《Bandit don't start as Bandits》Damn, he's not so bad after all.. dizzy prick



I woke up to the laughter of women and an incredible hangover. A single glance at the clock let me know I could sleep longer. So I did. I rolled my fat ass over and slept longer.

Yet, a single hour before noon, someone was shaking me. I rolled over to see Jacob looking down at me.

"Get up mate. We have shit to do." Jacob spat out as he matched out the room.

I looked over to find Isabella sleeping peacefully. Guess I wasn't the only person tired.

It took me a bit to want to crawl out of bed and put on some clothes. I made it downstairs and people were either sitting in the living room or standing.

I placed a hand on the stairway railing and that weight settled back in. Those eyes that stared deep into my soul, awaiting my directions like a flock of angels ready to descend. Yet, I couldn't make an army out of this? It wasn't enough. Not nearly enough.

I rubbed my face and took the last step down.

This should be the true start to my empire. From the beginning unlike before. With people willing to die at my commands.

"You guys don't need me to tell you what we need done. The houses are empty so run check on any usable food supply. We can stock garages full of other stuff." I turned to Jacob, "you should lay down a wall. Start small until you circle this area then slowly build up. I'll start on the garden."

A guy I didn't recognize raised his hand, "what about weapons for self-defense if walkers or animals show up?"

"If they show up and start firing at you. You will probably end up dead before you can squeeze a trigger." I responded evenly.

The man was about to respond but the kid next to him covered his mouth. With the base questions out the way, I dismissed them.

"Are you going to split up jobs like before or what? Idle hands create trouble." Old man said.

"You can always start a garden in your backyard." I dropped the most obvious hint I could as I walked towards the back.

I wanted to gauge which area was the best for farming. Not all ground was suitable for growing vegetables but you could make it suitable by importing nutrient rich soil.

It felt kind of weird walking around, crouching down, and digging up a little dirt with my hands. But this was the only way I could understand the nature of the dirt. After a half an hour of searching I found several plots of good farmable land near the lake. Actually I think the lake area had the best farmland.

Thinking smart, I YouTube what I had to do to begin planting seeds. After all, I'm a city boy with no calluses on my hands. Smooth hands that make the ladies rejoice.

I chuckled at my own thoughts as I watched this guy talk about what you needed to start a farm.

A ginger with freckles and glasses walked over to me with flip flops on, in a bright red dress. If she wasn't a little chubby with a heavy front range, I'm sure she could have been called cute in a way.

"Are you going to plant, way out here?" Her voice had a weird accent that I honestly could not place.

"Yes, this is the best land for it." I summoned my cane and transformed it into hoe.

"Why not a little closer to the houses? We could just add compost to the ground to make it suitable." She said when she saw me putting in the work.


"Maybe, you can do so but I am going to start here. Since you aren't busy, bring me the corn, potato, and tomato seeds." I dismissed her before she could nag me. "Oh, if we have wheat seeds, bring that as well."

The lady definitely looked like she wanted to discuss this a bit more but I prefer to put in work over time wasting. The lady didn't come back right away but she did come back with a group of people wielding hoes.

One of the guys in lead asked where to start and as I pointed out the best area. Another guy staked it and wrapped string around it to create a kind of boundary.

We worked pretty hard and got half done before night came. After a nice shower and a decent meal thanks to Isabella who even made lemonade that tasted damn good. I settled down to spoil her with a massage and watching anime.. I say watching but it was more like falling asleep to such cliche drama.

Over the next week, it wasn't much to say that nothing major happened. We worked on the farm, Jacob worked on the wall. Tyler led a group of men to pillage stores, gas stations, and a couple specialized shops. Which allowed some of the crafter women to make clothes, the old man to set up generators run on solar power, and people to live in a little more luxury.

Which isn't bad. I got to the game and through gaming I realized that a large population was still safe. After all, only gamers would game through apocalypse but small communities like mine pop up everywhere. Even four to five were in this town that was said to be no bigger than thirty thousand on a sign. However, looking at a map, the number should rise a bit to like another zero.

