《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 23


- are you gonna die? or are you gonna died? -

*haah haah*

running away for my life, as far as my legs can carry me i escaped from that place

*zee haa*

keeps running away, run run and run. i finally found an outpost from my country border

"haa hah, wa..water.."

the guards looked surprised

by my appearance, but i don't care. i keep asking water and he give me some

*glup glup* aahh!


i screamed from the bottom of my heart, thinking its finally over

after calming down, the guards asking me what happened

i asked to collect my mind first since it all happened so fast

-turning back a few hours ago-

first it was those monster

thinking its gonna be equal fight, i was thinking its gonna be fierce

turn out i was wrong

that fight, is too one sidedly to be called a fight

the bear is strong. yeah it's the strongest monster i ever saw

but he was no match

the girl far superior than him. stopping it's charge with one hand, and splatting it's head in instant

after i calm down a bit, i'm seeing the girl appearance closely


although it's strange for a married man calling a girl looks old enough to become my daughter beautiful but that's what i honestly think for a moment

a cute, perfect face as adorable as dolls. feature and height not seems to be older than 13 years old, long silver hair and glittery golden eyes

the only difference from human is some of her skin is covered in scales, a tail like a dragon and a hand with claw that seems like it can gouge the earth itself

i'm sure that any father would want a daughter as beautiful as her


that fantasy

crushed in instant


*chomp chomp*


*chomp chomp* *glup*

she.. swallow it whole


seemingly satisfied, the girl swallow the remains of bear whole


i run

i run from that place immediately

i was naive!

thinking like that, i cursed myself

are you stupid? what are you thinking for a second, me?

while running away, i keep calling myself a second ago stupid

there's no way..

such a terrifying monster

thinking even for a second "that" is beautiful

there's no way.. !

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