《The park master.》Chapter 10 visit to the town


Steve’s POV

Quest: Jacobs slumber

Requirements: Work on the park while Jacob sleeps

Objective: Do as much as possible in the park while Jacob sleeps

reward: 500 park points

After I was done reading the notifications. I asked Jacob if he wanted to go to the nearby town. To talk to the mayor about what had happened yesterday. Then he answered while yawning,

“Steve I will do that, But I also have an idea Why don't we take some of the energy fruits with us and flowers, So the mayor can see them and maybe we can sell some of them?”

At which I said while laughing a bit and glowing a little bit yellow,

“Great idea Jacob, let’s get to work”

But he first exclaimed,

“Steve you are glowing!”

To which I said,

“Calm down Jacob it is from the evolution it the color change with the emotion.”

After he calmed we got to work with picking the flowers and fruits. As he was done picking he put them in his inventory. And went on his way to the nearby village. while I began further terraforming the park territory.

One hour later Jacob arrived at The Village.

jacob”s POV

As I arrived I was saluted by the guards who were stationed at the gate. I walked through the gate and walked straight to the mayor's office. As the mayor’s office came in sight. I saw there were 2 guards standing before the door, I approached them and asked,

“Hi, I am Jacob the local park master may I speak the mayor I have something urgent to discuss?

Before they could answer I heard the mayor say

“Please come inside Jacob “

And they immediately let me in. As I walked through the door I saw mayor Chris and another guy talking. When the mayor saw me he said to me,


“Good Morning Jacob do you know this guy? he said he knew you and was looking for you.”

As the mayor said that the man stood up and as I saw his face. I knew it was Jake when he saw me he gave me a hug and said,

“glad to see you again Jacob, I came looking for you because I want to work together with you on your park.”

To which I answered,

“It is also nice to see you again Jake, Can I first discuss with Steve.”

“No problem dude”

Said, Jake, while letting me go.

Then I turned to the mayor and started telling what happened yesterday. I started telling about the animals and the hatchery. After that, I began telling about the main park buildings. And that we created two custom park buildings. As I told them Steve evolved they bombarded me with questions. Like how much he grew or if his color changed. Then I told them about the Dragonheart park Temple of the gods and the Dragonheart energy fruit forest. At last, I told them about Lars the baby heavenly sloid king and the quest.

After hearing what I said mayor Chris Started speaking.

“It is a lot to take in Jacob but I will try my best to help, but first things first you said you had some of the fruits and flowers with you can I see them?”

To which I answered with of course sir. After I emptied my inventory mayor Chris started talking again.

“Jacob the ones filled with holy energy I advice you to sell to the church while we are going there we are also gonna get some priest for your temple after that we can go to the pet shop I heard that Rea the owner still has some sloids as for the flowers I want to buy them from you for in the town.


After haggling for a couple of minutes we decided on a price. We then left to the church as we arrived we were greeted by the priest. When he saw the mayor he said,

“Welcome sir mayor why did you come to the church so early in the morning?.”

“I came here with Jacob he is the local park master and he came to sell holly type energy fruit and asking if you have people to spare for his temple inside his park.”

Said the mayor Chris after which I was asked a lot of questions and a bit of haggling about the price we came to an agreement. The people came sometime next week and I will deliver the left offer fruits to them. As we were done I heard a sound.


the skill commerce leveled up

Right after I was done reading we left to the pet shop. As we entered the shop I saw Daniel behind the counter. when he saw us he said,

“welcome mayor why did you come to this humble pet shop.

To which the mayor said that he came here to speak to Rea. Afterward were lead behind the counter inside an office where sat a beautiful female tiger beast kin who said smiling mischievous,

“Greetings mayor hi Jake and who may you be?”

To which I answered,

“Hi I am Jacob the local park master and Jake his best friend may I know how you know Jake?”

“Nice to meet you Jacob I am Rea and I know jake because he is my daughter Fiona's boyfriend.”

Then I said with a surprised face,

“Wait you are Fiona's mom but you look so young?!”

To which she answered,

‘Thanks for the compliment but what did you all come here for?“

To which I and the mayor explained everything about what happened yesterday. And for what they came to which she agreed even for free on one condition that Fiona may also help and live in the park too with I quickly agreed. She only needed some time to pack up so Jake and I did some catching up after packing up. and saying goodbye to the mayor we left in a carriage driving to home by Rea.

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