《Secret of the world》Chapter 11: The rise of a champion Part 2
Faint whispers had always been grinding at my mind. Throughout my whole life, I was scared of them. Never knowing where they came from. Never knowing when they would come for me.
In the back of my mind, I knew I was safe, but fear is never rational. The odd dreams, the strange voices, and the shadow. I was scared of them all. It was like my body, no my existence was a lie.
I was an identity without foundation. A personality without a person. An anomaly among people.
A contradiction to my existence. A non-magic user, who had moved on to become a contractor with a dragon.
Contractors were far different from mages. Instead of just normal magic, they could borrow physical aspects of species. Legs strength, flight, night vision, and far more depending on the species. A contractor borrows power, it is never their own.
That single fact makes king's terrifying. They never have to worry about running out of power. The entire race supplies them with it. Thus the ability to erase the whole species became reality. They, in their own way, were robbers. Stealing power from those around them.
The one thing a contractor must remember is that trust means everything. Without it, the contract would be broken. If the species loses faith in them, the failed contractor is devoured by their own power. It is why there are so few kings. The ability to make an entire species trust you is rare.
Contractors walk a fine line between life and death every day. This line is never made apparent with normal people, but with a king…. It like watching someone on a tightrope. The are beings stronger than anyone, but the price to stand there is steep.
All these rules floated from deep within me. These ironclad rules were the new foundation for me. My new reality.
Violence, murder, the desire to stand above, were new feelings. They were dark emotions, but they felt normal. Like for the first time I was acting like a real person.
A new fear accompanied them.
The fear of myself.
The weakling in me resisted to no end. I did... no, I couldn’t believe I was strong. That idea went against my existence. Went against all the experiences that accumulated over the years.
Even as I pounded into Brogg with anger, I knew it was just a weakling trying to act strong.
I was a liar.
My fist hurt after each hit. It felt like each one was punching a hole through me. I was pathetic. I knew people were cheering for me to win, but I was just a liar standing tall.
Every taunt, every scared glance from my opponent only dug the hole deeper in my chest. His final words finished the grave.
“Is this all slayers have?”
The burning anger was overwhelming. What was I to do with it? The spotlight was too bright. This was not my place to stand. My feeling contradictions themselves. The shadow leaped forward into the blinding light.
Left alone because I was strong. Scared to enter that light.
I was ready to end it. The steel plates were more than just revenge for rick. They were the remains of my life. Something I had to break. The weakness in my heart was before me.
Could I break it? Could I become this new person? Was I ready to join the strong?
I wasn’t ready to throw away who I was. Sweat covered my body.
I stood alone, but a large dark mass was behind me. A light touch on my shoulder caused me to turned around. I looked up to see the shadow standing taller than ever before. It's dignified air crippled my confidence.
It took center stage, passing me by. I watched from behind as it called Ashley to give me power. Even as he asked the dragon to breathe fire, I could only watch as a spectator.
“Do you want to go beyond?” The fire swirled around the spotlight now, but I still refused. The voice which called me continued.
“Now is the time, Electus. You can join us again.” The whole time I hugged my knees. I looked behind me. It was clearly a dragon.
Its large mass was comparable to a mountain. However, it didn't cause me fear. The dragon only caused a warm feeling to fill my chest.
“You are your own person. You can become what you want. Take as much time as you need.” It was like a father talking to their child. I felt more pathetic, but at the same time, I felt better.
“If you are ready, please call my name.” my vision forward again. The shadow was waiting. It's hand extended to me.
Was I ready?
I took its hand.
I was weak. There was no other thing to call me. I needed to rely on these two right now. It wasn't just them either. I had relied on everyone.
Cross, Ashley, even Erica. More than anyone I had relied on Rick. I relied on these people more than they will ever know.
I needed to stand here. I needed…. No, I wanted to meet their expectations this time. Not thru the reliance on the shadow’s assistance, but through my own efforts.
A bright flame burned in the center of the spotlight. I walked toward it. The black mass behind me stirred.
“Spark the flame and reduce your enemies to ashes!” If my memories were correct, he always got a little too excited when I was going to do something.
