《Interactive Evolution》Naming our species


I chose to tame the creature, as the person with the highest ranking I had to decided to tame it myself so it would listen to me.

We first got the creature into a little holding cell, enough room for it to run around but not enough for it to escape.

I had people gather meat since it seems to be eating our people when it came through.

I fed it many types of meat and learned it very much liked the meat of a fish that bloated itself up. I never understood why it kept doing that but we managed to drag it back to our home and feed it to the fish with string on body. (Wolf-fish hybrid)

The fish with string on body at first tried to eat us whenever we tried to come to feed it but after a few feedings it learned to leave us alone and accept the food.

Though when we tried to tame it we called it various names. Fish with string on it's body, Being fro the Other Side, Beast with many strings. . But we needed to have a name for it.

If we met a similar beast then we would get confused on what to call each of them.

Now that I am on the topic, what are we called? a bunch of magic wielding, mana organ and circuits, two tentacle, camouflaged, jet propelled beings with a mouth and eyes, what are we?.

What should we call ourselves, what would be our name, a name for others to call us by? I am pretty sure no one wants to describe us every time they refer to us. So what should we call ourselves?

I went into deep thought.

Leave what you think we should be called, and then we can do a poll

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