《Secret of the world》Chapter 13: Picking a side Part 1
The idea was simple. Grant would act as the leader, put pressure on the group, and gather info. Very simple. Yet things were going downhill.
His foot firm on the ground when a pressure vibrated through the air. A simple phenomenon. Magic resonating. He disregarded it completely.
Magic was too thin in the air to make a difference. Making mages useless or just less reliable.
He hoped to talk with the kid. Something about him drew attention. His interest doubled with his answers. Though any peaceful resolutions were out the door at this point. Things were getting ugly, he reached out.
A metallic clang filled the forest. All eyes grew wide. He knew what had happened, but it still played over in his mind. A different hand grabbed Frank.
How was he there! No scuffle for power reached his ears. No sound alerted anyone of his approach. Almost like a breeze of wind, he appeared. A deadly intent home in his eyes. No one could speak a word.
I’d better….!!
In a moment, the grip went to Frank’s collar, and over his shoulder, Frank went. He threw himself down onto the floor.
“Gah!!!” Grant went down under the weight of Frank. They were crumbled to the ground before any idea of resistance went through anyone’s mind.
The kid ripped a piece of clothing him his shirt and tied it around the girl’s wounded throat. He gave the girl a smile and moved toward the two men. Everyone included him did nothing. Not that they really wanted too. Nobody wanted to be under the stare.
The boy stopped in the middle. A cold gaze held their attention. He took a breath and fire roared from the ground. Something fell from a nearby tree into the roaring blaze.
“Geal! What the hell do we do?!” One of his band retained their senses and rushed over.
“Everyone just hold your ground!” Retreating now would be foolish. Sweat covered his brow, but he dared not make a move.
The inferno roared, but thankfully it never came close to any of them. Fear lessened as they realized it until the fire vanished. A large beast coiled around the strange boy. Fierce eyes paralyzed them all further.
“Holy Shit!!”
“My g...ods!” Several men went down on their butts. Hands forward shielding them for the horrible beast.
“Now which one of you wishes to anger me next?” Pressure emanated from him, no person dared moved, except one. Cold steel touched the boy's neck.
“Well, at least one of you is not afraid,” Dynames said with a wicked smile on his face.
“I wouldn’t say that” he fired a grin right on back. He gave no hint of mercy or fear. Both locked gazes.
“Alright how about you let me join your ranks now?” he asked. The Gael kept his stare.
“Do you think I can just let you off with hurting my friends?” Gods damn it! He had meant to call a cease-fire, but the staring contest provoked him.
“Do you think you can get away with your life?” The dragon did, in fact, look more than happy to start ripping people to bits. The odds were against him. Best to bet on the kid, then on his own chances of victory.
“Alright. You have a deal.” He sheathed his sword and extended his arm. “The names Gael Augustine leader of these merry and fighting men.” The boy shifted and took his hand and replied accordingly.
“Dynames. The leader of these braves souls and one dragon.” Nobody heard Gael, but a sigh of relief left his lips. He really didn't want to fight a….Dragon? His eyes flicked to the beast. A shiver went down his spine. Not of fear, but an old admiration burned in his heart. When he looked around several other must've gotten it too.
“Well Dyanmes,” the name felt familiar as it left his tongue, but he couldn’t put a finger on it. “I would love to stay out in the cold, but how about we head back to my base?”
“Let’s do that.”
My thoughts were still filled with the shadow. I felt something in my chest just thinking about it, but my usual melodrama was interrupted by shouts
At some point, we had gotten into a system of caves. So voices echoed a little too well. It was hard enough to think, but the added noise made it an impossible task. After we entered. I could feel a damp atmosphere. The darkness seemed to stretch forever. Silence only filled by the occasional exhale from the soldiers.
I shivered deeply. My clothes were not meet for such temperatures. The train of people did at least insult heat between them. But the lien was now at a halt. We had come to a dead end.
Gael moved to the side of the path. He must have done something because of the wall, blocking them, lurched and moved to the right. A new pathway opened before us. As we walked, a light was visible at the end.
This was far more than what I expected from bandits. Going as far to hid in a cave system and even hid the entrance to the real base. Truly a terrifying bunch. I would've appreciated a bigger change in scenery. The walls surrounded us were a little different, but the ceiling was the same. The ceiling of the cave was now gone replaced by the black, merciless sky.
