《Bandit don't start as Bandits》Can we take a time out? Bathroom break? Wait, I want to discuss peaceful resolution with you!



Next day, I was hovering around my test subjects with glee. Everybody but Amanda were having positive signs of improvement. Going from just being able to use it to enhance their body parts for a few seconds to minutes. Yet, the exertion left them fatigued but proper rest and food recovered them.

It was exhilarating!

I can start my priest squad now. Go around purging people in the name of the Light! Hahaha!

Dr. Hildred finished her check up on the last guy. "Everybody is showing positive improvement to their health. I can't find any problematic issues but they will need more nutrients than usual."

That was normal.

I pointed at Amanda. "What about this useless one?"

Dr. Hildred put down her pen. "Her body has a lot of issues that are being.. remodeled. Unlike these men who trained daily, eat healthy, and indoctrinated by your stupidity. She isn't a believer and her body is actively fighting your light but losing. In other words, we should be seeing active mutations within a week to two weeks and full transformation into inhuman after a month."

"Interesting. Keep me updated." I glanced away from Amanda who was giving both The doctor and myself the glare of hatred.

"This is fascinating. I believe their DNA will be key to producing viable gene therapy solutions to normal humans." Dr. Hildred pushed up her glass.

"I want these guys to have priority on health check ups. Alert me the moment any of them have a negative reaction." I walked out after leaving that order.

It was time to do some creation work that I should have done before but didn't have the power to do all I needed.

I landed in an open field that had been cleared of trees. Crates were littered in neat squares behind me. Two guys stood in huddle while gesturing at the mountain that looked different with her majesty's crew directly reimaging it. They were transforming it into a large stone citadel.

The awkward thing was that we sat in a basin at the bottom of the mountain.

Anyway, I waved at the four orbs sitting in the front row. They rose up and began emitting a light that displayed a 3D image of what the coliseum should look like. It was very helpful to someone like me who would be doing all the work of placing down tech and runes in one sitting.

With a wave of my mighty paw, sunlight condensed into a golden red liquid. Like a conductor, I made that liquid form i-beams that would set up the framework. From there, it was an easy job of turning that liquid into sheets that form the outer walls. The hardest part came to mixing runes with technology.

My background as a computer need didn't necessarily mean I was a competent electrician. Which was why the two guys would be watching using orbs as drones. When I make a mistake, they correct me and I fix the issue before moving on.

A project that would take a team a week or two, took me an afternoon but left me bone tired. However, the training grounds were next which would let me increase the number of men I could train and induct into my cult.


The third day came a little too quickly. I sat in my Gothic monastery looking out the glass pane at the orange sky filled with flaming dots. It was amusing how we were facing one thread after another. It was questionable if humanity would even exist or a new race would become the standard.


My eyes flickered down at the Witch Society that were growing grass, bushes, and small decorative trees.

"It is really amazing how one genius creates an era and everybody follows. Rune Mage Society, Green Witch Society, and now my own personal stigma. It really feels like a fictional world." I turned to my assistants.

Sophie didn't respond to me. Her mouth was moving but her words were intended for another party.

Those guys who felt like they could become allies with me due to mining where I haven't bothered yet. They were of course trying to seek asylum or protection.

A holographic screen sat before my desk. Multiple showing the training regime for my fifty Golden Knights. Well, I called them knights but they as of yet, could barely hold a weapon for more than two minutes. The best were up to five to six.

It was a little disappointing.

My gaze fell upon the left set of screens which displayed my light mages in learning. Being taught by A.I. teacher with an illusionary body that has better standards than what I was seeing from the class.

Maybe I was being a little too judgy. Even I felt the runes were hard to learn, let alone pronounce.

I pulled up the list of new recruits and shook my head at the ones that couldn't pass the capability test. Riley set up there with a high percentage of ninety-four. Right after her..

A screen popped up in front of me, not surprising that it was Her Majesty. Her eyes looked at the scenery behind me before she focused in on me.

"Surprising change but don't you feel it is a little too late?" Her majesty crossed her arms.

"Never too late for progress. Besides, from the landing locations.." I pulled up the current projections. "We know that they are sending out an intelligent ground force that will build a forward outpost. In short, we still have a few more days to prepare."

"I have the president on the line. Along with a few other leaders. Do you know what their predictions are?"

"Loss of about sixty-two percent of the current population and land to the Aliens? Subjugation by the Aliens superior technology and advanced abilities?" I threw out a few guesses.

Her majesty's eyes narrowed. "Smart ass." She took a sip of some red liquid. "They want to form a Defense pact with us. Officially accepting us as a Sovereign Party along with some other junk. My advisors say it is a smart move to accept their decision. What is your opinion?"

Oof! Just giving me a big question like this with no prep time.

"I have been studying their configurations and the population within. They have a twenty percent chance to survive the initial wave of attacks without someone as powerful as you governing them. That being said, I have no hope for their powerhouses to be able to hold off the enemy."

