《Space Games: Training Phase》First Ranking Tournament Announcement


Universe just avoided my eyes and wandered over to the rest of the squad.

In all honesty I was quite worried about what might have happened to her but she left no room for comfort.

Gadri rushed over but one look from me stopped him in his tracks. He might not have noticed that she needed some alone time, but he was a self-proclaimed airhead so someone had to get the message across. I took another worried glance at Universe before settling down to watch the rest of the events unfold.

Ciara managed to narrowly avoid death multiple times, with her being so bad at technology she somehow button-mashed her way to victory. On the panel in front of me her statistics were on display.

C.R.A.H.D.I.L.E. aka Ciara [See-Arr-Ah]


Kills: 2

Damage report: Left thrusters are damaged, still functional. Oil tank is leaking, Hyper Drive will malfunction if used. plastic glass is cracked, chances of environment collapse is at 49% and increasing.

Time alive: 02:19:57 and counting

Notable mentions: First 100 squads to make it to the hanger, Extremely bad at technology, manage to be the last one alive in her squad, Somehow foiled an enemy plan, one of the last 100 people alive.

Current point gain: (100 + 20 + 10+50+100+1000 = 1270 points - 1000 if dies during mission = 270 points)

I smiled at some of her notable mentions and turn my focus back onto the screen, which showed Ciara floating into an asteroid field, some of the enemy forces chasing her got destroyed as they chased her.

Unfortunately for her rocks started to pelt her fighter and smoke began to expand from parts of her fighter.

Fire was starting to break out and when she was about to explode the mission came to an end.

We all cheered for Ciara as she slowly walked out somewhat dazed from what just happened.

We all rush to congratulate her and Antony gave her a hug, while she murmured "I can't believe that happened" over and over again in a low whisper.

Antony took one look at her after his hug and told us "She might have gone into mental shock over her achievement, I will take her to rest, you guys can go distribute your points we will meet up with you later." and with that Antony started to lead Ciara back to the dorms.

The rest of us on the other hand headed toward the upgrade/research center.


The points were as followed

Beo (me) : 250

Gadri: 170

Nima: 340

Antony: 510

Universe: 290

Ciara: 1280

To be honest we got a lot of points, even Antony got half of a survival bonus out of today's mission sim.

Since I had increased my accuracy last time, I wanted to increase mental capability to help me focus, 50 points to Mental Capacity which left me with 200,

My goal was to be a sniper, take me as far away from combat as possible yet still take a part in it. I guess it would also allow me to partner with my partner Universe. Her scan skill will allow me to aim at approaching hostiles. Information windows can also assist in targeting weak points.

I put 50 into Reaction, 50 more points into movement speed and the remaining point into a gene mod.

[windows] Hawk Eyes: (Level 1) You gain the basic sight of a hawk, it greatly enhances your vision to see about 200 meters away, it is also protected by a thin film to prevent dirt and other small particles from going in. [/window]

I pressed to accept the enhancements and gene mods and then went to the counter where i got several vials. Injecting them into my body one at a time I felt myself grow even more powerful.

I met up with the rest of the squad and they all announced what they had gotten as well.

Universe: with 510 point she exchanged for Mind Radar Level 5 (100 points since she got a previous level) and Psy-Shield which conjures a shield to protect an ally based on mind power it nicreases durability and length of time it can be out. (400 points) the remaining 10 points she decided to increase her mind power.

Gadri: He got a level 1 Body Regeneration, and 70 points into endurance.

Nima: Her 300 points were put into a Level 3 Void Blink (Teleport) and the remaining 40 was split into 20 flexibility, 10 speed and 10 perception.

Antony and Ciara were busy resting (or were they ;)) and we all settled down.

Suddenly an announcements was heard over the intercom

An announcements for all year 1 squads, we will be holding a placement tournament to determine your rank, this shows how powerful you are overall. The squads with the highest ranking will be given a special prize, This only applies to the top 10 squads. Each person's placing will contribute to their squads rank. Another thing is that the company with the most points will get a special privilege till the next Ranking Tournament.


