《Help, It's Seven Wives For One Duchess, And That Duchess Is Me!!!》Freedom! A Day In The Town! (Part 1)


I laugh in delight as water undulates slowly through the air in the greenhouse, and my mother's gasp makes my heart soar. Even Elizabeth's chuckle gives me a little boost.

I'm doing it! I'm controlling water! There's water in the god-damn air, and it's doing what I want it to!

If this doesn't seem like an achievement, consider this: Weeks ago, I could barely draw water to my finger. Last week, I would semi-regularly drench myself (Or one of the maids. Or Elizabeth. Or mother, despite aiming for Elizabeth) as I lost control. This was a first, and a big one.

Okay now... Geeeently guide it over to the rose bush... Gently... Gently... And slowly... Release... Like a sieve. A sieve's a good image.

The gentle streams of water cover the roses with dew, and everyone claps, myself included. Feeling a little cheeky, I bow widely instead of curtseying, and am met with laughter.

"Not bad, for a beginner. This is only a low level spell, and we haven't touched on other elements yet, but you drew it out of the air well, you guided it well, little too flashy, little too showy, and you released it well. Hopefully next time, you'll be able to move it more rapidly and efficiently."

Elizabeth's voice is matter of fact, and I pout. The whole point was to be flashy about it, couldn't you see? I'd stamp my little feet, but that would be playing to her expectations, I know it would.

"Still, I think we should do more mana exerci-"

"I can do that myself, thank you very much!!!" My voice comes out in a squeak, and Elizabeth smirks again. I swear, this demon tutor is more mature than she's letting on, to enjoy watching me writhe as the mana suffuses me. Are all mages sadists? I'm almost seven, how dare you enjo-


No. Deep breaths. That sort of reaction to mana improvement is, I've since learned, perfectly normal. There's nothing lewd about it, except in my own head. Nothing lewd at all. Nothing le-

She's still smirking, even harder, and I bring myself under control. Ohhh, this little shit, I swear to god, you really will get yours one day... My vengeful reverie is interrupted by my mother, who says words I've been wanting to hear for a while.

"Lettie, you've done so well, so you deserve a good break!" I smile, and, oddly, so does Elizabeth.

"Tomorrow, would you like to go into town?" I nod enthusiastically. Why is Elizabeth still smiling? I mean, she's proud of my progress, but...

"Wonderful! You can go with Elizabeth and your friend who's visiting tomorrow! You know, that nice Karen girl!"

Control. Control is important. Mother likes Karen. Elizabeth is going to smirk if I so much as blink.

"She said she wants to show you all the nice places she knows about!"

Control... Control is important...

"And she managed to get an exclusive invitation to the new cafe that opened!" Mother's delight is oblivious to my inner pain. Elizabeth knows full well what's going through my head, and her smirk is a combination of amusement at my pain, and the "I told you so" she's been waiting to say, ever since I added Karen's name to the list she gave me.

I get it, I get it, dammit, Liz, will you give me a god-damned break, I'm suffering enough by having two arrogant little shits in my life!

I nod, a smile on my face and a sigh in my heart. "I'm looking forward to it, Mama!"

"I've already tasted their strawberry cake before their opening, of course, so I think I'll get a gateau. Daddy's said my budget is unlimited today!"


Elizabeth smiles. "Oh, I should try that myself, maybe get a new book while I'm there. It's a bookstore as well, isn't it?"

Karen fumbles for a bit, before she stammeringly agrees. Not being the sharpest tool in the shed, she probably didn't notice the books. But I'm still trying very hard to control my expression. Yes, I've been sheltered up to this point, this is the first time I've been to town without mother, father, or both, let alone just a maid or with friends... I'm sheltered, I get it, stop rubbing it in!!!

But of course, neither of them will. Karen's too busy with throwing her weight around, and Elizabeth's enjoying my discomfort. Even my maid for today, Jennifer, is looking away, holding a hand to her mouth.

It's a legitimate relief when, after a journey filled with Karen's brags, and the silent mockery of the other two, we finally reach the town square.

The sun is shining brightly, the square's fountain glimmers in the light, and the sounds of conversation, bartering, carts and horses going back and fore, is such a pleasing experience. Just stepping down from the cart and standing on my own two feet, rather than in the arms of mother or father, feels like a blessing, and seeing the town brings a different kind of warm feeling to my mind.

My family doesn't just care about me, or the staff. They care about the people. That much is obvious from the lack of slums. From the vibrancy of the town. The worries here are normal, everyday worries. "This is a bit expensive, isn't it?" "Oh, I really hope I'm accepted as Master Peters' apprentice!" "DAVID, YOU CHEATING SCUM, COME BACK HERE SO I CAN-"

See? Normal, everyday worries. I feel sorry for that David, whoever he is, though. And his lover. Mostly his love, if we're being honest.

Holding my maid's hand, smiling, we all set out to see the sights, smell the smells... And eat gratuitous amounts of cake!

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