《Secret of the world》Chapter 16: Dragon vs Ghoul part 1
The black depths clawed at me and begged for me to fall into them. The dark abyss below me howled a cold roar and sent a chill straight to my core.
Is this death?
I had been floating for who knows how long. My mind was jumbled and I didn’t have much strength in me.
I pondered for a long time in the empty silence, before the sound of a cane hitting solid ground echoed through the abyss. As the sound grew closer I tried to move my head to see, but nothing would move me from my place in the blackness.
I gave up and just waited for the sound to either fade or it to come closer. The latter happened, and the sound came to a halt just a few inches from his body. Then after seconds, a deep sigh.
“You always like to keep me on my toes, don't you?” The stranger, who couldn't see, asked.
“.....”Several seconds past and I didn’t know how to respond.
After a while, realizing my answer the stranger spoke again. “Ahh still a little smart ass I see, then again this is what you get for not heeding my warning.” The stranger said. His voice went for annoyed too as superior tone.
The stranger moved and a familiar face stared down at me. The old man from the camp stood above me, with a look of either disgust or annoyance. I couldn’t be sure.
The old man was looking down on me. I felt both anger and confusion. Well at least I wasn't crazy, and the doctor was real. Or was he a figment of my imagination?
His thoughts were interrupted by a whack to the face. “Even now you are rude, being half dead and all,” the old man said angrily. My heart stopped beating...Well, I guess it already did. If I could have moved I would be at the old man's neck with questions
“Well, I guess I shouldn’t be dill dialing” He waved the cane and took positions behind my head. He tapped the ground and then I circle of light appear around me, then it faded. Leaving a hole in the ground with me still healed in the same spot.
“Alright boy!" He shouted. "I never thought I would see a person come back after one time, but I guess once more couldn’t hurt." He shrugged to himself and seems to think it over before beginning.
What does he mean again? I don't remember dying before!
“First I would like to confirm some things.” He spoke softly. "I would like you to try and move.”
Confused, and a little hesitant I tried. Just like all the other times, My limbs grew incredibly heavy. Like boulders had been attached to my hands and feet. I was like I was running back to back sprints. I was gasping for air after only a few seconds.
“Why...can't I move?” I gasped out.
“Oh, right I guess I will explain.” He is as if just remembering it. I began to seriously question this old man, more so than I already did.
He pointed his cane at the circle.”This I guess would be the border to Life and death. Limbo so to speak.’ He spoke.
“!” I tried to yell, but the old man cut me off.
“Yes, you are dead or very close to it. Right now you are in limbo or the land of chances!” He proclaimed happily. I felt a look of disgust appear on my face as he said that.
“Great my imagination is crazy too”
Was he crazy or just really off beat? Both sound close, yet I couldn't decide which one to go with.
“Enough of your rude bullshit”
“OWWWWW!” He whacked me again. I now got the idea he might have been reading my mind. Which wasn’t all that strange since I could to...at times anyway.
The old man moved on to his next question.” Now how much do you know about yourself,” He probed me, with a look a curiosity”
“I don't know too much, but I do know I am important and have some connection with more people than I know off. Oh, and I'm a king candidate” The old man rubbed his face and then a serious look fell on his face.
“About as much as I assumed. Let's see if that is enough for you this time. I expect an interesting answer.” He looked me dead in the eye and asked his final question.
“Now,” His eyes were dead seriousness. I could feel the tension “Who are you?”
What? Was he serious?
“I am me,” I raised my eyebrows at his question. It was one of the rare tin I answered a question without hesitation.
“Ah, And who is “me’ hmm,” He questioned. “Tell me more about yourself, and why it is you want?”
“I’m not following on how this is going to change anything? Just let me go?” I yelled frustrated by these random questioning.
“Oh, you think if you leave now, the results will be any different. You failed to beat Samuel and you think trying again will make a difference” Her words cut like knives.
He was right. As I am now, Defeating Samuel wasn't even a pipe dream. It was unrealistic. Even the shadow couldn't do it, what hope did I have?
The old man-boar a stare at me. “ I will ask again. Who are you and what do you want?” The seriousness never faded.
I resigned myself to the questions. “What do you mean?” If I am not me…..Then who is Dyanmes?
“You have found the starting line, I will leave you alone to find an answer, but be quick death waits for no man.” He turned his back. Cane resonating sound as he went.
“Wait What!?”
The old man then looked off into the distance as if lost in a memory of an event long past. “I'm not fond of hints boy, but I shall give you one. The shadow is your key from this cage” With that he went silent.He even vanished from sight, leaving me alone in the darkness.