The strangest thing is that I saw posts of other people being attacked by walkers. Areas being blocked off and being declared a walker zone. Even a city or two is entirely owned by walkers. In other places, the government got back onto the right foot by drafting awakeners which have a new nice name for it, heroes.

Sadly, I had my gripes too. For example, when Tyler started leading people to scavenge for supplies. He invertedly picked up followers. It was fine at first because one to four people weren't going to annoy me. Definitely after Jacob raised the wall to over ten feet with it being a standard six inch thick. The issue came in when former mates of the old man started leaving the old community and escaping to ours.

Oh, the military took over? Oh, the military takes half the yield? Oh, the military doesn't allow you to have weapons?

What's new?

Why is this a problem, you may ask? It's because farming food for thirty people or less is easy. One plot can last a week for them. Fifty or less and you are just hitting the upper limit on yield. More than fifty and then you began to have problems.

People are stupid to begin with. When you are bored, you have too much time to cause mischief. The one thing that we don't lack in this world is dumbass and surplus of women.

So I already packed an emergency bag with twenty seeds of each, clothes, and a few bits and bobs. I was prepared to go into another town to start over. Leaving behind these vile creatures who developed consciousness.

I dipped my pancake into blueberry jam and took a big bite. Sophia was a goddess in the kitchen. I have yet to see her not turn a meal into a work of art. If her family was anything but well off, I wouldn't believe it.


"It isn't as bad as you thought it would be, huh?" The old man nagged.

I just shot him a glare then turned to continue watching the little market place that we set up. Food would be stored underground where it was kept cool by a refrigerator unit or two. Then brought up in small amounts to be handed off according to duties performed. You don't do shit. You don't eat. You riot. I kill you, simple.

Of course there were a lot of complaints but death on a large scale shut it down. I wasn't afraid of them turning on me. The wall was made for a reason, to funnel dumbasses down the street into crossfire.

So I didn't need to reply to the old man who was becoming a real burden. I just continue eating my breakfast.

"What you are seeing is just the good side of those who live near the front entrances or inside. Actually a lot of shit is happening further down the gates. It wouldn't have been so bad with the surrounding families relying on us because they put in work or send their kids too. The problem is those you invited from the jail which led all kinds of scum to us." Tyler snapped as he picked up his cup of lemonade. "Boss, can you convince Isabella to teach my wife the secret to this?"

I laughed and glanced into the kitchen where Isabella was happily in her element. Rolling dough while explaining the season she used.

"I think you have to wait in line." I said with a mouth full.

"Yeah, I know I might have been a little too hasty but I just didn't want to see people dying when we could help." The old man didn't want to drop the subject.

I licked my fingers and set the plate on the railing. "Listen, you are an amazing electrician but you are a failure as a leader. Stick to your strong points and you will never go against your conscience."

The old man seemed like he wanted to argue on that but Jacob added in.

"He's right. You failed us in the beginning and the women folk chose this guy over you. You failed us again at the old jail and the women folk force you to follow him again. You failed us for a third time and if you didn't have a granddaughter to look after, I would have killed you." Jacob said without a hint of emotions.

The old man's mouth slapped closed as he rubbed his head in embarrassment or was it regret. "I am going to finish up on the last refrigerator unit."

We just patted his back and went back to watching the crowd for dumbasses.

"Did you guys have to be so hard on him? It isn't like he was making huge mistakes. They would have eventually found us given that we had a high wall that you could make out ten miles away." Amala said from the side.

I just shrugged, "difference of opinion but considering I am the one cleaning up after him. And it makes me look like I'm Tyrant, I just have to say otherwise."

Megan smacked my ass, "don't act like you don't get off on it. Mister i-like-to-wear-wolf-jacket. We clearly see how happy you are now versus back at the jail. Plus there are no more than fifty-seven people. More than half of them are working either as guards or helping farm. The others you force to work as labor or to assist the old man."

"Yeah, we went from four man enforcers to sixteen and they are fit as hell. It's good progress." Amala added in.

I held up my hand as I heard the sounds of humvee rolling up and people talking about military people.

"We have guests." I said as my cane flew into my hand.

