《Interactive Evolution》Evolution Phase 2


Trapped in your home, you have no choice but to fight, if the defense died, who else would fight?.

You felt the magic inside of you disperse as you willed it out, a bolt of energy was sent and hit one of the invaders,

The creature cried out, it was stunned but not dead thanks to it's tough hide.

You went out and shot another one, stunning it, "Quickly, follow me away from here, they're focusing this place" You called out.

A few of the masses heeded your call and swam toward you.

You traveled away from the place stunning anyone that came to attack your group. You glanced over to see how the others were doing, Purple was busy injecting poison, or tried to as he had no appendages to inject the poison with. Death Aura seemed to be controlling the dead, using the dead bodies to swarm and nibble the intruders away.

You just kept swimming away, stunning those that drew near, but your source of energy wasn't going to last forever,, you had already missed twice and a portion of your group was gobbled up.

You dived down into one of the smaller caves with your group, a total of a few thousand primitive creatures of your kind was saved,

You felt exhausted, you wanted to sleep and you felt change. You drifted off to sleep, reassured that you saved many lives, that you had been a hero.


Sorry for the long hiatus, I got a certificate to take a free exam thats important for college so I took a week to study, now that I am back here is a chapter, You can choose as may choices as you want, will only take the top 3 though- Kudos to all - Ilv.

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