“I’ll need to borrow your power once more.” I looked to the shadow “I’m weak after all” For a moment I swear it took a shape. It was brief, but I was entranced by the person appearance.
“Baslith” the name was foreign to me, but the black mass flinched and the flame burst free of its invisible container.
A hand on my shoulder told me it was time to move forward.
When I was back in control, the shadow was driving my fist straight toward the metal plates.
I was scared….. but
I needed to push forward!
“HAAAAAA!!!” The fire only raged more. It shot through the metal. Once the last one gave, I could only see the exposed skin where I was going to strike. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop there.
The beam of fire shot out the other side of Brogg. The flame licked and flew in many directions, but its raw force reduced much of the buildings and grass to ashes. Basilith must be proud.
The shadow suddenly brushed me aside and did the finishing touched to Brogg. The sheer horror of the black spikes frightened me to the core. I throw up a little, which was weird since most of this was happening in my head.
I bit my lip. This was a part of me. I couldn't run from it.
The events after that flowed almost like a riptide.
I knew the twins weakness was their touch. I wasted no time in breaking them apart. The shadow had made me say some cool line before launching forward. Gods, I was embarrassed by that.
Now it was just me and Aroma. Even without the shadow’s support. My body moved like an expert. Kicks flowed into punches, and then into Dragon art techniques. My mind may have remembered the feeling, but my muscles groaned under the strain.
Aroma was still a more experienced fighter than me, though. He kept it an air battle. I tried to close the distance, but his speed and his new dark purplish wings gave him better maneuverability. He smoothly dodged my attacks and only adding to my frustration.
After dodging yet another of my rage filled attacks, he took my arm and threw me into a nearby building. I hit some glass and with enough force, I flew through. I struggled to get up. Muscles that I never knew I had groaned with every desperate attempt to get up. I carefully place my hands to avoid the spilled glass.
I took a look around the office. It had several cubicles for lawyers and that such. Though now that it was mostly broken. It must've been the first things to be hit by the enemy attack.
After a while, a strange smell lead me toward the other side of the office. I had found the other workers. They were all pinned by a black spike to the nearest wall. A disfigured red painting behind them. Some of the bodies weren't in mint condition. Bite marks and missing limbs scattered the ground. The smell of their corpses was far worse than anything a school could make. As disgusting as it was, my nose seemed to remember the smell and quickly adapted to it.
I pulled the spike out and laid their bodies down and closed their eyes hoping the deceased would have peace with that. I walked on to the other side of the building and got the full scale of this attack.
Explosions riddled the once peaceful town.The buildings that I had admired were shadows of their former selves. The streets filled with monsters and carnage. The sky that used to fill me with hopes and dreams now full of flying demons.
I looked out at the streets filled with debris and burning dead bodies. As my eyes searched, fleeing town people came into view. Mages were battling in the skies and trying their hardest to save them.
I punched the glass without realizing it was barely being held to the wall. It fell a few stories and shattered the silence. My rage and anger only grew and burned hotter.
“Dragon art: Crimson sky” Between me and the shadow, I’m not sure who fired it. Streams of fire filled the sky. Monsters were set ablaze. Demons and their followers soon followed. It was like watching a firework go off. I felt no pleasure yet I still knew I had done a good thing.
Just this morning it started like a normal day and now the fire was falling from the sky. I said a few words to the deceased then returned to thinking of my plan.
Now that I had fired magic, Aroma was bound to know my location. I used, my now more sensitive nose, to find him. Perfect chance I thought. For whatever reason, he had stayed above me.
“Dragon art: Soaring dragon!” Flame burst free and surrounded me like an orb. I shot through the building destroying what remained. The collapsing building crumbled. The sounds of creaking cement and steel echoed in my ears.
Aroma was surprised but he still managed to dodge it. I smiled to myself. He played right into my hands.
Once I was passed him, I set up the next attack. Using the motion from the launch I turned and flipped toward Aroma. Midway through the flip, the next spell activated.
“Dragon art: Ax blade.” This caused the fire to engulf my leg as it hit its mark: Aroma. His landed looked painful, and I felt a little joy in that. I pressed on through to my next attack.
“Dragon art: Heat dome!” I place my hand together and swung them down launch a fire that engulfed the area Aroma had fallen too. He was trapped in a ball of fire.