It was different but still filled me with the same distressing feeling. Being underground bothered the crap out of me. I much preferred the freedom of the sky I had gotten the day (?) before. I was sure I had gotten enough sleep, but the moon was still out.
I nearly fell on the unexpected slant in the path as they travel down a slope to reach the open part of a valley. Maybe more of a canyon given it was surrounded by walls? Or maybe a crater? Anyway, It was like coming out of a water slide. Just a sudden appearance of light and new sights.
It was invested by grass and trees. Tinted black as the night, so they didn't make me feel at home at all. In the back, a large pond created by a waterfall in the back. Its water looked cleaner than anything they had seen in the entire country. It would have been great if not everything in this country was black and depressing! I thought bitterly.
Even if I was annoyed by it, I still looked around. Homes were built into the walls and many other narrow staircases and ladders led to doors. My interest in their living style was cut short by the guards blocking the main entrance.
Both armored with a thicker armor than the bandit party Dyanmes now traveled with. They were both armed with spears and both had the eyes of experience to them. One of the two stepped forward.
“Captain Gael, I see you brought more people for our cause with you?” he did a military salute. His eyes scanned me and my group. A sigh escaped his lips. He must of have guessed our ages.
“Is this all can't get nowadays?” He looked at the sky and sighed once more. “Can they at least put up a decent fight?” I thought it was a pretty normal reaction to bring some kids to their base. Our value would be unknown until some proof was shown.
“Don’t worry you will actually get to see ALL of them fight," Gael said with a smile that seemed to sway and give ease to the guard’s mind. I didn’t like the extra force he used on all. A bad feeling would be an understatement.
“What?! Why do we have to fight?” Erica filled with annoyance, voiced her thoughts. Her face converted to a deep frown. Gael got up close to her.
“You see, little girl, here we have a group of bandits.” He gestured behind him. “Even though you have been accepted by me, The group will have to decide for themselves.” Gael got up and walked forward, his voice trailed behind him.
“The ‘test’ will tell us what you can bring to the fight.” No hint of sarcasm. I got what he was doing and placed my hand on Erica's shoulder. She looked ready to start the fight right there.
“I understand, so Erica please calm down.” I looked at the two guard. “Let’s, at least, show are new friends what were capable of.” She calmed down far faster than I had expected, she got right in line. For some reason her face was red.
“Kids these days.” Gael made the comment as he walked through the gate. At the time, I wasn't sure what he could mean.
He guided us to camps near the pond. “These will be your quarter while you are here." Turned to face us, he simply gestured his thumb over his shoulder. Then he pointed out a cave entrance.
“That is where my men and I do our training.” he said nonchalantly “Just go there when you are ready” With that, he walked off toward the bigger tent in the middle of the valley.
After a short rest, Ashley and I warmed up. I did not understand what Cross would do, but Erica was a mage, so she didn't focus on physical prowess.
We moved toward the cave's entrance. I turned toward my group. I need to give them a pep talk of some sort.
“All right! This was not a part of my plan, but we need it all put are all into this. Let's do our best!.” I tried to smile.
“Having an idiot cheer me on feels disgusting,” The smile froze.
“Y-yeah.” At least Ashely was trying to be nice.
“Ha, look at you trying to be a leader.”
“Shut up Cross.”
“Why am I the one you retort?!” I ignored him and went in. The other two gave him the cold shoulder. Like a wounded dog, he followed.
A giant ring in the middle of the room. Like an underground colosseum. A strong gladiator feeling came with it.
Above the circle stands for crowds would watch the fights. So their training was to show progress and give hope? My guess was for the non-combatants. It was a good morale boosting idea. But it made me question the bandits again. Why would they even have non-combatants or even worry about morale?
The room lit up by torches, was clear as day. People moved in and out of the cave. It definitely felt like a sporting event.
We found a spot near the back and began watched the fight go on for some time until Gael found us. “You guys look ready to start some trouble, but you sure you don't want to change?” he said upon seeing our serious focus.
All of us kept our normal clothes. Clothing hampered none of us. I felt Gael eyeing me. He must have been looking for signs of the shadow. Honestly, I was hoping to handle it myself.
I was more focus on the others in my party. Ashley and Erica looked ready to take on a lot of people. Cross, still dressed in his lab coat, looked less than ready to fight. I didn’t know if he could even fight. So far he has either been too injured to fight or near dead before it even started.
