《Bandit don't start as Bandits》Structure isn't all that interesting but chaos.. that's something I can dig



I sat down at a wide table with my food. I sprinkled a little salt and pepper into my grits. Scooped my scrambled eggs into it and gently mixed it all together. A spoonful of eggs and grits entered my mouth and I couldn't help but grin as I chewed.

"You out the dog house?" The old man asked as he sat down.

"Is it that obviously?" I ask as I glance around.

The old man patted my shoulder. "You are basically singing love songs out of your arse."

I shook my head and motioned for a few other people to walk on over. Layla looked at the old man as she sat down on my left.

"What's the occasion?" She asked with a confused expression.

"Just a leadership meeting." I said as I took another bite.

Viola came out the back and dropped into a seat at the same time as the short lady that I keep forgetting her name. Plus the lady that took control of the cleaning duty. Well, she made it a more detailed focus by breaking it down into sections. Kitchen, laundry, area sweep and mopping, and shower room cleaning.

Then you had my old pal, Jacob.

Placing down my spoon, I got right into the heart of shit. "First. I want to say that I thank everybody for their contributions so far. Next, I want to get into the heart of the matter." I pause to think of how to start this. "I'm not going to go into currency or some kind of contribution system because it's frankly too much work to implement and can lead to a bit of unfairness and division. That being said, you each know who is in your group and who isn't. I'll have someone divy out some notebooks later. I want you to record the time you start work to the time you end and have those under you sign it."

I took a sip of water and continued, "this is in a way, to prevent people from claiming they work when they don't. This way we can isolate these damaging parts and save ourselves on resources. Secondly, I'll think of a way to make some kind of id card that people can use when they want to gain some luxury items. Or more personal effects like women's products. For now, I'll let Layla here figure out how to make that work. Any questions?"

Viola raised her hand, "what about the garbage? Those dumpsters out back are getting full."

I scratched my head as I forgot they even had trash. Every city has their own sanitation department. I can find some trucks and figure out how to use them. We can take the trucks out to a site and set shit on fire.

"I'll solve it today. Anything else." I said.

Short lady raised her hand, "we could do with an actual knowledge farmer."

I held up my hand and stood up. It took me a bit to find those lazy prostitutes. I pointed at them and they looked over like every other nosy bastard. I hook my finger and the leader or boldest of them walked over.

"Yes?" She had a sweet voice for being seven.

"Did you do what I asked?" I saw the confusion on her face. "When I told you to make a thread about looking for people?"


Her face lit up, "oh yeah. We found a bunch of people who are interested. Do you want their address?"

"Any farmers, nurses, etc?"

"Yes, they were the first to respond. Some rich people in neighboring cities even offer millions of dollars." She laughed and I had to admit, she had some charm about her.

"Okay, bring me a list in an hour." I instructed her.

She nodded and pointed at the table, "is this some kind of meeting? Cause us, the succubus gang, should be included."

My eyes widen as someone else literally facepalm. Jacob busted out with a deep guffaw.

I just motioned for her to sit down. "In the future, don't call yourselves succubus or use that name in front of me. Let me keep my dignity for a little longer." I couldn't help but feel a headache coming. "Wait, where are you handling your business and how are you accepting payment because cash is kind of useless right now."

The girl slid her arms under her impressionable chest. "Nobody came to us yet and we planned on using goods as a trade. But if you have a better idea, then I'm all ears."

I was going to respond but I felt that pinch again followed by a change in vision. Different Grey flames appear inside of everybody. Some like Jacob and the old man had different heights and widths. This succubus queen had depths and brightness. There were subtle strands of pink drifting through it. When I blinked the flames vanished but those pink threads were surging all throughout her body. It was fascinating and I could probably guess she awakened some kind of lust ability.

Which left me with a question, when did she get bitten or scratch. Or who did she sleep with that was bitten.

"No idea but get with Layla here about it." I gestured at Layla to my side. "Also, if you need things like garbage bags, equipment, or such for your job. Make a list."

I picked up my spoon and the cleaning lady raised her hand. "What about hierarchy? Right now, you have most of the male party as enforcers but that will lead to people feeling like enforcers matter more."

I waved my hand, "I'm not worried about that. When we finish establishing a working system, you can fight over the leader position. I'm not going to bother with your speculations or opinions on the obvious."

They talk amongst each other about the minor details that I overlooked. I had to hand it to Layla that she had these folks eating out of her hands. People call me a corrupt politician but I had a feeling that they will soon be under her thumb. Sadly, I'll be damned if some garden flower orders me, the scarecrow, around.


I made my rounds. Viola was easy to work with as she was very orderly. Plus I think she was upset with me seeing her soil her panties.

