《Gallanor (On hiatus)》Chapter 4: Cold Shoulder(and pretty much everything else excluding limbs)


The elf who was just hit suddenly went pale.

"M....Mmm.....My L....Lord I apologize for my transgression." (Male elf)

The prince turned away from Darren to look at the elf. Then he turned back to Darren. As if the other elf was beneith his notice.

"So what should I call you? Tal'gor?" (Darren)

Darren was just hoping Tal'gor wouldn't ask him to call him something like master.

"Insolent fool! You will call him master!"( Male Elf)

As the original elf stepped forward to strike Darren he suddenly stopped moving. Lycan's arm was sticking through his chest. Pulling back her arm Lycan smiled contently to herself. Where her arm had been there was no hole. Or any noticeable damage. Then suddenly Ice burst forth from where Lycan had pierced him. Only after his whole abdomen was frozen over did the ice stop. Then like a statue he fell forward. He abdomen shattering while his limbs simply hit the ground.

The female just stood there open mouthed.

"A little too messy for my taste but atleast now I don't have to smell charred flesh." (Tal'gor)

Darren shot Lycan a look that seemed to scream We will discuss this later he then turned to Tal'gor.

"Charred flesh?"

"Ahh hold that thought."

Tal'gor then produced a dagger from his robe and used it to cut Darren's bindings.

Darren then stood up and rubbed his wrist. He then proceeded to stretch. Tal'gor stood patiently waited for him to finish before he elaborated on his prior comment.

"O I was going to kill him. He sits there and acts like he is sorry for offending me then he makes a move to attack my property. First off that's very rude, and unprofessional."(Tal'gor)

"Well I'd imagine slavers aren't the type to really take pride in their job.( Darren)


"Slavers? They are just a guard patrol. Anyway I specialize in fire magic. Hence the charred flesh remark It's a bit of an obsession of mine if we're being honest." (Tal'gor)

"Well seeing as you're a prince I assume you have a more practical place to talk than the middle of the woods." (Darren)

"It just so happens that I do. Also your chantless casting was quite astounding. I've never seen anyone able to do that while bound before. Anyway lets continue this discussion at my cottage in Oberroth. By the way do you know how to ride one of those?" (Tal'gor)

"Tell him yes." (Lycan)

"Apparently I do." (Darren)

Tal'gor nodded. Then he once again reached into his robe and pulled out a leather satchel. Taking 3 gold coins out he tossed them to the still stunned female.

Then he grabbed the reins of the creature and led it over to Darren. Lycan then grabbed his shoulder and everything went black. The next moment he was expertly riding the creature. Along side him was Tal'gor riding something akin to a miniature T-Rex. He realized that he really did know how to ride the creature. Unable to comprehend it he made a face. Tal'gor saw this and assumed he must have offended his new "friend."

"Something wrong?" (Tal'gor)

"No just... just a weird day."(Darren)

"I can understand that. In case you're worried I plan to sign your release documents when we get to Oberroth though I ask that you stay as my guest for a good while."(Tal'gor)

Darren simply nodded.

"Still confused." (Lycan)

Darren then noticed that a large white wolf was running along side him. Yet again Tal'gor seemed unable to see her. So Darren assumed it best not to draw attention to her. So he simply nodded in response.


"Allow me to elaborate for you. When I touched your shoulder I temporarily gained control of your body. I used it to ride the creature until your mind started to recognize my experience as your own. It's a neat trick but really isn't practical. For more actively involved things such as spell casting it takes years to start subconsciously registering things. And I'm sure you don't want me in control for such long periods of time." (Lycan)

After that Darren spoke very little for the rest of the ride. After another 40 minutes they reached a small village. Darren had some anticipation to see what level the technology of this world filled with magic was at.

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