《Bandit don't start as Bandits》I have yet to learn my lesson


Waking up the sound of arguing isn't the best way to establish a morning. Rubbing my eyes didn't pull the sleep from them. I slipped out of bed and into clothes, gearing up for more than domestic.

The hall was lit up by those crank up lanterns but it wasn't all that bright. As I walked past the desk stack up to make individual rooms, the arguing got louder.

"You finna cut da racket?" A lady asked in a striped black and white dress.

I nodded as I pushed at the door. The fools were yelling right near one of the loading docks. A fat joke of a man with a weak chin arguing with the yoga girl who stood in front of a woman with a child in her arms.

"Hey, mate! What's with all this loud shit? You best shut the hell up." I flicked the safety on rec10. "Right now, mate."

Both stopped talking and looked at me. The fat bloke raised his hands.

"Come now, bro. I was just trying to talk to my girl! This bitch the one butting in!" The bloke said.

"He was trying to force this girl to suck his midget dick." The yoga girl said it, like it all mattered to me.

"I don't care. I just know if you guys talk loud again, I'll call you a walker, ya feel me?" I said while motioning with my rec10.

"So you think its okay to force someone into sex?" Yoga girl was really brave.

I turned to the woman in question. "Was he forcing you?"

The woman nodded and I pulled out my pistol and shot the bloke right in the face. Both girls jumped back and looked shock

"What the fuck? Why did you shoot him?" The Yoga girl screamed and I turned my gun on her.

"What did I say about raising your voice? Do you doubt me?" I cracked a smile.

Yoga girl gritted her lips and walked away. The lady stared at the fat bloke and tears legit ran down her face.

I left her and went to the only exit to the dock yard. I opened it to find the sky brighter than I wanted it. A soft breeze caressed my face. The alley was all clear and nothing apparently heard all the nonsense.

"Are you going to patrol?" Amala somehow snuck up on me in those heels.

Oh, she didn't have them on now.

"Yeah, I'm taking a walk around. Ya finna come?" I said as I mimicked the lady from before accent.

Amala raised her eyebrow but just nodded. We walked out the alley and slowly made our way around the store. There wasn't a hint of anything but silence.

I pointed at a store with a busted out display window. I brought my gun up to my shoulder and crept through the doorway. Glass crunching under my feet. Dried blood mixed with white and grey dust. Clothes racks were tilted over and tossed around.

Holding up two fingers, I waved it at the other side. Amala walked over there and we both moved forward at the same time. Our eyes peeled as our hearts raced like the Grand turismo. Other than the sounds of our footsteps, everything was amicable.

I held up my fist as I thought I heard something. For a minute, nothing moved but I caught a pair of eyes. The red only flashed for a moment as whatever it was passed by the wooden clothing rack.


We waited until the thing was willing to walk into the light. My eyes scanned the racks that were tilted. Not even a second after I started to look elsewhere that a short arm reached out towards my legs.

My barrel traced the arm and I estimated where the head was. I fired off the first round and the arm jerked back. The sound of it scrambling to get away didn't allow me to track it while it was hidden under the clothing rack.

"Shit!" Amala cursed as she went down.

She didn't windmill like I probably would have, it looked like she was aiming. Right after a thud sounded out, two gun shots followed.

I saw her head pop up a moment later. I flicked my hand towards the exit and she nodded. We side step in retreat.

Nothing popped out as we made it to the door, which should have clued us in. The moment we were out the door, six wolves surrounded us. The fact I didn't even have to say anything and we both started firing, was perfect.

Yet, no matter how fast we reached. The wolf's numbers only drop by two. The other four rushed us and my first instinct was to drop back inside. The door would force them to split for the window as only one could get in. Smart tactics that could give us more time.

My body did that and she followed just as quickly. Obviously, we were thinking the same thing. Yet, I was yanked off my feet, my face slammed right into my buttstock, and I was dragged backwards.

"Fuck!" I cursed loud enough to let her know I was down. I twisted over as I grabbed my glock. Bangs let me know she was still alive.

I wish I hadn't looked back. The small ass walkers were kids and they looked very much like evil little gremlins with the way they were smiling with black teeth and bright red eyes.

Did not stop me at all from putting rounds nearly point blank into their face.

"Shit!" Amala screamed and forced me to turn back to the front.

One of the wolves batted her into the air and right into a clothes rack. Leaving three looking at me and me on my belly.

I didn't move a muscle as they watched me. The way their lips pulled back and their heads bounced, made me feel like they were laughing at me.

I knew what I was about to do was utterly futile. Yet, I still raised my arm and pulled the trigger. My ass clinched as the two, I didn't unload on, launch at me.

Rolling was the only thing I could do and one still slammed into me. Pain flooded through my chest as I thrust my rec10 up into the jaws of the beast. My glock was just moving in for the kill when my arm was grabbed.

"Holy f.." I screamed as it snapped my arm.

