《Secret of the world》Chapter 10: The Rising
Erica thought the plan to take on the enemy was a good idea given the current advantage. The enemy was weakened from the hallucinations, so they should have had the upper hand even if only slightly. It slowly became apparent that it wasn't valid.
Brogg moved the same if not better than before however blood lust was more apparent in every attack. The whips made them easier to dodge and take less damage from the enemy. But his moves would still kill them even slowed down.
She had taken the idea and made whips out of her sand to use for longer range while Ashley made the full frontal attack.
She indeed kept the name “Eternal reaper”. Her skills with a scythe were otherworldly. Her movements had no wasted movement Her combat skills were comprised of feints and bluffs, but her strength was not something to forget.
She under swung slamming the base of the scythe against him. Brogg moved the metal to his arm and ready his attack. She jumped back, with the blade following close behind. It sliced through the weak metal in his side.
She flipped the scythe over and used the butt of the staff to launch thrust attack. Striking different spots at the same time. She was moving faster than the metal could. She played to the one advantage she had and continued her press. Having fallen back, Brogg went right into her strike zone.
She drew the scythe to her side and swung in a horizontal strike. It sliced the chest area in an instant. In another, she did it again. It would clearly have cut anyone in half, had the target not been encased in steel of course.
Ashley had Brogg trapped in this course of action. Every second the scratches and cut on the steel only increased. It was like a watching a snake slowly crushing its victim. Her eyes were filled a stunning calm.
She pressed him once more, but an arrow from the other one left her open and Brogg pulled his arm back to strike his first blow.
She managed to block it, but the sheer force broke the scythe staff in two. She was knocked back, but the whipped converged and caught her softening the killer blow.
“God, You are one annoying bitch!” Brogg told Ashley“At least the boy I killed had the balls to died like a man, He didn't use tricks like you. I think I have decided I will kill you next. I'm sure the other one is getting lonely in hell.”
Erica snapped. She felt the rage in her finally surface. She toward him in a sprint while commanding the sand into a hammer.
Ashley had the wind knocked out of her. She tried to stand but the mud kept her down. Brogg was coming at her. Her only option was to attempt a dodge.
Her worries were soon cast aside when Erica slammed him with a black hammer. If she had some air she would have gasped. Erica kept the charge.
“Black Geyser,” Erica said has she touched the ground with her free hand.
Under Brogg, a circle of black formed and shot him up. At the apex, he was pinned by two giant boxes of sand.
“From there you can't use that massive about of strength.” She said her voice full of hate.
Ashley was surprised this girl, despite being furious, had found a weakness and pressed it. Not only that, but she had been keeping the other two busy with the assistance of the rock and her own whips.
Three arrows flew past Ashley and went for Erica. She was about to yell, but a wall of sand appeared and blocked the arrows. She seemed unfazed by it and kept her attention on Brogg.
Ashley could hardly believe it. If she had gone by her first impression, the girl hadn't seemed the type to rush in like this. If anything, she seemed to be holding back, something. But all of that was blown away. The sudden rage and flare to her move movements were almost bizarre. “You will pay for what you did to Rick and all my friends!” Erica yelled at Brogg. As she said this, the black boxes turned it black thread attaching themselves to the nearby walls.
Erica took a throwing stance and a blank lance appeared from the sand. Ashley could only see it as a pointless attempt. A simple spear wouldn’t pierce his armor. Yet against all odds, it stuck home, just in a different target. The lance began hitting the walls, and before anyone could blink, all the threads broke off dragging pieces of the wall with them. With horrific force, the pieces slammed into Brogg.
Once encased in the rock Erica summoned a hammer above him and sent the hammer and the trapped Brogg down to the ground.
All eyes could only watch in complete awe. Even Brogg’s allies looked unsure after the sudden rush.
A pile of rubble was all that Ashley could see from her resting spot. Erica stayed where she was and she threw her back. Her long black hair swayed and moved.
“Did she do it?” A voice brought the question everyone had been wondering.
