《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 10


- End of fight, unanswered question -


Everybody screamed

Despite its smallness, everybody knew it wasn’t a normal explosion.

Because of the highly concentrated magic inside the scroll, everybody knew how dangerous it was.

The "explosion" will occur in less than one second.

Garon looked surprised

But he quickly regained his composure.

Using everything he got, he smashed the tree with his axe.


A black explosion without a sound.

The light was blinding,

Dust made it hard to see.

And after the view was clear,

Garon was still standing.

With his axe broken to pieces.

-A moment before the explosion-

Garon, who sensed that something was wrong when the tree started to shine felt danger from the tree’s husk.

Using all his might, he unleashed his trump card "howling smash".

Actually, when mowing down the trees, he didn’t use skill at all,

Purely using his raw power

The reason being, most of his skill are single target.

It wasn’t fit to mow down many foes.

And his trump card effect "howling smash" concentrated his magic power, wind, and formed it into a sharp blade with the form of a sphere

Usually he only uses a miniscule amount to make him look like he can smash enemies to pieces.

That made the enemy who fight him terrified, with their comrade’s corpse scattered all over the place.

However he use all of his might to fend off the explosion.

Though, as a result, his weapon exceeded the magic capacity and broke.

But thanks to that, he managed to put some distance from the explosion’s area.

If it was a normal explosion he probably would get hit by the area.

But if it were normal, it wouldn’t be enough to kill him.

Considering that, it’s probably best move from him. If the magic inside the scroll is mid rank or even high rank-


Then he would probably disappear from the face of this world without any traces left.

Garon’s face changed.

He glared at Mika

Even though this fight was fun, he couldn’t shake this feeling away.

If he let her live, she might become a dangerous existence.

Furthermore, by destroying the axe, the devil inside died too.

Now his "wish" cannot be granted.

This is a fucking bad joke, yeah, if someone made a script, please redo it all over again...

Completely and utterly exhausted, Mika didn’t have any energy left to move from the spot.

She already surpassed her limit before fighting Garon, even running took all she got.

Now she didn’t have any power left.

Shit, he's coming, he's coming. He looks angry too... Aah, of course, isn’t it. Even I think throwing a miniaturized sized black hole to a person is a bad idea. It's not even trying to kill anymore, it's trying to wipe them out without a trace…

She was trying to think of a way out, but couldn’t come up with anything,

Dammit, who sent them? Was it that pig!? Ahh right, I should have realized. Now that I think about it, I learned something they desperately wanted to hide away. But how did they realize? I don't think I left any evidence. Even if that's the case, isn't sending this guy against the rules?

In fact, the king decided to dispose her anyway, so it could have happened anytime.

I should've prepared better, aah ngg gnn, grr dammit...! It's no use. What's done, is done. No use crying over spilled milk now. The problem is, what should I do..?

In fact, she prepared one more trap. But if that trap gets triggered, she wouldn’t be able to run away and clearly was going to get killed with them.


That’s why she planned to escape from the forest little by little. But the appearance of someone as strong as Garon turned the plan into a mess.

Anyway, I can only hope he won't kill me suddenly and buys time. At least I could take him down with me.

Wishful thinking.

But there’s not much she can do this time.

Garon glanced at Mika again

At first he was worried she got another thing in her sleeves. But since he already was this close and Mika didn’t move, he perished that thought.

Facing him, Mika started to speak before him.

"Hey there, big ogre." Mika said nonchalantly.

"Damn, fuck. You totally beat me there. What is that axe made of? Is it Adamantite? Orichalcum? Ah don’t tell me, it’s from your bones right? Which one? Your dick? Ah, but that doesn’t have a bone, right? Hahaha"

Mika’s acting looked so faked. Garon still ignored her though.

"But anyway, you’re really strong. Damn, what did you eat anyway? Clearly it’s not from the "nightly activity” right? ‘Cause my dad keeps doing that but he only gets weaker and weaker because of my mom. Ahaha, so funny, right?"

But Garon still didn’t respond.

"Hey, uhmm are you mad? Ah, is it because I broke that axe? Ahh, sorry about that. You know, I can buy you a better axe. Just gimme a month, no, a week! As a bonus, I can include you some armor too. You won’t find a better bargain than this. Deal? Deal? I know you will”

*thumbs up*

She sounded desperate like a salesman not fulfilling their quota and at end of their ropes.

"Hey, I told you, don’t give me silent treatment. Eh, why are you no... t responding..."

Mika starting to become silent after seeing his eyes.

They were calm.

Like someone who achieved enlightenment or saw things from far away.

Not looking at her, but at something beyond.

Inside those eyes, she wasn’t reflected.

Just like a pebble on the side of the road.

And that...

Made her angry beyond anything she’s ever felt before.


Garon ignores her and started to walk towards his subordinates.

"Hey, wait.."

He keeps walking

"oi.. WAIT"

Feeling impatient, Mika started to scream.


But Garon keep walking.


She start to scream more loudly but Garon ignored her.


And just like that, Garon returned to his camp.

"Kyle" he start to call his second in command.

“Ye...yes...!" He got surprised. It was the first time he ever saw that face on his leader.

"Take care of it. You can play around a bit. Just make sure she dies at the end."

"O...okay! Wait, boss, you can talk normally?"

Feeling a bit surprised, he only reply like that.

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