《Origin of the Best Void Magician》Chapter 08: Purgatory


Purgatory. Someone may called it as Realm of the Dead simply because of the gathering souls in this place waiting for ttheir judgement before departing to another realm, either the Heaven or the Abyss. The Purgatory was needed to proper balancing the world between the Mortal, the Heaven and the Abyss from the cause of overflowing Souls and Mana. This realm, which completely connected to those three, simply circulated all flows in and out with a clean movement. The Souls, gone to the Heaven or the Abyss and the Mana circulated back to the Mortal Realm. But there some special case, where the Souls gone back to the Mortal Realm because of the God's goodwill or their good deeds. The Souls will be Reincarnated back to the Mortal from earlier as a baby and live a second live.

"And, so why am I going to meet God?" - Kagerou

"It was not on my proper judgement. We only deals the jobs that God had given to us." - Ririana

"Heh~ is that so. And your main job is..." - Kagerou

"We the simply gather all the Souls that were found still wandering in the Mortal Realm and brought them to the Purgatory. That is our main job." - Ririana

"Hmmm~~" - Kagerou

Ririana explained how the world works properly. She also explained the term used.

The [Souls], refers to the souls of the dead mortal beings.

The [Missing Souls], refers to the souls that refuse to go the Purgatory and still wandering in the [Mortal Realm] hiding from [Grim Reaper].

The [Undead], refers to the souls that had gain a specific mana and body, transforming into a monster-like beings.

The [Avenged Ghost], refers to the souls that had gather enough mana and they doing anything they like to fullfilled their regret to passed on the afterlife.

The [Purgatory], refers to the realm of gathering souls where they will be judge base on their deeds.

The [Abyss], refers to the realm of wicked souls that doing bad deeds more than the good deeds.

The [Heaven], refers to the realm of angels and seraphims, also the realm for souls that doing more good deeds than bad deeds.

The [Mana], refers to the magical power that flows in the [Purgatory] to the [Mortal] in circulated manner.

The [Divine], refers to the heaven miraculous power that flows only in [Heaven], and least circulated to the [Mortal].

The [Miasma], refers to the abyss destructive power that flows in the [Abyss] and [Mortal].

"Hmm~~ So basically [Divine] and [Miasma] had a similar properties like [Mana] but have much stronger effect?" - Kagerou

"You interested in that?" - Ririana

"Yeah? Why?" - Kagerou

Kagerou tilted his head to the right, unable to understand the Ririana's amazed expression. Ririana for only a second show her amazed face, but then changed back to her expressionless. Kagerou amazed by her expressionless.

"Yeah both of them had a similar properties with [Mana]. No, instead let's saying that all three of that was born from [Aether], some people called it the [Miracle]." - Ririana

"Huh?" - Kagerou

Because of a sudden information gained, Kagerou blurted out his perplexed because he was unable to understand that thing for the time being.


"What was it again?" - Kagerou

Correction. He understand it yet he want to confirm it as henever heard of that word in this world. That's why he was over reacted.

"Yes. Long ago, this world was just like your world. There's no magic, no monster and any kind of fantasy beings." - Ririana

-She's ignored me right. I'm just nothing but a peason right. - Kagerou

He already escaped reality. After all, he asked her to explained what she is saying before. Despite of that, she continues her explanation. Well he recovers a second later, as he want to hear the history of this world.

"But soon after that, the world suddenly trembles. It signaled that the world started to crack and overflowing with aether. At that time, aether only serve as a function to cleaned the world from pollution. Air pollution, Soil pollution, Water pollution and so on." - Ririana

"So you saying that, the world released the aether to cleased the pollution. Does it mean that the world also consisted the aether a long time ago?" - Kagerou

"But soon after that, because of aether overflowing inside this world, the world change. The world separated itself into five realm; Heaven, Abyss, Purgatory, Mortal and Akashic." - Ririana

-She ignores me again. kuugh. - Kagerou

Because of her constant ignorance from Ririana, he decides to ask god later. After all, he received mental damage just from being ignored by her.

"Aether that was overflowing the world also change in a constant rate. Because the aether can influence the living beings just by having a direct contact, aether started to change some of living being, into a monster." - Ririana

"Aether serves at first as a cleanser, to clear the pollution. So it was an undeniable fact that aether can absorb most of thing including the negative energy. Because of that, aether separated into three types: Divine, Mana and Miasma. these three then constantly influenced the world until it becomes like now." - Ririana

One word. Impressed. That was Kagerou's state currently. Because of such history happen, he can only nod toward her agreed unconsciously. While both of them still moving to the center of the Purgatory, it can't be helped that it felt deserted. It was still not a place that living things lives happily and peacefully. Around them was a lurking beasts. All of the beast was looking an opening chance as they want to hunt Kagerou more directly but can't do so because of Ririana.

They only looking at Kagerou with a drool on their face, hungrily dreaming to eat Kagerou while hearing his fear scream seeing the beast. Kagerou who knows that feels relief toward Ririana, having her around him constantly driving the beast away but it also make Kagerou's crying in his heart. Because he was a man, he doesn't want to relied on girls protecting him. But with this situation, it can only make him want to cry.