On Erica’s face, a faint smile appeared, but it was soon destroyed. Out of the debris, a single stone erupted forth, striking Erica square in the chest. Her body unable to withstand the pressure was flung backward. Ashley moved quickly and got between Erica and the stone pillar. She could only cushion the landing. The earth understood her intent and moved to cushion the blow. Brogg popped out of the rubble.
His clothing on his upper body was gone. All he had left of the shorts was a ragged loincloth. If Ashley had eaten anything, she would've thrown it up right then and there.
Brogg was definitely hurt by the fall and all the damaged but he showed none of the signs Ashley was hoping for. His face still clam, and in control. The need him to get anger. It would be easier to stall for time.
She struggled to set herself up again. Erica’s body weight only kept her pinned down. Fatigue and starvation were eating at Ashley. Her strength just wouldn't come out. The rush from earlier took a heavier toll than she had originally thought. After a few more attempts, she managed to nudge Erica beaten body up off her.
With assistance from the whips, erica body was placed right next to her. They Weren't in good shape. Ashley without a weapon couldn't do much other than be a rag dolly to the current threat. Erica wasn’t much better, hell she was worse.
The rock had struck home. It must've left a large bruise, possible puncturing her muscles deep within. If Erica was still conscious, as Ashley hoped she was, she would more than likely have several broken ribs. It would be astounding if she was still conscious after taking such an attack. Ashley was glad to see the gradual rise and fall of her chest, but it was irregular.
“The damage must've reached a lung as well,” she spoke out loud not really caring who heard her. Admitting injuries out loud was a bad idea. But give the situation, there was no way to hide it.
Brogg stopped just short of the pillar. He scanned around and then his face showed he had gotten a very dangerous idea.
“Hey Aroma can you destroy this damned pillar. I want to see their faces at it is destroyed. Let have it bury them alive.” he shout at the man in the suit.
Erica struggled a bit and she seemed to understand the situation. Ashley noticed the mud and the whips were slowly returning to the ground. They were running short on time, but that had given her an idea. One that she used in the past and it had nearly saved her life a bunch of times. But it would all come down to one factor.
“Erica?” She whispered through her pain. She grabbed her shoulder to make sure she noticed.
Erica managed a grumbly response through her gasps for air. She managed to look at her. Her face reflected the pain she was in.
“I have a plan, and it is going to sound weird. Just bare with it till I'm finished.” Erica managed a nod for confirmation. “Alright I need both of us to shout out the single word,” She said reassuringly. She whispered it into Erica’s ear.
“Are you serious about this?” A look of pure doubt flashed over ericas face. She whispered back. “Who will answer our call?”
“ If I'm correct about who is inside that sphere than I know for a fact this will work. I think his name his Dynames right?”
“Yes, but I don't see how us saying that will get him to do anything. He is still in the sphere and can't hear us”.
“Trust me. It sounds stupid and rather dumb, no wait it really is both of those things. But it has worked many times in the past. Plus what is wrong in asking, when you can’t do everything by yourselves?”
“Valid argument, but still.” She said defiantly she must be recovering faster than Ashley had thought possible. Ashley body suddenly tensed. The Flow of magic was moving. She noticed hundred of the arrows had appeared around them and the pillar.
“Looks like we don't have time to decide anymore!” Ashley said with concern. “We need to make it passionate and we really need to mean it.”
“Now then time for the burial,” said Aroma with a wicked laugh. He slowly moved the arrows closer.
The erica, with much doubt, cast of her pride, while Ashley yelled, with all her heart, a single word.
“Help!!!” The action didn't stop the arrows, but it did cause a lot of bystanders to question their supposed saviors.
“Please come save us. I don't want to die!” Ashley took over. It was pathetic and she knew that. She gritted her teeth. The words she was spouting were of contradiction, to her real feelings. She trusted this person with her life, but that didn't mean she enjoyed acting like this. However, deep in her heart, below all her pride and stubbornness, lay a single wish. To be saved from the hell she was in.
In a heartbeat, before the arrow would have struck home, a beam of light shot out of the sphere. The pressure of the force broke all the arrows and stunned everyone.
“Holy shit......it worked,” Erica said her face filled with surprise.
