《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Work and Troubles-3


While dodging the incoming punch by sliding under statue,grim slashed hortizonally at the same time.Statue's legs were sliced off when it started to fall.Before slashing one more time at the statue grim created a blast of mana and sent himself flying upwards,cleanly avoiding the 2 other attack from the statues.Using the same momentum,Grim bounced from the ceiling and directly stabbed towards one of them.

Statue tried to block it but sword cleanly cut his halberd,then split his whole body to two,leaving him dead.When he died,a small blue crystal at the size of a palm dropped.Without stopping to examine it,Grim once more rushed and with a heavy slash,sent the weapon of the last statue flying.Statue responsed by punching at his face when grim also sent another slash,cutting the hand of statue.

Without giving another chance,Grim kicked the statue and sent it flying towards the wall,which cracked because of the slamming statue.Statue was fully cracked,and when it tried to move,it just collapsed on it's own.After he was done,he walked back towards the first statue and sliced his body to 4 parts,'killing' it.Same crystal also dropped from this statue,which was collected by Grim.

Unfortunately,he only got 2 this time,because the other one was completeley broken.He placed the 2 crystal to a small bag filled with same blue crystals.There was at least 30 of them,which he gained by killing all these statues on his way towards here.This dungeon was clearly a bit long,since he took 40 minutes to get to the 4th room,which was a room earlier than the Last room,Floor Master's Estate.

Every dungeon had a Floor Master which lived in an Estate of their own.And everytime,they were very powerful.Much much powerful than the mobs guarding the initial area.Even though all rooms were filled with treasures or money,Floor Master's Estates were filled with nothing.It was all simply luck.The only reward was the Main Crystal,Inside the Floor Master.Other than it,one could get the weapon and armors of the Floor Master.And if you were super lucky,you could get an Ancient Spell Book,Mainly belonging to the People established them.

As most of the dungeons were made from ancestors of various races,they were filled with different treasures and legacies.But dungeons made by gods were only filled with traps.They were having fun when people struggled for nothing like idiots.And this was also a way to choose a 'Divine Messenger' for themselves.Normal dungeons would kick out the participant,but God's dungeons would only kill them.So most of the adventurers were preparing many days before going in,not like Grim who was just rushing.

Grim also knew what could happen in these dungeons or what kind of things waited him,but he didn't care.Why?because this was an Arachne's Dungeon,left for the future generations if shall God's didn't fall.It may seem like they were ignorant,because if God's could destroy them,they could destroy these Dungeons too.The case was different.Most of the Dungeons were made form an material called 'Chrono'Which took the name from the old dead Time god.Dungeons couldn't be seen or touched by God's,because Chronos cursed them with immortality,which made them unable to comprehend complex time and space matters,destroying their potential.

But this was only case for high level dungeons,which was established by 6 different Hero.They established near 60 Dungeon,while most of the others were made by their Generals or Subordinates.Only 34 of dungeons have been discovered this far.So there were still many opportunities for Adventurers.


After spacing out a little bit,Grim turned his attention to the big door in front of him.There was only 1 more room to get to the Floor Master's Estate.Without any hesitation he stepped forward,and opened the door slowly.With a blinding light,Door opened and showed everything inside.

2 4 meter long Dragon statues protecting another door,directly in front of it.4 other human figured statues at the sides,holding halberds.Their armors have dragon carvings and their Helmets are shape of a dragon's head.''I was wrong eh?It was not Arachne,it was a Silver Dragon.Gripping his sword tightly,he took a step forward.The moment he entered the room,the door closed behind him,leaving with these 6 alone.

As the sunlight coming down from above was shining from the old and dusty statues,A shaking cleared all of the dirt on them.With a clang sound,all statues shook their halberds,like paving the way for emperor.Two dragons shook their tails,and roared like welcoming the presence of their master.With another boom,the door they were protecting completely cracked,and turned into dust.

Under the beatiful sunlight,his silver armor looked magnificent.A rapier in his right hand,while his left hand sparkled with bright light,clearly an user of holy power.His full plate silver armor was carved with 2 dragons,roaring towards the skies like they were in pain.Closing his hand,Man destroyed the ball of light,sending rays through the whole room,cleaning all the impurities within it.

The whole room was made from silver metal,resillient and shiny.With lights being reflected,they showed the brilliance of the man and statues more clearly.With a shake of his hand,Man sent a ball of light towards Grim.Grim used his sword and cut it in half with a fast speed.Man stopped and stood still.Even though he couldn't see his eyes,Grim knew he was looking at him.

''Even though this is a low ranked place,I saw countless rookies,who just gave their lives away.You know the rules of the Dragons Right?Only victor leaves,Fallen ones stays to protect''Grim also knew it.Dragons were not so merciful.They had only one condition.You need to get past all the trials to win.If one were to fail,they had to stay in the dungeon to protect it.If you wanted to resist,you would be like that statues,lifeless,emotionless.

''I know''He said.He knew the opponent was 7th rank.It was a tough spot.Even if he gave his all,he may not win.Especially with this much support.''Then come young boy!Show me your powers!If you can defeat my 2 little pet,i shall face you myself!''With a shout,he shook the whole room,sending sound waves through the air.

