《The Four...》It was and Still is a Trip
While walking to the audience hall the old hero group spotted the triplets. Calling them over Imata introduced them to Luna and Heather. Taking a closer look the exiled priestess's mouth began to run loose. The number of things she had said made the triplets turn red.
“Ok now,” Luna said covering Heather’s mouth, “Shush. You’re making Nina’s grave shake. It’s fine if you only speak about her, BUT avoid talking about ‘those’ things. Or else you’ll be gagged once more.”
“You mean how you seduce and bedded countless nuns, priests, and priestess?” Heather asked, “Or were you referring to Furias’ secret room full of drawings of her teachers? Wait maybe, its Astra’s special swordplay to relieve stress, right? No, you got to be talking about Imata’s-“
“ANYWAYS,” Imata interrupted, “I know that Nina had four magical rings. I see three of them on each of your hands. Where’s the fourth?”
“Yes, what did happen to the fourth?” Furias repeated.
Hearing Imata’s questions the triplets began to shiver. Although they did not desire to speak of the circumstances, the old hero group insisted.
“We…” the eldest began, “We tried to give it to Menor because he helped us leave the underworld and thawed the rings. But…”
“But?” Imata repeated.
“But when we couldn’t find him we asked the queen to it deliver for us.”
“And then?”
“The queen accepted the request…”
“That’s not bad,” Furias spoke.
“…and broke it.”
“She took the ring, crushed it in her hands. T-the smile she had was…”
“Hey,” Memora called out, “What are all of you gals talking about?”
Hearing the queen everyone turned to look at her. Everyone quickly retreated a few steps back when they saw her expression. They had felt like prey in the face of a predator. The smile she had looked gentle but it held an overwhelming, ominous feeling. The old hero group began to suffocate under the heavy atmosphere. Each one of them fell to their knees.
“I thought you fixed that,” Sors asked, hearing the scene behind her.
“It’s a gradual process,” Menor shrugged.
“How long is this ‘gradual process’ been going?” Desyra asked.
“No one’s going to comment on those secrets that priestess spouted out?” Igno spoke up, “No? No one? Okay then.”
After the little skirmish in the hallways, everyone arrived at the audience chamber. The old heroes decided to wait outside when they sensed the energy of the guest. When Memora and the four entered they saw a simple, spacious room. Instead of a glorious throne room, one would expect there was only wooden furniture. A wooden table, some chairs, a few bookcases, and a chandelier. The chandelier probably costed more than everything in the room combined. As per the current circumstances, quality and luxury were put aside for convenience.
Waiting in the room was an old man with a white hair and beard in silver armor. For some odd reason, as if age blessed him, the number of wrinkles he had would make any woman jealous. From his composure, it could be ascertained that he was a wise being. His body emitted a soft but old aura. With his hands behind his back and a distant gaze, he noticed the other party. Seeing the four he frowned.
“Oh, would you look at that another god of gods,” Igno spoke, “I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a god of gods of gods.”
“It’s just a classification. In a real sense, it doesn’t truly represent the person,” Sors replied.
“I mean a title of god of gods of gods of gods of gods-“
“We get it,” Memora interrupted.
Gesturing for the other party to sit down, Memora sat across from the old man. With a bit of small talk, everyone present introduced themselves. Hearing the names of the four the old man’s face became conflicted. When he introduced himself it was revealed he was the ruler of the divine domain, a god of god.
“You have my thanks, you four. For raising my daughter… Even if she went fanatic,” the god spoke.
“Would you believe us if we said we originally planned to use her to start a war?” Menor asked.
Laughing, the old god replied, “Yes, knowing that you caused that one-sided slaughter.”
“I won’t call it a slaughter,” Desyra pointed out.
“But calling it a friendly spar wouldn’t work,” Sors added.
“I would also thank you for not taking their lives,” spoke the god.
“Biased,” Menor muttered, “I guess it’s like how herbivores see plants.”
