《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 18


- One year after -

This is a confession of certain merchant.

"Look, I swear I saw it!"

That man desperately tried to convince the people in the merchant guild, "I managed to run for my life and this is what I get? At least you should compensate me for being the first one to witness that terrible monster!"

The guild secretary looked troubled. The merchants alongside him laughed.

"Hey hey, porco, did you drink too much?"

"It's your fault for getting that fat, maybe you start hallucinating, haha."

"Did “terrible monster” mean your wife? She’s indeed a monster when she gets angry."

Nobody believed him.

"Shit! You guys think I am delusional! Just you wait, if that monster comes here I won't lift a finger to help you guys even if you cry! Forget it, I'll escape with my family and run away to the other side of the world."

Getting more noisy, the laughing merchants started to drink and ignored him.

- Inside Porco’s house -

"Dear, what's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Forget about it. Look, this place is no longer safe."

"Are you referring to the monster mass outbreak incident in the beginner’s forest? But that place was in the former Averunks kingdom. This is Nephilim, although we can be called neighbours, isn't it still quite a distance from there? Furthermore, that incident is already mostly solved.”

Hearing his wife, Porco shouted,


He continued, "what I am talking about, is not something like that!"

With a trembling voice he begged his wife.

- A year ago -

A sudden mass outbreak of monsters happened in the beginner forest inside Averunks’ kingdom.

With the kingdom low security, a mass of monsters was enough to give them a fatal blow.


Although it wasn't to the point of destroying them, the damage was too great that it couldn’t be ignored.

Also, since it's happened near the border of other countries, it’s bound to influence them as well.

Using all of the surrounding country might, they managed to beat all the rampaging monsters.

At first, it was thought to be demon king invasion.

But since there's no merit for demons to destroy Averunks that's located opposite of them, this opinion was ignored.

Since its not really a fatal blow for surrounding countries aside from Averunks, it quickly was forgotten.

But that's not the problem.

In the middle of the monster outbreak subjugation, people from other countries saw some brave figures.

Seems like, since the damage spread, the heroes accidently went into another country as well.

Despite the people of Averunks trying to stop them, heroes that surpassed normal humans cannot be stopped by normal guards.

Those three, clearly not from this world are clearly the heroes from legends.

By chance, some higher up from another country met them. He learnt that those heroes thought only Averunks’ kingdom survived in the world.

Outraged, the higher up made a discussion with the higher ups from the surrounding countries.

“Hero summoning” was supposed to be done only by a revelation of the "goddess".

Because by doing that, the heroes would receive the goddess’ full blessings and become a true hero.

There was supposed to be only hero too.

But because of Averunks’ incomplete summoning, they summoned four instead.

The summoning was supposed to happen in the capital Abona or in Holy City Alexandria next year.

For a single small country, doing it by itself is absurd. It could even be called heresy.

Furthermore, to lie and endanger the lives of heroes who are goddess’ representatives was a heavy crime.


Thus, since Averunks’ kingdom did not have a good reputation, their judgement was to execute the royalty and parties responsible.

Upon further interrogation, it was found that the king and the bishop alone did the deed.

Said king and bishop were executed.

While investigating matters further, it was known that the king even planned to murder the currently missing fourth hero.

Said countries tried to find the group of mercenaries that the king of Averunks hired for further investigation about what happened to the fourth hero.

Unfortunately they couldn’t track said mercenaries, even their leader was missing.

Thus the matter was concluded with the fourth hero declared as dead.

Because no king and bishop ran the country anymore, Averunk’s kingdom was totally free-for-all to every low life possible without any rules binding them.

Thus it was ruined now. Most of the inhabitants already moved to other countries, the only ones left are monsters and bandits.

It was known as the forgotten capital now.

The three heroes were doing better than what people thought without the goddess’ blessing.

They received asylum from the three biggest countries, becoming their trump card on the frontlines of the war against the demon king to increase the morale.

The hero known for a handsome appearance and using a sword received the capital Abona.

The hero known for a wild look and using a spear was received in the military country Grandom.

And lastly, the hero known for her staff and overflowing kindness was received by the Holy City Alexandria.

Receiving proper training and education, the three heroes became important figures in each representative country.

Some people even believed that if this keeps up, they could even be liberated from the demons forever.

After asking what the heroes wished for the most once the demon king was defeated, they answered the same thing:

"So that this world can be liberated from fear, also.."

"That we can return home together with a friend."

The heroes declare.

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