《Revenge of the Golemman》Trouble at the reunion chapter 19


The rest of the day went for the most part uneventful for Balin. He slept for a few hours in his room and was content being alone for a while. When time for dinner came Balin was woken up by Bernhard and they left the house just before dusk. Apparently, Siegfried as deep asleep already and Bernhard didn’t want to wake him up. They would join later if Tracy thought that it would not be too late. As it turns out today evening would be the first day of the week-long party held in honor of Baron Aubrey’s birthday. There were feasts and games planned to entertain all the guests, with no expense being spared. Balin wouldn’t have to spend all the time next to Bernhard, seeing as the place was well guarded already but at least until most attendants were drunk, he should stay nearby. The first dinner would be held outside with a huge barbecue made from a wide assortment of different meats and poultry. As the two entered they were greeted by an already drunk man, who was introduced to Balin as a retired general. He and Bernhard talked for a while and then took their seats. At least Bernhard had a designated seat, Balin knew in which area he should stay. Balin were stand behind him until given permission to leave. Bernhard would seat near the Barron’s right. Not as close as the Barron’s closest or the highest-ranking attendees but still close enough to be one of the first ones being served. The out garden was built around one big fire place, where a delicious spit-roasted ox already was searing on the open flame, being close to being ready to be served. Directly around the fireplace was an open circle of tables, where the highest-ranking guests would sit, near that circle where multiple tables stationed in strategic places. Some were for lower ranking guests and others were filled with food and around those were multiple decorative areas with either water pods or various plants, from rose bushes to trees with delicious looking fruit, ready for the picking. Most of the place was already filled with wither guests or servants. Officially no festivities would happen until an additional half hour passes but that didn’t stop anyone from already having plates filled with lighter snacks and glasses filled with wine. Bernhard mingled with friends and introduced Balin to some of them, some where people he served with, others were members of higher nobility and lower royalty and even two commoner merchants who got rich enough to become unofficial members of the highest society that Bernhard was part of. Balin knew some of those by name but due to the small divide between higher and lower nobility Balin never actually met any of them personally. This went on until Bernhards father sat at his designated spot and everyone else followed. For such a big group they were surprisingly fast at finding and sitting quietly at their place. Then some people that Balin didn’t knew stood up and held speeches and congratulated the Baron for his birthday. For Balin these speeches all went on for far to long and he was afraid that the ox would be overcooked by the time that he would be served. In the middle of the speech of one of Bernhards brothers Balin heard a whisper

“Psst Balin! I forgot to mention, but I will give you food later, you can eat that. Don’t grab anything for yourself, it would be seen as unprofessional and undisciplined if a bodyguard just takes food. Please restrain yourself.”


“I have undergone training to be a knight, my patience is strong enough to withstand the temptation.”


Bernhard resumed to fake interest in what the speaker was saying and Balin kept standing still until he heard the Barron exclaim.

“One last thing for everyone who wants to join the hunt tomorrow morning, don’t drink too much. Wouldn’t want anyone to hang hungover over their mount”

Some people laughed formally at that pun, then he continued.

“Enough of the formalities, let’s now indulge in todays main event! Let’s dig in.”

The dozens of guests almost immediately started to indulge in their servings and started to talk to their neighbors. After a few minutes Bernhard starts to get approached by his various acquaintances. Balin mostly stood up straight and kept a professional distance to his target. After a while Bernhard and his friends started to laugh loudly and Bernhard winked Balin closer.

“You asked who this is? Well this is my bodyguard and slave Balin. Come on don’t be shy! Say hallo!”

Balin did a respect full bow.

“I am happy to make your acquaintance.”

The two addressees started laughing.

“Don’t bow like that, you aren’t talking to some royal snob, we are working class anybody’s, who got rich, due to our daddies getting rich, no offence Berny.”

“None taken”

“So, Berny, didn’t think I’d ever see you taking a slave. Specially on to be your bodyguard. If there is one person, I never thought needed one. I’ll be honest, he doesn’t look like much. You sure he can protect you, out of all people?”

“He might not look like it, but he is near unkillable. Probably the second most dangerous man here right now. Right Balin?”

“I do have a useful condition.”

Without further explaining this comment the quartet kept talking for a while. Shortly after Balin started to get because Bernhard kept refiling his glass with various spirits over the course of the evening, until the moment came where it became obvious that he was completely drunk. Unluckily for Balin it seems that wit each sip his master was becoming more and more confrontational, even provoking random passerby’s

“I am telling you, even if everyone here at once wer to come at me and Balin here at onzze, we could beat you all.”