“Any of you can go first.” His eyes looking not each of us. “If you need a weapon, we have a select few so try not to break any of them.” He must be trying to lighten us up. We all just nodded, so he must have taken that as a failure.
Gael walked away. Disappearing through the crowd. Next thing I knew was in the middle of the circle he stood.
“WHO’S READY FOR A FIGHT!” Gael shouted at the crowd. They roared back. Stomping and screaming filled the cave. Once satisfied, His hand went up for silence.
“Today we will see are new recruits fright!” He moved around the circle. “Here to prove whether or not they have the right to join us!” Gael was very good at getting his crowd involved. Hell, any nervousness in me was gone.
“They can come in any order! The rules of this battle are simple. The one who can longer stand is the loser!” Again the crowd roared back eager to see a fight. I felt pumped to fight in front of all these people. My days of fighting a practice dumb were long behind me now.
The doors on the north and south end of the field open revealing the first competitors.
Gael had hoped he would have gotten to see Dynames start it off, but he was meet by the girl who had retained the neck injury. He couldn’t recall her name. He shrugged off the awkward feeling and turn to the other competitor.
He knew the man coming for the south.The reigning champion of the arena for the last few days. They both reached the center where he stood. He checked both their faces. Both eager to battle. He stepped back and began introductions.
“From our side, the man that has dominated the arena the last few days, Alstark Feron!” Again the crowd roared back with more enthusiasm than ever before.
“From the new recruit side, We have. . ." Gael’s voice was overtaken before he could finish.
“Erica Strider!” Gael taken off guard fell silent. An abrupt silence took over the arena. Then the champion started laughing. Anyone could guess why.
“So I get to fight this tiny little girl! This won't be much of a fight!” He bellowed through his laughter while striking his ax against his shield. If he wanted the girl to react, she did no such thing. Which for some reason sent a shiver down Gael’s spine. After most of the mental jabs were thrown Gael started the match.
The fight started out slow. The girl didn't have a weapon, so it was one side with Alstark pushing her around, with her barely dodging his attack. Alstark talked big but his technique was refined by years of practice. He was by no means weak.
Of to the side Dynames, Ashley, and Cross watched silently. “It will be soon” Dyanmes whispered to Cross.
“Yes, she seems to be done playing around,” Cross replied in a normal tone.
“Are you guys sure?” Ashley had seen Erica’s ability but her opponent seemed tough.
“Yeah, I just hope we aren’t in the splash zone” Ashley didn't know what he meant. As they spoke, took a more offensive stance. Her figure moved with greater agility than before. She dodged his ax swing easily, never bat an eye.
Before they all realize Alstark was covered in sweat while Erica was just barely gasping. Alstark rushed forward. The fight ended with one move that no could have seen coming.
Erica after dodging past Abstrak place her hand on the ground. Alstark was flung up and then smashed by a whip of black sand into a wall above Ashely. When he fell Dynames grabbed Ashley, while they moved to the side letting the big man fall into the stone seats.
“They did say anything goes.” Cross made the offhanded comment at the body lying next to them.
“Ah, Dynames can you let go now?” She had been flung into his chest, after regaining her senses she managed to comment.
“Oh yeah...Sorry”
While their moment was going on, silence filled the arena. Then like an eruption the crowd roared for Erica who simply walked off and left the arena without so much as a word of her victory. However, Cross saw her shot daggers at the other two.
“Well. . . the victor is Erica Strider!” Gael managed to make it sound like he was not shocked, but he was surprised. Alstark would be bedridden for a few weeks after that. He made a mental note not to pissed her off. Unaware that the whole audience was thinking the same thing.
In between, Cross switched in, and Erica sat between Dyanmes and Ashley wearing a scowling the whole time.
“Alright next we have the next match begin.” The next fight between Cross and the next competitor ended very quickly. Cross still armed with nothing but his lab coat entered the ring against an expert fist fighter.
The match looked to be over after cross took a few hits and was about to fall when a sudden smoke screen filled the arena. Everyone shared the thought.
“““What the hell?”””
Suddenly the fighter came flying out unconscious. With that, the fight ended so suddenly no cheers came at all. Gael moved on trying to tame the awkwardness. Finally, it was my turn to fight.
I took deep breaths. The fight was about to start, but the doors had yet to open on either side.