Then the sinking started. The blackness was drawing me slowly, but surely into it. I flailed my limbs, but the strength was again robbed from me.
With nothing else, I found myself looking at the ceiling again. “So even a question about my identity can't’ be done without the shadow?” No matter what I can't be separated from him. If it was a blessing or a curse I couldn't tell. The shadow was far better than me. Almost hilariously so.
I thought back to the fight with Daniel and his goons, Brogg, and even the bandits. Each time I was sidelined and became a bench warmer. I could only hate the show for it.
Let me shine damn it!
I can do it if I try!
The shadow took over, beating them all with such strength it made him feel pathetic. Like my body truly wasn't mine.
I’m sure, even without realizing, I came to hate the shadow. But even more than hate I was envious. For many reasons. Some fickle other were well justified.
The shadow was respected. In the meeting, it had overpowered the other party and show more determination
While I was weak and had no backbone.
The shadow was cool and could save people.Even though it lost to Samuel, it had down more than I could do in my life. It was wise and Gained people's confidence and trust, a thing I could never do.
While I was too scared to voice my own opinion in both instances. It only made the stack in my heart go deeper. I knew it wasn't good to compare myself to others, but this was me in a way. Yet it completely dominated everything it did.
Why must I look at something so bright?
Why? Just 18 I don't have any idea of what I want?
Is there even a need for me?
Was there? I was just there. I didn't do much else other then eat and sleep….Wait now that I think about it. When was the last time I went to the bathroom during this!? God my blatter must be close to exploding…..You just want me to move on? Are you kidding?! This is very import….Fine….I’m sure I went sooner or later….I hope I did.
My lack of confidence seemed to encourage the darkness.My feet sunk down and now I was upright in the black pond. It was up to my waist…..Sure would be a good time to go …….Fine I will move on! But you should be worried how I haven’t used the bathroom at all during this!
I want to be strong, I wanted all the qualities to be the shadow. Why can't I be stronger? I hated my weak self and I knew it changed nothing. Nothing would be achieved without hard work, but even after all the solo training, I wasn't close to the shadow in anything.
The gap between us was too big.
May it was then that I had truly given up on it. Maybe I should become his shadow and stay here forever.
I felt the cold erupt in my body. My arms had np gone under.Yet even as I lay in death's grip, A single warmth touched my heart. Or more specifically a memory.
Hey, what do you want to be? it invoked Rick and me talking after I had come to his aid. We both laugh and play and lick our wounds.
It was pathetic, but we didn’t care. I remember the rest of the conversation with a heavy chest.
I don’t know, but I want one become stronger than I am now, and I hope someday I can reach the sky! had said so hopefully and now look at me.
Rick was dead and I couldn't’ even get back at the man who killed him. Hell, I was following close behind him.
I'm frustrated!
Why?! Can't I be stronger?
Maybe...if I was like him? I turned my brain to the one thing I had never told anyone. It shames me to admit, but for a long time, I held an admiration for the first king.
Though I had never met him and only heard about him, the first king sound like my ideal. The trip here and even in camp the respect Ashley and the old guard showed for him was amazing. He sounded like the kind of person I wanted to be, but it was out of reach. I felt the darkness swallow me faster.
The first king was my Goal for so long. Scarce tales of him existed online, so times they were only there for a few days, and then were taken off, but each one struck a chord in me.
The First was the closest to seizing the sky. The place had longed to reach. While he had soared, I fell to the ground and sunk deeper into the mud.
I'm sorry I couldn't get you revenge. I could only throw my head back in despair, but a strange tingle on my cheek kept annoying me. Like an annoying itch that I couldn't scratch.
“So even now you are encouraging me? Even as pathetic as I am now?” I didn't know why it was just my check. He had punched a whole lot more than just my cheek.
But then again it was always done that way.
“Don't do it for revenge. DO it for yourself.”
Thay single punch had cleared his head. Now was not the time for me to be sitting here.
“He might come box and hit me again if I stay here.” A bitter laugh escaped my throat as I was now neck deep. “The pain might be gone, but the message was loud and clear YOU WANNABE GANGSTER!”
A sadness stung my heart as I thought of his instant response.
“When did things get so complicated? I preferred simple for years now.” I didn’t care about all the emotions swirling in my heart. I was chasing one thing this whole time.
It what lead my every swing and every step forward.
The simple desire to prove myself.
