《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 15


- I won't lose!! -


Within a cave, a worn out girl took a breather.

She didn't remember much how she survived from that mess.

All she remember was that the monster didn’t seem to be particularly interested in her.

Perhaps it’s because she's dying, perhaps it’s because she emitted only a faint light of life that the monster weren’t interested

Either way, she survived.

Determined to not die, to take revenge on Garon.

In order to not lose again, to not feel despair again

She, tried her best to survive


But she realized it

Her wounds cannot be treated anymore.

If this was earth, she can only start to count her remaining time in ceiling

Because it's in different world, with a stronger body, she was still alive

Perhaps there’s a magic that could cure her and restore her like before, but it’s clearly too late to look for one.

Even if such a miracle existed -

That miracle won’t come for her.

Feeling silent, mika starting to lose her consciousness.

If she closed her eyes, it would surely be the end.

She's going to die here, without anybody to mourn or cry to her. Without anybody knowing

And more than that...

Without being able to take revenge.

"Fuck it."

But she won’t let that happen.

Clinging desperately to her remaining life

Mika keeps talking to herself to stay conscious.

"Come to think of it.."

Pondering about it, Mika remembered

"That scent is too powerful! Shitty old pole!"

Yes, Mika didn’t expect it to be that much

When looking for a beast slave without any luck, she met some crooked salesman instead.

That guy looked suspicious from A to Z.

But Mika didn’t care about that

Since he got various interesting item she was interested in


Magic scrolls, crossbows… and lastly, gathering scent.

He said, using this can made it fast to get level up within a short time, but it was dangerous if not properly used.

But Mika brought it since she thought it was interesting anyway.

After telling Mika how to use it, the crooked salesman disappeared.

"Shit, he only said that thing gathers low level monster and increased their experience gain. I couldn’t see his face, but if I see him again, be prepared to eat my chastity punch. Let’s see if you can peeing from that hole anymore!"

Saying such nonsense, she got spirited again.

Mika spread the scent while fighting and ran away from the group of hoodlums.

Then, as planned, they surrounded the place, though it was stronger than she thought.

"That scent is probably spreading to the nearby village too, huh.."

Since a lot of powerful monster went berserk, the area nearby probably got attacked by them too.

"In just one day, I killed many people enough to get a death sentence without question. Huh, is this what the creators of the nuke felt? Well at least they didn’t kill them directly."

Still pondering, Mika looked above.

"Well, not like its my business. After all, soon I... too..."


Mika pondered more.


She refused

"No, no way, nai wa! No way I'm gonna accept that!"

She started to get hysteric, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm not gonna die..! I don’t wanna! Why should i?? I haven’t collected every blu ray season of this summer edition " magical * miracle", I’m still waiting for that new game with Aimi’s little sister, I haven't even dated with Aimi in Akiba yet!"

The last one was probably impossible since the start, but she said it anyway.


"I am, not gonna lose to death"

Denying the concept itself, she said it, knowing it’s futile.

Even so

Nobody answered her.

That state went on for a few hours.

For how long could she stay alive?

The otherworldly status probably kept her alive.

But even that will reach limit eventually.


She looked towards the entrance.

It’s probably started to rain some time ago.

Anyway, it won’t make a difference whether the inside of cave got wet or not.

Because her face was already dirty from mucus and tears.

She didn’t have energy left to speak anyway.

No, she thought that.


She was surprised herself.

She thought she didn’t have any remaining life yet.

She thought she's despairing.

Just close her eyes, and everything is over...

But she didn’t

"Not like this... I… won’t accept... it… I… can’t"

Squeezing the last of her, she screamed.


A scream from her very being.

Lightning sounded at the same time



Using every last thing she had

She fell with a *thud*

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