My weapon of choice had been a sword. I placed it near the wall and began preparing myself for whatever was to come. I guess, even after doing all this fighting, I was still slightly afraid of a big stage like the colosseum.
The times of fighting dummies felt so far away. The battle with Danial, Brogg, and Aroma felt so far away but they had barely happened a day ago.
A breeze shattered my concentration. My eyes opened, I out the doors full of energy, and ready for a fight until I saw the opposition.
In the middle, there were seven guys. All armed with either an ax or sword. There all had experienced air around them. Then I noticed, that the man named Grant was among them.
“So, come for revenge then." I managed through my discomfort. I was meet by their sick smiles. I looked to Gael and he just nodded. I did remember him saying no rules, but this was a little much.
“Let the match begin, Fight!” Gael roared again. I drew my sword to be disappointed. The razor edge I had envisioned was not there. I was armed with an unbalanced, dull sword.
The fight began as I had feared. They quickly encircled me and I was pressed from all sides. I couldn’t manage a counter attack. I received many cuts in the short start. I barely dodged the next coming barrage. Each with their own deadly attack. I threw myself into a roll. I barely dodged the trust at my back.
I broke free, but I was in a corner. My breath coming faster. I couldn’t think. Nausea came fast. The world spun.
The men seemed to be playing a game with me. None took the winning blow. All just smiled as they enclosed on me.
If people were cheering I wasn't sure. My heart beat was in my ears. The urge to use magic was strong, but I need to proof myself here. The shadow would stay out of this. Win or lose I would fight as me.
I needed to press, so I ran at the men pushed thru them. I launched some thrusts hoping to finally deal some damage. I turned to see how my attacks fared.
The strikes had hit, but the blunt edge did little to no damage. At best they had mild discomfort from my blows. A single emotion filled me.
Then fear consumed me. Images of the woman surfaced in my mind. My grip faltered and the sword dropped. A clanging filled my ears. I was no longer in the stadium.
“Gods damn it!” A silent cry escaped my lips. I was not going lose.The shadow appeared next to me. I attempted to growl at it, I tried to resist. But like always, I was left the dark next to Baslith.
“Electus?” I couldn’t even meet his eyes. I was pathetic. Did I really control my own body anymore? I could have thrown up at my own patheticness. No matter how I looked at it, I was a bystander.
Gael was used to seeing matches like this. They always pick on the one new recruit, but the extent of their bloodlust was more than usual.
Gael believed wholeheartedly they needed this boy, but it was against the rules to show favor. A rule he set himself.
He could understand the fear as he watched the boy;s face contort. Taking on some many at once was impossible even for an expert. When the blade dropped, He knew it was over. Dynames would need to build up respect a different way, or perform a miracle.
As if reading his mind the boy exerted the pressure again. This time milder, but still enough to send a chill down his spine. The boy gripped his sword again. A new sight on his face. An amused smile. He ran forward.
How foolish. The boy jumped in the middle letting himself be surrounded. His weapon at his side pointed at the ground. They all jumped at the chance. Yet, to everyone’s surprise, all their attacks hit the dirt.
Bolts of electricity went down Gael’s spine. “How?”
Dynames’s blade seemed to skip around the circle. Selecting every attack and moving it away. It was like watching a dancer on stage. With inhuman grace and speed, leaving the audience speechless.
Had he already learned their timing? It was clearly a rag tag group thrown together at the last minutes, so their strikes were always out of sync, but to take advantage of that was insane. He looked to Dynames’s group, but they too wore expressions of shock.
Grant launched a one on one battle. Which was very one sided with him pressing the boy back to the wall. The boy was putting up resistance, throwing in thrust or side slashes, but to no effect.
He pushed Grant off and the other soon crawled forward. Again they lead a one-sided offensive against him, but more thrust and cuts were dished out. Little damage showed on the opposing side.
Dynames, covered in sweat, looked ready to collapse. But something else was bothering Gael.
Grant’s movements were sharper than usual. His strikes more refined and his stance solid. Even the way he stood seemed more professional. Grant was a troublemaker but was a good stand-in leader if he didn't’ want to reveal himself so earlier.
An odd feeling came over him.
Dynames broke off and rushed the remaining group. Again they pushed him back instead. Yet if compared to the beginning they were all attacking faster and moving better.
. Then Gael saw it. Hsi odd feeling well founded.
