《Origin of the Best Void Magician》Chapter 00 : Prologue


A great bliss. That’s was what he feeling at this time. After all, he was basking under the sunlight at the rooftop while sleeping nicely. As he was done sleeping, he woke up from lying on the ground while stretching himself. That man’s name was Ibuki Kagerou, a smart and silent 17 years old teenage boy, sitting there blankly with a satisfaction glued on his face.

‘Surely this is bliss for this nice dreamy day, right?’

He usually thought like that.

After sitting there for a while, he stood up and started walking back to his classroom.

When he arrived at his classroom, he noticed there were several people inside the classroom whom chatting vigorously. The other side also must be noticed the same. Both side started to stare to each other silently, making the place suddenly void from noises.

The other side was none other than Hanami Kanzaki, Minami Kanzaki, Nana Tsugumi and Izumi Touka, The Top Four. They were always at the top in academic and sports, that’s why everyone called them as the top four. Not that he cared about that though, because he doesn’t like to stand out so much.

They stop staring at him and continue their chatting.

‘I feel like they were really doesn’t care at all about me.’

That’s what he felt when he saw them.

‘Well, let’s packed everything and go home.’

He started to pack his thing into his bag.

Suddenly, the classroom was blinded by light, piercing those five in unison. By no means, they were all desperately closing their eyes as the light was too bright. It was, of course, that they were unprepared for something like this too. In the end, they were all bathing in that light until it fades.

The classroom was once again quiet after the light diminished and those five who was there earlier had gone. No one will know whatever happened to those five after they have disappeared from that classroom.


He opened his eye once the light that blinding them disappeared. What he saw after that was not his own classroom but a gallant royal room filled with a mysterious rune filled the space. Not only that, when he looked at his feet, there was a giant circle formation that had geometrics, circles and runes filled inside it.

‘Is this perhaps…..Summoning Magic?’

Those words were blurted out inside him and of course he had considered all possibilities that this is prank. But the scene at this place was shown beautifully which made him too considered another possibility – They were all at another world.

‘Damn it… I don’t want something like this happen to me!’

He cursed inside as what happen right now was similar to the novel he read last month. He knew what he was thinking was just a delusion but he can’t deny that he had this bad feeling. After all, the scene in front of him was too real for him to just deny as his own dream.

“Where is this place I wonder?”

“No way this is not Earth, right?”

Hanami with a calm voice spoke out her though while making a wondering look around the place. Meanwhile Minami her younger sister had already escaping the reality isn’t. She laughed darkly which made the boys got goose bumps all over their body.

“I think this is another world, alright.”

“Yeah, I think so too.”

Nana was already accepting this as their reality meanwhile Touka was snapped out from his escaping earlier. Kagerou who was still deep in his thought glanced at those four. While thinking deeply, the door was open slowly. The knight was then gathered around the room and standing there without making noises.

There was a beauty wearing a shining dress walking through the door meanwhile all the knight around them giving salute towards her.

“I welcome you, heroes to this world Torfan. My name is Caroline Von Ausgusto and I am the first princess.”

It seems that this is really was another world.

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