《The Four...》Showing Worth
After consuming all the food in the pantry, Igno boldly walked out of the kitchen. She pushed the doors open with so much force the doors flew from their hinges. Realizing she once again underestimated the strength of worldly objects, she froze in place. After a brief second, she continued her grandiose entrance, ignoring her previous mistakes. The onlookers, who were drawn to the noise were left speechless.
“I am, Igno Detect-us! One of the best detectives around!” Igno bowed, “It had occurred to me that there is a mystery afoot!”
All the nobles and the servants fell into confusion. A second ago they were facing the threat of an assassin, then the very next second a person had destroyed a pair of doors while claiming to be a detective. Because they were at a noble’s party everyone thought it would be a typical experience. With Igno, she decided to make sure to make it a night to be remembered.
Taking out a smoking pipe, Igno continued, “Disregarding my… superfluous entrance, I believe I can solve this mystery before the night is over! As we all know the culprit is in this room! They had already conducted multitudes of mistakes that cannot be hidden from my eyes of desertion.”
Somehow being caught in Igno’s flow, the nobles were dragged along into the unneeded mystery. They had begun to whisper while suspecting each other. Waiting a few moments Igno continued her performance, dragging everyone into an unneeded delusion. Desyra, on the other hand, held a bitter expression as she had to stop tempting nobles.
“As you can see my evidence, is peerless. In my conclusion, there is not a single flaw.” Igno spoke.
“If I may speak, but you had not brought forth a single piece of-”
“NOT! A SINGLE FLAW!” Igno interrupted. “On the other hand, from my conclusion isn’t it obvious? If there…”
Igno then went on a long speech, speaking complicated and smart-sounding words. After she finished her speech, the nobles nodded in agreement to Igno’s clear and precise argument. In reality, none of the nobles had understood what she said. Especially since Igno was literally spewing gibberish. Even Desyra, who was present, could not decipher what came out of Igno’s mouth.
Dramatically spinning in a circle, Igno pointed, “IT WAS YOU!”
Seeing where she had pointed, she temporarily lost her composure. Following the psychic line that Igno had created, the nobles looked towards where she directed. Seeing the person that was pointed at, everyone quickly glanced back at Igno, but she had already turned around and shouted her last line once more. What she had originally pointed at was a mirror. At herself.
Nearly falling over, the nobles clearly never expected Igno’s improper conduct. To make Igno’s shamelessness worse she had even pointed to someone else.
“Why are you pointing at me? I have done nothing!” Shouted at the accused Noble.
“Then would you explain that,” Igno demanded as she pointed up.
Looking up everyone discovered strips of paper covering the ceiling. The odd thing was that there were many times where the nobles had looked up but they never saw the papers. When someone pointed out the papers were talismans and the markings on them consisted of a certain type of magic, they were instantly accused of being an accomplice to the assassin.
“I had enough of this jester,” A noble shouted walking up with a face tinted with pure anger.
Before the noble could grab Igno, she whispered, “Careful, we don’t want to have rumors of dresses being bought by the wrong gender.”
Hearing Igno’s word the angry noble suddenly smiled gracefully and walked away without a word. Noticing the change in attitude at the once hot-headed noble, another noble walked right up. Only to turn around and copy the first noble’s act. Igno said a few things regarding secret things being hidden from significant others. Which was enough to convince the noble to stand down. Standing next to his brother in arms, both of them held glorious smiles. Before a third person could complain, Igno spoke something else.
“To be honest, I’ve been lying. There’s no possible way that anything I said could be true… RIGHT?” Igno admitted sheepishly.
As if their feet had lost their strength, everyone fell.
That was the single word everyone thought. For the past hour, Igno had made absurd arguments about who could the “mastermind” be. If she had plainly admitted she was lying who could keep their composure. Sors and Menor, who had just returned, could only temporary lose their balance. The tense atmosphere they felt had suddenly disappeared.
“BUT! All that… was an act to draw out the true killer!” Igno continued, disregarding everyone’s look of disbelief, “It was obvious, their look of elegance yet was only a mask. They had planned to assassinate competitors, especially since they were a mistress. Who wouldn’t want power? After months and months of planning, what chance would be better when all nobility were gathered? Putting the blame on someone else, while they sit back and watch their adversary fall from grace. That would leave only one person… and… It was YOU!”