As pleasantries ended they finally arrived at the main subject. The god explained his objective. With no arrogance or fear, he explained the current circumstances. Due to the actions of the four, the world was greatly altered. Not only did countless kingdoms lose their footing; a quarter of the world was covered with molten rock. Along with the chaotic amount of magic, in the ocean of lava, the world was developing towards an unknown future.
As magic was a building block of life dangerous beasts would begin to appear in the following months. Due to the nature and physical build of the new beast, the current ability and technology were ineffective. The heat was the main problem. The current world had nothing to face beasts that lived under extreme heat.
Within many kingdoms, the chaos of riots had run rampant ignorant to the disastrous future. The once grandiose kingdoms had fallen into flame and rubble. Hysteria caused all forms of uncivil acts to be committed. Bandits took most of the blame, though. However due to the actions of the hunters' organization the flames of chaos were quickly snuffed. The only kingdom spared from the mass discord was the Miler’s kingdom due to its queen’s actions.
“Because of the side effects of that war, I humbly request for you four to avoid further participation,” the god requested.
From the single line of words, the sparks of joy appeared in the eyes of the four. Small smiles had appeared on their faces. Luck had brought them a way out. Even though they had not given an ounce of care to begin with… in most cases.
Accepting the request immediately the four reassured the god that they would not be involved. They guaranteed that they would leave the world’s inhabitants to prepare for themselves. Informing him they would not take responsibility for helping fix the mess they made. They would avoid further direct involvement specifically with the current world they were in. Also, they would even bet a favor on it. In fact, they emphasized that they would begin on the current day.
Being caught by surprise at the sudden agreement, the god had no words to reply. From the situation, he felt something was off. He did not believe that the other party would quickly agree to his suggestion. Wholeheartedly, he believed that they would haggle and drive him into a corner. However, he thought his instincts were dull as he had not noticed anything odd, so he pushed them aside.
With his objective complete the god decided to leave. Leaving a few words to Memora he left thinking she was a normal mortal. He said that for the next few months the divine forces will go into seclusion after the beating they took. The chance of them falling into depression was guaranteed. As the ruler of the divine domain, he had to put his subjects first.
“And there it is,” Sors spoke, “The god stated he had no care for the mortal realm.”
“Well, we don’t too,” Desyra pointed out, “Kind of.”
“Speaking of which,” Menor asked, “What happened to the goddess of beauty? I had erased her muscle memory, but you had completely overrun her instincts. She’s completely charmed. I found her entire existence chained to you. Did you do anything else? I know you charmed her and increased her desires, but I’m sure you did something else.”
“…” Desyra began to sweat profusely.
“Oh, oh my,” Sors grinned, “You found a plant with a withdraw gene, didn’t you?”
“Fine, I did,” Desyra admitted, “I’m not the only ones who plucked the treasures of this world.”
Falling silent Menor, Sors and Igno looked away. During their time in this world, they had graciously taken many seeds, plants, eggs, minerals, partials, books, and many other things. From their own experience, they could easily find things that would grow into invaluable objects. Taking those things before they grew or spread was like plucking weeds at their roots. Such actions reduced the potential futures of many. As such those actions were conducted in complete secrecy.
“Wait,” Memora spoke, “This is the first I’m hearing of this.”
“Well,” Igno scratched his cheek, “Secrets have reasons to stay hidden.”
“What were the most valuable things you stole?” Memora asked.
“The most valuable thing in this world, we did not take-” Sors stepped up.
“You destroyed it,” Memora interrupted.
“…” Sors paused for a second, “Am I that readable?”
“As readable as a human,” Menor spoke.
With many seeds of potential gone and a fierce struggle destined, Memora’s headache grew worse. She wanted to rest. In the coming days, there would be countless ambassadors that would beg for help. It was too much. She wanted world conquest but not like this.