The five of us made our way to the gate where four guards stood behind perfectly placed barriers that allowed them to fire and be under cover at the same time.

"I don't care who you are. Put your weapons down. This is the last request, we opened fire." Arthur's loud voice echoed in my ears.

I glanced away from the pretty boy that had surfer blonde hair and good body to go with it. He just made ruggedly handsome men like me and Jacob look a little worse.

The lead guy on the military side lowered his hand as he got out of his humvee. He had that wicked smirk like he knew things were in his hands. Nice hairline and smooth jaw. His army fatigue was actually starches but the rank was only captain.

"We can't disarm ourselves outside the gate. It is against policy and we are on camera. I don't wish to be shot by the fire team. So how about we compromise, we can talk from here. Is that fine?" His voice was almost as smooth as Arthur but didn't carry the same smoothness as Tyler when he went on a rampage.

"You should have seen the sign half a mile back that this is a restricted zone. Any trespassing by unknown forces will result in uncomfortable actions taken against them. If the walkers can obey our boundaries, what makes you think you can't?" Arthur didn't de-escalate the situation.

Though to be fair, he had an awesome ability that could nuke even me if I superimposed myself and Tyler shields.

"I apologize but we saw a large movement of the so-called walkers and we wanted to suppress them. Which is why we have so many men." The captain pointed behind himself and then continued talking. "They were heading this way when we saw the wall and signs. We thought it would be fair to warn you."

Arthur glanced at a guy on the radio. Who nodded after talking for a second.

"Thanks for the warning but they don't seem to bear ill-will. We can't say the same for you." Arthur smirked as he the guy on the tower angle the 50 cal. and the ground crew flicked their weapons off safety.

I turned away from the captain to the group walking up. It was interesting how both groups show up but one group turns up looking to trade by wielding a white flag.

I decided to make my presence known. The lead walker's eyes flickered to my right hand and I knew it was that crazy bastard. Seems he healed well. Behind him were two brutes leading a bunch of prisoners by chains. Behind that was two trucks slow driving but I could smell a mixture of blood, rust, and gunpowder.

With a wave of my hand, the military convoy was pushed aside to make way for the true threat.

It was surprising that the captain stood aside to watch as that crazy walker walked up.

"Your hand healed since our last meeting." His voice is still as waspy as ever.

"Your chest seems fine as well." I remarked.

The walker grimaced but then he returned to a smile. "I am Forgotten . One of the four kings in this region. I have come under a white flag to open up possible futures as trade partners and to acknowledge you as a formidable king even if you have so few subjects."

I laughed and the skull that rested on my chest let out an eerie laughter. "I am Kaden but you may call me the Summer Lord. We are open to trade if the options are aligned with our interests."

Forgotten waved his hand and the brutes brought forth the prisoners who looked fairly healthy. "I brought a lot of things as I couldn't fathom exactly what you need when I watched your men scurry about. So the first up is your kind."

Most of them were skinny.. I mean slender women to those old or too young. The men were like a rarity but those present were basically skinny males who probably had weak strength to begin with.

"What we want in terms is food. We lack the ability to produce as you do. I can smell your aura all over the place, so it must be your blessing that makes it possible." Forgotten said as he sniffed the air.

I shrugged and made a mental note. "I would be willing to accept my own kind as payment but.." I gestured at the prisoners. "They aren't really good for anything. I already have enough people who can only sit around. So what else do you have?"

Forgotten shrug as well, he waved his hand and the prisoners pleaded for me as the brutes dragged them aside.

"None of them are awakened?" Jacob whispered.

"No, they just have slightly stronger bodies which increase their lifespans but they are normal." I replied.

I noticed the way Forgotten ears moved as if he was listening in. The smile on his face widened a bit as the trucks drove forward. Walkers in back unloaded things like machine-guns, rifles, rockets, boxes of ammo and fabric by the bolts. Among the few counted.

Tyler's eyes gleamed, "if we used a basic metric of counting the daily intake of baseline awakeners. Then three meals equate to about sixteen potatoes, four tomatoes, two corn cobs, and a bag of rice."