Igno pointed at a woman in a blue gown. As if their body contained lightning, the woman’s body jolted straight and their face paled. Everyone desired to punch the so-called detective while hollering: “Have you know shame!”
In response to Igno’s claim a male noble jumped up saying such things were absurd. Only to be shot down the next moment by the one he defended.
“H-how could I have done it,” The woman claimed, “I haven’t done anything yet.”
“Yet?” Igno tilted her head.
With the echo of facepalms, the woman suddenly realized her mistake. Before she could even correct herself. Igno had already twisted her words, making it seem as if the woman had planned the assassination. Through the tyranny of Igno’s questioning the woman had to admit she was the mastermind.
As the guards dragged the woman away, everyone had a stinging headache. Seeing the crisis had passed the host decided to end the party for the night. Agreeing with the notion everyone went to rest. When the next day came, the noble gathering continued. During that day, nothing of interest had occurred, except for the fact that Desyra kept tempting more people.
A few days later the four departed from the mansion. They discussed Igno’s brilliant disaster of an investigation.
“Out of all the ways you could solve the mystery you frame a Marchioness?” Desyra spoke.
“Well, I had to frame someone. As a detective, I needed to solve the mystery of ‘The Murdered Butler and the Attempted Murder of Nobles’… even if the perpetrators weren’t the correct one. At least I brought justice.” Igno shrugged.
“Justice… It means the twisted type correct?” Sors asked.
“Probably. I’m just surprised that Marchioness admitted that she was planning to. You can literally hear the world facepalm.” Menor answered.
“It’s nothing for the famous detective Igno!” Igno spoke, blowing bubbles from her fake smoking pipe, “It was obvious, you could see her eyes dilate and the small shiver running down her body-“
“After randomly accusing three other people, and saying it was to draw out the real perpetrator.” Quickly spoke Menor.
“-With my experience I could easily pick the inconsistency in the words that the Marquees spoke… Ok, I might have made up a few facts here and there, BUT I did my job in catching evil doers.” Igno grandly smiled.
“You just wanted to dramatically point at someone and yell ‘Isn’t it obvious, blah blah blah, it was you!’. Thought you did point at a mirror once.” Sors rolled her eyes.
“At least I exposed some people,” Igno smiled in a sheepish manner, rubbing the back of her head.
With tired expressions, everyone gently laughed while the forest passed by. Currently, the four were relaxing on top of the Duke’s fancy carriage. Because of their robust rears, the jittering and shaking the carriage caused had no effects on them. Yet the feeling of rumbling and the every so often jumps, gave the four the feeling of nostalgia. They were reminded of the times, they had traveled the roads of various worlds.
In their current situation, they were hitching a ride with the Duke household. Because of Desyra and her unhealthy condition of attracting obsessive followers, the ride was free. After the incident at the party, it was obvious that they were not nobles. However because they were able to curry the favors of some nobles, the situation of being kicked out was avoided. The only problems were the other nobles who arrived late and Igno eating all the food. Fortunately, they just lazed away from the party, to avoid being questioned.
In the carriage below, a young duchess was causing a great ruckus to the people around her. She wanted to join the four above. Sadly whenever she tried to climb up her servants quickly grabbed her. They even went as far as restraining her with rope to ensure the young duchess would not leave. Being restraint the young girl ended up causing a tantrum.
Peeking through one of the windows, Igno commented, “What’re the chances of her being one of those spoiled few? If I wasn’t mistaken Desyra stole this girl away, correct?”
“I could check her memories, they shouldn’t be corrupted, I think.”
“Hey! My attraction doesn’t cause mental corruption. It just enhances people’s desire towards me, we’ve done research on this many times already.”
“Attraction… Right…” Sors sarcastically replied.
“Wait where are we going again?” Igno asked.
“This kingdom’s capital,” Menor replied, “I believe that the duke’s domain is near it, so we’ll stop at a town before we arrive.”
“I see...” Igno replied while going into deep thought.
After pondering a few minutes, Igno called over one of the knight escorts. She asked whether or not there was a business of sorts to quickly sell beast materials. The knight suddenly became surprised at the sudden question, as such topics were common knowledge. Quickly giving a few answers, the knight returned to his escort duty.