This time he was talking to some distant cousin of his, a short but sturdy build man clothed in the world’s finest and who still sober and even closer related to the crown than Bernhard. Unlike others he seemed to take Bernhard up to his provocation.

“Is that so? How about a bet?”

“I’ll take everyone on. Jusst bring them here and I’ll show you.”

“I am well aware about your power, but I am more intrigued by what this bodyguard that you seem so proud of can do. How about it. Tomorrow afternoon, while the bounty of the hunt is being prepared for dinner, I’d pit one of my best fighters against your friend over there.”

“Of course, we will be there. Just make him a challagne. Right Balin? We will be there and flatten whatever you have.”

Balin, unsure about his feelings towards the challenge answered his master.

“If this is what you want. I will fight, I am just not sure if this is a good idea. I don’t want anyone to get hurt too badly.”

“It’ll be fine, you have that thingy. So, tomorrow we fight! Let’s go!”

Bernhard started to swing at an invisible enemy, making the challenger slightly uncomfortable, so he excused himself, pretending to be busy with other things. As night continued the party atmosphere started to slow down until the Barron excused himself publicly ending the official festivities.


The next day Balin woke up late, after the Barron left, he kept accompanying Bernhard for another hour or two. During which he was allowed to eat and drink himself. He didn’t get drunk enough to be in serious pain but had a slight headache. The same couldn’t be said about Bernhard. Despite his overall weak tolerance towards alcohol he kept drinking for two. It ended up so badly that Balin had to carry his master home on a shoulder, making sure that he wouldn’t vomit onto Balin. Bernhard himself didn’t move much aside from the occasional moaning from his room. Tracy would bring him water and bread at certain intervals, making sure that his pain would be cared for during his hangover. It wasn’t until two o’clock that someone disturbed the peace in the house. A young courier was sent with a message announcing the time of the match for the late afternoon. Balin and Bernhard sat down together at the table in the kitchen. Despite Tracy’s best efforts Bernhards head still hurt, so he grumpingly apologized.

“I am so sorry that I have forced you into this challenge. I shouldn’t have drunk at all. I should know better. But I can’t back out now, I would become a joke at the court and people wouldn’t take me as serious anymore.”

“Didn’t think that you’d care so much about your image. You always seemed to be more casual and down to earth to me.”

“My entire lifestyle is built around the fact that people think that I am some sort of near unbeatable monster. Image is everything. I am so sorry, but please do this for me!”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me.”

Shortly after this conversation took place, another the same messenger from earlier returned. This time to bring Bernhard and Balin towards the area where the fight would take place. That place in question was a small trainings area where both people of status and local commoners would train in various forms of combat. There are rings for unarmed fighting, sword fighting areas, places to train your aim with a bow and even two rows made specifically for jousting. Some of these areas even have small podiums for spectators to watch and mingle. They were led towards one of the podiums in front of a small ring. That ring was little more than six posts connected via a long rope, standing on ground that has been trampled on so much that now greenery could ever grow there again and a thin layer of dirt like sand layer on top of the ground there.

“Ahh, there you are.”

They were greeted by the same man who yesterday issued the challenge towards Bernhard and Balin.

“I am very happy that you have accepted my challenge and as coincidence would have it, some while ago I did adopt a powerful slave myself. You are going to love him. He is already waiting in the ring!”

He pointed towards an unusually tall dark-skinned man, standing in the middle of the ring. Despite the fresh breeze, he only wore his pants to show of his impressive muscles and big statue.

“Impressed? His name is Noah. I bought him of an exotic slave trader from the colonies half a year ago. His previous owner has had him work on a boat and the second I saw him I knew I had to have him. So, I bought him and have had him trained for occasions like this. Isn’t he beautiful? A truly rare specimen”

Balin realized what he was going to compete in. It was an unarmed, fight until combatant either loses consciousness or leaves the ring, occasionally the fights even end with someone dead. He has heard about how some of the richest of royal and nobility like to buy and train slaves to have them fight for their amusement. Sometimes an especially brave nobleman would jump into the ring himself and try his luck against someone else’s slave, usually only to either get beat up or to fight in a fixed match and dominate for the show. It was then when someone from the audience said to his friend, loud enough to be heard even from where Balin stood.

“That little guy is going to get eaten alive, I have no idea why the hero of three front would ever hire someone looking like this as his bodyguard.”

Just as Balin was about to step into the ring with the bigger man Bernhard ordered Balin to do something that he didn’t see coming.

“Take off your shirt and gloves! Show them what you are and why they should fear you!”