Next, I swung my right arm back and cast the next one. “Dragon art: Pyro cannon!” I threw the fist. The fire rippled and roared as it flew off my arm toward the enemy. Upon impact, the fire took the brief form of a pillar.
I started to fall faster toward the ground. I realized we were a good fifty meters above it. If it weren't for the wind, the pillar sent out, I would have been a pancake. It gave me enough hang time to get to a building. My legs were shaking and my breath came in rapid gasps. Sweat covered my face and all my muscle ached.
My sensed told me to dodge and with all the effort I could muster I jump away. Just in time, as a black arrow struck the place I had been resting on.
My senses told me this one was different. They were right as usual. The area or rather the entire section it had hit vanished. It looked like a bite had taken out of the building. At this point, teeth marks would have made me feel better.
Aroma flew up with a lot less damage than I had imagined. His nice fancy suit was burned. Sections of it on his arms were missing. Skin charred like rotting meat. One of his pants legs was gone passed his knee.
Droplets fell to the ground. Blood was coming down his left side, but he showed no sign of passing out. The black hair on his head was gone. He looked like something from a horror movie.
He seemed vivid about killing me. His eyes glowed with the pleasure. They gave me a silent warning. He would make my death slow.
He began launching more of the arrows. I narrowly dodged. Inches from my face, a strange purple aura flew past me. It must be what made them special. Even as it nearly scraped by, I could feel a cold shiver at my spine.
After a few minutes of dodging, I found myself near the intersection where I got hit early today. Not a lot of good memories here I thought silently
Aroma kept himself far above me, but just enough to where I could still see his grin. I need to move. I ran up the hill.
“Had enough yet worm?” He gestured his hand and more of the new arrows fill the sky. “As you may have noticed these arrow not only destroy, but completely erase everything.” He said with a chuckle that sent a shiver down my spine. His wing allowing him to glide as I ran away.
“You should feel honored this power was given to me by my king and now I shall use it to bury you and this unbearable city!” he began to fire the arrows in groups with less accuracy, but more damage. I felt the ground rotting behind me.
I summoned flame. I didn't give much thought to a landing. My apartment building came into view. My mistake was landing right above my room. Aroma took that chance to fire several arrows. Which destroyed a good majority of my room and others near it.
“Asshole!” I swore under my gasps for air. I was exhausted and I at best only had enough energy for one last boost. I had to pin my hope on a chance. This new hope was dashed immediately by the screams of a child.
I looked down the road to see Orin bakery still magical intact, but the boy and mother I had saved, along with the Orin's, were just now coming outside. They must've just freed themselves from being trapped under rubble. So no blame was on them, but I was still pissed about it. They chose a bad time to come out.
Aroma saw a chance and aimed his arrows at them. No time to think. I could only move.
I pushed with all my strength boosting toward them. I threw away victory and decided protecting them was the better decision.
I caught up to one arrow, throwing fire at it. I tore the remains of my shirt and detonated other. Both caused mini black holes to form.For moments, they kept expanding but soon vanished. The leading two were too fast, I screamed with all my might to use every last drop I had.
I shot passed them. No fire left to intercept. I swung my body in front of them. One hit me in the leg and the other dug into my left side. With no support, I was flung down toward the ground.
I gritted my teeth and pounded my feet into the ground. Like a bully the kept pushing beyond my limit. I stopped short of the family. I thought for a second, I was invulnerable. Pain shattered these thoughts. Small holes appeared on my leg and side. They slowly and painful grew.
“Fuck!!!” I used the rest of the magic to burn them closed. Unnatural screams left my throat.
I removed my hands to see the were burned shut. The skin was charred black. The worst part was the smell. It was like a skunk had been set on fire.
I was lucky that half idea and pure instinct worked, but the effects were the same. My left side was out, and I was stuck in place. The next thing I knew a volley of arrows was sent after me. Mr. Orin managed to pull everyone back. I stayed to take the brunt of it.
Just as the arrow would have hit me... A metal ball flung out shattering them.
The ball retreated quickly, and I lost my valiant stand and fell back. Only to be caught by someone. I barely managed to turn my head to see a face I thought I would never be so happy to see. It was Danial.
