you should just send Vanessa, Hades, and us to deal with it?" (Candi)
"Have you girls even picked your classes yet?" (Xel)
"Yep!" (Candi)
"Then what classes did you four choose?" (Xel)
"I'm a Fighter, it's a mix of Warrior and Monk" (Sandy)
So the energetic one picks a energetic class...
"I'm a Contractor, it's a low level summoner" (Mandy)
The one who seems shy avoids fighting...
"I'm a Soulweaver, It's like a Necromancer, that can use live people too" (Brandi)
The strict one wants complete control...
"Saving the best for last! I'm a Trap Master" (Candi)
The leader wants everyone in the palm of her hand.
After their explanation I had only 1 thing to say...
"The fuck? Aren't those like second tier classes?" (Xel)
"Fufufu, when we we're being created master Dark gave us a few suggestions on how to go about choosing our classes" (Mandy)
"Yep!" (Sandy)
"So, what does a trap master do?" (Xel)
"A lot! Not only can I fight by controlling metal wires, I am somehow alot better at planning and seeing how my actions and my opponents actions will go" (Candi)
"Wait, so you actually feel smarter than you did before choosing a class?" (Xel)
"Erm, no. But it feels like theres less of a foggy feeling when I think to far ahead, and i'm able to remember more" (Candi)
"I see" (Xel)
"Alright then, go get ready, i'll take you girls along with me, Hades, and Vanessa.
"Dark next level can you learn wire manipulation?" (Xel)
"Just use your telekinesis for that" (Dark)
"Fine, then how about Transformation magic?" (Xel)
"I guess, but I don't reccomend it, i'd get the skill version instead, but why do you want it?" (Dark)
"So I can fly?" (Xel)
"OH! Then I have a perfect skill for me and Light" (Dark)
"What is it?" (Xel)
"I could get Grow Demon wings, and Light can get Grow Angel Wings" (Dark)
"Isn't that kind of redundant, I don't need 2 different kinds" (Xel)
"I guess, which one do you want then?" (Dark)
"Get Light the Angel ones, and you get the transformation skill, as for me, can you get me a skill that makes me unable to feel pain?" (Xel)
"Eh?" (Dark)
"What do you mean "EH?" Can you or can't you?" (Xel)
"I can, it's just I can't believe we didn't think of it sooner. Now you won't be such a pussy about fighting anymore" (Dark)
"Well who the hell likes pain? If i'm a pussy for avoiding pain the i'm fine with being one"
This will be a good test. After hearing about Candi's new abilities i've started to wonder...
Could it be that I was mistaken about souls? Or could that be a souls power too?
After finding out about their classes, I agreed to let them come along. Long story short? They're better fighters than me. How the hell did that even happen?
"It's because I only gave them knowledge that would help and not hinder them, you've just seen too many super power anime and movies, most of what happens isn't plausible or helpful in such situations" (Dark)
"Well... Shit" (Xel)
As we moved along the bugs got bigger, and more grotesque, and each time I screamed in a more high pitched voice than the last...
"Is it just me, or does master Xel seem... Lame?" (Candi)
"Hahahaha he's screaming like a girl, poor master" (Sandy)
"Ugh, it's hard to see someone I respect so highly act like that" (Brandi)
"What are you guys talking about? He seems the same to me" (Mandy)
When I hear that my moral plummets... Ugh I told you I was scared of them!
"GAHAHAHA!!! I guess even without fighting head on you're still a pussy" (Dark)
*Sigh* "Shut up dark" (Xel)
POV Candi - 20 Minutes into the future
There's fire and debris everywhere, what the hell happened to master, one moment he was screaming like usual and the next, every bug including the boss was dead....
Master Xel is so cool, i'll have to yell at my sisters for saying otherwise.
Sorry for a ton of info being dumped. There's always so much more than I intend to add.
Next time:
What the hell actually happened? And the clearing of a dungeon, maybe?
Level ups?
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