Grinding my teeth might be the only thing I could do before death. I doubt they cared if I cursed their mothers and uncles. Definitely as the one over me, ripped my rec10 out of my hand and tossed it.

Bang! Bang!

Seeing the confusion in this beast's eyes as it shook its head was the happiest moment in my life. The moment it dropped down, I turned my body a bit and grabbed the glock. I barely caught the other in my sights before I pulled the trigger. The rounds only hit its ass and hindleg but it did slow it down just a bit for Amala to line her sights.


"Fucking bitch!" She screamed as she ran over. "Bitch hits harder than a truck!"

I couldn't help laughing. My head bounced off the dirty floor and I felt like.. an ugly ass kid appeared on my chest. I didn't even form the words, shit, before I reflexively blasted the fucker.

Amala appeared to my left. She grabbed my armpits and helped drag me out from under this massive beast. I tried not to cry but I really wanted to. I mean, by God, it hurt so much. I can take a beating but.. lacerations twice on the same arm and then it was broken at the same time?

It hurts, okay?

Amala looked at my arm and she sucked in a breath. "I guess this walk wasn't a smart idea, huh?"

I just stared at her. Like really.. is she really going to bring that up right now?

Taking a couple deep breaths, I pointed at my rec10. "Do you mind?"

Amala giggled as she limped over and picked it up. We made our way out the store and back inside as quickly as we could.

The old man looked at us, dirty, bleeding, and looking like grade A crap.

"First date didn't go so well?" He cracked a smile that made his wrinkly ass face look like a messy bed sheet.

"He thought he had what it took to hang." Amala giggled.

I rolled my eyes and left them to joke at my expense. I wasn't a sore lover but my arm hurt. I need a solid painkiller and bed rest.

Lucky for me, I picked up at least one amazing girl along the way. Riley met me in the bathroom and helped me out with my clothes, patched me up with a little too much professionalism.

"What? I grew up with a lot of siblings on a farm. We often got into shit that made us learn to patch each other up plus I wanted to be a doctor." Riley explained in a guilty manner which meant it was more to that story than she was letting on.

I just nodded and enjoyed staring into her soft brown eyes. Her lips puckered as she focused on cleaning my bite wound. She glanced up and blushed. Right before her grip on my arm changed and…

"Mmm." I moaned out instead of saying what I really wanted to call her.

Riley smirked as she bandaged my arm and slipped it into a sling. "There, there big boy. All better now."

I swallowed my first thought. A woman that was good around medical equipment was scarier than a woman who only knew that pain meds were needed when you were sick. Plus most farmers knew their way around a gun and taught their kids. I definitely was going to keep my eyes on the girl next door here.

"Help me to the room?" I asked.

Riley grabbed my shit and let me put my arm around her not that I needed the help. My legs were still fine.

She even lowered me in bed and expertly dismantled my guns. Well, just removed the clip and empty chambered but it was well practiced. Considering most people might not have touched a rec10 in their lives, it was scary. Definitely since I fumbled with it before gaining confidence during my first time.

The way she poked her head out the door before closing it, got my hopes up. When she turned back to me with a naughty smile that lit up her face, I went into a full tent. She pulled off her shirt and her breast bounced even with the bra holding them somewhat firmly. If it had been Chris, I might have not even noticed the difference.

I couldn't help my reaction to her pulling off those tights, my tongue just slipped out and wet my lip. She had a beautiful curvy body that said feminine charm. That slim waist and shoulder wide hips were on point. Add in that four pack abs she had and it was like paying attention to an entirely different league. I take my comment back about the girl next door. Her face might not necessarily reach an eight but her body surpassed it.

When she knelt down and the muscles in her legs began to flex, I was already past the point of twitching in anticipation. She crawled over to me and parted those delicious lips.

I had this moment where I fought with the wimp afraid of pain. That wimp lost as I surged forward, my calves sliding under me as I grabbed her chin with my good hand. I smashed my lips into hers

Riley frozed. She was probably taken back as I was a bit too aggressive. Probably ruin the plan in her mind. I wasn't an over horny teen but I was terrible when it came to fourplay.

However, I guess she was a lot more physical than I thought. She easily took back control by pressing in on my ribs. I jerked back and she giggled.

"I'm in charge." She said it so firmly that I questioned if this was that girl blushing from me staring or teasing her. But then I remembered, she did try to get into my pants with my ex right there.

Riley pushed me back down and pulled off my pants. I tried to control my breathing but everybody had that moment when self control vanished. She was hitting all my weak points. When she took my tip in her mouth while staring me down. I was this close to just nutting right there and then.

Riley must have seen it in my face or felt it from my dick. She only lubed it with her spit before setting herself in my lap. With a little too much practical ease, slipped me in but she was still tight enough to not warrant a single complaint.

There are times when you want to know if you are the best someone had. Cough, this is that time where I can't remember who my top three even were. My new love is now dancers. I want to catch em all!

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