Amala frowned, "how did you come up with that?"

Tyler smiled and flexed his bicep, "I took out things like season and just added to the overall amount of actual edibles. But the amount is nearly the same if you think about it. Well, you don't cook, so.."

Amala flipped him off.

Tyler chuckled, "adding the value of ammo.." he went up and checked the ammo size of a few boxes. "An average dumbass shoots about four rounds more than a qualified shooter. If we talk about it as standstill targets. Then it takes the baseline person to shoot four to three shots to land a kill shot. Moving targets will take around ten to twelve and maybe one or two hit the target."

Forgotten tilted his head as he watched Tyler.

"So I'll say that they will put around 320 rounds used in an ordinary engagement by a single dumbass. That single dumbass will also consume half of baseline awakener food intake. Sounds fair?" Tyler said as he faced Forgotten .

Forgotten turned to one of the men in the truck who was typing madly on his phone. Sweat was dripping off his forehead and he constantly pushed up his glasses while mumbling.

"Is a dumbass similar to an unaware person? And what defines an awakened person?" The guy finally said as he looked up from his phone.

"An awakened person is someone whose DNA supersedes the baseline human genome. Whether they are simply smarter and faster than the human strongest or smartest person. A solid indicator would be possessing the abilities that are supernatural in nature. Does that explain it for you?" Tyler said.

The man nodded, "what does a baseline human eat?"

"Don't you know what you eat?" Tyler snapped.

I coughed, "he awakened his brain area."

Tyler smiled dropped and he looked at the nerd over again. "Damn, so unassuming with all that sweat."

I glanced at the crowd and pointed at a guy who was of average build. "You. Come here."

The guy was decently handsome and dressed. He had a crate that was barely filled.

"How many people in your household?" I asked.

"Just two." He said quickly.

With a wave of my hand, his groceries floated up.

"On tomato, two potatoes, bag of flour, lemonade powder.. we will add that to potatoes. So three potatoes. Salt and pepper. Another two which turn into five potatoes. Two corn cobs." Tyler evaluated then turned to the nerd. "Half that is baseline normie."

The nerd nodded, "I understand but how much do you have to sell?"

That is the issue, huh. If we were at this for a month. I'm sure we can take all the ammo but with an increasing number of mouths to feed plus having to nourish the ground for two days after every three day harvest. We only had a little over two tons of each product. If we speculate that each person eats their weight in food and the average weight is 170..

Two thousand pounds in a ton which means four thousand pounds of food more or less. Divided by one seventy is twenty-three portions. However, in reality, nobody is eating that much right now. So safe to assume we can split one person portion into four parts which is about ninety-four portions. But we only need ammo for fifteen people max. Which means we have enough.

Tyler smiled, "we have enough for what we want to trade. You can begin counting out fifteen portions. I'll go get your stuff."

The nerd nodded, then he and four other humans grabbed empty boxes and began counting. Well, the nerd stood up and counted and wrote down the last number they said with each handful of rounds.

Tyler slapped my back as he walked past but he kept quiet as I was sure the king's ears were as good as mine.

I turned to the captain, "you don't want to make a deal with them? After all, buying back your ammo can't be a bad thing. It just means you have more to kill each other with."

Forgotten laughed, "I didn't notice them at first but this rat does look like one that I sent scurrying back to that hidey hold you used to run. Wondered why you gave that place up for this?"

I pointed at the mountains behind me that I had yet to start hunting in. "I wanted a bigger land with fresh meat."

Forgotten eyes widened and he smacked his forehead. "We didn't even think of that." His eyes narrowed as he stared at the nerd who broke out in another sweat session.

"I'm just a computer technician. That kind of thing normally wouldn't be in my scope of duties. So I can't be blamed for not thinking of that but we aren't far from a couple mountains either." Nerd quickly said, not forgetting to write down the last numbers.

His life had to be really hard. He was all but about to shit himself.

Forgotten nodded and glanced away. "Any tips for a business partner?"

I raised an eyebrow, this is really fascinating. "Don't ruin the fur. You can sell the good ones for resources." I held up my jacket which made Forgotten look at his clothes.

