《The Chill Monster Tamer (Take 2)》Chapter 2 Not In Kansas Anymore


"OW," I yelled but muffled by the ground. My head rose and rested my chin on the ground just processing everything that happened. It took me a few minutes before I pushed myself up and looked around.

Surrounded by a big meadow, with flowers dotting the plains. A small forest broke the scenery up. I looked down and saw some cartoon level shit. There was an imprint of me, arms flailed out and everything and the only thing I could think of was 'What the hell is this.'

I examined my body but there were no cuts, bruises, or even the slightest grass stain anywhere.

"Ain't that some cool stuff," I exclaimed out loud to the world.

Now with the great mystery solved I flopped down on my back and looked up. The same old blue sky tinged red from the...s-setting...maybe rising sun. All anyone gotta know is that the sky is blue with a red tinge, with white fluffy clouds in a multitude of shapes.

'Geez this is boring,' I sat up and got another look around. It was only now that I started to realize that there was no sound at all, no birds, no wind, no nothing just big old creepy silence.


'And there goes my stomach. Well, time for some grub. Now, where does a boy like myself find some food in this big ol' place.'

Getting up I sauntered toward the forest because trees mean fruit, fruit means food, and food means I don't starve, and not starving sounds kinda good right now.

When I was halfway towards the forest I felt a tickle on top of my head and reached to itch it when I suddenly felt the soft touch of petals.

"Oh HELL yeah, I still got my crown," I screamed excitedly, "I can now be fully deemed Prince of the Forest!" I continued on my way to the forest and when I got to the trees I kept walking hitting the trees with a "how ya doin'" or a "Welcome your new ruler."

I was pretty deep in before I saw something resembling food, a nice little fruit that looked like a blueberry but the size of the grape. Now I know they could be poisonous but damn am I hungry so I just munched down.


I popped 2 at a time and had juice dripping down to my chip before yelling, "WOOOWEE THESE THINGS BE SWEET!" They were SO sweet, and at a nice firmness to them that made them all the more appealing.

I scarfed these things down fast and in gusto filling my belly in minutes. I rested against a tree and rubbed my stomach in satisfaction. I was about to get up when rustling came from the bushes a few meters away.

Out sneaked a little red fox, 25-30 centimeters tall at best, red fur with highlights of orange resembling fire, olive-green eyes, and the fluffiest tail ever. It looked young but it was brave as he sneaked over and looked at me cautiously.

It was young and a fox so not the most dangerous thing I could've run into, and if I remember correctly they eat berries so I threw a few over to it saying, "Here you go, buddy."

The little guy jumped back and eyed me suspiciously, its legs tensed ready to run at a moment's notice. He sniffed the berries and glaring at me slowly ate the few I threw. As soon as the last one was gone its tension melted and the small fox started jumping around being all cute.

I laughed loudly and held out my hand with some more of the blue grapes and waited for the fox to move up and take them.

As soon as I held out my hand he stopped jumping and moving and stared with caution but significantly less than before. He steadily moved toward me, not moving its eyes away incase I attacked.

I just smiled stupidly as all I could think about was petting that fluffy fur. So while he studied my movements I studied the bewitching fur.

After a few tense moments, he was one step away from my hand. Slowly he ate and with each bite the tension melted away.

When all the blue grapes were gone he sniffed and licked my palm, which tickled immensely, so after he got a little used to me I slowly raised my palm reaching for its head.

He did not like the fact I was moving towards it but it didn't run away and stayed still waiting.


I didn't betray the trust he placed in me and gently pet his head. At first, he wanted to turn away but the more it happened the more he enjoyed it. He started making little purr-like sounds, and little chirps. These sounds got louder and louder until I started using both hands to pet him and he moved his head all over my hands wanting more.

I took my hands back and let them rest in my lap causing the fox to follow leaping into my lap. I softly stroked his head as I leaned back into the tree relaxing.

"I think I'll call you Hansey-"

[-Due to special action the [Monster Taming] skill is created]

[-Due to creating a skill with no help +90% exp]

[-Due to special action Affinity gets +1]

[-Would you like to accept Hansey as your familiar. (Y/N)]

I stopped mid-sentence and read through these...notifications? And let me say these are certainly new to me. Skills? Familiar? Affinity? This just took a weird turn into some game-like stuff.

Now I should be worried about hitting my head a little too hard but I fell from the sky without a scratch so I think it's definitely not that. Also, I had a literally god on my side so can't be that. With all this new evidence I'm happy to say that I've come to the rational conclusion that I'm not in Kansas anymore.

Seeing as I'm now in this world I might as well play by the rules and clicked yes.

[-You have accepted Hansey as your familiar. You may now see all stats and skills of Hansey. ]

After that notification, my vision was flooded.

[Name- Hansey Gender- Male Race- Fire Fox Level- 2 (30%)

Stamina 35/50

Mana 40/40

Strength- 3 Dexterity-7 Constitution-5 Control-2 Attunement-4


Bite level 2/10 Scratch 1/10 Ember 1/10 ]

Well ain't this cool and I have no idea what any of it means. But with my "great" knowledge of video games and some common sense I can figure this out. Strength seems self-explanatory, dexterity can mean flexibility and such. Constitution is like body toughness I believe. Control and attunement I have no idea.

I start thinking about what control and attunement meant then a little notification popped up.

[-Attunement is the level of perception of the environment especially mana]

[-Control is the ability to control mana]

Well, now that all of that is cleared up I can now think a bit more. I still don't know what to base the numbers off so I'll see if I meet anyone that can give me a good average until then higher numbers are good.

While I was thinking and reading I just kept petting Hansey and showing him lots of love but then I yelled, "WAIT!" If Hansey has a status screen then so should I. I started thinking about my status and then it popped up.

[Name- Duke Boones Gender- Male Race- Human Level- 1 (90%)

Shown Title: None

Titles: None

Perks: None

Primary Class: None

Secondary Class: None

Production Class: None

Stamina 49/50

Strength- 3 Dexterity- 6 Constitution- 5 Affinity- 19


Monster Taming Level 1/10


Blessing or Rick the God Of Nature and Life- +10 Affinity]

Well dang, there are closes too, now this is some real video game level stuff. But I am confused because I have an extra stat and apparently Rick gave me his blessing which is pretty cool but wish I knew what that meant. I started thinking about affinity and a small thing popped up.

[-The Affinity stat affects a person's closeness towards nature.]

Well makes sense I have always been a naturey guy so unsurprisingly that would be my highest stat.

"Woh," I said as I got a major head rush with a headache to follow. It kinda feels like taking a hard test and you're just mentally exhausted. That might be my cue for a nap.

So laying down, adjusting my head to be on a grass pillow with Hansey on my chest I

listened to the sound of the forest and drifted to sleep.

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