"So, there was an Orc Village near the Royal Palace? Idiot what are you doing!" - King

"Y-yes!" - Soldier A

"Sent a subjugation unit to that village! If possible destroy the threat before the end of this month!" - King


The King roared over soldier because of this report. After all, to have an Orc Village near the Royal Palace means that someone neglecting their duties to sense the demon lurking near the palace.

"B-but, the reported that An Orc King was sighted inside the village. Furthermore, there were a total of 400 Orc and most o them can be considered at least a higher B-rank!" - Soldier B

"Insolence! So what! Prepares the Army and the Mage! Royal Mages also will participate! It was only 400 Orc and an Orc King!" - King

"But if they going on full force, they would be S-rank threat!" - Soldier A

"You dare to speak to you own King like that!" - King

"I-I'm sorry your majesty but we were all in a dire situation, if we not act fast...." - Soldier A

"Guards! Take him to the Dungeon!" - King

"P-Please hold on, your Majesty!" - Soldier A

The situation inside the palace become chaotic. There's no one able to restrain their sanity as the calamity would attack this kingdom. And their rage soon calmed after the appearance of their heroes.

"You said the Orc King, isn't?" - Izumi

"Hmm, so basically because of the world sudden overflow with spirits, monsters and apostles, the gods itself split the world into five realm?" - Kagerou

"Yes." - Ririana

"Is that so~" - Kagerou

Kagerou breath in relief while Ririana tilted her head to the right perplexed with Kagerou's sudden sigh. Well, Kagerou only sigh after one of his question was answered properly.

Both of them walked through the desert without having a clear contact with the beasts. It was also obviously that the beasts avoiding making a contact with Ririana, who was walking besides Kagerou. In their mind, she is the real monster and that's why they avoid her so that they would live. Pretty sure it was also triggers their survival instinct that she would obiterated everything that obstruct her.

Because of that, their journey was almost done. Right now, in front of them is a huge city with a 10 meters wall to seperatees the city from the dangers of the wild. If it look at far, it was like a metallic fortress at the center of the desert. Inside the city, there's too many skyscraper that had reach the blue sky, shows their might to reach the impossibles with willpower. It was a brilliant and magnificient city.

"Welcome to the Sigurd City, the dwelling places of souls in [Purgatory]." - Ririana

"......." - Kagerou

Kagerou was looking at the city in awe. After all, the city was look similar to his world city. The building was created from the metals, bricks annd glasses. It had created the magnificient view of the city and shows the [Souls] who dwell to this places the supreme reign in the [Purgatory].

"So, we have arrive at the place where I need to meet gods ,huh?" - Kagerou

"No, we not have arrived yet. This city was only resides by [Souls], so [Gods] was clearly was not here. They would only came to this place in season." - Ririana

"Huh? Then what do we have to come here? Why we don't going straight to [God]'s place?" - Kagerou

"Didn't I say it before? You need a special permisson to bypass this city, especially the [Souls]. [Souls] who intends to bypass the city for an important business needs to get the [City Mayor]'s direct permission." - Ririana

"You didn't even say about such thing!!" - Kagerou

"Didn't I?" - Ririana

"Obviously." - Kagerou

She ignores him and continues walking to the city. Kagerou who was tired by only speaking to her just follow behind her closely.

-Huh, so in the end this adventure would still continue.... - Kagerou

Kagerou clears his mind from thinking such things as to not wear his mental out yet. He swore in his heart that he would only ignore Ririana's personality so that he will not get a mental illness.

A question appeared in his mind. he spoke to her to get a clear answer.

"Then do you also need a permission?" - Kagerou

"It is so obviously no. I am directly working with the [God], so they don't want to incur the [God]'s wrath by obstructing our jobs." - Ririana

"Heh~~ so [God] would get angry if they annoyed you all?" - Kagerou

"It was a misinterpretention." - Ririana

"Huh?" - Kagerou

"They misunderstanding if our job was obstructed, [God]'s will destroy them." - Ririana

"So?" - Kagerou

"[God] would obviously not getting angry just because of that. But because their misunderstanding it, it work perfectly fine with this." - Ririana

"Seriously~~" - Kagerou

Kagerou was taken aback. By no means he was not surprise. They, the [God's Apostle] get a free ticket to get bypass the city. It was clearly and obviously....

"No fair~~~~" - Kagerou

"Hmmm?" - Ririana

Ririana only tilted her head in confusion.

City Mayor's Office

"So there was a sighted that a high-ranked [Grimm Reaper] scout a human [Soul]?" - Mayor

"Yes. That human [Souls] followed the [Grimm Reaper] to this city." - Mayor's Spy

"Still, to get scouted by high-ranked [Grimm Reaper], that human [Souls] clearly was not your typical weak human." - Mayor

He who was still sits on his chair while looking at the documents on the table mumbling paused his work for a moment and stared at his spy. The spy who understood the meaning behind the stare nodded and gone dissappear from the office.

"Well, if that human [Souls] was scouted by a high-ranked [Grimm Reaper] and even so by walking here it means that they want to bypass the city which also means one thing; That human [Souls] have a meeting with the [God]." - Mayor

He speculated almost 100% correct. He who just got this information yet can grasp the situation pretty easily and fast with an accurate precision of his prediction clearly shows how high his intelligent he must be. If he still alive in the [Mortal Realm], he would obviously standing at the top.

"But I have one thing that I can grasp yet. Just what is your intention to called that human [Souls], [God of Death] Croix?" - Mayor

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