They weren't bad. He wore a suit like the best of them. His silvery hair really went well with the black suit added in those deep red pupils, he could be the best cosplay ever.

"Secondly, don't over hunt or you'll run out of food. Each animal has a natural system in which they grow and procreate. So I'll take over a few such landscapes and hunt in different areas each month." I explained.

Forgotten looks enlightening.

The captain butted in, " are you really going to educate the enemy?"

I nodded, "why not? Aren't we supposed to be broadminded people? He came to me with a white flag and showing such a gentleman- like status that I can't find any faults. To declare him as my enemy just because another group attacked me in the past? That's discrimination and I'm not one for being ignorantly prejudice."

Laughter burst around me as slower people process my words, which I didn't find funny. I just appreciate open trade policies.

A butter bar shouted at me, "you do realize they have killed more than a handful of your fellow brothers and sisters. Even your ex, Miss Riley, is captured by them!"

I didn't care about the others but he made a smart tactic to add on the last half. I turned to Forgotten who probably sensed my power ready to explode out.

"She is unharmed and locked inside of a house. Along with a few other women and men who we have captured from other little rat holds. If you are interested, we can make a trade with you in another week's time. Food for them." Forgotten said slowly.

"Sounds like a deal." I said and glanced at the military who looked like they drunk a sour apple. "You guys should leave before I feel the urge to vent."

I gave their souls a little pinch. The amount of manly screams that came from them made my anus clench.

Megan elbowed me, "did you really have to do that?"

Jacob answered for me, "honestly, if I had that ability. I would have devoured his soul directly. That's an asshole thing, to use someone's weakness to fight off someone who isn't an enemy right now. Because they are helpless against them. Shameful."

Amala gave Jacob an all knowing look, "you used to be a gentle giant. Now.."

Jacob shrugged, "my wife said get tough or she would leave me for the tough guy. It's okay if I lose her to Tyler or Arthur but Kaden? That's like an insult."

"What do you mean, it's an insult? I'm awesome? I might be shorter but we are close in size." I responded in shock.

Jacob grunted, "Exactly. Compared to those two slender women. We are almost the same. We are even called twin bears. Me, big bear and you, little bear."

My mouth fell open, "who calls us bears?!"

Jacob glanced back and I saw a group of women huddle up almost. Even Isabella was among that group.

Arthur coughs, "I might have a slender profile compared to you two but who do the ladies like the best?"

He threw that award winning smile and I picked up gossip. I was about to rebut him but in fact… the amount of ladies and the quality of trying to get into his bed is different from the quality of those getting into mine.

I slept with some dimes but they didn't have the whole package. Arthur's wife had the whole package. Tyler's wife had half the package but her temperament and cooking made her a keeper. Jacob's wife was basically seven and aged was catching up.

I felt defeated so I turned to see if Tyler was done. He was and people were bringing the crates out. They sat it down in front of the nerdy kid who counted everything.

"There is more here than what was stated." The man looked between Tyler and his overlord.

"The extra is for Riley. I added some sweet things like strawberries and blueberries. You will find it good to snack on." Tyler said to Forgotten.

Forgotten nodded, "I'll send her to the border."

I nodded and Tyler lifted up the ammo and returned. Forgotten and his crew left a lot quicker than the military guys who drove slowly as if they were planning on attacking the other group. It would be a silly mistake given how Forgotten could crush their whole team.

Just having the barrier ability meant he could sit back and let his enemy attack. While his men picked off the opposing team at will. It is an overpowered ability at this stage where nobody truly knows how to unleash their ability to fullest.

Speaking of which, I should experiment more.

After all the fun was over, I returned to my house and dropped down into my chair. I flicked the mouse.

"Are you about to start gaming again?" Natalie asked as she walked into my room with those little jean shorts on.

It would have had a different appeal if she had a little thickness. I'm not even asking for a lot, just a little more than what she got. I could wrap my hand around her thigh and was just a pinky short of touching.

"Yes, someone released a new game and got this. It's free." I said as I checked how much it had until it finished downloading.