“Why do you need such info?” Desyra asked.
“Well, I have a couple of items that are taking up space in my storage. I can’t just eat them, due to the extra amount of work to cook them. So it would be best to sell them for money. In return, I’ll spend the money on local food.” Igno explained.
“What!?” Desyra covered her mouth, “I thought you would eat anything.”
“Are you a fool?” Igno retorted, “Why the hell should I eat everything I come across? If I do that then I’m like my brainless brethren. I, myself, developed an exquisite tongue for taste, I mind you not. While you go around charming every single merchant, I, on the other hand, search for things to sate my hunger.”
“Says, the living stomach.” Menor retorted.
“Oi! At least I know when to not make promises- oh shit! SORRY!” Igno apologized.
“Its… its fine,” Menor replied with a small smile.
“Way to go It.” Sors congratulated, “Bringing up a subject no one wants to talk about.”
Due to accidentally tripping on a landmine, the four became quiet. Unlike how their last endless argument stopped, the atmosphere contained the traces of uneasiness and anguish. As old friends, they may hate each other, but respect was something they all held. So there was a line that no one wanted to cross out of consideration for each other’s past.
Needing a new frame of mind, Igno changed her appearance to one of a young male humanoid’s. Her once long hair shrank to a length considered short. His close turned into one of a white t-shirt and a pair of black pants. On his head was a baseball cap. Greatly contrasting the Igno’s last form, his current form was of a young boy in their mid-teens.
“Haven’t used this form for a while,” Igno muttered.
With a lazy look, Igno hung his head over the edge of the carriage. Seeing something off in the distance, Igno squinted his eyes. While not in the mood to speak, he watched the thing fly closer. By the time the thing’s form could be made out, the knights had formed a battle formation. However, the preparation had gone to waste, as the thing ignored them.
“Hey, isn’t that related to the one you ate, It?” Sors asked after analyzing the flying thing.
“Don’t know. I ate a lot of things.” Igno replied.
“Nope. It definitely is. It’s turning back around.”
“Igno you’re such a sloppy eater.” Menor sighed recovering from his saddened state.
“Look at the mighty dragon! I wonder what it’s gonna do, kill us?” Desyra laughed.
Before the wind could have settled, the dragon stopped near the entire entourage. With magnificent gold scales and a body that blocked out the sun, the dragon roared. As it roared the earth shook, causing thousands of beings with aerial locomotion to flee. The ones that could not fly hid in the greenery or played dead. The knights and the Duke family were left scared stiff.
“You insects, I have smelt the blood of my kin in the air. I do not care for your reason nor your pleas. You all shall know that if anyone had drawn even a drop of my kin’s blood they shall die! BEGONE!” Spoke the dragon while taking a deep breath.
Giving a long moan, Igno spoke, “I don’t want to deal with this guy. One of you three do it.”
“Geez, you always had the bad habit of being drunk on your emotions,” Sors complained.
“I suggest Sors! Raise your hand if you agree.” Desyra raised her hand
“Acknowledged.” Menor agreed, raising his hand.
“Get it over with.” Igno followed suit.
“What is this? Primary school?” Sors shook her head, “Fine. I guess it’s fair, as I haven’t done much on this trip.”
Stretching, Sors looked up at the flying behemoth of a foolish beast. Watching the dragon finished taking a deep breath, it spewing a storm of light. Sors flicked her wrist. The dragon’s breath, renowned for vaporizing armies and countries, was reflected back at the dragon. Being hit with its own attack the golden beast exploded and fell out of the air.
“WHO DARES!” the dragon demanded.
Seeing the dragon being shot out of the air everyone, except the four, were speechless. As a dragon’s scales were one of the strongest materials to ever exist on the mortal plane, the dragon took minimal damage. The reflected attack only managed to anger the golden beast. Flying back up it held eyes with enough rage to kill.
Sors, who now held a lily of the valley in her hand, walked up, “Me.”
Noticing the odd looking person, the dragon sneered, “Being so bold just because you deflected a single attack. You must have used a divine item. Your foolish bluff, can’t fool I, the divine dragon, Nogard! You won’t be able to block this next one!”
With Nogard’s words, the magic in the atmosphere swirled and gathered into a sphere above the dragon. In an instant, a giant ray of light erupted from the ball of magic. As the laser zoomed the world was colored white. In response, Sors flicked her hand once more.