One man came into a strike. His swing was large, meaning he was a rookie, but Dynames’s thrust stuck his upper arm. The man backed away and swung again, however, the strike was faster and this time was blocked.
A man rushed for behind, but Dynames twisted the other man off and used the scabbard to strike the other man's shoulder. The strike staggered him off balance.
“Why?!” His mind went to work. The last man had launched an overhead strike, so the lower body would have been ideal. The shoulders were important in the swing but attacking them there wouldn’t…. A sudden realization hit him.
An eerie feeling filled him. Along with a vague idea. One he dared not voice.
The boy’s strikes were doing something. Armed with his new suspension he looked close at the bodies of the group. Faint marks were barely visible on their bodies. He couldn't be!
“What kind of monster is he?” a terrified smile found its way to his face. It was almost too much to believe. But when he thought back to their first meeting it seemed possible.
If Gael was correct, then Dynames was training these men. Hs attacks were not meant to wound, but to train. Ever stroke made the men more aware of their vulnerable points. With the amount of adrenaline in them, they would pick up on it and adapt. Wasted movements vanished just as quickly.
Dynames was training them on the instinctive level. Guiding them without them even realizing there were being led.
This kid was doing something unbelievable in the middle of a match. He had yet to land a successful attack, but a smile was on his face. Eyes were begging for more. It was unbelievable. With a clear disadvantage staring him down, Dynames smiled.
Then he noticed the audience, they were getting antsy. Many of the soldiers just watched, hands on their weapons. He then realized he had done the same. He was baffled. Had his desire for a fight been awaked by this kid? It was almost like….
“He is exciting everyone to fight,” Cross said from behind Gael. He turned to see the man now had a sling for his hurt arm. When and how he had gotten there were unknown.
“He stirs it in you no?” Cross continued. He then pointed to the men currently fighting. They were all smiling. Gael could feel their excitement. Enjoyment of the fight. His grip on his weapon tightened. He was jealous of them.
A good fight was sparse in camp. Their medic and supplies simply could not afford to take on such a burden. Thus made it hard on improving near impossible. Along with providing bad habits plenty of time to form.
“It just looks like a bunch of idiots enjoying getting the crap kicked out of them” the harsh criticism came from Erica. How she got up there Gael was even less sure.
“Incredible” he brushed off the comment. Gael consumed by his amazement was eager to join in.
“““AHAHAHAHA””” War cries filled the air. The crowd turned from excited to wanting a good fight themselves. Brawls broke out, and the guards jumped into the pit which caused, even more, men to follow.
Gael, not wanting to be left out, jumped right in. Blades clanged against each other all over, but one sound clash caught all the brawling people attention. All eyes turned.
At some point, Grant and his group had backed off exhausted or swept up in a different fight, but Dynames was not free, a new challenger found him.
Ashley, now equipped with a new scythe, came swinging. When they had become the main attraction was far from everyone’s mind.
In the center of the crazy brawl, their battle held beauty to it. Their fierce blows could have killed any within range. Their concentration astonishing.
Those wishing not to die moved away. The two sparred stopped fight near and far just because they wanted to watch.
Their moves sharp and well thought out. It was two masters at work. Dancing and moving with the wind.
Scythe cut through the air, while the blunt blade aimed for vital areas. Dynames reach limited given the opponent's weapon was longer. But despite that neither ever gave ground.
Ashley launched a blunt edge at him, but he parried and launched his own attack. She ducked under it, give a sideswipe in return. Dynames barely blocked the attack by placing his weapon in between him and the coming steel.
But that was forgotten when Gale witnessed their faces. Smiles on both as the battle raged on.
Both only grazing the other in each exchange. People roared in response. The fighting only got worse as fighting spirit rose to unimaginable heights.
Unknown lengths of time went by. Gael spared with many that night losing complete track of time. But Gael and anyone nearby were snapped to their senses.
A blood-curdling cry filled the air. All head turned as Ashley went to the ground clutching her eye. Gael ran over to her, throwing any fights to the wind. The fighting around them stopped. Most in mid swing.
Dynames had knelt down to inspect, but Ashley was throwing wild punches. He had kept his distance, but distress was clear on his face.
Gael saw no better option but to silence her. He delivered a swift gut punch to the girl. She gasped then went silent.
I’m going to pay for that later.
He gave her to Dynames and told him of the location of the medic station. Like a flash, the young boy was gone.