Fourteen more gigabytes out of four hundred.

"Mind if I join you?" She asked but she sat down at the other desktop that Isabella usually used when she wants to spend time with me.

"Go ahead. I think Isabella is teaching a cooking class." I said and realized I needed something to drink.

I walked downstairs and had to squeeze through a group of women who blocked off the entryway. I even felt a few grabbed my butt, not that I was complaining.

"Excuse me! 'Cuse me!" I said as I muscle my way through.

When I broke through, a cold liter of lemonade and a cup was waiting for me. I smiled and thanked Jacob's wife as I made a hasty retreat.

Jacob stared at me from the top of the stairs. He had a pack of smokes in hand, looking like he was tormented by the thought of fighting that battle.

"Bro, you can do it." I egged him on to suffer the same way I did.

He moved aside which wasn't much room to begin with. He lost a lot of gut but that just poked his chest out.

I slide on by, trying not to make it awkward. I couldn't help looking back.

"Make way! Woah, there! Married man you just grabbed! Oh my God, softer groping pleased. Enough of this handsome man to go around. Ladies come on. Let me through. My lady, what beautiful eyes you have. Guys, I need to get through. Freedom at last!" Tyler spoke way louder than needed just to make it through those minor obstacles.

"Shit, you both just watched? What great friends I have." Tyle whined.

I chuckled and slipped into my room. I sat the container down on a towel and my cup in a holster.

For some reason, this made Tyler and Jacob follow. One walked in and opened the window overlooking the street, lit up his cig, and sat down in the rocking chair Isabella used when she faked sewing clothes. Tyler, on the other hand, dropped right down on the couch, grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV.

Is this there room or am I in the wrong place?

"Your friends are unique." Natalie said after a pause.

I nodded and clicked play. "Yeah, it could be worse."

I looked at her screen and saw her in the character customization stage. I picked the only server and started fiddling with my character.

"So have you thought about what would happen when Riley returns?" Tyler said.

"What is supposed to happen?" I asked while debating if my character needs a scar or not.

"Well, she is obviously replaced and with a higher standard too. If it was me, I would feel a type of way after all. Isabella makes you smile more to the point that other people notice. You aren't giving off that, I'm in a pissy mood vibe anymore. Overall, good changes brought by another woman." Tyler started listing my life in the palm of his hand.

"It's not like I changed that much. And it's not like it will matter to her. She might very well still be in the mindset to seek revenge in which case. She won't be staying in our safe environment where we are soft and pudgy. Another couple of weeks and we will probably be discussing children." I half-heartedly replied.

Jacob snorted, "it will definitely be a different life for her if her mind is still on revenge."

"Not just different but when she hears the women gossip, she will be reminded of what she could have had if she came with you. And what she doesn't have but allows someone else to reap." Tyler added in.

Natalie stared at me then turned to Tyler. "What was she like?"

Tyler ass scooted to the edge of his seat. "Well, she was better looking than you with an eight body. She had that naive feminist vibe that wanted to change men mature to fit her ideal world. She was a really hard hitter though." He rubbed his shoulder as if he still felt the pain.

Natalie turned to me, "what made you fall for her?"

"I was lazy." I responded just as I finished setting up my character.

"It was because she challenged him and it gave him something to look forward to coming home to. After all, what man doesn't want to have something to fight for." Jacob answered for me.

Tyler nodded, "sorry Nat… with your small body, he will just hit it but never feel like he was satisfied." A huge smirk broke out on his face.

Natalie swung her arm back to hit Tyler's leg. "Such a jerk. And I happen to have a great personality?"

"But I can't even say thank you." I muttered.

Natalie blushed, "how was I supposed to know you weren't like those guys?"

"The fact that he killed them?" Jacob said with smoke drifting from his lips.

Tyler's laughter drowned out. "She was probably like, 'no! Stop! Don't come any closer!'" He mimicked her voice pretty well. "Big guy was stunned, 'what the hell are you doing?'"

Even I chuckled, let alone Jacob who started choking.

Natalie flipped us off, "fuck you guys."

