《Bandit don't start as Bandits》Pay dues to the fallen



Night came a little slower than I had wanted. It was really an eye opener when you didn't have a lot of things to keep you occupied like we used to. I used to be able to watch YouTube clips with a girl and forget she was even there as I laughed.

Now, I wonder how long the old clips will last before I run out of new material.

I opened my door outfitted in my gear. There were a lot of people in the hall chatting. Trading for supplies like sugar and tissue. I saw a few other guys with bats or guns taking down a list. I really liked their aggressive approach.

When I locked my door and turned to walk to the stairs, the old guy who got first kill stopped me.

"Hey, son! You're going out right? I need some stuff for my little girl." The old man said with his hands placed on his sixteen year old granddaughter.

I nodded and pulled out my phone. "Tampons or those pamper things?"

The old man looked confused and glanced at the girl who blushed. "Tampon and if you can find chocolate. Any kind."

I gave her a thumbs up while I secretly measure her hips. Different girls had different size tampons. To stop leakage, one size didn't fit all."

The old man reached behind him and passed me an mp5 with a red dot sight, laser sight, flashlight attachment. The old bastard even had a suppressor on it.

I quickly took off my shotgun and traded it with him.

Old man had this reluctant look but didn't make too much of a fuss. I strapped it on and did a few practice drills to get comfortable with the weight.

"Thirty round mag?" I asked.

He nodded, "if you can find some more 9 mil then grab me a few extra carts."

I nodded and saluted as I went downstairs. I kept myself alert and ready. The lobby was quiet. I eased myself off the stairs and over the table.

The lights were all off in the side hallways and I flicked on the flashlights as I swept both halls. Bodies on the ground but they were covered by layers of plastered and debris. I picked the cleaner hallway and marched down. I swept the light into the open doors or missing walls.

The quiet was a little unnerving but I found myself outside all too quick to let it damper me. I cut the light and moved under the streetlights. It was a good twenty minute walk to my first target. A corner store that gets overlooked often due to it being near the poorer residents.

It might not have a lot of options but it would allow me to have a safe location to sit in if trouble comes. Plus I could take backyards to the first gun store which was off the main strip tucked in right behind a pawn store and automobile shop.

Honestly, the streets were eerily quiet. With the dead silent cars tipped over or with broken windows. Doors open and houses look like they've been vandalized by a bulldozer. It left me a little worried.

There was nobody at the store but the lights were off. Not naturally since the event happens during the day and on a week day.

I cut on the flashlight and walked in. Taking slow steps as I swept the aisle. There were two bodies near the corner. A lot of bloodstained on their arms and shoulders. Few bite marks on their legs and stomach. It Looks like they died during the first few minutes.


Shaking my head, I walked to the backpacks area. Picked out a nice big one and searched for the tampons. I opened the best brands and dumped them into a compartment in the backpack. Packing them neatly so as to have more room. I wasn't sure of her size so I grabbed a pack of each size.

I sat the backpack down as I heard a bag rattle. I took off my heavy flashlight and walked to a corner where the drinks were stashed for sale. I placed the heavy light on a shelf pointed down one way and held the mp5 light down the other.

My breath froze as I watched and waited. The silence was killing me worse than the knowing.

There was another sound of something shifting on the floor. I softly added pressure to the trigger as I kept my eyes wide open.

Red eyes appeared at the end of the aisle near the front counter. I didn't need to wait for the rest of the head to show. My body shifted slightly and my first round hit its shoulder. Second round the neck and third and fourth round went into its eye. I caught another pair of eyes down my right and my body shifted.

It was crouched low but I didn't need a big adjustment. My first two rounds punch into its forehead. Two more rounds were a few millimeters off but still hit the forehead.

I didn't relax and listened for a third. Packs are a common phenomenon and I wasn't going to fall for such easy tricks.

I was right to be alert. One of them somehow climbed onto a shelf without making a sound. I put four rounds into it and turned to another rushing around the corner. The first two rounds took it in the hindquarters. The next two in the shoulders and the final two in the head. It rammed into my legs but I was stabled and braced against the shelf. It hurted but didn't knock me off track from seeing the last one and putting rounds into it.

I stood there for nearly twenty odd minutes listening to the sound of my own breathing. My elevated heartbeat was like drums that kept me wide awake and eyes moving.

After another ten minutes, I lowered my gun and grabbed the heavy flashlight. I stepped over the dog and grabbed my bag. I searched for the chocolate and loaded another compartment full. I added four bottles of Pepsi and drained half a bottle of a fifth. I eased the bag onto my back and cut the flashlight off, leaving only the attachment on.

I ready the gun and worked my way out of the store. I killed the light and started the trip to the gun store.

It took me nearly an hour to make it to the store. I arrived near the back without much trouble. The back door was open and I hope nobody cleared the place.

There was light on as I stepped in. I saw a couple bodies with bullet wounds but the back area was a storage. The shelves had unopened boxes of bullets and I loaded my bag with shotgun shells and 9 mils. It took me a bit to get to the exit to the front of the store. I giggled like a schoolgirl as I saw an arsenal.

