《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Return-4


Inside the Dryflame's house.

With a short,white hair coming to her shoulders Stella was asking one question after another to Aeneas while her red eyes were sparkling like a star.While Aeneas was replying her questions with a smile,Grim and Auber were placing the goods to a warehouse under their home.

''How was your uncle Grim?''Asked Auber while lifting 2 huge boxes easily with one hand.''He is still the same man.Nothing special.''Said Grim.''Oh also i saw Sir Raiden.He said he waits you and my aunt to drink a tea.''Grim was pushing a big crate towards the wall while talking at the same time.

''It's not possible at this moment.Say sorry on my behalf to him''Grim stole a peek towards his father.He couldn't get any emotion from his stern face while saying that.Well he was always like that so it was not a rare thing.''There is only a few things left.You can carry them.''Said Auber and got out of the warehouse from the stairs.

Grim sighed while shaking his head.'Let this be the compensation for today's training then.'After placing all supplies Grim got out of the warehouse.''You guys can go now.Thanks for your work''Grim turned and said towards the people at the Carriages.''Alright Sir.Have a good day.''

Some of the men at the carriage waved their hands towards him.As the sun was setting Grim walked towards the garden where the little arena was.He turned his gaze towards his aunt,who was watering the flowers.Even though they were a big Clan,They didn't hired any guard or maid.All the works were done by youngsters or their aunt.

He sat under a tree while watching his aunt take care of the flowers.After a bit time passed he turned his gaze towards the sky.It was slowly becoming dark and the stars at sky were becoming more and more appearent.After it turned to night a huge,green planet appeared at his sight.That was the place Gods resided 'Absolute Reigon' or so what his ancestors called in their diaries.


Looks like they couldn't get out from there.Or they would be severly weakened.'I should read some books about it already.'While Grim was still drowning in thoughts he fall asleep under the tree.Media was done with the watering the flowers when she found Grim lying under tree.She looked at him with a stern gaze.But there was a little warmth in it.'I hope you will be like your mother,Or i won't forgive you'

She still couldn't get herself to take a liking to niece of her.He never done anything bad,true but she was a woman who couldn't let down her family name.Also there was the matter with Deroc,which thinking alone made her angry towards this boy in front of him.'If only,only he have carried her mother's name then...'She just sighed.'This is a matter for future.Even if he hates me at that time i won't say anything.But for now,all he needs is some pressure for progress.'

Media's hair started to get longer and thicker.After it became like a waterfall,They moved and carried Grim while not disturbing him.Media turned and walked towards home with Sleeping Grim at her back.


''Don't make jokes,Lord Arihan.It's not funny.''Said Grim while feeling frustrated at the words of Arihan.''Do you think a Eternal Dragon like me would lie to you?What would be my gain?''Asked Arihan in a deep,slightly angered voice.'This little boy still needs some education about his behaviors against elders'Thought Arihan in his heart.

''I'm just saying i don't think it's possible.If it was,then my father would have found about it a long time ago.''Said grim while trying to calm down the Arihan.He stil didn't know what a eternal dragon was,but all he knew was this guy could smash him to his death anytime with his mountain big body.

''This is because you haven't progressed enough.Tell me Grim,How many ranks are there and what is the difference between them.''Asked Arihan while thinking'Atleast this boy should know this'in his heart.


''There is 9 rank.Starting From 9th it goes down all way to 1st.There is 3 thing one must know.The first thing is when one crosses to 8th rank from 9th,there will only be difference in amount of mana.But from the 8th to 7th there will be a huge change in the structure of whole mana and body of the person.Not only at 7th rank mana amount increases in crazy amounts,the excessive mana stenghtens the body while one must choose a compatible element for himself/herself.''

''From 7th to 3rd rank, also will be only increase in the amount of mana in a person's body.At the 3rd rank,One must create a way for themselves to pursue.And it's also from this point One can ascend to Godhood,though its way too much risky.From 3rd to 2nd mana amount and body's strenght will double and from 2nd to 1st it will triple increase.''Told Grim in a very fast way like a robot.

''True,now tell me Grim,Have you ever felt pain when absorbing mana from surroundings?''Arihan asked while staring at Grim.''No,No i haven't''Said Grim while thinking about it.''You know what happens when one absorbs mana from outside freely right?''Grim nodded while replying''Yes,I know.''

Arihan was staring at Grim while his face was a little bit twithing.''So,?''Asked Grim looking expectantly towards Arihan.''Your body is special because you can absorb mana freely around you with no harm.''Said Arihan while thinking'Why do ı need to explain this,isn't it way too obvious?'in his heart.

''But isn't it same for the other 9th ranks?''Asked Grim.''Yes,but partly.They can absorb maybe 3-4 times but after that they will start to feel pain.But at your case even if you were to absorb it a thousand times to the brim it wouldn't affect you.''

Grim was astonished.So he had a special constitution after all.As he was thinking about what could he do with this ability,Arihan cut his thoughts while saying''You can't use the mana outside to breakthrough''Shattering his dreams.

''But why?I can become a 7th rank in one night with it''Grim was feeling frustrated again at this lord.''Because you can't force things.Even if you were to absorb for ten years all you could achieve would be 5th rank.''

As grim was going to ask the reason Arihan suddenly spoke with a angered voice''What is that guy thinking!?Is he crazy?Grim I'l engrave a pattern to your right hand.you can talk to me with filling it with mana.Now hurry and go,You have a important visitor.''

Everywhere turned dark and Grim found himself on the bed.He heard a sound in hallway and directly stood up.He opened the door of his room and rushed towards the main hall.In main hall his father and Aunt was holding a man,Bleeding from his stomach and chest,While his Aunt was Crying,Screaming ''Dear,please don't,Please don't do this.''

Auber was holding the man with a pained look.When he heard the sound he turned his gaze to find both of his sons and niece,looking at them.''FATHER!''Cried Stella crying and throwing herself at the man.Even the locked up Deroc broke his door to come here.He just stood there,in a daze,not moving a little bit.From Grim's eyes some tear drops were falling down while Aeneas was holding the crying Stella,Not letting her go wild.

The man coughed a mouthful of blood while tryng to talk.His voice was so light and feeble that everyone could hardly hear him''A-Auber,Please take the kids out.''Auber nodded and turned his gaze towards Aeneas.With a troubled expression,Aeneas took both Deroc and Stella from their collar while urging Grim to come with him.Unwillingly,Grim followed his brother to outside,Leaving his Father,Aunt and bleeding Uncle inside alone.

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