It slowly calmed down as I got into grinding the initial levels as a low level pirate. I didn't realize how deeply I was sucked into the life of a pirate until Isabella grazed my neck and I turned my head on automatic for the kiss but there was nothing.

Which meant I had to back out of the hunting whales and autopilot my small dingy back to Port.

"What's up, babe?" I said as I gave her my complete attention.

Isabella grin widened and she nodded at the doorway. My gazes settled on Amala and Arthur then Riley. And it clicks…

"Oh, they delivered fast. I have to respect that. Welcome back from the prisoner of war life. Hope you enjoy these few days of rest while the military decides on who they should send back to negotiate with me." I said then turned back to the screen.

I grabbed my cup and finished off the last bit then poured more. Grade a addiction.

"That's all you going to say?" Amala asked.

I shrugged, "what is there to say? I had the intention of saving her but reality will still kick me in the face. I can smell her desire for revenge and thus I have no desire to quarrel with her about it."

"Wow, the big guy's heart really has turned soft. Good job, Sophie." Tyler teased.

Isabella slapped the back of my head, "you could at least let her sit down before you be so blunt."

I sighed, "it's not like I'm saying she can't stay if she wants but the problem is, will she? I don't want to be lied to so I said all that. I'm not going to save her a second time either. Forgotten already knows she is valuable to me which means a higher fee."

I waved my hand to say I was done with the conversation.

Everybody else looks at Riley.

"What? He is right. They killed my parents and sent the video to me." She said without a hint of regret.

Arthur walked away while muttering foolish girls. The others slowly left after hugging Riley. Which just left Riley, Sophie, Natalie, and myself in the room.

"You can sleep on the bed. Isabella should have clothes you can wear to bed." I said then turned my attention back to the game.


"Don't worry about him. He's glued to that scream all day. He's not the only one. Jacob is the same way, just his smoking habit picked up again and he even started a weed farm. Mary gets on to him all the time about it but they can be a bit pigheaded." Isabella rambled on.

Riley had that glazed look in her eyes. Isabella gave Riley no choice but to follow her. Under a strong arm, Riley was led to the backyard and down the path to the farm.

"We picked up quite a lot of people and some are growing their own veggies but they aren't having nearly as much success as those within the walls." Isabella said as she gestured at the grape vineyard that covered arch posts. "Things inside grow faster than normal but they have to do a lot of soil nourishment which I don't quite understand. Though old man Brett told me that it is basically a mixture of dirt and shit from the sewer system mixed up with large stirring rods from a distance. Some nerdy guy came up with the design but it's still a prototype stage."

Riley's nose wrinkled as she looked at the ground.

Isabella laughed, "don't worry. It's all underground. A tunnel and valve let it reach the soil bed, then it's mixed with magic from a distance and buried under a fresh layer of untainted soil. With Kay power, you get fresh veggies and fruits within a short period. I think the pumpkins are the only thing that grows in longer terms."

Isabella plucked a grape and bit into it, moaning as a sliver of juice leaked down the corner of her lips. "Give it a try."

Riley plucked one and bit into it. Her eyes closed and she chewed slower.

"He complains that he hasn't reached the essence of the art yet but from my point of view. This is simply the most delicious. Grapes back then used to be kind of small and easy to finish in one bite. Plus they all might not be sweet like this but bitter." Isabella finished her half.

Riley nodded, "I know what you mean. My uncle used to own a wine farm. His grapes used to be the sweetest but I could never get that same kind of taste at a store."

Isabella giggled and led the way through the fruit section. "Honestly, we progressed a little faster than I expected but it kind of happened a little weirdly. Jacob finished the wall and it was like an overwhelming presence just came down. It lasted for a full twenty minutes then vanished but you can kind of feel it still. Warm and gentle breeze." Isabella pointed at a flag that was motionless.

Riley's eyes widened, "impossible!"

Isabella giggled, "I said the same thing and now I'm like a cult member walking down candy land in a movie."

Riley turned to stare at the sun going down and reflecting off the lake. "So you two a thing now?"

