《Mana Odyssey》Chapter 12:Is this it?


50 vs 2 which is now down to 49vs 2. Let's cast wind body and physical boost. Then I face Shiroyuki and see what she want to do. She summon her mana then she manarize's with it. Hmm she will face them all close range huh.

"Forvish, let's go."

I nod then we run toward the rest of enemy then 5 people with melee weapons come at us. 3 Slashes for each person should be enough. When the distance is shortened between us until around was is left 3-4meter I will start attacking.

"Forvish, lay down or you will be cut."


Hearing that I instantly squat down. After I lay down a thread that is sharp enough to cut all 5 people comes and splits their bodies into two. So their mana bodies are destroyed. Seeing this ten people run at us, I cast wind lance and throw it at them.


The lance pierces 2 guys, lucky me. Then I run toward them. 3 guys are at the front and the rest at the back. 1 slash for each of them.

I slash the first guy with ease, seeing me slash him the two guys want to slash me with their swords but I jump back and throw my swords into their stomach. Using the swords as footing I jump while in the air I cast another spell I cast wind spell: Wind edge, then I shoot them at their necks seeing this they block with their shield when it hit the shield.

I'm already on the ground and dash to them while casting wind sword to use it on my hand. Then I cut all of their necks their mana bodies are destroyed. After that I pick my swords from the people who I threw my swords to and finish them 35 left. While putting my swords


"Forvish, watch out."

Hearing Shiroyuki cry I instantly cast Wind spell:Rotating wind and see many fireballs to me. It hits my shield and fireballs disperse. When all of them are gone I cancel my spell then I throw my wind sword at the people who threw the fireballs. It hits their heads, 2 of them instantly lost their mana body.

After that I cast wind spell: The Tornado. When they see me cast the tornado spell they begin to instantly disperse but to late for that.The tornado hit 15 people. After 5 seconds , I stop the tornado and they fall to ground. Many of them died but 3 or 4 survive but cannot move so I cast another wind edge to finish them off.

"Forvish don't use to much energy."

"Don't worry I still can cast another twenty of tornado."

".........You are really a monster to cast that kind of spell in middle rank, how big is your mana pool?"

"It is the result of training."

"It is abnormal even if you train that much."

I just shrug my shoulders and say,

"Lets finish them."


After that we run to the rest of them many of them shoot their spell at us so I cast another wind spell to defend us from the attack. After we are close enough. I instantly use my swords and slash them. While slashing them there is around 7 of them a preparing bigger spell. But it is useless because the thread is already behind them and.


Their bodies are cut in two again and their mana body are instantly destroyed. Then a guy comes to her brandishing his axe to cut her but before he can the katana at the end of the thread turns to one of the guys near her and it stab the guy head and his mana body dispersed.


Then she draw her katana back and goes to me to finish the rest.She dash to me and thrust her katana at the guy in front of me. her katana passes near my neck and stabbed into the guy.

In an instant after she stab the guy in front I spin around her and slash the guy who wants to ambush her.

"Thanks for the cover."

"You are welcome."

After that the rest 10 guys come to us.

"Shiroyuki, wrap the thread near us."

She nods her head and the thread wraps around us. Sensing the danger, they try to cut the thread but I cast my spell Rotating Wind and I make it fast and make the thread wider, it hit them at high speed. They were instantly shredded to pieces so their mana body were destroyed.

"Is this It?"

"Nn, looks like we already defeat all of them."

"No not yet."

Then we see the old man talk.

"What do you mean old man? We already defeated 50 people."

"Change of rules, you need to defeat me now. If you can I will let Shiroyuki do as she pleases. How's that?"

"If I don't accept?"

"This isn't an option, if you will not accept then I will kill you."

Before we answer any further I turn to face Shiroyuki and talk with her.

"How strong is your uncle?"

"He is at least stronger than both of us, you must run away now."

"I won't let you suffer, no matter what i will protect you."

"Idiot." she smiled bitterly.

"Hey uncle, I accept."

"Good decision, But you will regret fighting for that girl."

"We won't know until we start the fight.

I smiled.

"Kid you better know your own limitations Summon Serium."

As he says that word a mammoth appeared. It is huge at least 7 meter tall and 6 meter wide.


Armor and a hammer appeared. He can manarize armor too....this will be tough battle.

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