He looked different in his armor. Instead of his simple clothing, he wore when we had fought. He was now dressed in silver-plated armor. It looked a little bulky, but I guess it would work for the lower demons he had been fighting. The school emblem, A book left open, was engraved in the left shoulder. His hammer was bigger than last time. Polished and battle ready.
The chain came reeling back to his weapon. “So who gave you permission to be a badass by yourself?” He said it confidently. However, hints of absolute fear appeared in his voice.
“What are you doing here? What about the people?” I tried to sound concerned, but couldn't tell if it sounded that way.
“Well, thanks to a certain girl who shall not be named (Erica more than likely) a communication went out telling everyone what had happened. Most of us were skeptical, to say the least.” He threw his unarmed hand out to the side. “But our doubts were dashed when the sky was engulfed in flames stopping the air assaults. Plus the giant white light was a big push for everyone to believe.” He looked back to Aroma
“I saw some explosions and rushed over to the cries of a child. Little did I know I would find a zombie and a half dead loser fighting it out.”
“The pure fact that you can make joke means you still have faith I can win,” I said once again between gasps.
“Yeah I guess, but mainly to piss you off.” He said not looking at me.
“Well.... You succeeded, and when did you get so honest?” I low yelled back. I really did hate this guy.
“None of your business. So can you beat him?” The conversation was finally serious. I finally got some time to relax and actually formulate my next move. After a long while, one appeared.
“I've got a move....... that might help, but we need to get....... this guy pissed off enough to give me time.” My lungs were on fire. I couldn't tell if the self-damage was the cause or just natural exhaustion.
“Also can you connect me....... to the communication network. I need to send a....... message.” He taped my ear, and I felt the connection form.
The pissing him off was already done. Aroma lit up in fury and he was shouting at us. Daniel, who I will credit for this, gave a good comeback.
“God will you shut up! A freak like you, who you can't even kill one kid, is not worth my time!” If I would have had the energy, I could have literally died of laughter. Aroma broke a blood vessel and just started to laugh.
“That's it! All you blasted worms can die together!” He raised his hand and a giant magic circle from above him.
This fucking freak was going to use a level five destruction spell. Was he insane! Most magic came in its own class, along with power output and effects. As you can guess, level five was fucking terrifying. Level one was a car explosion compared to a five.
Now was not the time to panic. “Everyone listen up!” I took this chance to catch my breath and give a proper speech.
“This is Dynames. Right now I’m extremely tired. The last of the bastards, who destroyed the city, is about to use a level five destruction spell.” I heard cries of concern and fear. I felt many rushed to action.
“None of you will make it in time to stop the spell.” I didn't want them wasting strength. “We do have a way to counter it! I have a powerful spell to fight back, but I need more magic to use it. I need everyone to channel magic to me.”
Maybe it was just arrogance, but hell I believed every word I said. I was more convincing myself than the people, though.
As expected I was meet with mass protest. No one in this city would respect a low life like myself. To take me seriously would be insane. I felt the pressure of their hate and discord. It only feed into my own patheticness
I was at a loss and didn't know what to do. How could I convince them?
“Do you all know what he has been going through to keep us safe!” It was Erica's voice. A small bird flew down and looked at me. A familiar.
Gasps filled my ears. Visions of my appearance were being sent to everyone. I was a little embarrassed.
“Don't you all see he is trying his best to save us!" this time it was Cross. Many of the kids I had protected at the school yelled in an agreement.
“Everyone, we need to believe in him or else we are all dead!” It was Daniel the most surprising of all. “We all have our differences. I hate this kid like no other, but right now, we need to worry about the city!”
I took the chance and rolled with the momentum. “Don't you all want to protect your city? The place you call home? Think about all the people who died protecting you. Think of their hopes, their dreams! This bastard took our peace away!”
“You don't fight alone, Electus.”
I remembered the lesson for today. This was it. Magic roared forth, not from outside, but from within. A small layer of fire burned around me.
“Thanks, Baslith” I clenched my fist I took a single step forward. I was approaching my limit. I felt the shadow coming close to taking over.
The sudden burst of energy silenced everyone, well almost everyone.
