《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 21


- Nice to meet you, and goodbye ~ -



The roar of two monster in front of him scared him more than anything else in his life.

If possible, he would run away right now. But, he had to wait.

If he ran now, either of them would probably change their target and pursue him.

That's why he patiently waited for a chance.

When those two monster fight and kill each other, then he will run like rabbits!

Well, rabbits usually get caught and eaten though...


The bear started to move.

Its movement were sort of more sluggish than usual, probably because he had to endure the petrification effect.

Even if it didn’t turn him into stone, he clearly felt its effect.


The bear suddenly attacked.

His attack was a straightforward tackle.

Perhaps it was too dumb for him.

But fear dulled his judgment.

The girl didn't move.

Considering there's a massive height difference between the bear and the girl, it seems like the girl is going to be get crushed.

However, it did not happen.


Feeling strange, the bear looked in front of him.

He looks at his front and...

Land and sky turned upside down.


The bear finally realized.

He has been caught in one hand

and was lifted by the girl

grabbing his head.

The girl didn't say anything.

The bear struggled, but he couldn’t release himself.

Until finally



Porco was dumbfounded.

He didn’t see anything,

When the girl attacked, what kind of method she used.

But clearly,

The bear is dead.

In one hit.

Porco was speechless

The bear head was gone in one clean hit.

Furthermore, his blood and head piece stuck to Porco.

After that devastation, the girl only muttered one word.


That's it.

No mercy or hesitation.

Just like pulling out weeds or crushing ants beneath you.

Thinking it was over, he even forgot to run away

No, perhaps the act of running away was unthinkable -

Because, in front of this violence -

All he thought was just it's so beautiful.

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