I looked at the rest of my squad and Nima immediately exxclaims "Gotta train bye"

Everyone was dispersing to start training against possible foes.

"I FEEL SO EXCITED FOR THIS" Gadri bellows and he starts lumbering away to practice.

"Everyone seems to be experiencing the hype for this tournament, what about you, personally I feel ecstatic about it" I asked Universe.

"Personally I have acknowledged some formidable foes, If you want I can draft a training program to help all of you, for a person like me whose combat ability is lacking I will not be able to perform well. " Universe replied to me, her indifferent face turning away.

"I believe in you, you should be able to make it far, You got your information scan so that you can determine what your opponents can do, You can sense stealth units with mind scan, you got your Psy-Shield, you can do very well at defending yourself, next mission you should get an offensive skill. " I comforted her

She just turns to me and suddenly I felt a prick in my arm, looking down she extracted a syringe full of blood

"Universe" I said

"What is it Beo?" She asked

"Do I have to ask what did you just do?" I said simply

"If your wondering then I am collecting blood to serve as a model in experiments. I have researched your blood type, any internal disease and any other denatures that might influence your blood in any and every way" Universe explained.

"May I request it back" I asked nicely

"As a scientist, I would wish to research my topic first, if you want it back afterwards I am afraid it might have been contaminated" Universe replied.

"I want it back now" I exclaimed and I started to grab for the vial. Universe just evaded me if she thought I would get to close she would activate Psy-Shield and bump me away.

Universe toyed with me until Ciara and Antony walked in.

"Your still here, the mission ended hours ago" Antony exclaimed in shock.

"I would have left if Universe hadn't taken a blood sample from me" I panted, gasping for air.

Universe seems unfazed yet beads of sweat rolled down her face onto her neck.

"Why don't you two get together already, you have the chemistry" Antony teased and a Psy-Shield knocked him off his feet, likewise Antony was also tied up by my 50+ endurance boosted rope.

"Hey hey hey, lets calm down guys, a jokes a joke right" Antony sweated profoundly.

"We better stop and let them upgrade their stuff or else we will fall behind the others" Universe calmly said and I backed off.

"I would have recommended something to Ciara but you guys held me up by tying me up" Antony said

"Does she have a plan for upgrading herself?" I asked curiously

"Oh she does, listen to this, with her knowledge of the human body and her toned body from her exercises, She is great to be a combat medic. Though she lacks in technical knowledge, she can work with the medicine of old times, pressure points, and natural herbs. Since she will know the pressure points of the human body, and with further study other creatures, she can be a close-combat disabler as well as combat medic." Antony grinned, announcing their grand plan of the future.

"Logically it seems right, though in this day and age of technology, it is a wonder how she is still technologically insufficient." Universe commented. and to this Antony hobbled away to upgrade himself, whereas Ciara was coming out, after a brief chat with Antony, made her over to us.

"I am sure Antony told you guys my upgrade plan, and here is the results of what I got.

[Focus Mind level 3 for 300] [Aura Fists level 5 for 500] [Enhanced Pressure Point Needles, 1 point per needle and each of them enhanced by 100 endurance for 120] [Reaction for 40] [Accuracy for 40] [Speed for 40] [Medical Knowledge level 2 for 200] and 40 points remaining" Ciara told us we complimented her on her upgrades.

"We better get started, with all this time that we wasted we will drag everyone down" I sighed and dragged Universe with me, Ciara just bid us farewell and waited for Antony to arrive.

Time to train, for we will win this tournament

Sorry for the month-long hiatus, about a month ago school started for me and this month has been a hectic month of registration, club registration, paperwork, textbooks, class and homework, (AP Biology isn't fun nor is it easy) as well as double shifts at work because of a MIA co-worker.

Nonetheless I was working on this chapter bit by bit, and with the free time I have now, I was finally able to finish it.

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