“See everyone he is willing to die for this town. To go down fighting till his last breath. Let's believe and give him all we have!” Daniel yelled for extra impact.
“““Yeah let's get him!!!!”””
I was almost overwhelmed. It was incredible. It was nothing compared to just borrowing people magic like I had done before. Magic was coming at me like like a tidal wave.
Erica, Cross, Daniel, Mr, and Mrs. Orin, and even the little kid. Everyone’s magic came to me. The small layer around me roared to life. Before I knew it, a small firestorm was swirling around me.
At some point, my eyes closed. I could feel it.
My victory.
The weakened brats below was a delight to his eyes. Until new brat had insulted him.
Void bringer a spell that would erase this city off the face of this world. After summoning the circle he began to charge.
He heard the boy screaming in futility. They were probably begging for their lives. Then he felt it a surge of energy converging. The amount was remarkable and unorthodox.
Where was it coming from? The incoming magic looked like a rainbow bending all over the city. He sent some arrows at the kid, but they reverted back to magic and went into the incoming flow.
“Shit, what is this kid?!” He was not normal. The presence Aroma felt, was comparable to the 8th.
Within the firestorm, he saw it. The clear difference between them. A dragon staring him dead in the eyes.
The words of his king rang in his ears. “There is an anomaly in that town, don’t get cocky,"
Yet here he was. Cocky as can be and staring a dragon down because of it.
He poured the rest of his magic into his spell and read it to fire. He refused to believe a weakling would be the end of him.
“Get ready!”
I forced all the magic to go toward my mouth. After entering it would be trapped in my stomach and grind with the magic already there. It was spell only a king could use. It did come with risks.
If the flow overpowered the inside, an explosion was possible. Hell, my stomach could have just evaporated right there. To add more difficulty, I had to turn the magic into flames will readying it.
But the effects were awesome. The grinding caused an internal influx of magic. It added extra power to the spell. It demanded every fiber of my being. One that begged for direction. It was ready to burst out.
The magic just kept coming. It washed over my body. It was too much.
I couldn’t take it all.
A hand on my shoulder. The feeling shrank and submitted to me.
Once again, the shadow had saved me.
“Void Bringer” He yelled. A flow of black magic was shot out. It's eerie color and power stop me for a moment. I made the decision to fire it early. I quickly warned Daniel and launched my final attack.
“Dragon....... Art:....... Roar!!!!!” For a horrible moment, nothing. I had opened my mouth, but nothing came.
Then it all burst free. The hellish fire began bursting from when me. Daniel and I were losing ground. Maintaining the blast only pushed us farther away. I could feel my shoes being burned off.
We came to a sudden stop. I couldn't afford to look at how we did it, I could only pour everything into my one attack.
They colliding in the middle of the sky causing them to reach a power struggle. The clashing of power reducing many buildings to ash.
"Void bringer" pushed us back, and I was using all my strength I could muster to hold it.he had charged longer than us.
I was losing strength quickly and my wounds were making it hard to keep it up. Void bringer came closer to the ground. Anything close out the black beam was reduced to non-existence. There would be nothing left if it hit,
I need more power!!
It was then I felt everyone at my back (metaphorically). Their hopes and desire flowed thru. It was like all their hands were on my back pushing me forward.
I Will Win!!!
I searched deep inside and ripped out whatever I could to maintain my attack. I would not lose to this monster after everything I went through.
“““GO Dyanmes!!!!!”””
Give him hell my son
Let’s go Electus!!!
It was almost like I had fired the spell twice. The sudden surged had increased the volume of my attack.
It full overtook "Void bringer" and consumed the area where the bastard was flying. The roar, however, was still going. It's defining sound echoed through the city send all the remaining foot soldier into a panic. It would go higher, it blasted through the black clubs above. Forcing blue skies to show themselves.
I knew then, as I do now, that that was the true sign of my return.
Once the roar reseeded and ended. The only thing that was left was a one armed Freak floating up in the sky.
“Son of…...a bitch!”
I summon the last of my strength. Flying up, but my eyes grew hazy. The distance changed and went right by him. Magic gone. Soon gravity sent me at him.
It was over.
I had nothing left.
Aroma read a counterattack.