Seeing his daughter rubbing her forehead, Menor laughed. Patting her on her back he told her that they’ll head home at day’s end. He had promised to have no further involvement with the world. Dealing with consequences was a hassle to anyone. So finding loopholes was easier.
When they exited the room Furias was standing there devastated. Due to the old hero’s groups devious nature, they eavesdropped on the conversation. When she heard that the four were leaving she remembered the time she was abandoned. No matter what, she did not desire to part ways so soon. Her companions especially Imata tried to explain that all good things must come to an end. However even if Furias knew that every hello was followed by a goodbye, she could not accept it.
Noticing their student on the verge of tears the four sighed. They had figured they were opening old wounds. Walking back into the room they pulled Furias with them. After taking a few minutes to calm the girl down a heartfelt talk began with sad smiles. To make sure no eavesdroppers were listening they had put a soundproof barrier up.
“I hate to say this,” Sors began, “But we never aimed to stay in this world for that long. Even if we had a reason to stay, we also have a reason to leave. Each of us has responsibilities we need to attend to. Unlike Menor, if we don’t return to them soon we would forget them. For us, leaving a life unfulfilled would end up as regret.”
“But… but aren’t you all-powerful?” Furias asked.
“Yes, we are,” Igno answered, “But there are reasons we became all powerful. Time, space, existence, we can freely control them. However, it’s not as simple as it seems. Even to us who could erase all consequences. Instead just knowing you can do anything hurts the most. In most cases, we try to do the right thing…”
“Even if that means letting someone we hold dear die,” Menor finished, “You lose many when you flaunt your powers.”
“What makes us sane isn’t our will, our powers, or our morals,” Desyra spoke, “Instead it’s the connections we make. Be it enemies, rivals, strangers, friends, family, or a significant other. As beings that lived too long, we seek for the connection and touch of companionship, even if we want to slit each other’s throats.”
“Doesn’t that mean you can-“
“No,” Menor shook his head, “Thrusting people into the plateau we stand on doesn’t work. The only way for them to stand by us is through their own efforts. You can’t expect to give a child omnipotence and hope it can create a utopia. The ones who stand by me now were the ones who never gave up, even after a near infinite amount of time.”
“I’m willing to put the effort, I’m…”
“Stating and doing are two different things. Not only that, it’s a proven fact that after every greeting there’s a farewell. Then another meeting would soon follow. Well, unless you’re him and you found loopholes,” Sors pointed to Menor, “A bird leaves its nest, a child leaves home, and disciples are to make their own path. When we part hope to meet again. You’ll be surprised at how often you run into familiar faces.”
Falling silent Furias knew she could not be selfish. Even if she was, her wishes would not be granted. The words from her teachers were always backed by experience, most of the time. Knowing such she could only stay silent and nod. At this point, she would not receive empathy from them.
“Hey,” Desyra called out, “Don’t look down. You already have friends you can rely on. From the looks of it, you all are close-knit. Why don’t you travel around with them? Let us old ones leave. You’ll surely regret if you don’t. Also, we reside in a place called Va. If you find it you’ll find us.”
“There are many people who desire to find such a place. Are you willing to lose to people who aren’t our disciples?” Sors asked, “Would you really put our names to such shame?”
Hearing the words of hope she hesitantly agreed. Her friends were the one that pulled her out of her slump and stuck with her through thick and thin. It was the best choice for her. Maybe she could go on an adventure with her companions once again.
After a few hours, of more nonsense, dawn arrived marking the departure of the four. During those hours they had done a last-minute scramble to find objects of potential to take. As always this became a small competition. While the four were messing around Memora had quickly written up mountains of manuscripts. In those manuscripts held solutions for all possible threats in the future. Not wanting to leave things unfinished Memora meticulously wrote everything she could think of. These would become a priceless treasure for future generations.
When all things were done the four prepared to depart. Similar to how they silently entered this world they would leave in the same manner.
“Well, all things come to an end,” Desyra spoke.