Grim nodded calmly,and with a stomp,rushed towards one of the 4 guards.He slashed at the neck of the guard,cutting his head completely,and stomping on it's body to leap backwards,avoiding the 3 slashes coming from the sides.Before even stabilising himself,he stabbed his sword upwards to stop the claws of the Dragon.With a shake,he slashed again towards its head.Dragon directly took it's head back and sent his 2 claws at Grim's sides.

Grim jumped and using a blast of mana,sent himself at the chest of Dragon.With a stab,he pierced the first layer of it's plate before another claw hit him and sent him flying.He hit the ceiling and bounced back,while some blood leaked from his mouth.He stood up and looked at the 2 dragons.Using his mana,he created another sword at his left hand.It looked just exactly like the first one.


With a leap,he jumped towards the 3 guards,who were coming towards him at high speeds.They didn't have a chance to stop before 2 of them were sliced by the twin swords of Grim.Using the same force Grim leaped and stabbed the two swords at the neck of the last guard,killing it.

Just as he finished,a tail swept over him and smashed him to the ground,but he managed to block it with his sword.Nevertheless,he was still being crushed under the pressure.With a shout,he pushed back the tail and enveloped his whole body with mana,creating a transparent barrier.Using 2 blasts to send himself flying,he cut the tip of the dragon.But he didn't stop there.

Using the same blasts,he flied over and over like an bouncing ball,and with every bouncing he cut another piece of the dragon.Dragon turned berserk and with a roar,shook the whole room.He started to spin his tail and tried to hit bouncing Grim.Whenever Dragon hit a wall,it would crumble and dusts would fill the area.In no time,whole room was ocuppied by dust and smoe from the crumbled walls,obstructing the sight of 2 dragons.

Before it could react,a streak of light came and stabbed towards the already pitiful Dragon.It pierced its chest and got out from the other side.Dragon lost all sign of life and directly collapsed with a thud sound,shaking the ground.Other Dragon was faster as it directly roared and cleared all the dust,regaining the sight.

When it saw Grim,who was standing right in front of it's head,slashing his two swords at it,all it could do was make a little sound.With another slash,Grim cut off the top half of the dragon's head and destroyed it.He jumped back to the ground before dragon's body fell.

With a little blood on his lips,2 ordinary looking swords in his hand,a already torn shirt on his chest,and with a determined gaze,Grim looked at the Silver Armored Man.Man also looked at him,but this time it was not like before.His eyeslits were shining with yellow light,illuminating the already bright room.But Grim didn't turn his head away,because he knew the moment he let go of his sight,this man would attack.

''Such a fine fight.I admire you,young boy.But if you can't even defeat me in here,then you are not worth anything!''With a stomp,man cracked the ground he stood on and came in front of Grim quickly.Grim threw the sword at his right hand and created another one at the same time.Man just slapped away the sword and came right in front of Grim,Stabbing with his rapier towards Grim's heart.

Grim slashed with both of his swords and locked the rapier between them,but with a shake from man,Rapier was set free while he was sent flying.Before he could do anything,man kicked him at his waist.He created a blast and slowed his speed,and stabilized himself.He let go of his swords and directly slammed both of his hands to the ground.

Sucking all the mana inside the room,he gathered them at his hands,while man was closing on him.Man was a bit confused at the action of the boy,but suddenly got a shiver and rushed towards him.He jumped above the Grim and stabbed towards his head.But it was a bit late.


With an explosion,man was sent flying and directly slammed to the ceiling,creating a shape of his own body at the metal.He didn't sustain any great injury,but his both hands were numb.Creating a little light,he pressed it on his chest and absorbed it,which healed all the minor injuries he have.But it was not done.He directly side stepped and avoided another big blast of chaotic mana.

'Is this boy mad?Why is he sucking all the mana?'He was thinking when he rolled back to evade another blast.Grim was using his hands to send shockwaves of mana,simply blasts,towards the man,keeping him at a distance.With another blast,he hit the man's left leg which destroyed his balance,and hit him once more towards his head.Man was knocked down.

Grim didn't drop his guard off and started to gather more and more mana,Creating a small,colorful Crystal.As he infused all his mana,men was already up,healing all his wounds with the light magic.He directly sweeped his hand over his rapier and covered it with an holy aura,making it shine more.With another shake of his hand he covered his left arm.It was like a water was flowing,the light on his left arm was same.

Man lowered his body,with a leg in front abit bent,and a leg at the back,fully stretched.He used his left hand to support his body while aimed with his rapier towards the heart of Grim.He took a deep breath,and with a force,Darted towards Grim.


Winds danced like crazy when man was flying towards Grim at extreme speeds.Grim also prepared himself,he completed the crystal just in time,and held it towards the man,and crashed it.With a blinding light,a terrifiyng aura leaked out and encompassed the whole room.

'THİS İS!'Said the floating head inside the secret chamber.He knew what this was.He saw it when Old Mother of Arachnes was figting with a mid god.It was a-


With a extreme speed,Light pierced through the man,then the door behind it.But it was not the end.Light directly pierced the whole floors and destroyed all things in its way.After going 60 meters,it stopped and died down.Back at the floor,man was directly split in half,blood gushing out of his cut armor.His innards were a mess while his shocked eyes could be seen from the sliced helmet.

Grim looked at the weapon in his hands fearfully,and dropped it.Without any order,weapon fused with him again.Grim kneeled and started to vomit,with some tears in his eyes.He didn't expect it,he didn't know it would be like this.


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