A single black arrow faced me. My only option was to body slam him and hope it took him out.
That plan never came to be. Just as my decent reached it full velocity, and fireball suddenly struck me.
The sudden blow blew me away, and I spun out of control.
“That…... damn... dragon..” Between the pure exhaustion and the desire to vomit, I saw the dragon flying in the sky.
I had no time to complain. I used it. My fist reignite. Its red glow was all I needed to see. A black arrow came for me. I could only punch.
The flame sputtered and waned.
Don't stop Dynames.
“Not... Yet!!!” I felt Gaia’ voice silently call me.
I may have had nothing left to give, but Baslith sure had reserves to spare.
The flame burned hotter and soon the black arrow was nothing more than a faded dream. Aroma stunned. He didn't move an inch.
“GO straight to hell!!” The only target was his face.
"Dragon.... Art:..... Blazing Meteor!” Like a fired arrow, I launched down even faster.
It made contact.
The sheer force sent Aroma down with the force of a missile. The aftershock sent me flying elsewhere. I felt the glory for a moment.
It was amazing. A weakling had overcome the enemy. I smile lit my face. I felt myself soar through the skies. Soon gravity tugged me down.
I caught a glimpse of my place of landing. A bitter laughed escaped my dried lungs.
Pain rocked me, and fatigue slapped me. My eyelids heavy, so I closed them for them. Rest finally found me.
- In Serial24 Chapters
Burning Stars, Falling Skies
Threedak is a simple Dhajtel. Every night she scavenges and hunts for her tribe in the great desert, relying upon her skill and ancestral memories to avoid the night's many dangers. Her life remains largely the same until one night, one of the gleaming angels that hangs in the night sky falls into her desert. Deciding to investigate, she happens upon a scene far beyond her limited understanding. The Dhajtel aren't alone. The galaxy is far vaster and more hostile than Threedak's people can even begin to comprehend. Entrusted with the knowledge and memories of a dead race, it will be up to her to forge Dhajtel society into something that can survive the storm that is to come. - - -(This novel is heavy on Kingdom/Empire Building and is an attempt at fairly hard (grounded in real science) Science Fiction) Cover credit to DrakonStorm - - - A couple authors with reptile MC's have started a discord, feel free to hang out with us.
8 129 - In Serial7 Chapters
Don't Come Inside, Okay?
Lars Cromwell just got dumped by his girlfriend of 3 months, apparently because she found someone better. Although the normal man would have been bummed out by this, Lars didn't particularly mind. Because Lars just won the lottery, which meant he was about a billion dollars richer now. And he had one less person to share it with! Even if he was single, at least he was filthy stinking rich! In any case, this is Lars' story. A story that begins just like how many others do. With his death. Join Lars as he reincarnates into another world as his Avatar together with his favorite game's Dungeon and it's NPCs! = This Work is on an indefinite Hiatus. I do not know when I'll get back to this, but I plan to rewrite a bunch of stuff when I do. If you liked this, keep following it so that I can inform you of when I improve this! = Hello, I'm Lire, and this is my 2nd fiction. I recently got into the whole dungeon thing, and thought that I wanted to write one of my own! Chapter Length: 2000+ Words. It can only be more, never less. Chapter Release Schedule: Whenever I can write. I am juggling this with my main Fiction, so yeah... Disclaimer: - Don't expect much statistical growth from the MC. Although I plan for him to refine his techniques and increase his repertoire. - You can guess from the name, but there will not be too much action in the dungeon itself. Plus, the dungeon has been fully built, so not too many things will be added either. The whole idea is to kill potential intruders before they enter the Dungeon. - This will be more like a Kingdom building story, than a Dungeon Building one. MC will try to dominate his surroundings so that he can keep his Dungeon safe. - There will be Slice of life elements, since realistically speaking, events aren't supposed to happen all the time. - This work is inspired, to a certain extent, by Murayama-sama's Overlord Light novel. Minus the 'emotionless' undead MC, and the premise of misunderstandings. The NPCs will also be aware that they were characters in a game, that came to life for some reason, so no need for MC to role-play to pull the wool over the eyes of his own allies. Also, unlike Overlord, there is a chance for the cast of characters to increase through a built-in gacha system(This is not a spoiler, this will literally be explained in the first few chapters.), except that the rates are absolutely abysmal, so it won't happen frequently. Maybe I'll use a poll to decide the next ally? We'll see.