That's right I'm not doing this for revenge. I just want to fight him and win. I want to capture the feeling I had fighting Brogg and Daniel. That was all.
“Now since I am a simple idiot,” a grin appeared on my face. “I think punching this darkness would be for the best.” But before I could try and swung a punch. Electricity surged through my body.
“But first I need your help huh?” Like a faint whisper, he appeared before me.
If I want to stand up and fight, I need the shadow to cover for my weak self, no I need more people to help me.
I looked up to the shadow. He was far different than any other time before. Blonde hair does his head, and a pair of amber eyes looked deep inside me.
A big hand was outstretched. I still couldn't see a face, but right now I need the power to stand up.
With all my strength, and amazingly heavy chains. I reached for it. I yearned for it. My hand broke thru the black swamp.
No was not the time to be pessimistic.
I struggled as I reached with all I had, but it wasn't enough. I fell short, but the shadow grabbed my hand. A warmth spread into me.
The sound of breaking glass filled my ears.
The darkness was blown away in a flash. Like the latch had finally been released I was freed of the weight. I swear I should've flown a little but my knees touched the ground almost immediately.
I looked to my savior/foe. His appearance was on full display.
He was dress like a don boss with an impression suit. Dressed in black from head to toe. The clothes looked expensive. No penny was left unspent. Even his shoes looked for the high-end.
But he didn't come off as over the top. The suit was simple in design. Just a downward striped suit. A tie around his neck and white sleeves covered his arms. He struck awe into my eye. Yet my eyes were drawn elsewhere.
The gloves he wore. The fingertips were metal but rounded at the tip. the palm was wrapped in black leather. A bird insignia in the back of the hand.
All in all, they man was dignified and had the air of someone far superior to myself. The way we were only made the feeling of insecurity more intense. He must have realized me feeling because he let go. He eyes begged for me to look around.
So I did. Only to be left speechless.
Raw magic was twirling and acting freely. The rainbow colored flow was was filling swirling around the place we stood.
it was dancing and moving it such ways it was captivating. I could have stayed for hours. But a sensation rocked me. The coldness was gone. Replaced by something better.
A heart burning with excitement.
I turned my gaze to the man once more and thought back to all the experience I had with the shadow. The dream I had was now in full color and I remembered it all.
“You're the first king aren't’ you?” I asked. After all, I had seen and the strange feelings I had from the begin it all point to this man.
The First with his perfect complexion and peaceful eyes simply nodded.
“So the man I admired for so long was inside me all this time?” A small laugh escaped my lips. It was really embarrassing.
A clapping soon filled the silence, the old man appeared out of nowhere right next to us.
“So you finally realized it huh?” He spoke happily with a strangely big smile. He looked like a man who finally saw all his work come together to make something beautiful.
“So what is your answer?” He spoke still in his happy tone. I thought it over long and hard. One one conclusion came to mind. The first being inside me and even taking over my body I only drew one conclusion. With confidence, I responded.
“I am the reincarnation of the first,” I spoke. My proclamation was followed by silence.
I couldn’t be wrong. The first was dead, so clearly his soul must be attached to me. There are no other likely tales to tell me otherwise.
Then two sounds followed. The old man with his head in his hands sighing heavily while the first was holding his sides in laughter
It bellowed through the empty space. I was dumbfounded.
“I believe I asked for an interesting answered, but you always surpass my expectations. Never in a good way either” He spoke out of his hands.
“It would seem so,” The first said wiping a tear was from his eyes. A big smile on his face. “Truly even if I ma completely different so things will always hold through.”
“Will you to tell me what is wrong? Am I not the reincarnation or what?” I yelled at them. I was embarrassed and felt the heat grow in my face.
The two men looked at each other and the first step forward. He coughed and then stopped his laughter. A few giggles escaped before he stopped.
“You are not exactly wrong. You just chose the wrong words,” His clear voice took me silenced my running thoughts. If I had not been paying attention, he now had me on the edge of my seat. My attention seems to naturally fall to him.
“What do you mean?’ I asked slapping myself out of my mesmerization.
“Dynames,” He asked, “Are you aware of your full name?” His question was so off topic I was at a loss for words.
“No, why?”
“Well, would you like to know?” he said plainly as if it was the most known thing in the world.
The feeling was strange. I had all my life just been Dyanmes. All I knew were my parents were gone. But is that true? For all I knew, it could be. But what if knowing my last name...could I find it out all.
I was hesitant, but my curiosity to know was stronger. “Yes, very much so” My eagerness made the old man sigh even more. I chose to ignore him for the moment.
