《A Tale of Casual OPness》Chapter 1: What It's Already Been Five Years!?


Now, I suppose I should explain how I got here. I mean everyone has some ridiculous or weird backstory right? I mean there's always some reason characters are brought to another world. So, I suppose I should explain mine so let’s go back, back to five years ago.

It was a Friday afternoon, and I decided to head on home instead of going out with my friends to the bar or someplace.

“I’m back! Anyone home!”

I closed the door behind me, and took of my shoes placing them in the small shoe rack. I look around the rooms opening the doors to see if anyone was home. But of course no one was, things like this tend to happen and I just end up in places at the worst time imaginable. I suppose this is what I get for following that gut feeling everyone's always talking about, I really envy those geniuses who can just do that.

I suppose it was natural since I visited on a whim, and I didn’t particularly mind, It’s nice to have some time to yourself really. I head back to my old room, and threw the bag slung over my shoulder onto the neatly folded covers of my bed.

I walked on over to my laptop that's been collecting dust on my desk. It's rather old and I've gotten a new one to replace it back at the dorm, but I've been with this one so long I thought it was a shame to replace it. I spent the day leisurely watching videos, reading some manga, or checking out some novels online.

That day was really just like any other day, there was no sign that my oh so peaceful life would so abruptly change. And I never thought that such an absurd thing would happen to me of all people. Though I suppose we never do. Who knows, maybe everyone on Earth will suddenly die the very next day, and we're all just sitting here clueless.

And out of nowhere I heard the loud honking of a truck, and as I turned my head I saw a majestic truck flying straight towards me through my window.

“Beep Beep Mother Trucker!”

And that's how my life ended. And I was life speechless.

I thought I was drunk or something despite the fact that I’ve never drank before. I thought I was possibly high, despite the fact that I’ve never touched any drugs in my life. Because no matter how you think about it trucks don't just come flying at you on the 7th floor of a bloody apartment complex!

Even to this very day, I don’t understand how such a thing could have happened, nor will I ever get the chance too understand. Because in spite of how illogical it is, the undeniable truth remains.


In the end on that day I, at the young age of 21 had died. And on that day I, the man now known as Daniel was born on that day, the 567th Cycle’s 73rd sunrise of the Eltran Quarter. And I woke up in my crib in the Village of Beginnings.

And as I woke up I was utterly confused at the time. I had no clue where I was, what was going on, or what happened. It took me a full day to really wrap my head around what exactly was going on and even then it was hard to believe. But instead of making you suffer through what I had too, and what I had to learn let me summarize it for you.

Once again this is the Villages of Beginnings, also known as the Village of Auroria the Godesses of New Beginnings, Fate, and Journeys. She's a goddess who symbolizes birth, travels, and destiny really, as she supposedly watches over all of us as we walk our paths in life. Hence the Village of Beginnings.

This is the birthplace of a vast number of the worlds Otherworlds and at this very moment hosts a large number of Otherworlders. Though, why this happens is beyond me, and anyone else really. It just so happens that a lot of Otherworlders end up here one way or another, and a lot of people have related it to tutorial villages or starting villages in games.

Though it might be going a little too far to say this is a games starting village. After all, you’ve got D-Class to B-Class monsters roaming the forests, lakes, and mountains around the village.

Now I suppose I should explain a few classifications, first let me start off by saying levels do exist in this world. In this world there are beasts, monsters, demi-humans and all sorts of other races. And each indvidual has both a level and a letter grade.

A level is rather easy to see, nearly all Otherworlders posses the some form of ability to check someone’s level. And you should all understand levels for the most part. You kill stuff, you level up, you become stronger. And naturally the higher your level the stronger you are.

As for letter grades they can refer to several things, you’re Rank, or your Danger Level. I’ll explain ranks later, but all beasts or criminals are handed out a certain Danger Level to classify how powerful they actually are. They go from F to EX like this: F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS,and EX.