The order was loud enough for everyone present to hear this. In shame Balin turned towards his master and begged him to not make him do this, but Bernhard only repeated what he said.

“Take it off! You have nothing to hide and run from. Obey your master!”

Unwillingly Balin did as he was told. First, he took of his gloves and then his shirt. Uncovering the inhuman parts that he tried to hide all this time. Various sounds of shock came form the audience and the one who criticized Balins build even yelled.

“WTF is wrong with this guy?”

Then Bernhard announced Balins condition as if he was some sort of exotic animal at a circus.

“This is Balin from the Rivervalley, as he was about to die in battle as he was given a gift from god. He gave Balin another chance at life and a new body and strength to help him take revenge at those who wronged him. And now, he is here. Working under me to make this world a better place and as a demonstration, he will fight here today for your entertainment. Show them why no one should mess with me or you! Prove your strength my vassal!”

Balin was unsuccessfully trying to cover up his mutated arm and scratches all over him but when Bernhard pointed him and then the arena, he hushed over there and changed into a fighting stance.

Noah was towering over Balin but clearly seemed uncomfortable due to Balins weird body parts. One of Bernhards friends from yesterday evening was acting as the referee and gave the signal to start. None of the two combatants was willing to engage first but the audience was loudly cheering, most for the dark slave and only a few for Balin.

Balin decided to engage first. He went low, trying to rush his opponent and then get a few hits in with his normal arm. He didn’t want to kill the other slave after all. As he was coming closer the big one quickly sidestepped Balin to the right and made a wide swing towards Balins head. And the hit connected, making Balin lose balance. So, Noah grabbed Balins stone arm, pulled it backwards and tried to make Balin kneel by kicking into his knee from behind, which was an unsuccessful attempt at hurting Balin. He didn’t know that Balins legs were both replaced and could withstand more than any human legs could. Instead he hurt his foot and from the shock of the impact he lost his grip onto Balins arm, which allowed Balin to make space once more while he regained balance from the painful hit from before.

After another second of scouting the opposition the bigger slave was the one to take action this time. He came closer and tried to punch Balins left side, but Balin was able to intercept the attack by blocking it with his rocky right arm. Noah felt like he just punched a wall, while Balin barley felt the shock form the punch. As usual he was aware of the impact but the damage on him was nowhere to be felt. Balin tried to push the other man’s arm away with his rock arm and punched Noah in the stomach with all his mortal strength. While the punch was hurtful and strong the weight difference made it all up for Noah and he was able to shake it off easily. With his unhurt hand Noah grabbed Balins arm and knee-kicked him in the stomach, never letting the hand go. Balins felt this kick hard because most of his stomach area was still normal and he lost footing from the impact, landing on his butt. Now Noah was towering over Balin, still holding Balins arm and now he is putting a leg onto Balins chest, holding him in place and suffocating him. The audience started going wild and Bernhard ordered from the audience stand.

“Don’t hold yourself back! Use your gift!”

Understanding that he can’t beat the giant pushing him down fairly Balin decided to use his unnatural body parts to retaliate. He grabbed his opponents’ leg on his chest, similarly to how his opponent is squashing his arm, but with the unnatural power of his demon arm. Immediately Noah let out a scream of pain as his leg was about to be crushed until it was broken. Noah let Balins arm go and instead of breaking the leg he flung it away from him, tossing the man attached to it like a toy onto the ground. Leaving the rallied-up crowd surprised from the reversal. After a moment of holding his hurting hand Baling climed on his now grounded opponent. Noah was laying facedown on the ground, but still conscious. Balin turned the man around and sat on him, one knee on Noahs chest and one on Noahs right arm. He still didn’t want to kill the man, but he knew that the audience wanted blood. So, he balled his left and started to repeatably punch the other slave in the face. When Noah tried to use his free left arm to push Balin away, Balin grabbed the arm with his unnatural one and mercilessly crushed the bone in it to bits. Making the man cry in pain, but Balin was not done yet. He kept punching him over and over again until he heard Bernhard yell.

“Stop now! This is going too far! Let him go!”

It took Balin a moment until he realized that Noah lost consciousness long ago and that his hand was bloody from all the hits. The blood being both from him and he opponent. Noah was still breathing, so at least he didn’t kill him. Before the referee was able to say anything Balin grabbed Noah and pulled him out of the ring, taking the need for the referee to declare a winner. After a moment of confusion, the audience went wild, this time to celebrate Balins brutal victory. Bernhard went up to Balin and directed him towards their house. Balin was still angry at Balin and they were going to have a talk with each other.

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