All Ashley could do was lower her head. She had been right. Gods she had been right. The thoughts played thru her mind. Her joy overpowered all the patheticness that had crept into her heart.
The light shot out a crossed the sky. Ashley and everyone in the gym had no idea the light had turned all the heads of everyone through the city and even further beyond the mountains surrounding the town.
Among on the excitement and awe of the light, Ashley felt a sensation on her hand. It provided more proof for her suspicions. Suddenly the shock wave from the light blasted Erica and Ashley away from the tower. However, they flew from one danger to the next. It had knocked them closer to Brogg.
Brogg noticed them land and a smile slowly rose on his face. He walked over and grabbed Erica by the throat. She started to struggle. Her effort only made him add more force. She went limp like a rag doll.Then in a horrible moment, the light faded. All was silent.
“No that can’t be it!” Ashley yelled. He had to be there! If he wasn;t.... She turned to face Brogg. She clenched her fist. “then nothing would change.” Her head down, she gave into despair for the first time in six years.
Taking the chance, Aroma sent a few newer arrows at the pillar. He wanted to pile of the fear and despair.
However, hope burned brighter. Just as they should have struck it, a piercing light shot down from the heavens. However, it wasn't just light this time. As the light came close, something was made apparent. A sound was coming with it.
Monstrous roars exploded as it came closer, the glass broke free from towers and weaker building gave under the sound. Everyone covered their ears in an unsuccessful attempted to block it out.
The light finally struck the tower. It had a far different effect than when it was fired off. The sound of breaking earth filled the void left by the roars. Ashley flung her head to witness something incredible.
At the instant the light struck the tower, something had burst free. Something big. Its tail coiled tower like a snake and its terrifying eyes looked at everyone. Brogg stopped choking Erica and was standing in awe of the beast.
Its wings had broken the remaining wall knock down what little there was left of the gym. Now it was just an open area, with a gym floor. It took a bit, but Ashley knew what it was. All her experiences and history flooded forward like the dam had finally broken.
“Dra...gon” She managed to speak the single word through her tears of joy. With a better look, the beast was about the size of a full sized train. Its wings were mostly silver, but the insides were a faint red.
From the scales and the color of it. It was clearly an old dragon and its horns and white bread under its jaw line.
Its big blue eyes, combined with a haunting yellow iris, struck everyone with awe. the head barely moved, but Ashley could tell it was scanning the area. At the base of its neck was the sphere still untouched.
The was true for a moment, she was snapped into reality when saw an arrow hit and blow a hole in the sphere. The dragon didn't move, no it hadn’t even flinched after the attack. It didn't seem to fear for the contents of the sphere at all.
When the debris and the cloud of smoke faded, She saw a white light coming from the ground. It rose like a wave from the ocean, but then it surged forward and shooting toward the opening. Like a majestic show, they while wrapped and curved around the sphere. Some of the new lights came from the direction of the town. The best part, to Ashley, was the light itself. Inside were fragments of colors. They sparkled and shone with such brilliance she couldn't utter a word.
“This is raw magic!” Cross shouted. He had gotten up and tears were streaming from his face as he took steps forward. “After all this time, I have finally done it. I have found you!” His face evident with joy.
Ashley felt the same. She knew this phenomenon all too well. When that man did something like this, magic was drawn to the center. It was amazing, the sight of the magic being drawn around the sphere. No words could describe the beauty she saw.
Then he appeared. The boy she had been saved by was there, but in the behind him, she saw it. A shadow of a person, she felt renewed tears roll down her face.
She then remembered Brogg and Erica. She turned her attention to them.
“Let her go you stupid fool!” She managed to yell through her sobs. She couldn't concentrate so no magic would come. She only managed to army crawl over and grab his leg. With no weapon, she had little chance of helping. Brogg simply ignored her and went back to strangling the girl. He seemed to want to finish the task before turning his attention to the new targets.
“You should listen to the girl.” A stern and low voice child them all to the bone. Ashley looked a behind Brogg now.