"Why is that?"

"Because the human body limits them from growing as strong as me or you. Forgotten is basically indulging in luxury and doesn't actively pursue growth. Yet, he eventually became stronger than Arthur who was stronger than myself at one point. He now crossed the point that I hit before I transitioned. This means that the human body has a very powerful restriction that hinders self growth."

"So how do you plan to face the enemy with the same human resources?"

I smiled. "Through changing the landscape."

Her majesty gave me an odd look but I was assured that this lady might be a bit lazy. Yet, she wasn't stupid.


"Do they have time to grow?"

I shrugged. "We can only provide them time."

"Send me that packet." She hung up.

Sophie and Amanda looked at me like I was their torturer.

"What? You guys applied for that position, not me." I sniffed and got to work on the small things.

"We might have an influx of twenty thousand refugees. Should we split them between cities?" Sophie brought up a good point.

I place a call to Forgotten. He answered on the first ring.

"Damn, it took you so long to call me. I have been going stir crazy holding all these meetings. Signing off on all these stupid societies after your side began that bullshit." He stopped pacing and turned to me, with a finger raised. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Lets ignore your mental issues. How much room for expansion do you have left?"

"Not enough to provide a stable economy for the fifty-eight thousand we have now. A lot of people are actually complaining about a lack of jobs. Can you believe that? Asking for government assistance."

I glance at Amanda. "What about us?"

"We have a total of thirty-two thousand and can actually handle forty-eight more. Still have a lot of projects that are being put on pause due to lack of labor. That is with using normals to fill in the space." Amanda reported.

Forgotten gave me an aggrieved look. "Wow and you are turning people away. What a bastard."

"It's Sophie's fault but I'll have my people put out a recruitment notice. First thing first is that subway projects need to be completed to facilitate easier rotations. Same as the above ground trolleys." I glanced at the seven new assistants that groaned in unison.

"I would have to pause the housing plan to do that. Which is currently a no go." Forgotten shook his head.

I scratched my head. "Being a leader is hard, huh?"

Forgotten rolled his eyes. "Not as hard as having an unreliable partner."

Wow.. me, unreliable? Probably.

I hung up on him and turned to Sophie. "Guess they can come to us. We do have enough intake rooms for them, right?"

Amanda shook her head. "We have enough for four thousand. If they utilize our system from before, we can just directly process them to apartments or houses."

"They use our app. So some should have the same type of funds just with a different tag. We have to ask Intel to see if they tried to inflate their own currency." Sophie touched a screen.

"I'm all for saving people but let's help the ones near us first. Get that recruitment site up with what's available. Have transportation start doing rounds." I paused as I got a call from an unknown number.

Winter's annoying face popped up. "What are you doing right now? Wow, cool office."

I directly hung up and dug into my projects.


I wondered if everybody was like me. Up watching the Aliens make landfall? Well, actually I was working on settling down a startling number of refugees. Luckily, Her Majesty was even recruiting for handmaids and the like.

For a previous model, she was really sticking to this Queen thing.

"My lord, there is a guy claiming to be an ambassador for the President on the line. Want me to transfer it over?" One of the minions asked.

I almost said no but the Queen did form an alliance with them. I waved for him to transfer the call.

The guy was, of course, an older gentleman with all the aging signs. He was sitting in his office which was smaller than mine. His secretary was of course a young beautiful woman.

"Thanks for taking my call. I am one of the city governors in our region, Gerald McCallum." The man had a rich tone and an easy smile.

"I don't have a lot of spare time. Please get to the point." I grabbed a cup of lemonade and took a swig.

The man's smile faded away. "We are planning a precision strike on the enemy when they touch down in six hours. As allies and close to the target, we were hoping you would join to increase the chance of success."

I pulled up the map and scanned for one that was close to me and this governor's current ping location. There were two with over twenty ships per.

"I have to ask what kind of weaponry do you have to ensure any kind of success over unknown quantity and quality of the opposition?"

"Railguns. We are planning to use fifty to greet the ships before they touch down."

I shook my head and pulled up a video of the nearest ships. I pointed a digit on my paw at the window. A bright beam shot across the night sky, entered the camera range, and splashed against the ship barrier.

"As you can see, that is a little foolish. They have superior tech. It is best to allow us to make precision strikes first and forward the weakness to target later." I hung up and began my walk out of the office.

I tapped the Bluetooth while moving down the silent halls.

"Boss, we are set up." Nick answered immediately.

"How long do I have?" I just stepped into an open courtyard.

"They landed in one more hour."

I shot into the air. The city slowly turned into a blur of lights that snapped out when I crossed over green domes and then open plains. My body jerks to a halt just in time to see some apache helicopters cutting through the night.

There were maybe six people with abilities I would find threatening if they attacked together. I shook my head and continued my journey.

The ships didn't resemble anything I had ever seen in movies. While the ships were huge, mountain size huge. They were pretty arrow dynamic and sleek. They reminded me of an animal but I couldn't place which or what animal without the head. When the door opened, it looked like a dick being erected. It just extended out.