Though, Danger Levels are rather loose and there are times when a monster is assigned things like a A+ Danger Level, or an A++, or maybe an A-. There are quite a few ranks now that I think about it, but generally they follow the F to EX scale. And sometimes they're even given titles, and are even categorized as natural disasters.


Anyways to put it simply as long as you have I higher level than someone in your letter grade you are more than likely stronger than them. But if have a higher level than someone, but their letter grade is higher than yours then you are weaker than them. For example, a level 15 C-Class Criminal can easily overwhelm a D-Class Criminal several levels above his own. So for the most part levels are just numbers to flaunt, and what truly matters is your Rank or Danger Level. And this is especially true for Otherworlders like me.

Otherworlders can never be measured solely by their level, as a Level 1 Newborn Child can easily destroy a house by himself. And Otherworlders have Personal Skills, they used to be called Unique Skills but since there are so many of us a few of skills just overlapped and well they weren't particularly unique any more.

Anyways, since the village has so many absurdly powerful members we’re quite used to odd scenes of extravagance, or destruction. And a number of villagers have even ended up becoming Demon Kings, Heroes, Celebrities, or Emperors after they left the village.

It really is the birthplace of the destined, those born here are almost always guaranteed a successful life outside of the village. And there are few places in this world that where someone can live this peacefully. Especially with all those Otherworlders running about.

We're just lucky we're protected by these four great natural barriers: To the South there's the Astel Woods filled with a large number of C-Class to A-Class beasts. To the East is the extraordinarily vast Mowa Lake filled with powerful aquatic beasts. To the West is the Gran Mountains which sport terrains so harsh that only Flying beasts can even reach it's peak. And finally the Mesmerizing Mist that hinders all who dare enter, which circles the perimeter of the village outskirts.

If it weren’t for the fact that the path weren’t blessed by Auroria’s Blessing, even Otherworlders would have a hard time finding their way back. So those who aren’t graced by such a blessing, are only those who were fated to make it in.

Just like my father. Apparently, he was an Adventurer who challenged the Astel Woods with a party only to be defeated by a C-Class Beast. And after frantically running through the woods, as Fate may have it he came across this little village. And during his stay he got it on with my Mother Nora, and left to continue his adventures.

And after 4 months I was born. Yep, 4 months. You see this village is special for one more reason. Time flows differently in this village. This world’s calendar has 12 months with a total of 365 days with 91 days making a quarter.

You’ve got the Eltran Quarter which represents Fall, the Wixlyn Quarter which represents Winter, the Vetrine Quarter representing Spring, and the Aultran Quarter representing Summer. As for the last last day of the cycle, it's this worlds equivalent of New Years. It's called the Auroran Festival, or the Festival of New Beginnings. It’s the day when all Four Goddesses join together with the Goddess of New Beginnings to usher the beginning of the next cycle.

And you see a single cycle for us over here in the Village of New Beginnings is equivalent to three cycles outside. And our bodies still follow time outside the village. In other words everyone in this village ages at three times the speed. And it’s the main reason why after only 5 short years, I’m already 15

Phew, man saying all of this in a monologue sure was a mouthful, or is it a brainful? I don’t even know why I bothered explaining all of this when I’m leaving the village in a few days.

Yep, this village is extremely peaceful and it’s fun and all, but I’ve had enough of being almost blown to pieces. And If I live here I’ll age at three times the speed. I want to live out a long, and leisurely life.

So I plan on leaving the village and finding a nice place to stay for the rest of my life, after earning myself a decent amount of money of course. Granted I’m going to have to learn a lot of stuff as soon as I go out, but I’m sure I’ll be fine with all of my equipment and abilities.

After all with my abilities and stats there’s no one my age, that’s not an otherworlder, that can compete with me.

Well, here's the first chapter of what I was trying to make Gotta Gacha. Now this story is gonna have rather short chapters, and this is my attempt on trying to update more frequently. Now, the problem is I now have 3 stories......

Well I'll mange somehow. As for all who're waiting for both Gotta Gacha and Forgotten Souls, I sorta stopped editing both of their chapters and started writing this.....

But, I swear they're coming soon!

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