Licking my lips, I searched for a decent size assault rifle. My eyes settled on a rec10. I was drooling as I took it off the shelf and performed a system check. It didn't have the firing pin and that took me a solid minute to find but I did find it. Along with extra mags, an actual vest which I suited up in and pimp out. Along with Nx8 optics and flashlight attachment. I took the time to fill a few mags with rounds before filling a duffle bag with pistols, mags, and ammo.


Weighted down a decent bit, I began the journey back. There was almost no problem until I reached a block from home and saw a group of women with bats running from a group of crazies with bats.

Shaking my head, I leaned against a car and tried out my new toy. The feeling of taking that first shot, hearing the brass bounce off the trunk of the car, and my shoulders rolling with the recoil. It felt orgasm worthy.

Nine well placed shots and the girls were free to keep being retards.

I swapped out for the lightweight mp5 and continued my slow walk. Slipping through a hole in the building and towards the elevator. I hit the button just as the girls ran inside from another entry point.

There was nothing more amusing then seeing feminist look at your combat gear compared to theirs. That moment they frowned and looked at each other, thinking. 'Why don't we have guns and body armor?'

The elevator opened and I stepped on it. The girls followed up and Gloria refused to meet my eyes. While Lisa scoffed and probably called me names in her head. The leader of the group stepped to my side and like it was natural.

"Do you mind telling me where you got those weapons from?" Yoga girl asks.

I glanced down into her stormy Grey eyes and smiled. "A gun store but I wouldn't suggest you go that way."

A quick glance was enough to see that the girls picked up a few more scars but had heavy bags. Well, not that obviously heavy as they ran and a few didn't look all that athletic to me.

"Well, if we had men who were responsible. We wouldn't have to make such dangerous decisions." She retorted.

I just sneered and looked straight ahead.

"I don't mean to be rude but you have to understand that a lot of us don't have a lot of food. We can't be passive in our time of need. Definitely with the government and the military not making any direct movement two days into this disaster." She sucked in a breath and continued. "We should be working together. Sharing our supplies to ensure the whole of us survives until a remedy is found. A community does not begin with one of us but all of us."

The elevator happened to open as she finished her speech or maybe she was just getting started.

I, on the other hand, eased myself off the elevator and knocked on the old man's door. It was quickly opened with him holding my shotgun up. He smiled at me and I passed over his baby while taking mine back.

I handed him several different sizes of tampons and four bars of chocolate. His eyes lit up as I passed him four boxes of ammo.

"Thanks, Kay. Let me know when you are going to run to a store. I am going to be out of food by the end of the week. Beth was going.." he choked up.

I patted his shoulder, "I'll need to scout first but I'll let you know."

He nodded and gave me a look before closing his door. I walked back to my apartment and reached for my keys. The yoga girl stared at me with some dissatisfaction as she walked by. She really had a nice ass though. Bet she was a religious step master girl.

Mm, what a nice girl.

I chuckled and opened my door just in time to see the other group come back with a wheelbarrow loaded with food. Which reminded me, I needed to get rid of those bodies.

I set the bags down and the rec10. The crew swarmed over the pack and I handed out a bar of chocolate and the sodas. The girls look at the tampons and at me with a weird eye which made me remember about birth control.

"I'll get it next time." I promised.

With the sorting out of the way, I headed out and started dragging bodies to a window and tossing them out. I'll go down later to burn them before morning. The work solo was a little tedious and back breaking. Not a single other person offered to help but it was understandable.

It was only when I made it down to start digging a burn pit did the old man come down with a shovel and give me a hand.

"I appreciate all the stuff you are doing even if those young cats don't understand." The old man said as he wiped sweat off his brow.

I nodded, "it's fine. I'm not really doing it for attention. Just something that has to be done."

He stared at me as I climbed out of the hole and began dragging the bodies over.

"You former military?" He asked as he gave me a hand.

Which made it a lot easier.

"No, my old man was but I decided to learn some skills to boost my confidence. It worked and now it's handy." I replied.

He gave me an odd look but I could tell he knew what I meant. What guy didn't need a boost to their ego.

We finished off one pile when a group of guys came down here and gave us a hand.

"We saw you take out those walkers that was after those girls. Where did you learn to shoot like that?" One of the Hispanic ask.

"Shooting range and lots of hours." I replied curtly.

"Damn, wish I made time to visit before this shit." The guy said as we tossed the last body in.

I checked my phone and sighed. Almost dawn. I grabbed the lighter fluid and sprayed it all over the corpses. Getting them nice and wet before the old man tossed a match in.

We all jumped back at the sudden raging flames. Shit looked like a mushroom when it caught fire. There had to be more to the bodies than we thought.

We silently watched the fire burning the corpse for a solid minute or some. Like we were paying respect to those who didn't make it. In the old man's case, his wife of some years.

I was the first to turn around and head in but heard the others following after a bit.

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