Several tall creatures in recognizable armor stepped on the ramp carrying what look like large containers.

I floated over my crew just as Nick gave the orders for the snipers to fire. You could tell that the bulky enemies took a round to the head. Their entire body jerked backward, taking two or three steps. That was right before the second round helped them down to the ground to rest their heads.

The ones in the doorway completely stopped and shouted. Then they went down and those next in line ran for cover.

Even though the ships were staggered in a circle, all twenty were facing inward. Sadly, that prevented them from spotting the snipers scattered about but didn't stop the snipers from repositioning for shots.

I tapped my Bluetooth as I felt my phone rang. "Go ahead."

"How is your side doing? I had company with some government special forces." Forgotten complain.

I laughed. "We just started. I don't want to jinx us."

The Aliens walked towards the gate behind large silver shields. They were ten deep and blocked off sides and front as they trotted down. The moment they got closer to the bottom, that was when the snipers fired again. Taking them down from the back with group shots on the same targets. Those not hit fell in on each other, making a square.

"They are using shields. You?"


Nick used a green flag and swiped down. The cannons behind him opened fire into the doors. Those guys with the shield were shouting as if we could understand them.

It didn't take them long to send out their top fighters. Those guys slapped aside the cannon blast into the side of the ships which didn't leave a dent.

"T3's! You are up." I shouted. "The rest began retreating!"

Taking a deep breath to find my courage for this ass whooping. Golden armor surrounds my body. A broadsword and shield appeared around my hands.

I shot forward as four slender silver knights rose up to meet me. Kind of cheating considering its four on one among peers. They didn't stop to chit chat like good villains. They attacked me from all sides and it really made me glad I am what I am. My reflexes have never been so good as to get my shield and sword up on time, always.

Sadly, I could tell they were probing me. Each attack was aimed to kill and to make me expend more effort to defend. Yet, just this physical wasn't enough to trouble me.

One broke off when Nick managed to kill one of their guys. The moment the load lightened up, I launched an offense with my dragon's creations. They appeared and pushed the three into turmoil.

They had their own fancy attacks but it was applications that made them fierce melee warriors. I was like a Mage bullying tiny rogues that can't stealth.

Laughing, I managed to cut off one of their arms before the fourth came back. Which forces me to defend more which dispel my creations. There were times when I couldn't defend one of their ultimates that had widespread damage and was angled towards my crew.

Yet, the damage wasn't enough to weaken my defense.

"We are almost done here. Do you need help?" Forgotten sounded like a diesel truck over the line.

"Just take the stuff back. We will.." I duck under a spear and parry a sword while my shield stopped the other two swords. "Retreat to Winter group."

I couldn't help but hissing. That damn flexible spear brushed past my sword and scored another hit. Thankfully on my armor this time.

Fucking Nick and the rest just finished off the low levels. They turned around and fled as planned. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I began my retreat.

These guys were good. I meant good like their cooperation and ability to judge my weaknesses were above and beyond the call of duty. Seriously, can't they see that I'm just a lonely guy in a lonely world?

They stopped chasing me after we went past a treeline. They just stood looking around while I stood regaining some health.

The moment they turned around, I summoned my dragons to harass them. You could tell that they were mad but so what? Did that spear not hurt? What about the damn pain to my wrist?

I dissipate my sword and shield. Decided to try a spell. The moment I created a ring and started condensing runes inside, those fuckers fought extra harder to get to me. I was maybe six or seven runes away from completion when they arrived and I had to defend again.

Round and round we go.

"We have secured the ships and left the site." Forgotten voice granted me much relief but fuck, that was still an hour flight.

I kept retreating to my ambush line. They wisely backed off only to be harassed by dozens of dragons and me trying to make a spell work.

They must have been as fatigued as I was. They weren't able to make me overwork anymore. To the point that my brilliant mind could multitask and turn the tables with my summons.

Sadly, they did the same thing I wished and led me to an ambush where I fled and they harassed me. Lmao, guess they were really pissed about it. We both played seesaw until I got the message that they were back.

Then I decisively left them. Took a few stabs but I broke free and retreated slowly on a cargo plane while recovering.

Nick rubbed his missing finger. "Boss, can we not be the guinea pigs next time?"

"Who told you to be so weak? Guess you need more training?" My eyes never opened.

"Boss, didn't you have trouble facing four? I guess you need more training. Maybe we should complain to her majesty." Nick shot me down.

"Nick, I never slept with a guy. Want to be the first?"

Nick didn't even bother to respond to that but Beatrice looked between us both with interest.

"Aren't you guys going to entertain us?" Beatrice held up her phone like she was ready to record us.

"You think you won't be first if I do make a move?" I grumbled.

Beatrice snorted. "So you say but we all know how loyal you are."

I decided to sleep instead of continuing with nonsense I couldn't win.

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