Gael put a stop to all the fighting. The damages to people were lighter than he had expected given how a full on brawl was going on in the background. But Gael’s mind was far from that.
The cracks along the girl’s face were not good. “She might die soon.”
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Magical Fantasy Land
"I wish I could just get whisked away from all my problems to live happily ever after in magical fantasy land. Who doesn't? ...What do you mean it's not all it's cracked up to be?" Yumi just wants to get by and maybe eke out a little bit of happiness, but the world around her seems intent on stopping that. Then, a little twist of fate gives her a new chance, in a new world. An awesome fantasy world where she can finally be free and live happily! Who cares if she doesn't know the language, there's some endless war, racists, threats of slavery, and the magic is nothing like she imagined? It couldn't possibly be any worse than where she came from, could it? Note: Contains System stuff with stats and levels and all that. Warnings: The content warnings are there for a reason, this one can get extremely dark/raunchy in a few places. Contains explicit 18+ scenes and other adult content.
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Chronicles of Xod (returning from hiatus)
After a long recovery over a chronic motion sickness issue, I feel I'm ready to return to writing this book. It might be slow at first, but I'm hoping to pick up where I left off. I apologize again for the long hiatus. The pages following are a true account. An account of how I, Josh--a teenage nerd from modern suburbia--ended up in a strange world filled with fantastic magic, bizarre creatures, and terrifying dungeons. Despite the troped-up fantasy feel of the world, this is hardly an ordinary tale. For one, don’t expect a happy ending. With the trials I’ve been through, the horrors I’ve seen and the atrocities I’ve committed, believe me when I tell you, this is not a happy tale filled with friendly rainbow bears or teenage flying unicorns. It’s more likely you’ll finish this book mentally scarred as I will not spare the details of my unfortunate adventures. With the help of my trusted companion Gui, I gain an insight that no one else in the world has. This knowledge allows me to exploit and, for lack of a better term, metagame the system which gave me a clear advantage over its residents. “With great power...,” someone might begin to quote to me. In my defense, I think maybe even you, reader, might have acted similarly with how this reality changed my view of good and evil. This story will be updated regularly on Wednesdays around 6 PM. There will only be about 1000 words per update. The focus is to finish the story before doing any major changes or editing. Please read as if this is a work in progress, not a finished product. Feel free to let me know if you see any error, whether glaring or minor. If you help me out, I'll be sure to add you to a thank you list at the front of the book when it is published. Chronicles of Xod is a first-person fantasy novel that follows the adventures of a young man from Earth. Through unknown circumstances, he finds himself in a fantasy world where life is not all wonders and happy endings. The story takes common fantasy concepts from my favorite video games, books and movies and gives them an adult edge. It also introduces some taboo concepts often glossed over by stories written for broad audiences. The style is meant to be immersive and heavily detailed. The short novel will be written in a way that attempts to bring a sense of realism to an unrealistic genre. Where there are realistic consequences and dangers in a world populated with violent monsters, cruel demons, bloodthirsty undead, and immoral bandits. In this fantasy world, the inhabitants are essentially gender blind as far as sexuality is concerned. There is also more variation amongst male and female physiology. This isn't meant to be any kind of promotion or demotion of social behavior in reality. Just a concept I thought would be an interesting idea to have in a fantasy setting. I highly discourage anyone from reading this material if you are personally concerned with being offended or traumatized. Both violent and sexual content will be graphically detailed. All characters involved in sexual scenes are mature and of the age of consent(18+).
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Ren always knew that Penny had a thing for mystical creatures and artifacts. In fact, she loved them, but all the dribs and drabs that Mrs Russell sells never works. Ren thought the onyx ring would turn out to be the same as all the rest, but it soon takes them to another world with the power of the Sun's Blessing. Now, trapped in another, apocalyptic-looking world with absolutely no sun in sight, how can the duo ever hope to get home? [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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The Unforgiving World
The year is 2032, disappearances had started a month ago, nobody noticed at first as most of the disappearances had occurred all over the world. However after the children of the people in power started vanishing, people started looking into the disappearances. The blame was focused entirely on China who had greatly rose in power, however nobody cared to check to see if China's civilians were also vanishing. After around 900 people had disappeared off the face of the earth, countries stopped blaming China and looked for alternatives for the reason why. Our Protagonist Gabriel L. Novak has just become one of those who disappeared.
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