《A Dryflame Child's Life (Rewriting)》Chapter-1 Start Of Everything (Fixed)


Smokes rose from the ground.

A hell of fire devoured the plains of Erck. Once ancient plants and grasses covered these lands, swaying back and forth under the small breeze like fairies. Now, they were all gone. Isleaf tree's trunk stood at the center, broken. Its once majestic hundreds of meters long body was nowhere to be. Only remnants covered the ground. Rubbles, boulders, dust, ash. Things left from the statue of leaf dragon Bloom. Suffocating smell of the burnt flowers infiltrated the nostrils.

A giant stood at there among many others. These giants carried weapons of master craftsmanship, sharp and resilient. Armors made of foreign materials adorned their colossal bodies, silver and gold lines traced them. They were indeed the chosen, most fierce and strong of them all.

Not stronger than the man in front of them, however.

On a particular giant's hand was a human. It looked insignificant. To beings over 20 meters tall, it could only be considered as a mosquito. Even if he glared, they couldn't see the emotions behind it. Giants weren't dumb. They were proud and arrogant. Their rightful attitude as the one of the peak races. Yet, no one dared to show conceit in front of this human.

Dignity of a hero was heavy. Heavier than the corpses that lay behind them, numbered in hundreds. Eliminate! With an agile movement unexpected from him, the giant took a step forward. He closed his palm knowing the unlikelihood of killing the human. A half moon swing was enough to cut through both his palm and human.

Fights were never decided by one party, however.


A blinding light shot out of giant's palm before axe reached. Bits of flesh and blood gushed out like a waterfall. His hands were completely destroyed. Yet giant didn't panic and shouted without minding the harsh pain.


''Sever MY arm!'' The instant his palm shattered, he felt another surge of energy traveling through. Distant images of his neck being severed, and his body getting sliced cleanly. All appeared as Life like images that rolled down to his mind and shook his body. I don't want to die! I WON'T DIE!

Giant raised his axe again as his comrades rushed. A group of three appeared right before him and struck their weapons. One of them took a crab like stance with his sword and stabbed from above. His intent was clear. To kill the human. Second giant straightened his back. He made a full circle swing towards his friend's shoulder as vessels appeared on his arms. Third one clasped his palms together to cast a spell, awaiting the outcome.

None of them worked. Human sped up and thrust like a lightning. First giant's axe missed and delved into his flesh. Waves of pain crushed his nerves as giant let out a miserable scream. The sword of the other giant struck the same moment. As his eyes widened, giant's sword was deflected upwards with a terrible feedback. Another scream resounded in the ears of giants, tens of them advancing in shivers.

Perhaps to his luck, second giant managed to sever his friend's arm under the protection of armor. He pulled him back while the awaiting giant let out a roar and unleashed his spell. Sky darkened slightly under the pressure. Human was forced to stop in his tracks as a demonic laughter invaded his mind. However he escaped from spell's effects in a split second.

That single moment allowed others to catch up. Two giants retreated with hurried movements. Their gray skins covered in blood, bones sprouting from their back broken and trembling. A hideous appearance from human's point of view. It nonetheless made his mood sour as more than a hundred of those hideous monsters covered his sight.


Well, I prefer the smiling face of my people more than this probably.

He took a deep breath. Prickling sensation of chaotic source flowing through his body made him comfortable. It was weird, somehow an obnoxious feeling. Talent of chosens were never low. Yet he had. He walked stairs, climbed mountains, ascended skies, and even met a dragon. He accomplished everything he could. That low esteemed boy of the past was gone. He was now a hero.

Yet some things never change.

I really want to cry...

Source, started everything.

Essence, created it.

Mana, used it.

These three bubbled inside his body like a boiling lava. Gorgeous lights of red and black shot out of human's eyes. Tattoos of a Binary Serpent appeared around his chest, its eyes flickered with cold hazes of blue and white. Whelp, let's make a legend then!

''My body belongs to this world and shall be devoured by it. My talent is nothing but imagination so it shall be destroyed. But my SOUL belongs to my PEOPLE! It will continue to burn like a flame till my kins cease to exist!''

Expressions hardened, ears pricked up, and battle lines were drawn. Gazes of people gathered around one man in the world.

His jet black hair swinged around like a whip among the harsh winds. Blue eyes made of sapphire, covered under the fiery lights brightened the souls. The tatoo flashed under his armor, cold eyes of it seemingly alive. A black flame stood on his left hand, power of a divine class. A world embraced his right hand, the holy aura covered his being.

He was the hero.

He was the king.

He was...

''Grim, wake up!''

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