“Indeed… Ah, I’ll have to go back and act like an idiot again.” Igno sighed remembering why he originally planned the trip. He was currently enrolled as a student in a prestigious school of high-nosed idiots in some random world. Due to the nonsense, he had faced, he was tempted to destroy the world hundred times over. Fortunately, he had remembered a baseless rumor and decided on a vacation.
“It can’t be that bad,” Sors commented.
“They have their heads so far up their ass that they’re spewing shit,” Igno sighed, “There’s a department for the study of food. No, it’s not culinary. It’s about how it ‘feels’ to eat food. They’re just getting paid to eat. I somehow even gathered a harem too. I’m pretty sure I stayed as a shut-in with only online classes and all… So softly punch me, I need to remember the feeling of an idiot-”
As the words slipped out of his mouth Desyra, Menor, and Sors quickly aimed at his head. Pulling back their fists they charged enough energy to end the world a thousand times over. In a flash, Igno’s head was vaporized, while the surrounding structure was still intact. The powers of redirection were extremely convenient.
“I SAID SOFTLY,” Igno shouted, reforming his head. The only reply he received was tongue clicks. As his head began to take its original shape his body transformed. He grew a foot taller, a tail spouted from his behind and scales littered his skin. His pupils had become vertical slits. Over his body generic, dull clothes appeared.
“Could the idiotic meaning of lizard’s brain apply here?” Sors asked.
“Yes,” Menor answered, “But slime’s don’t have brains. It’s best if we say brain dead…”
Seeing jabs being exchanged the old hero group became conflicted. When such dangers leave was nice, but it would become quiet. It was fairly funny how those four would argue over the pettiest of things. Also every so often they would spew out bits of knowledge that could drag anyone to nirvana.
Beforehand, they had agreed to travel through worlds to find the mystical place called Va. Unfortunately, they only knew the name of the place. The four did not give them a single hint. Well, it would make for a great journey. The first step they guessed was to grow as strong as possible. Then find a way to leave the world.
Along with the old hero group, the past royalty came to send them off. Even though they had little involvement with the four they showed respect.
“Are you really leaving?” the former queen asked holding Memora’s hand.
“Yes,” Memora nodded, “Even though I was in this world for the last thirty years other places need me.”
“I see…” replied the former queen, sorrowfully.
Off to the side, Sors asked Menor if there was a story between those two. With quick words, Menor explained the two came from the same village. After going through countless tragedies they became close, but the feelings were one-sided. Then something had happened and the former queen married the now dead king, while Memora was enlisted into the army.
“Take care,” Memora said. Before she could leave her dear friend made one last plea.
“Unfortunately, I doubt that would be possible,” the former queen explained, “Even if you leave you are still seen as the ruler of the Miler kingdom. For us to come back into power would be difficult.”
Sighing, Memora replied, “I’ll take you as my wife, yes. Would you take me as yours?”
Being caught off guard the former queen instinctively said: “Yes.”
Before the queen could do anything Memora had pecked her lips and disappeared. On the queen's ring figure was a gorgeous, but simple, ring. Engraved into it were countless protective ruins. It showed how much Memora cared for the former queen.
“Wow…” Desyra spoke, “That was smooth.”
“You know, I always wondered if you ever fully revoked that female-attraction curse you put on Menor,” Sors asked.
“I thought I did…” Desyra pondered, “Back then it had slipped my mind."
“She did,” Menor answered, “It’s just her daughter is spreading the effects to my offspring, due to her condition.”
“...” Igno stared, “And here I thought you all had a natural allure to biological females. Do you know how awkward it is to take a female form around them?”
“Ha-ha,” Menor laughed, “I know, it’s not pleasant. Try dealing with the consequences when your own son tried to hit on you when you’re disguised. Well, that moment was funny. The look on his face…”
After chatting for a bit longer Igno was the first to leave. Even though he dared not to go back, he saw that his possessions were being used for… unsightly reasons. He needed to relocate his home again and probably change his contact info.