The beam of light had been bounced back at Nogard. Sending the pitiful dragon spiraling down to the earth once more. Paralleling the events of the last attack, Nogard was unscratched and its rage had exploded.
“Your parents must have been very creative,” Sors spoke twirling a revolver in her hands, “Literally naming you dragon backward.”
“YOU DARE!” Nogard yelled.
Before Nogard could act Sors levitated up and met it at eye level. Not expecting for an enemy to enter its domain, Nogard praised the human for her boldness. Only to get a negative response and a blunt taunt. Exploding into a rage it attacked Sors by biting her, as it had figured magic would only be reflected back. Unfortunately, Sors had more than enough strength to rival a dragon’s bite, even from one at its species’ pinnacle.
Holding the two halves of the dragon’s mouth open, Sors commented, “How can a divine being have this bad of a breath.”
Without the need of a surface to push at, Sors spun around and threw Nogard at the earth. Turning the lush forests into a giant crater, the dragon’s body was buried under a mountain of dirt. Not even a second had passed before Sors shot her revolver. With a single pull of the trigger both of the dragon’s wings exploded. Causing the dragon to be earthbound.
“What was that about your domain?” Sors teased.
“How- HOW DARE YOU!” Nogard bellowed, causing the crumbling earth around it to fly upwards.
With its anger reaching the limits, Nogard began to glow and shrink. The once elegant and humongous dragon had compacted into a humanoid form. Once the light from the once-dragon disappeared, what was left could only be called a dragon-newt. With a golden tail, hair, scales, wings, and claws, Nogard had turned into a humanoid being donning golden scale armor.
“Congrats, you realized your size made you a giant target.” Sors sneered.
Not even caring to reply, Nogard lunged forward swiping his claws at Sors. The distance between the two combatants could not be called small, but at the speed Nogard moved it was irrelevant. In response, Sors only smiled. Before Nogard was in range to attack Sors, it ran face first into an invisible barrier. Becoming dizzy for a split moment, it gave enough time for Sors to kick the pitiful dragon to the ground. Being hit sent flying towards the ground, with enough power to cause a shockwave, Nogard somehow landed gently in front of Sors’ companions. Well, Nogard still landed on its face.
Quickly following up, Sors pinned the dragon-newt to the ground. She quickly pulled one of its arms behind its back, restraining the poor dragon-newt. Even when Nogard tried to break the ground to gain a chance to escape he failed. Sadly, no matter how much force was put into its fist the ground could not even be dented. Instead, as if the world, loved to mock a flower grew where Nogard had struck.
With a click of the revolver’s hammer, Sors spoke, “It was self-defense. You see that foolish boy over there. He was attacked by your kin when they smelt the food he was… Could you call that cooking? Anyways, it's self-defense.”
“Self-defense? AS IF!” Nogard retorted.
Sors had shot her revolver, leaving a deep hole next to Nogard’s head. Throwing a light threat Sors smiled. It was regrettable as her warning had fallen on deaf ears. To ensure her point got across Sors shot the captured dragon-newt’s free arm. The single bullet had destroyed his arm, with everything else untouched, defying the general understanding of explosives.
“Would you now calm down?” Sors asked, “Oh, by the way, you should be feeling it now, my shots also target your spirit. So you can’t reincarnate so easily.”
Suddenly feeling an immense pain surging through their body, Nogard nearly fell into a deep slumber. When it felt the grip on its remaining arm disappear, Nogard escaped with all its might. Flying through the sky Nogard hesitantly looked back, seeing Sors nasty smile. Seeing such a grin, it used all its might to fly away in fear of being shot down.
“Run, you puny lizard! You better not show your face in front of me again!” Sors shouted.
“Was that needed?” Desyra asked.
“Nope,” Sors replied, “I just felt like it.”
“You owe me one now,” Menor called out.
“I never asked for your help!”
“Let’s get going already.” Igno yawned.
Not wanting any more delays, under Igno’s suggestion, they continued to the capital. The knights and Duke’s family had realized that their four tagalongs were never normal people. They had their suspicions since the party, but the recent event concreted it. The Duke could only hope that they parted ways soon, despite his daughter’s thoughts.
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