Isabella shrugged, "I don't think so but then I guess you can say so. I mean, we didn't start out like how he warmed up to you. It was just a little tom foolery. Him cheating when I said he wasn't making me feel good enough. Then we settled into a routine and I guess we became a couple but it feels more like marriage from the old TV shows. With the man going off to work and the wife manning the house. Not that I tried to change it because we still laugh and have fun."

Riley didn't say anything as they walked towards the corn field.

"It's not like I replaced you as you could obviously tell by how upset he got when he heard you were captured. And how fast you were returned. That being said, you are being a bit immature with this revenge thing. If you can't even beat Kay then how do you expect to hurt the one guy who took his arm and made him more humble?" Isabella said after a moment of silence.

"How am I supposed to live with myself if I don't get revenge for them?" Riley said in response.

"Are you in a movie or emulating some book character that has plot armor? How many times has Kayden joked about dying and yet you don't even have half his skills. Yet, want to avenge your family and all the others out there by dying? That is either the stupidest thing I ever heard or you have higher self esteem than god." Isabella countered.

Riley opened her mouth then closed it. They walk along the lake side for a bit.

"Why isn't anybody swimming in the lake or fishing?" Riley asks to break the silence.

Isabella cast her eyes to the lake. "It's a pet project of a mad scientist. You might see him during the day when all the farmers come out and harvest the crops. But his special ability is to aid in the mutation of an animal."

"What that got to do with the lake? It's a body of water." Riley looks confused but interested.

"There were some tryouts imported before we came. Give the joy of fishing at home. Well, during Kayden's first experience with growing crops. He would often throw failed experiments into the lake. Later, he skipped a half eaten grape across and this huge trout jumped up and snatched the grape. They mutated off of the food Kay had been wasting. Which led to Kay occasionally fishing and cooking trout. Later on.." Isabella grabbed a corn stalk and snatched a corn cob. She chunk it over the lake and silver body fish perfectly jumped out of the lake and devoured the cob. Disappearing without a ripple on the lake surface.

Riley stumbled back, "the fuck is that?"

Isabella dusted off her hands, "as I was saying, later on a mad scientist discovered the trout we fed the core members. Or more like he saw the huge bones that Kay displayed in the dining room for a while. The man decided to help the poor lake trout evolve to a greater degree. Also, Jacob expanded the bottom when he's bored or wants to train his ability. Between all three, the lake is a forbidden zone that might produce a dragon one day."

Riley's eyes never left the lake as they walked back to the house. "If I were to stay, how would you feel about that?"

"What should I feel? You saved me. Kay didn't even have me in his eyes. He was just focused on surviving and could only spare his attention to a few people. Shit, he even left Chris and never even asked while she stopped showing up to our room. In other words, I have to thank you for the comfort that I have now." Isabella leaned into Riley's ear. "Plus his dick got bigger and he's striving too hard to make a family. I can barely get out of bed sometimes. It would be great if he looked at other girls but it's like they are just other men in his eyes. Doesn't linger, doesn't look back, just fully focuses on his task."

Riley giggled as they sat on patio chairs. "Is he really that bigger?"

"Ugh, yes. Before, I didn't have to worry about him stretching me out because he likes to cuddle. But I made the mistake of complaining and now he's stretching me wide open. I still haven't closed up." Sopbie complained.

"He was really smothering before huh. That's why I always got on top or doggy style only. The moment I feel him coming, I can leave." Riley giggled.

"I tried that but I'm obviously not that good on top. He lasted too long and I'm the one in pain after. Plus I'm heavier than before so I get lazier too. Which is my downfall."

"I noticed you've gotten fatter. Sad fate when we both used to be in dance class."

"Hey, don't you go using that f-word. I got thicker."

"You right! Thicker than my aunt Sally homemade butter!"

"You just mad cause I got all this ass."

"Definitely not something I'm jealous of. More ass, the more you need to go up in size."

"Riley, I hope you get captured again."

"You expect me to be captured with all that ass you got? I just need to run faster than you."

"Riley, I changed my mind. It's noble for you to avenge your family. I shouldn't stop such a courageous sacrifice.."

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