The cleaning lady had a simple list. No complaints or anything. Which led me to the old man who was in charge of the free labor and mechanics. His list was a little troublesome, I had no idea what a lot of this was but google is my best friend.


Next up was the farmers who were planting autumn stuff when winter was on the rise. I didn't dampen their hard work because Riley was out there with some gloves, knee deep in dirt.

Short stuff had some complaints but it was mostly shit I could overlook. Like men not willing to get dirty. Most were in fact either working with the old man or cleaning with the old lady with white hair.

I slipped away from her and went to find the succubus gang. They went from three women with the intent on not putting in work to nine. Two of them actually had the looks that might allow them certain privileges. Well none of them were bad in a way, where you wouldn't give them some leeway. They each had the kind of body that typically made you turn your head with your body following right after. The kind of woman you are more than willing to post pics of her body or you behind or in-between..

I'm just saying that it is understandable why they think they can use sex worker as an excuse to lounge around.

The lady from before spotted me the moment I walked into their territory, the computer room which had a bunch of couches.

"By the way, my name is Sophia Lee." She held out her hand and my eyelid had a sudden desire to twitch.

I smack her hand down, "did you do what I said?"

Sophia pouted her lips and grabbed a stack of paper off the nearby desk. "Yes. What you wanted and there is a list of things we need."

I gently took the paper from her hands and read over the pretty handwriting. "A plus for whoever wrote this. I like the labels which identify who they are and their profession. Plus how many people they have with them."

A kind of nerdy girl that was more busty than normal girls sported a smile which was tasted by other girls around her.

Sophia waited patiently for me to flip the page. Gearing up for this bullshit, I grabbed a pen and sat the paper down on the desk. I flipped through the first four pages filled with addresses to the 'what we need' pages.

I looked up at her and she waved her hand as if telling me to keep reading.

Condoms, lubricants, toys which had bullets proof underneath detailing which and what to look for. Which nearby store sold these items. I moved down to the things like the mattress and sheets. Clothes and other hygiene items.

"I can put some focus on the hygiene items. The condoms and other medical related stuff. I'm sorry to say that other stuff is considered luxury items and you haven't earned the right to make me risk my life for it." I folded for the stack and slipped them in my backpack.

"How do we earn the right then?" Sophia crossed her arms.

"Well, this list is really helpful and I'm more than willing to reward the person who did it. So if she has a personal request that can be done. As for the list items you want, I need more helpful things from you. Getting laid isn't all that helpful to staying alive, well fed, with clean clothes." I shrugged helplessly.

Sophia rolled her eyes, "what if we monitor the news and create a kind of map to make it easier for you to search for supplies or people?"

"That would be amazing and I can definitely pick a few things on the list for you." I responded.

Sophia sighed, "fine. We will work on it. Get us a map as well."

I nodded and turned to leave before remembering that she didn't answer my question at the table. "Where are you planning on scamming men out of their goods anyway?"

Sophia frowned but grabbed my arms and led me out. We went down a hall that I didn't notice or care to pay attention to before. When she opened the door at the end of the hall, I couldn't help but frown. This area obviously connected to the courthouse.

I could smell a hint of decay and blood as we walked in. She flipped a light and the office space that was used to process court paperwork turned into a bedroom that had a large mixture of perfume smells.

"We transformed a meeting room into the place you want to know." She guided me past an area where a bunch of desks were lined up against a wall.

Probably the door to the main area. She took me down a hallway and opened one of the doors to showcase a bed with sheets but no covers.

"Do you want to test it?" She said in my ear as I looked around.

Ignoring her, I moved to the window and slid the curtain aside. Outside was facing the parking lot but there was a ten foot tall fence directly across. You needed to enter the gate to get in.

I closed the curtain back and turned to Sophia. "That exit leads to the fence in the area, right?"

She nodded, "it should be safe right?"

I shrugged, "not really but it will deter undetermined prey as for those that really want in. They will get in."

Sophia glanced at the door and frowned. "Okay."

"Okay, if you really are going to go down this route then go see the old man about getting you two guns and have one of those girls.. maybe the one who did this handiwork, keep them near or on her. Just shoot whoever plays on the dark side." I said as a way to cover my ass.

Sophia looked me over before nodding. "I know how to shoot. So I'll get one."

I shrugged again and moved to leave but she blocked my way.

"Don't you want to see how we plan to execute our work?" Sophia gave me what I think, she thinks is a sexy smile.

Definitely since she leaned forward a bit to show off those white expanse. Maybe she didn't realize I wasn't a breast girl but.. having your balls grab isn't really that thing you can say no to.

"Sorry, gotta go but next time. You may teach me several things." I slipped out of her grasp and ran away with my dignity.

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