Waving farewell, Igno shouted, “Till the time comes, fear the unknown my friends and let the feast begin!”
“Go die from planteration you twat!” Sors replied.
“I’m currently androgynous! HA-HAA!”
With that, he faded into nothingness. Desyra decided to head off next. Even under the constant persuasion from Menor and Sors, she had no desire to return to Va. Instead, she decided to find a world of impending war. Money is easily gained from conflict.
“You owe me a few,” Menor said, “Especially, since I took care of the duke’s daughter for you.”
“I turn those null with the favors you owe me,” Desyra replied.
“Ok, we got to have a better system for the favors,” Sors admitted.
“Do you want us to carry around cards that store information on who we owe?” Menor asked.
“Good point,” Sors said.
“I really need to fix this body,” Desyra muttered, “Anyways, so long until then.”
Dissolving into particles Desyra disappeared. She waved farewell to this world’s inhabitants. Unbeknownst to anyone she planned to secretly return. Planning to harvest the world in the near future.
“To Va?” Menor asked.
“Of course,” Sors replied taking out a transparent crystal, “I have things to do there.”
Noticing a frown on his companion’s face he sighed. She was probably going to seal away another trait. Even though such actions would allow things to go to waste. Nevertheless, he respected the android’s decision. It was not his responsibility to say what was right or wrong.
Before the two of them could leave a figure crashed through the ceiling. With a single quick glance, the person was obviously Pugna. She wanted a rematch. However, before she could land another person appeared.
With golden-blond, long flowing hair, a lady in silvery gold armor arrived. She quickly grabbed Pugna and threw her to the ground. In an instant, she had the goddess in an arm lock. Soon the goddess was unconscious. Around the woman, multitudes of defensive runes and magic symbols were flying around.
Laughing, Menor spoke while poking the woman, “What’re you doing hun?”
Being poked in the cheek, the woman in gold armor spoke, “Neutralizing a threat.”
“I don’t believe that was needed, but…” Menor spoke. He then pulled the woman by the collar and then carried her via princess style. The woman’s face flushed red and she began to pout. She said that the current scene was dirtying her honor. To that Menor whispered something into her ear causing her face redder to become than a cherry. The single line of words had neutralized the woman’s flurry turning her into an obedient puppy.
“Really this guy,” Sors muttered.
“Till we meet again, in another world,” Menor spoke before disappearing with the woman in his arms.
Chuckling, Sors followed, “Let us meet again if I allow it- Ah! What happened to the third arrow?”
“I shot it into the stratosphere. It’ll land someday, maybe. There's a high chance an unlucky person might get hit buy it,” Menor laughed.
With that, the last two of the four disappeared. The room suddenly fell silent. As the hushed airs haunted the room everyone left to do their own things. The royalty needed to announce the news and prepare for the future. The old hero group would begin to travel around the world once more. For them, time was on their side, but they would not waste it. Everyone had completely forgotten about Pugna.
“Hey Astra,” Furias called out, “You ok?”
Astra who was supposedly charmed by Desyra reactionless. Everyone expected for her to do anything in her power to stay with her beloved. However, she refrained from doing anything.
“I’m fine,” Astra scratched her cheek, “I just came to terms with my feelings. Turns out I held none for her. Well, I do want to be with her, but she’s just too far to reach.”
“Ah, the muscle head had found another reason to not die,” Luna spoke.
With a bit of jesting, the group became lively. After a bit, they decided to rest for the day. Tomorrow they would begin preparations.
While walking to her room, Furias noticed Vendra. With her circumstances and being mortal, she wondered what the shrine maiden would do. When asked, Vendra said she would return to the Taush homelands. She had received a message to come home. The current situation looked a bit grim, so her powers were needed.
Looking down Furias saw the maiden holding a small slime in her arms. Knowing what the slime was she smiled. Maybe she would meet her teachers again sooner than she expected.
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