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Return Of The Sovereign
|System|Heroes are just villains in disguise! - Chaeus ‘Kai’ IggoExhausted and drained, Thaddeus ‘The Hero’ disappeared after defeating the demons. The mortals won, but ‘The Hero’ became the greatest traitor in the history of human race.......Ten Thousand Years later, thirteen-year-old Kai woke up next to the dead bodies of his parents and recalled his previous life as Thaddeus ‘The Traitor’ in the history books. Looking around, he realized that his entire clan had been massacred overnight, all of them dead. Except him.What an impressive start to his second life!Gifted with a Heavenly Aether Core, capable of summoning divine beasts and weapons, Kai made a promise. “Revenge begets revenge! Let’s live a good life!”But wait!Kai soon realized that this ERA was no longer the world that he knew. Technologies and Limitations hindered his overpowered abilities. But he refused to give up!Once the sovereign in his previous life, Kai would start a journey to know everything about his new abilities. Of course, he started with the mysterious Mushroom System that was attached into his soul.Accompany Kai as he feed his mushrooms coins, hoping it would die one day and finally leave him alone![Summon poisonous mushroom with .002 toxins enough to kill a hundred people. Please pay a hundred coins.][To summon the mushrooms say: Summon!][Malicious Human Detected. Summon Mushrooms that burns malicious mortals. Please pay 100 coins.][To Summon the mushrooms say: Summon!][Jealous Human Detected. Summon Mushrooms that devours jealous mortals. Please pay 100 coins.][To Summon the mushrooms say: Summon!][Otherworldly Beauty Detected. Summon Mushrooms that can mimic the beauty. Please pay 100 coins.][To Summon the mushrooms say: Summon!]What the hell?
8 72 - In Serial181 Chapters
Bleen Fada - The Legendary Pathfinder
It had been decades since dreams started to kill. Today, it's finally over.Mahon was once a general and an impressive warrior. In his dreams. In Nightmare. There, he put an end to the war that plagued mankind for decades. In the real world, however, the war has been raging for millenia, and Mahon is weak, his body frail from all his years spent dream-fighting. But it's time for a new beginning. In a world he knows almost nothing about, he will struggle to climb back to power, a necessity if he wants to achieve his goal. But he doesn’t lack willpower. And he already reached the highest ranks before. Who is to say he can’t do it again? That is, if the Fada let it be… This story takes place in a medieval fantasy world. Swords and schemes are the common ways to assert your place among the powerful. This story follows Mahon on his journey back to power. Not a simple one, as he will uncover some of the deepest mysteries that had been buried deep down along the ages. As of now, 98% of my chapters are through Mahon’s PoV and I want to keep it that way. There will be no unending PoV swaps for multiple chapters. Although war/conflict is one of the main themes, it’s not really a story about war. Instead, expect fights, plots, foreshadowing, progression and adventure from these chapters. It’s my first time publishing a book, and English is not my native language. I hope you will enjoy the story and that you’ll be indulgent enough to point out my mistakes with kindness. I wish to grow as a better writer and provide something that will make you cheer for, and shiver in anticipation. As long as you’re not, it means there is something to improve. Note: It's a slow progression fantasy, and some have raised complaints about the depressing tones and slowness in some of the first chapters. Rest assured, it soon disappears as Mahon progresses. Release schedule : M/W/F at 6:12 am GMT+2
8 994 - In Serial6 Chapters
SEVENTEEN'S twin sister
there's a twin sister who is joyful and always smile to every one they see and always play with their parents and her brother's but one day a tragedy happed there parents car has crash that's when thier brother doesn't care about them and the twin sister became quiet and unjoyful
8 196 - In Serial47 Chapters
New Earth: Arrow
My name is Oliver Queen. After giving my life to create a new multiverse, I was given a second chance, not only at life, but to correct my mistakes and save those I lost before. I am the Paragon of life and the spectre, but most importantly, I am once again, the Green Arrow. Lauriver pairing. part one of New Earth saga.
8 195