When had he come down for the sphere? She thought. Brogg turned and saw the boy now. He immediately dropped Erica and drove a punch at the new threat. The sudden wave of dust, followed by a gust of wind, launched Erica and Ashley away from the impact.
The shock should have sent her flying, but she found herself near all the students. The boy stood over her. He looked around and checked the girl.
“Been awhile hasn't it Ashley?” His face never moved from Erica.
“!?” she had opened her mouth but no words would come out. She was too happy, no words could convey how she felt.
“I seem to have taken a while, sorry about that” The aura around him and his presence were different than before. “Though some of the details are fuzzy and I don't remember everything.” He said with a smile as he turned to face her. The smile was not to comfort her, though. In his eyes burn with rage and fury see rarely saw in him. But more so to see him smile was scary than his eyes.
He slowly turned away and started walk within his hands in his pockets. She noticed he was healed but his shirt was destroyed and it was only being held together by thin strands. Through the holes, she could see massive scars all with their own terrifying story. She knew them all too well.
“St..op!” A voice broke thru Ashley joy. Erica had got one up and was wobbling toward him “Where are you going?” She said her voice full of anger.
He continued his walk but stopped for a second. He looked at the sky. Ashley began to look to. The sky was like a gray ceiling. It gave no warmth.
“Don't worry. I don't plan on dying or losing anyone else, after all, when two girls ask for your help you can't just deny it.” at his side he had one thumb up to the sky. He then continued his march.
Cross walked up from behind her.
“One who doesn't deny there fighting and survival instincts. He who seeks out fights and desires more power and stands above all.” He spoke with a hint of respect and a high tone. They both watched the back of Dynames. A sight Ashley had grown used to seeing all her life.
“That motto...” she started to say, but Cross kept on going.
“That which marks those who have become a king or a slayer.” His eyes were glued to Dynames as he walked toward Brogg.
“So you've come ba……” Brogg said as the Dynames got closer but stopped. He was brushed off coldly as Dynames just walked on by him as if he didn’t exist. Brogg didn’t move, just stood there as Dynames walked on by.
Dynames was going for something else. Ashley saw it near the edge at the end of the gym where the pillar stood. The body of his lost friend. It was had been moved there by the whips she guessed. The body laid next to a small section of what was left of the wall.
When he reached him, Dynames stood for a moment. He then picked him up and carried him in his arms back to the students. He placed the body in near the back. He spoke no words and simply got up and walked back to Brogg. After he moved away, silently a barrier rose around the students.
He stopped short of the giant man. They both held their stares. She had the feeling Dynames had a far more terrifying look than Brogg’s.
He had stopped just short of the giant man. They both stared intently at each other.
“So you've come back to fight me now, boy?” Brogg said full of hate and annoyance. His body was injured all over and he was still ready for more! Ashley was stunned by the man before Dynames.
“I’m not letting you get away with ignoring me like before.” Dynames started to laugh. It filled the ominous silence.
“No I'm not here to fight you...I'm here to fucking murder you!” Rage heavy in his voice. “My mercy will be the one thing you will never get bastard!”
She felt... no, she could taste the killer intent coming from Dyanmes. It was like a pressure slowly crushing her chest. She felt a cold sweat on her neck.
The white magic began to spiral around Dynames’s feet in a circle and rose slowly, letting two bending spirals form around him.
Brogg stepped back. He faced seemed shocked by himself. He showed small signs of fear. Before he could correct his stance, Dynames had jumped at him, and kicked sideways and planted his foot firmly in Brogg’s face sending him sideways into toward his companions. Brogg slide, face first, right in front of them and stopped
His body language, no Ashley could tell. Every fiber of the being Dynames wanted to fight. It was emitting from him. The desire to kill.
“What the hell are you?!” Brogg just getting up from the hit yelled at him. He was clearly shaken from the blow “No one can just change like that, nor improve that much!”
“I'm sorry my introduction before was a little lacking.” He cleared his throat by coughed a few times.
“I am Dynames...Dragonslayer! I am the man will be putting you six feet under the ground!” The magic responded and more rays of magic shot out of the ground. His eyes and expression back up the claim. He was dead serious.
“So which one of you wants to die first?”
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