“Your names is Dynames Valmuras.” He spoke clearly.
Valmuras huh? I thought It was a strange last name, but it fit well. And secretly it put me at peace. It felt like some of the rough edges around me were chipped away.
The first didn’t stop there. “And I am the first king: Dynames Valmuras.” The shock was the least of my reactions. I was reeling and my mind was failing to keep up.
“Do you know why we bear the same name?" With my words failing me I shook my head.
“The answer is simple. You are not my reincarnation, but we are one in the same” He said his voice echoed joy
I’m the first king, but that impossible. We are clearly different in age! He is like in his thirties at least
“It not impossible,” as if reading my thought the old man spoke scaring me to my wit's end.
“ I am only 25!” the first shout back. The old man just glared at him and turned back to me.
“Six years ago you....the first king, were captured and had seals placed on your body. Thus the change in appearance and the lack of magic. Your real personality dwelled within and they moved you far away in hopes of keeping you under control. I'm amazed you were so close. I found it to be quite strange” He spoke slow, but the info was overloading my brain. I felt the smoking coming from my head.
“By all rights, your personality is only six years old.”
I'm fucking six years old. What the fuck!
“You shouldn't just drop a bomb on him like that.”
“It is the same with a band aid, ripping it off quickly is best.”
“Being told you are a six year old is not the same as a fucking band -id!”
My body natural froze with surprise, to be told that I was looking at my real body was a little much for my bare at the moment. Even more so, that my real age was fricken six.
Even with my mind on the brink of shattering I still asked: “So what now?”
The first wore a perplexed look. I really didn't like it. The first rubbed his chin for a bit, then place his first in this plan when he got an idea.
“Well, that is where this is going be hard. Once I take over. Your personality will be in all rights devoured by mine. Your memories will remain, but your personality will fade.”
“So no matter what I am going to die?”
The first wore a sad look. “I’m unsure. This is new for everyone here. You might be stuck in the back of my mind forever. Or you might fade away instantly.”
“I see.” this was as far as I went.
Suddenly a hand was on top of my head. “You needn’t worry so much you and I are the same. Nothing will change other than your outward appearance.’ His calm voice seems to ease the fear “We are the same down to the last emotion. You are more of a younger version of me if anything, but your natural negativity is a bit more powerful than mine. Mostly like one that was implanted into your personality since birth.”
“So do you accept it all or will you reject me here?”
His hand now removed from my head was now extended forth. The world change now to the world of chains I had seen back when I gain my magic
The chains were the same, and yet here they were humming almost. It was the same as the black world, where I could hear the dreams and thoughts of people, but it was stronger and it me tremble. The weight I was feeling. I could finally name it.
The weight of people's dreams.
“These are the people who are connected to us. The people are calling for us….No, they have been calling for years haven't they.” He looked at the sea of chains surrounding us.
This is the weight of people's dreams? I looked all around. The chains were like snakes in an open field. Stretching as far as the eye could see. They were calling me.
My body moved before I could think about it. As I struggled to stand the first, with his hand still extended waited for me. His eyes filled with patience and power I didn't have.
I was still felt bitter.
I was going to die.
I could deny my fear but-
I grasped the extend hand.
- I want to be stronger and I need this man to get it. But I strange feeling filled me. Regret I think it was. Regret that I had to realize how weak I was on my own. “Take good care of everyone. I’m sure they will not mis…”
The first pulled me into his embrace.
“I don't care what you have done or how you try to rationalize this,” he looked at me. “Please know this. Those six years you lived are yours, not mine. Never forget that. You were alive. You were not some puppet to be used for the council's whims.”
Then it all came at once. “I really don't want to become one with you!” I cried out. “I didn't want to die.” I wanted to be me, but that was impossible.
Even so, I really wanted it.
“Good you truly are a human” He stepped away from me as I cried on the ground.
His eyes grew stern. “Our time is at an end.” The dancing magic began to swirl more rapidly around us. The chains rose from the ground. The rust from all of them began to fall away.
The chains resonated and an amber flame came oozing out of them. It converging on the first.
“You can never do things simply can you?” whisper the old man mostly in annoyance. And as he looked under his breath he spoke.“Thought at least the world secret may yet be revealed’ His eyes warm as he watched.
Just as the world began to break my small voice echoed loudly.
“Please...*hic*...Grant me one thing before this ends.”
The amber flame overlapping his appearance giving him an orange glow.
“Please listen to my silly request.” A bitter smile appeared on my face. An appearance truly befitting the fool I was.
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